Monday 30 September 2019

What Is Grace? Whirling Algorithmic Motion!.-W I G W A M . Part Two.

If we all lived in complete harmony ,physically,emotionally,mentally, and spiritually, we would
all be constantly in a state of blissful grace. But how many of us ever achieve this unified state?
Grace is really just a name attached to the workings of natural universal laws, the positive name
for being in harmony and being aligned to natural divine law is GRACE The opposite of not
being aligned with natural law, is called the polar opposite of GRACE and that is DIS-GRACE!
When we disgrace ourselves we are going contrary to natural universal law, and the consequences
of that action results in a negative spectrum of the polarity of Yin and Yang, which can be painful,
crisis invoking,and so on. The opposite effect when we are more aligned to natural universal law
is seen as GRACE, that is positive  and uplifting, and can be seen to us if we are of a religious
persuasion as being a "BOON"  granted by GOD.The reality though is that this boon  is just an
automatic manifestation of a unified synchronicity manifesting due to your being aligned to the
LIFE ENERGY around you.
And this alignment brings the "reward of feeling fulfilled and blessed,or just feeling safe and
The more we can align our life energies,the more Grace will enter our lives, a simple mathematical
equation, that is very hard to achieve. but not impossible.
We need to fully understand that there is no ENTITY anywhere  in the universe , GOD included
who will bestow any favors or grace upon you, and neither is there and ENTITY  or GOD that
will punish you, if you go against the universal law of LIFE.
The equation of life is absolute simplicity, we are not punished (effected. karma, cause and effect)
rather we are effected BY WHAT WE DO, not FOR what we DO " there is a big difference in
the FOR and the BY, that we need to fully understand this important meaning. If you dropped a
hammer on your toe, would you blame the hammer, or god, or just accept the responsibility for
just being clumsy, and the result of that was a blackened bruised toe!
The name wigwam was for a tent like covering that native Americans used for shelter and
protection from the elements, our physical bodies are our wigwams, they are the vehicle that allows
us to gather valuable experiences here on Earth, and these experiences will eventually reveal to us all
who we really are, then GRACE will visit us along with her sister called BLISS!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed.Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 29 September 2019

What Is Grace? Whirling Algorithmic Motion! W I G -W A M .

The question what is grace?We use this saying of "by the grace of God" what does this mean?
It cannot surely mean that one "individual" is singled out by this being God, to bestow some
blessing upon him/her, because if that were true, which I certainly think it is not,it would imply
that the Supreme Intelligence of this universe, who many call God, bestows favors or grace on
certain individuals and thereby ignoring others! That too would imply favoritism which is totally
absurd, if you take a few moments to fully realize the implications of such an absurdity.
Grace can be seen as a whirling vortexial algorithmic motion,that arose within this universe the
moment the intentional wave of the Absolute . set in motion from eternal motionlessness the
"IDEA of Expression", which can only be expressed by perpetual motion moving within a
relative field of illusory duality, and the birth of Yin and Yang .
But ever within this relative universe the Absolute reigns Supreme, albeit unnoticed by most
of us. The absolute is unexpressed within the middle of the poles. where on one end you have
the negative pole(which is relative) the other end of the pole is positive(which is relative) and
in the "middle" of these two extremities lies the "neutral field" (which is absolute)  and when
this relative universe is withdrawn from the PRIMAL IDEA, then all poles will dissolve back
into the neutral motionlessness state of eternal and infinite potentiality.
What we all our is basically a collection of intelligent energy rotating around a central point
and that point is the singularity point of our "I AM " consciousness, which exits within the
physical dimension at its lowest state of condensation or compression,what we actually are is
liquid light which is spirit, condensed and steeped down in vibration frequency.
If we are in tonal and harmonic unity with the energies that swirl around our inner life stream
vortex expression,which is a singularity point, if you can imagine the shape of say a tornado
that when it touches down onto the earth is in a point, but the funnel is very wide at the top of
the vortex of the tornado, and gradually tapers down into a point, well that natural phenomena
of the tornado or the hurricane, is also replicated within the human incarnation sequence as well.
Within our I AM consciousness life stream singularities, there are many motions and eddies that form in our energy life stream, if we can align ourselves with these energies, and merge out of any
slip streams we may have ventured into,or eddies where we are going round in endless circles ,
getting nowhere fast. We can then by the very nature of being aligned, automatically receive what
we mistakenly call the grace of GOD.
In part two will explore this further,...warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 28 September 2019

Fractals Universal Self Symmetry Expressing Divinity.-F U S S E D Part Two.

A fractal is a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is
(at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole, a property called self-similarity.
A mathematical fractal is based on an equation that undergoes iteration a form of feedback
based on recursion. Fractals exist within the whole seemingly complex nature of what we
call life,the human brain for instance is full of fractals, in fact they couldn't function if not
for fractal geometry. The human brain comprises approximately 100 billion neurons,and
amazingly there are about 100 trillion synapes, or connections, among the brain cells.
I wrote a poem a few years ago, which echo's this self symmetry, and mirror imaging that
flashes our signals to each of us, as we observe another's behavior, and see ourselves
replicated in the one being observed! The poem is called  "MIRROR IMAGE"
"Mirror image speak to me,tell me of truth, and liberty, slay the darkness of my soul,
uproot my ignorance and make we whole."
If we can begin to understand the fractal nature of this entire universe, and everything
contained within it, we will see that all life weaves complex patterns of self replicating
images of its MASTER COPY, the whole universe is connected to the Absolute totality
of all that is within the universe. Time and space are all illusions,we are all absolutely
totally immersed within an infinite fractal field of consciousness , and even consciousness
is a fractal self imaging reality.
As the great master Ramana Maharshi once said, when asked by a devotee, "how should we
treat others, master"? The master replied, "there are NO OTHERS!!
There are no others in existence .there is only ONE LIFE that when it is expressed it manifests
MOTION, and that motion takes the formless form of self symmetry , which is divine
replication in an infinite diverse way.
We may think that we are all different from say a cabbage, or a rose flower,but the real difference
is only in DEGREE, in essence the cabbage and the rose flower,is equal to you and me.
When we see and understand the unified field of absolute connectivity we will then begin to
flower and blossom, and we will then reflect this realization to the ones we reflect with the most.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 27 September 2019

Fractals Universal Self Symmetry Expressing Divinity.-F U S S E D .

