Thursday 28 September 2017

Changes Can Only Occur In The Surficial Aspects Of Evolution.

Within absolute perfection, within the absolute universe , no-thing ever changes, and no-thing ever
happens, all is still, absolute motionlessness, a state beyond any cycles, beyond any laws, all that
exists here is ALL, a Timeless, Changeless, Absolute Reality, where motion does NOT EXIST, if
we look deeply into MOTION, what do we find? We find evolving things,caught up in a "seemingly"
endless cycle, evolving in perfection. the point of any cycle is to reach a climax eventually and
then make a quantum jump in conscious awareness and perception. Eventually the cycle will end
when all the experience gathered is fully understood, then at the end of the endless cycle, the leap
from motion to  motionlessness is made, and you move out of relative  space and time, and enter
an eternal, timeless realm of utter bliss.
If we look at what a human being actually is, say, you there now reading this little ole blog, what is
a human being? Basically a human being is the shape and form of a physical body, which is just a vehicle for a higher much more refined body, that of the soul, what we call human beings is
basically the form and shape of a physical body, that is animated  and controlled at times by the soul.
In truth what we actually are is souls having a human experience here on Earth, we are all FIRST
souls, with a physical body, we are NOT physical bodies with a soul, there is a universe wide difference between the two.
We exhibit ourselves in a trinity wise expression, that of being, physical, mental, and spiritual, that
is our outer nature, our deep inner nature exhibits itself in  a duality wise expression, that of the
soul, which is a vehicle (body) for that inner purity which is the spirit, the spirit is that timeless
and changeless reality that resides within the Absolute, beyond the relative universe.
We as souls with bodies, are all caught up in the living drama of life and we are all on the stage of
life playing our parts, what part are you playing today dear reader of this blog? Are you perhaps a poet and you don't know it? Are you a plumber, or a cab driver, maybe a housewife or a model
whatever you are, you are acting out your part in the cosmic drama of evolution and the expansion
of consciousness, perception,  and awareness.
At our core of being,that of spirit, we are all perfect, timeless, and changeless, and have never ventured into any cycle ever, we will all eventually coalesce and become one again, as it was in the
beginning of the end.
In part two will further explore this, warm regards michael. comments welcome facebook soul realization.

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