Monday 11 September 2017

Universal Law Of Vibration. ( Immutable.)

This law states that, nothing rests,everything moves, everything vibrates, this third  and last of the
immutable laws tells us that the whole universe is but vibration,science has confirmed that everything
in the universe, including you,is pure energy vibrating at different frequencies, the axiom, that like
energy attracts like energy, upon which the law of attraction is based,has its foundation in this law.
Everything that we experience with our five physical senses, is conveyed through vibrations.
The same applies to the mental realm, your thoughts are vibrations,all your emotions are vibrations
where "unconditional love" (in the sense of love for another)is the highest and most subtle of the
emotional vibrations, and "hate" is the densest and most base,you can learn to control your mental
vibrations at will, this is true thought power.
Everything is energy,including everything about you, and when you understand energy and learn
how to control and apply it,you will learn how to control and apply it,you will then learn what true
freedom really means.
We all are part of the Absolute, (God) you are part of the creator and the creator works through you.
Everything you experience in your life is a creation of the same Universal Mind which you are an
intrinsic part of, your mind literally creates your reality,what reality you choose is up to you.
Nikola Tesla,was quoted as saying that,"To understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms
of , energy, frequency, and vibration" unquote,.
We all pulsate and throb with the ebb and flow of energy that flows in and through us every second
of every day we live on this planet.
Energy, much like water has three stages of expression,as with water of which we are all too
familiar with, that of ice, liquid, and steam, energy can be solid looking, dense, like our bodies,
liquid like that of light and heat, and gas like in thoughts and consciousness. Three expression of
the same thing at different levels of vibration, solid looking being the slowest vibration, and thought
and consciousness being the faster vibration.
We each have within us the ability to master these laws, and be in perfect harmony with them, if
we so choose to do so, and exercise the necessary discipline and focus to do so. The choice is
always ours, do nothing and suffer the consequences, or do something that will eventually align
your self with the universal laws of expression, and find that inner peace and joy, that so many of
us would dearly like to experience.We can have peace ,love, and inner contentment and joy, or we can
stay the way we are, and just put up with the crap as it comes our way! The choice is yours dear reader, may wisdom guide your choice.
warmest regards michael. comments welcome face book soul realization.

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