Before I start this blog today, i want to include this quote from, Quote" God is a
binary fractal self replicating Algorithm, and the universe is a Gentic Matrix resulting from the
existential Tension created by its desire for SELF-Knowledge. Thus we all exist as one Eternal
Energy that has fragmented its Infinite Perception to experience what we call LIFE" Unquote.
We are all fractal patterns imaging mirror images of each other, but failing to see this self
replicating images that we each reflect to each other. The reason for this is because we only
ever see the surface tension of an invisible reality that lies beneath and behind the facade
of form (physical body).
Snowflakes are often mentioned in explanations of fractals, and what is often said is that each
snowflake is different from another snowflake, well that is very true for the surficial appearance
of the snow flake, but beneath that surface ALL SNOWFLAKES  consist of the very same thing
that of frozen water (energy).
Humanity is exactly the same principle as that of the snowflake, we may all look very different
on the surface, but beneath the surface we are all the same "Intelligent Energy Source" we each
are mirror-images of each other,and being so we each reflect all possible combinations that
our pattern matrix will permit, which seems to be infinite, we each reflect anger, rage, lust,
gluttony/obesity, joy, love, compassion, envy,hope, despair, pain, the list is endless, but each of
us can usually decipher the meaning of that which is reflected back to us from another human
being.And whats more, we can recognize what this is, because we have it within ourselves, this
insightful truth can often make us feel very uncomfortable because if we recognize any pattern
in another, the only way you could possibly recognize it, it because that potential lies within you
too! We often fail to understand that if the  right buttons are pressed, in the right sequence, we
all could commit murder or break the law, ask any mother what her limits would be, if her child
was in any danger?
Life being expressed universally is basically all fractal patterns that reveal a tapestry of "woven
dreams" that may seem unknown to the individual, but when we eventually lose our illusory
idea of being an individual, we will then see what a beautiful and wonderful pattern we have helped
to weave.
Will continue this in part two.       warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization .

Thursday 26 September 2019

Condensed Light Opens Soul Expressing Divinity. C L O S E D Part Two.

We are all basically life waves,living light funneled down into a reference point singularity
and physically expressed as a flesh and blood physical being, which consists of light energy
condensed into physical matter.
Perhaps we need to consider that we are not just human beings expressing humanity, rather
we are all divine beings using what we call humanity, as vehicles to express our divinity
upon this Earth plane, and by doing so begin the process of waking up.
We may well ask the question, what are we really waking up from? The name awakening
implies that we have all been asleep! Well that is exactly what we have all been asleep!
And whats more we have all been asleep for billions of years, and just recently, within the
last few million years or so,we have begun to find an awareness within ourselves that can
actually say those MAGIC WORDS of "I AM" consciousness. we have all waited
unknowingly for aeons for this opportunity to utter those MAJESTIC powerful GOD -
like words,the most powerful MANTRA in the universe, that of, "I AM" that "I AM"
AM "I"!
We are all "held down" in the cohesive embrace of our true divine nature,we are being"held
down" by a gravity well of ignorance" this gravity well holds us safely here in order to allow
us through multiple varied experiences to be able then to re-cog-nise to "know again" who
we really are, that ABSOLUTE WHOLENESS, that we were, before we were all cast out of
EDEN, the word EDEN really means absolute motionlessness, WE were cast out of
motionlessness, by an arising INTENTIONAL LIFE WAVE from within the ABSOLUTE
"US""!!!!  And entered into MOTION which translates as relativity and the condensation
of liquid light into various dimensional expressions, gradually congealing as the vibration
rate lost its frequency pitch and tone, the lower the tone the denser light becomes, until
it becomes solid looking matter, and flesh and bone.
Gravity can best be understood as that of being unconditional love, that is what gravity
actually is, gravity holds us in place on Earth, until we look within ourselves, then a reversal
of gravity's polarity begins ,and we begin the ascension sequence that which will ultimately
reveal to you, your true immortal divine heritage.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Condensed Light Opens Soul Expressing Divinity.-C L O S E D .

When we use the words that he or she is "closed off", what is it that we mean by that remark?
What is it that we could possibly be closed out of? We could perhaps suggest that he or she is
closed out from a full life and all its many benefits,or we could consider a far deeper meaning
to being "closed off"! Maybe considering the absence of "wholeness" and spirituality, a
fragmented being perhaps!
Our physical bodies consist of light that is condensed and steeped down vastly in its vibration
frequency, so that it begins coalesce and congeal and eventually set into a flesh and blood
physical body.
The atomic structure of our physical bodies consists of countless quadrillions of atoms that to
are steeped down in frequency,so that they become semi-physical atoms dense and sluggish
compared with their higher vibration expressions of the atoms that transcends the physical
dimension, and enter the ethereal and astral dimension of expression.
When we go within ourselves and practice meditation or yoga we then begin a process of
gradually loosing our dense physical atoms, and gradually begin acquiring less dense more
ethereal atoms into our life stream field matrix.
This process is called by many new age web sites as the of ascension, which it is really meaning
that mankind is gradually ascending from the shadow that is cast by the indwelling soul into
the living light that is hidden from our eyes by the facade of form (physical body).
The process of incarnations upon this earth plane is about being able for each being to reveal
unto themselves the living light of spirit that dwells within their hidden inner being,
In order for us to be able to reveal this inner glorious radiance we need vasts amounts of
experiences, these billions of experiences gradually over many life times wear away all our
resistance to change and acceptance, and very slowly we begin our ascension into full awake
consciousness of our divine eternal heritage.
Then gradually all the inner doors of universal consciousness begin to open up, all that was
closed off from us, suddenly begins to come on line, and when that happens, remarkable things
begin to awaken within us.
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. anyfeedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Spirit Omnipresent Universal Reality Consciousness Expressed. S O U R C E Part Two.

