Saturday 2 September 2017

The Ubiquitousness Of The NOW.

I have thought about, meditated about, and talked about the now, for over forty years, and these are
the conclusions that I have drawn from all this study.
The first question to answer is, just what is this thing called now? After meditating on this question
for forty years, I have come to understand that this word we use called now, which I will explain
forthwith, stands for non-local-omnipresent-wisdom=NOW, the now that I see is an ubiquitous
field, that is absolute, further it never moves, the now is basically and fundamentally eternally
motionlessness, if you consider for a moment what motion actually is, the basic implication within
motion is that there is somewhere to motion too? Well the ever present eternal now, is 100 percent
present everywhere within the universe all at the same moment, where could it possibly venture to
that is was not already fully there? The very idea of movement for an ubiquitous  field is absurd,
and a impossibility.
What then moves? Only relativity moves, the absolute is eternally still and motionless, we are on the
outer aspects of our expression, of which we have seven in number, relative, that means motion affects us all the time, our inner being, which is spirit, which is just another name for the LIFE
essence, is forever still.
We are all steeped in duality, and because of that we are presented with what appears as two
realities, that of an relative reality, where things are things, and motion is king, and then there is
absolute reality, where there is zero motion, and no-things either, the outer or relative reality is the
one that we are fairly familiar with, the inner reality that of the absolute, we know very little about.
What then is the purpose of motion?  I have meditated on this question for over four decades, and have finally concluded that the purpose of motion, lies at the root of what we call evolution, evolution
is I believe the sole reason for any motion, wherever it may occur within this universe. we as human
beings are all firmly locked into an evolutionary sequence, which is being slowly outworked as we
read this blog. science has said  rather profoundly that we are all made us from the dust and atoms of
stars long ago burned out, we are all star children in our atoms, evolution and motion are in reality one of the same thing..
What then is the now? The now is I believe the infinite and ubiquitous field that permits all this
activity to occur, and allows all within its infinite embrace to grow, develop, and prosper.
In part two will explore this venture into now further,
warmest regards Michael, comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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