We are all sourced from the SOURCE, that's true of course, and from that reality there is
NO-DIVORCE!  We all need to try and grasp that everything you see,hear,touch,taste, or
smell, is all the same SOURCE, manifesting in multiple dimensions,shapes, and sizes.
We all think we see many "different" THINGS,  but in truth this is all an illusion, because
No-THING other than the SOURCE EXISTS, anywhere in this universe, and this universe
emanates from within its Absolute Infinite SOURCE/SPIRIT/LIFE.
We all have been deceived by our ignorance and complete lack of any alignment with the
natural harmonics of tonal equilibrium and balance of our inner energy life stream.
We all live within at least five dimensions of expression, but billions of us are only ever aware
of the lower two, that of the physical dimension,and the ethereal/astral dimension, the other
three are completely unknown to the vast majority of mankind.
The lowest dimension, in particular this physical dimension and physical universe, has the
illusion of duality, and that of separateness, also the illusion of polarity, positive and negative
Yin and Yang.
When we ascend to higher dimensions all duality ceases to exist. There is no such thing as
male and female, these to apparent divergent energies only exist in order to make VEHICLES
that can exist here, and procreate, so that souls/spirit can gain experience and SELF KNOWING
which will eventually exit them from the karma of collected ignorance of actual IDENTITY,
much like we are all doing now, dear reader.
Plurals only "seem" to exist within a narrow spectrum of conscious awareness, if we widen our
conscious awareness, we will see  very clearly that the only THING that exists anywhere in
this universe, or any other multi-universes is just that of LIFE, which can be called Spirit,
Intelligent Energy,Absolute Spirit, Great white Spirit, God, Allah,Jehovah,SOURCE,Brahman,
Whatever you call it is absolutely irrelevant, because all names belong to the "I AM" and are all
the same THING PERIOD.
We as this thing called humanity, are in fact seven and a half billion facets of the ONE JEWEL
and as we ascend the evolutionary arc of consciousness expansion and awareness perception, we
all will one fine day, melt and dissolve back into the JEWEL, and no longer be a wandering FACET!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 23 September 2019

Spirit Omnipresent Universal Reality Consciousness Expressed.-S O U R C E .

This entire universe emanates from within the SOURCE, the source transcends the universe
which is contained within  its Absolute Being-less Being.We as this thing called humanity,
all come from this source of ALL, and what's more, we are all the SOURCE when we finally
wake up and realize this universal TRUTH!
We will all eventually know and fully realize that there is NO-THING else in Existence EXCEPT
the SOURCE, of which "WE" all are THAT, which is Absolute and SINGULAR in IT'S 
There is no plurality in reality,there is no such a things as SOURCES,there is only ONE SOURCE
"Our"  relative universe is just like an infinite "canvas" that is covering the Absolute Abode of
All,we are all like contained within this "BACKDROP" of relativity which only "seems" to exist
in order for us to act out our roles within the evolutionary chain of expansion and perceptive
If reality could speak to you, it would not ask you to believe in any GOD or supreme being,
rather, it would ask you to know YOURSELF, to know yourself totally, and when you knew
that, then indeed you would KNOW ALL, and the reason you would then KNOW ALL is
because by then, with full and absolute SELF KNOWING, you indeed would BE ALL!
"We" each are on a journey of SELF-DISCOVERY, every incarnation we experience, and we all
experience countless physical expressions, brings us one step closer to joining up all the dots
that will eventually lead you to the place of FULL and COMPLETE SELF KNOWING.
When that day dawns upon your now expanded perceptive awareness and the dawning of what
could be termed as universal consciousness,you will see and know that all is totally connected
to all, you will then see the seven billion mirror images of humanity reflecting through every
atom and particle of your being.With your now expanded universal fully inclusive vision, you
will see only one reality, that lies hidden within the seven physical billions of mankind, what you
will see in just ONE SELF,  which by then has transcended the illusion of relativity  and is in its
natural state of being ABSOLUTE.
In part two will look more into this.            Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 22 September 2019

Vibrational Envelope Has "I" Consciousness Living Energy.-V E H I C L E Part Two.

We as universal absolute SPIRIT eternal and transcending Alpha and Omega, we who are before
the universe was manifested, were "I AM" consciousness, have now been localized. (lost our
universal absolute BEINGNESS) and are now focused within a narrow beam or life/light stream.
We are all micro-encapsulated within a physical matter density form,which in truth consists of
congealed LIGHT, light that has "SET" because of its slow and sluggish vibration frequency.
We are basically all "points of reference" within the eternal and absolute life stream, which then
has arisen the illusion of relativity, within relativity we also have the illusion of polarity,and that
of positive and negative poles, the illusion of time and space,the illusion of different things, these
only "seem to exist" in a relative frame of reference. Outside of that frame of reference, they are
all NONE EXISTENT,and the only reality is absolute.
We all have five expressions (sheaths) each one within its dimensional frequency range cascading
"downwards" from its high vibration state and finally exiting within the physical backdrop of
Planet Earth, which is the lowest frequency that permits the condensation of the liquid life stream
energy to emerge into physical matter flesh and bone..
The vast majority of us are completely unaware of these five sheaths of expression, few realize
the existence  of our ethereal body which is an electric blue flame that completely encircles the
physical body(sometimes called the health aura) and a few realize the existence of our astral body
which is firmly attached to our physical body, and automatically "snaps off" when we die(change
locations) very few indeed know much or anything about our other sheaths of expression.
That is why we are all here, to make conscious connections through many life time experiences
here upon the earth plane, to connect with our inner SELF and begin to uncover who we really
are, and doing this will expand our consciousness from a narrow band shallow version of what
we think is real, into an oceanic expanse of cosmic consciousness, that will literally blow your
mind, and will finally reveal that "WE" no longer exist and separate beings, that in truth we are
"ALL ABSOLUTE.There is only ONE REALITY and "WE" are IT!!!!! The journey that you
dear reader are on today, will some day deliver YOU to that door of DIVINE PERCEPTION
In which you will then KNOW beyond ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT,who you really ARE!!!!
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 21 September 2019

Vibrational Envelope Has "I" Consciousness Living Energy.-V E H I C L E .

Mankind or humanity basically consists of seven and a half billion vehicles. that have all
deposited within  each vehicle the download of an "I" AM consciousness life stream.
All the physical body is in reality is either a "space suit" for the soul, or just a vehicle for
the soul to use here upon the Earth plane.
What we call mankind or humanity is in truth a meaningless phrase, it means nothing more
than just a description of your biological machine, that we in gross error falsely identify with
and believe that this vehicle is really your true identity.
Much like we may call our car which too is a vehicle. What we are saying regarding our physical
bodies, would be classed as madness, if you thought that the FORD car you drove to work in
was really who you WERE! If a rich man saying he was really the ROLLS ROYCE car he was
driving ,if he insisted with this delusion, we would no doubt be referred to a psychiatrist or even
sent for treatment in a mental health institute, where they sometimes use padded cells for the
hopelessly deluded.
We are all LIFE which is expressed as Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy. our self aware
self consciousness "I" AM"energy packet life stream,  is HELD within a rotating vortex
which spirals downward though several dimensional life expressions, until it exits here upon
the Earth plane, as a physical entity which is our physical body. we are connected to the Earth
via our physical bodies,and also connected to higher vibration fields and dimensions via our
brain, and heart chakra. the brain and heart are our connection with the SPIRIT/SOUL that is
our true and eternal identity.We tune into the universal harmonics via our brain and heart,
which can both tune into electromagnetic impulses, and also electrochemical connections that
permit us access to higher energy life streams.
We are ALL LIFE which is universal absolute and ALL that really EXISTS, we come unstuck
by our lack of knowledge and wisdom about the UNIVERSALITY OF LIFE, because as we
became SELF CONSCIOUSNESS and self aware, with this "I" AM" consciousness spinning
us into a localized (not universal) point of awareness, that would say this is MY LIFE! and
therefore excluding all other life,our self aware consciousness, fools us into believing that we are
individual and a separate life, apart from the main stream of life, and therefore different, which
is a LIE, and this LIE, or us all being different causes the horrors and the cancers that abound on
this planet.
In part two will explore this further.      warmest regards Michael. feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 20 September 2019

Essentially Nothing Is God Manifesting All. -E N I G M A . Part two.

Despite outer appearances and the apparent disarray and disharmony  of the human race
behind all the illusion of mass fragmentation and utter despair,beneath all the emotional
storms and angry tirades that are expressed daily within humanity.
At the back of all this seeming hopeless state, lies the reality that we are always WHOLLY
WHOLE, and complete beneath this facade of form and physical and astral expressions.
Because on the surface of our expression we are a physical biological machine,a vehicle
for a higher intelligence to use and gather experience . Our biggest problem lies in our
complete lack of knowledge as to who we really are. We misidentify with our vehicle, and
therefore believe that the vehicle is whom we really are.
This error is part of the root cause of all our Earthly woes,trials, wars, and tribulations.
this lack of real SELF KNOWING, breeds all the cankers and cancers that abound today
this lack of self KNOWING leads to selfishness, wars, ego centered power hungry greed,
it allows us to look on and watch millions starve to death, while we push trolleys loaded up
with food around supermarkets laden with enough food to feed thousands, how can we allow
that to occur? We can sit and watch our brothers and sisters, little innocent children being
starved to death, being bombed to death, and look on like we are just watching a MOVIE,
how can we allow this to happen?
Because of our mass ignorance as to our real identity, and failure then to see how we are ALL
TOTALLY CONNECTED to every soul on this PLANET, because we fail to joint the dots
we therefore fail to see the kinship we have with all of humanity, we perhaps see them as
OTHERS, separate and apart from us. This is the sickness, this is the real CANCER that is
raining down on us all, we are all reaping what we have all been sowing, which is ignorance
of SELF.
THE REALITY is that there are no OTHERS, we are all connected to the ONE LIFE STREAM
and are all reflections of each other, nothing is the Enigma that spells out the PRESENCE of
ALL, and that "WE" are all connected and actually are the ALL, but because of out deep slumber
and gross ignorance, fail to recognize this universal TRUTH>
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Essentially Nothing Is God Manifesting All. E N I G M A .

Nothing is real? What actually does this mean? The title of this blog is saying "essentially
nothing is God manifesting All" which spells out the word ENIGMA. The word nothing is
really composed of two separate words which make NO-THING, no as in "not accepted"
or "denying request", and thing as an appearance of that which is tangible or even intangible.
We all live within a relative universe , which expresses a duality based trinity, which translates
as a positive and negative and neutral based trinity.
We are all deceived by the appearance of the many and fail to comprehend that everything
is basically the very SAME THING. We make distinctions because we see what we believe
to be "different things" and therefore conjure up endless names for the endless things we think
we all see, which in truth are all illusions.
Names and labels abound in our world, but if we look within the THING and let go of the label
we call it,we will see that everything is all exactly the same as everything ELSE!
No matter what size or shape it is, whether it be a mountain, or a man, a dog, ocean,planet, star.
dogs poo, ad infinitum , all these names are all the very same thing,the difference between
a man and a mountain is just one of vibration frequency and dimensional density.
The only thing in reality that actually EXISTS is the Absolute Infinite Intelligence, which we
call GOD, or Great Spirit, ALLAH.BRAHMAN,JEHOVAH, whatever name you call that which
just IS, is totally irrelevant , It is all of us, and more some.
We are the living embodiment of the Divine ENIGMA, coded within every one of out trillions
of cells,and also encoded within the countless trillions of atoms that consist into what you think
you are, within our DNA matrix, the divine code exists, all we have to do is to look within us
turn our consciousness inward and reveal our true divine nature.
Will continue this tomorrow  as time presses today.      Warmest regards Michael. anyfeedback welcome Facebook Soul Realisation.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Mankind Yields Self Triumphant Expressing Real You.-M Y S T E R Y Part Two.

What yields within mankind is when  we let go of our humanity and embrace our spirituality
baring in mind that the word humanity is really just a description of the vehicles we all use in
order to gain experiences here on Earth.
We are triumphant over our lower self, which is the ego/personality (mask) when we look within
and begin the royal journey of higher Self/soul discovery, here we will find that we are all
indeed immortal souls, and when that realisation dawns upon our newly awakened consciousness
we will see that the word DEATH will lose its fearful grip upon us, as we will then realise that
what death really is that of a change of venues! From the earth plane to the astral plane, we will
all clearly see that death is an illusion that we all BOUGHT INTO because we did not know or
understand how that all life is eternal. That as science now knows the energy cannot be destroyed
only converted, we are all LIVING INTELLIGENT ENERGY, and as science has happily
informed us,we are all eternal beings,spirit/souls having a relative experience here on Earth.
The mystery that has baffled man for thousands of years is hidden from us in plain sight,
when we can begin making the connections between all living things, we will then realise
that the whole of life in totally connected and interconnected to everything else in existence.
The mystery that has shrouded mans perceptions is hidden within us, and also in plain view
outside of us, if we have but eyes to see the connecting dots that link everything together.
We are all beings of radiant light, yet this inner radiance is hidden  by the BUSH which
our nescience (ignorance) by recognising our inner reality, tuning into the immortal life
energy that we all our, will then reveal our true divine immortal nature.
It is not just our auras that are luminous and consists of billowing wisps of electromagnetic
energy, which can exhibit all the colours of the rainbow,but also our physical bodies are
actually made of condensed LIGHT, and by going within ourselves expanding our
consciousness, we will then  Raise up the physical atoms that make up our physical body
and these will then become replaced by more ethereal atoms, that will if raised high enough
will give of visible LIGHT from the physical body, man is self luminous by nature.
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Mankind Yields Self Triumphant Expressing Real You. M Y S T E R Y .

The mystery that enshrouds mankind is one that can only be unlocked  by suffering and
pain, and emotional strain and takes sometimes endless incursions back into this "vale of
tears" we call the Earth plane. Is there a point to this cycle of birth and change (death)?
We could also ask the question, why are we here? It might surprise or even anger you to
know that you chose to come here, to clarify this it is rather your actions, thoughts, words
and deeds,that usher you back to Earth, in the place best suited for you to learn something
valuable which might be be joyful or painful depending on your actions, we call this Karma
or cause and effect, we need to realise that we are all  reaping the effects of our past causes.
Within us all lies infinite knowledge and wisdom, but these nuggets of pure gold can only
be found by going within ourselves.
We all sell our selves short because we do not know who we are, and because of that
widespread ignorance nescience we can cower in fear as to what life may bring us, we
feel worthless at times, lacking confidence, feeling insecure,undervalued, the list is
endless,and the only reason that LIST EXISTS, is because we do not know our true
SELF. Our true SELF is presented within our immortal soul, which INDWELLS 
within you, and you know it not, we are a race of BEINGS of whom are all STRANGERS
to THEIR TRUE IDENTITY. And we spend endless life times, forever looking OUT
THERE. Nothing exists out there, it is all an illusion, but we all fail to see this truth, and
therefore continue suffering in our ignorance.
We are very fortunate to be in this age of the digital computer age,over thousands of
years it was hard work to find out any facts, there was no Goggle or Facebook when I was
a boy, if you wanted to know something, you had to go to the library and search through
many books to find what you wanted to know, and before that there was nothing except ask
your religious leaders, who were the only ones who could read then, so it was very hard to
learn anything, these days we have it easy, want to find out about your soul? Ask Goggle,
you will have access to reams of information, if you care to bother finding out.
In part two will explore this further,          warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 16 September 2019

Locating Our Spiritual Truth.-L O S T Part Two.

Where can we look  to locate  our spiritual truth? Which spells out the word LOST, what is it
 that ensnares us in this web or miasma of being lost? This can really be explained in one word
which is nescience , which means both ignorance and lack of awareness. Billions of us are
totally unaware of our true nature, which is that of being Divine spirit, having a relative
experience here upon planet Earth.
Many of us spend our entire life from the cradle to the grave, looking outside of them selves
for the answer to their life, and never finding it. We can think we have found meaning to
our life, then this can turn into ashes in our mouths. The truth is that unless we make some
attempt to find out who we are, we will be forever lost in an endless search for something
that only exists within you!  And no where else!
We often ask ourselves the question, "what is the point to life, in our life!? The answer to
that question is that YOU ARE THE POINT (and you know it not) a rotating point of
"I AM"aware consciousness, there is no other point in your life, because there is no
"YOUR"  that is LIFE, ask the question who is the "YOUR" that has LIFE? Life is
an absolute REALITY in which YOU and I are TOTALLY IMMERSED within IT, and
will eternally be so.
We are all rotating POINTS of "I AM" consciousness held in coherence by the intentional
wave of our SOUL that is your higher self. That is our singularity point expressed within a
rotating vortex of living energy that is condensed down into a physical vehicle.
Looking within ourselves we will discover that our physical body  is just a vehicle being
used by the real YOU which is the immortal soul, this reality indwells within the whole of
humanity, we all our SPIRIT encapsulated within an expressed physical form, gathering
experience as we go along the pathway of expressed emotional being.
There is no need for us to remain lost, we can all find ourselves, all we need to do, is to
look within ourselves, and find out personally who is this BEING that dwells within my
Heart? WE are the enigma that is the formless shape of that which IS!
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 15 September 2019

Locating Our Spiritual Truth. L O S T .

The most scary  and unsettling thing about the state of being LOST is that billions of us are
all lost, and we are completely unaware of this reality! The same goes for billions of us who
are all locked within a prison , that has no bars, and we also fail to see this reality as  well!
We go "looking for things"believing that what we are looking for lies outside of us! Which
in truth it does not. We look for GOD, or a higher power,without ever realising  that we ALL
are GOD ,and have all power, if we just awaken from our aeonic slumber, and turn our gaze
We look for love , again failing to recognise that we are all the very embodiment of LOVE
unconditional love, condensed from its Absolute Infinite being state , descending down
through several dimensions getting more dense and gross until it finally exits into the
physical dimension. When this occurs, it is rotating within a vortex around a dimensional
point or singularity, which is your "I AM consciousness, self aware being. The "I AM "
consciousness then becomes localised and identified within a fixed point of rotating energy
(which is YOU) exiting into a physical form.
The process of localisation then looses its universal unconditional love awareness,and instead
becomes a conditional love that rotates around the ego and personality, and then we share it
out with "other" of a conditional basis. Which can at times revert back to its unconditional
phase when we are deeply moved and connected to another, like a mothers love for her child.
Locating Our Spiritual Truth  spells out the word lost,many of us are like the Prodigal Son
who became hopelessly lost and squandered all our means, and in need of being FOUND
and accepted back into the fold of inner peace and bliss.
We can spend our entire life living in a body that has within it infinite and eternal assets
lying there for a life time, and never accessed , we carry on board our inner being the reality
of eternal life joy and unconditional love, and we never ever look within ourselves and find
that Divine treasure that lies within our hearts, because we are all mesmerised and brainwashed
by media and other social outlets, plus addicted to the smart phone cancer that is turning us
into mindless MUSH,we are all told to keep looking OUT THERE and remain forever LOST!
In part two will explore this more.          warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 14 September 2019

Being Love Infinite Spiritual Serenity. -B L I S S Part two,

We do not have to look or search for bliss, we do not have to practice anything to obtain
bliss, because  bliss is our natural state. We are all the very embodiment of bliss. The
problem is that we do not know this truth. The very same thing applies to the word
"enlightenment" with the internet awash offering all manner of practices, for a price of
course, that will lead you to enlightenment. These courses are all basically, to be blunt
bullshit. The MAIN POINT is always OVERLOOKED, because we do not know who
we really are, if we did, then you would realise that not only were you the embodiment
of bliss, but that you were also enlightened as well.The word enlightenment really means
when you remove the mystic aura that surrounds the word it really means to KNOW
YOURSELF, that then EQUATES with YOU reverting to your natural state, of being
conscious of your Immortal SELF, which is eternally always full of bliss and inner
Its like the saying of the person who is "looking for God" is God lost then? that you need
to look for it? If we look for anything, then we are in effect LOST!We look for love, little
realising that we are the embodiment of LOVE walking on two legs upon the planet Earth.
We are all LIFE, which stands for LIVING-INTELLIGENT-FOCUSED ENERGY, that
is EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DEAR READER, the word human being, is basically
and FUNDAMENTALLY the description of a VEHICLE of which you live in, and then
believe that this vehicle is wholly who you ARE! Which is utter nonsense, and this utter
nonsense will be revealed to you dear reader of this blog,if you just take the time and
effort to look within your inner self, and inquire with your consciousness asking the
question who am I, really? If you persist in this noble quest, you will be rewarded with
a download of expanded consciousness revealing your true immortal divine SELF.
The vast majority on this planet are all prisoners locked within a prison which has no
bars, the bars that we erect and are fostered by those is "authority" over us  is that of
gross ignorance as to what and who we really are, and until we know who we really are
we then are in fact LOST SOULS, groping in the darkness of ignorance.Forever looking
for a FIX that will give us joy and peace, that will soon turn to ASHES in your mouth.
We all are LOVE, we all are BLISS, we all are full of JOY, but this DIVINE WONDER is
hidden from us, by our ignorance of out true BEING>
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 13 September 2019

Being Love Infinite Spiritual Serenity. B L I S S .

What is bliss, that we can be mindful of it? Have we ever experienced it? Words associated 
with bliss are, joy, happiness,jubilant,gleeful, enraptured,and so on,these words that seem to
come from bliss are like "echo's" of the vital principle of  the eternal bliss of the  Absolute/All
or GOD for short. These echo's condense down through our five bodies of expression, reaching
our physical body last. Our highest body of expression is our Bliss body, where we all condense
down from.The big difference in all the other expressions of bliss that we use, is that ONLY
BLISS is the eternal state of Spirit Absolute, bliss does not emanate from the expression,
BLISS IS THE EXPRESSION, Bliss is the transcendent absolute reality of THE GREAT
SPIRIT, and is an eternal principal locked into that BEING.
We ALL our THAT BEING, however we have yet to fully realise this reality within ourselves.
Like the words motion and emotion, what are the differences between the two? Motion is that
which moves the energy of expression through its perpetual cycle within this relative dual based
universe. The added E to motion that makes the word emotion  rotates around the presence
of an "I AM" consciousness, which we all our. Emotion is born out of the life stream of an
"I AM"conscious life form. Self awareness is the" key to the E" only mankind has the depth
of emotion and the feeling that arise from within it. However some of the higher animals, like
dolphins, elephants, apes, dogs,have a rudimentary emotional presence within them, but it is
still in a "liquid fluid state" only in mankind is it crystalized into the "I AM consciousness.
Being happy and joyful are wonderful states to be in, however for them to arise within you
depends on a number of things that contribute to that arising of joy and being happy, your
circumstances, your health, your friends, your husband or wife, all these things and many more
need to come together into a sequence that you enjoy, and therefore are happy. Bliss however
is your natural state of being, its who you really ARE, but because we are so out of synch with
our true nature,it rarely surfaces within our life. Bliss is not dependent on ANYTHING whatsoever
it is who we really are. But when we are happy and joyful, these feelings can open up inner doors
that will eventually lead us to bliss.
In part two will explore this further.      warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Ignorance Negates And Wisdom Enfolds. I N -A W E Part two.

If we all really knew who we were, we would all fall to our knees and burst into tears of
upmost joy and absolute wonder, we would all be in a most profound state of absolute AWE
We would SEE that we are ALL GOD having a human experience  here upon the dimensional
plane we call Earth.Absolute Life Force, condensed down into seven and a half billion
replications (mirror images) of the ONE BEING.
Mankind has forgotten the passion of the soul is to learn through experiences, to play with pure
neutral energy, and sometimes we play so enthusiastically we forget we are playing. When you
do not take full responsibility for your actions, you must project your choices onto something
outside of you, in other words blame "others" for your actions!
What we all our is seven and a half billion "points of awareness" enclosed within a physical
form, and these physical forms (in the plural) all call themselves "I AM" followed by a label
which is their identity marker NAME, (JOHN,IVY)etc,each being believes that they are an
individual and separate from the "OTHERS" all these assumptions are incorrect and appear
as part of a collective illusion, that many of us buy into, because we are ignorant of what life
actually is, and because we have never ventured deeply into our inner heart centre where
divine wisdom dwells.Plus there is an innate fear within mankind of loosing their 
individuality,If we are truly all GOD, then what will become of ME????? Will I vanish
and become like the hole in the doughnut?? It is because we do NOT KNOW ourselves
and therefore do not understand our TRUE NATURE, that is where our fears come from,
and the lies and ignorance  we all feed on, like the jokes we tell and laugh if someone said
they thought they were GOD, we then assumed that they were MAD, and needed hospital
treatment, to cure their madness? That being so, then the whole human race is totally
BARKING MAD, and all of humanity should be put on a section of the mental health act
and locked away in a padded cell for all our own safety. Because the reality is that we are all
divine, we are all immortal, and we are all ONE Infinite Intelligence that is ABSOLUTE an
we are all facets of that ONE JEWEL, having multiple experiences upon the dimension on
Earth, and when we have had enough experiences we STEP out of the condensation wrapper
that we used for collecting experiences, and merge back into the OCEAN from whence we all
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Ignorance Negates And Wisdom Enfolds. I N -A W E .

How many of us have ever been in awe? Looking at a starlight night sky seeing the heavens
ablaze with billions of twinkling stars, we look up and wonder at the majesty of it all.We
can in times like that feel the insignificance of our atomic presence! It is said that wisdom begins
when we honestly realise the depth of our own ignorance, when we can do that the doorway that
exists within our heart chakra will open. However it will forever remain shut if we are not
genuine, if we only say this for effect or to pretend to others that we have humility, but within
ourselves we take pride in what we know, then we will never obtain wisdom. The perfection of
universal laws cannot be cheated or bargained with, they are immutable absolute and perfect.
They also operate within the core of your being "written on your heart chakra" so to speak
so if you try to be deceitful you may kid those around you for a while,but you cannot kid your
heart chakra where the law operates through,nor can you cheat or kid your conscience.
But if you are genuine and sincere, then by realising that you have much to learn about reality
and life, an opening will manifest within your heart centre, and if you seek answers to your life
and who you really are, then you will gradually develop insight, and intuition.
This would be made much easier if you were to take up the practice of either yoga or meditation
these practises would definitely make it easier to align yourself with the energies that percolate
within our life stream, and help you to keep them in balance.
Within the Bible Scriptures there is a saying ."seek and you will find,knock and it shall be opened
to you" this means literally seek within YOUR HEART CHAKRA, KNOCK on that door (heart
chakra) and it shall be opened to you, what will OPEN is YOUR HEART CHAKRA and this is
the doorway to all wisdom and SELF KNOWING. the injunction of MAN KNOW THYSELF
written in the ancient GREEK temple of Apollo in Delphi  means just that look within your heart
and realise exactly  who you are'
Ignorance lies in our exterior that which is OUT THERE! Wisdom is found in the abode of peace
which is within our heart chakra,Look within and find the fruit of wisdom, which is likened to
an apple, an apple that is pure and intact, the apple of knowledge that lies outside of us  looks
very tasty, but when you bite into it, you bite the head of a maggot that lies within that shallow
In part two will explore this more.         warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Nothing Is real Vibration Absolute Numen Allness .N I R V A N A Part two.

From the collected works of Sri Ramana Maharshi born in India 1879-died April 1950, quote,
"There is no creation,no destruction, none bound,none seeking,striving,gaining freedom.Know
that this is the TRUTH SUPREME".Unquote. If we all knew this truth, then we would all be in
that abode of peace which is NIRVANA.
Life unexpressed is Absolute and motionlessness, it moves not because it is absolute and
transcends this universe , which emanates from within its SELF, and being absolute and
ubiquitous it is ALL, vibrationless and still, stillness can be seen as the embryo of motion
motion arises from within stillness , and we as human beings are full of motion and emotion.
vibrations are the "dimensional locators" of varying densities of expression, each expression
has a different vibration frequency, but we need to understand, that all expressions are from the
ONE SOURCE, and are all the same thing at source. It is the MOTION that gives us the
illusion of difference. Take away the motion and everything is the same THING LIFE/SPIRIT.
We all our vibrating expressed life  in the form of human beings, our outer shape is made of
congealed light/energy steeped down to condense into flesh and bone biological machines.
We are all being expressed through five main dimensions, each expression denser than the
previous one, until we arrive at the most dense level  which is the physical biological matter
the human being.
As we ascend the dimensions we become less and less gross material, until we reach a point
where we finally realise the SELF, by then we will have lost and let go of the ego, personality,
individuality,, and lower self ego personality, and then if we choose we can dissolve back into
the WHOLENESS  of the Absolute from whence we came aeons ago, or choose to return here
and help those ones who are still lost, and need a direction boost from a loving friend.
Beyond your physical form (vehicle) lies the real you dear reader,within us lies inner peace
and the existence of Nirvana, the abode of peace, we need only to look within ourselves, see
that we are far more than we could have ever imagined we are. We all are immortal soul having
a relative experience here upon the Earth,may this realisation become your inner reality dear
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

Monday 9 September 2019

Nothing Is Real Vibration Absolute Numen Allness.. N I R V A N A .

Nirvana exists within the core of all life,wherever it may hail from.All life comes from the
SOURCE of LIFE, that which is the Infinite Absolute Being, that is known by many names.
We all come from this source and we all will eventually return to this Source.Science is
gradually aligning its self with the ancient teachings and wisdom of the East.Science already
knows that energy cannot be destroyed, only converted into another place or state. And  science
is slowly realising that all there really is, is ENERGY, science says energy is all, Eastern
teachings say that Brahman is all, or God is all!
Confusion arises from the concept of the many,clarity dawns within the realisation of the ONE
THING that JUST is ALL!!
Reality is in truth no-thing, rather it is the ONE and ONLY THING that is in existence universally.
All the names, labels, that we use to describe "things" are in truth ALL the very "SAME THING"
because there is no-other-thing in existence except the ALL THING which science would call
energy, with perhaps the added word of "intelligent energy", the East would call this one force
Brahman, or we in the west GOD!
Brahman.God,intelligent energy, are in fact all the VERY SAME THING.Because we all have in
our outer appearance the physical body, which by nature is relative, therefore we are all relative
beings, our absolute inner core is unknown to most of us. So being relative to all other beings, we
are hooked into the illusion of the MANY, and fail to see the presence of the ONE FORCE.
Although there appears to be billions of different things, this is an illusion, if you look beneath
the outer form or shape of ANY THING, you will always find the ONE THING and that is ENERGY/Brahman,God,we are confused by the many, and fail to discern the ONE.
The absolute numen allness that is mentioned in this blogs title,is YOU deep within your core
being,the word numen comes from the Latin meaning divinity,or divine presence, we all our divinity
and our presence is felt within the human race. By going within ourselves, we can actually draw that
Nirvana energy into our physical being consciousness, then great peace and serenity will arise within
you and blossom into the physical realm,.
In part two will explore this more.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul realisation,.

Sunday 8 September 2019

Conduits Of Life Decohering Expressing Reflex.-C O L D E R Part Two.

When we can remain within the centre of our life stream energy source, all is well and we are
"safe"within the EYE (I)? Of the rotational force that holds us in coherence within the
physical realm.We need to try and understand that what is "seen" by us of our physical body
is only in truth less than one tenth of the full spectrum of expression within the life stream that
exits within your physical body. Nine tenths of your true being is invisible and is contained
within a downward flowing vortex of intelligent Energy,which is what we all ARE Intelligent
Energy, that has evolved into a "I AM"consciousness field of identity.
Human beings (vehicles) have no actual reality at all, except only in a relative way and being
presented here upon the earth plane. When we have finished all our experiencing, and have
finally fully REALISED the SELF which Absolute Spirit, Absolute Life Source or GOD
for short, the human being will no longer exist, and will vanish from within all consciousness
because humanity has only really been a concept (thought) within the infinite consciousness
of the SOURCE.
What science calls Quantum Decoherence actually occurs within every human upon this
planet, in varying degrees of impact, we all are held within a quantum field, its called by us
who are not scientists LIFE and expression. The expression of "going with the flow" is an
accurate expression of our inner reality, swimming downstream is easy,that's going with the
flow, trying to swim upstream which is going against the flow, and this causes Turbulence
to occur, that turbulence enters our live the minute we leave the centre point of stillness,this
when we stray away from the Eye of stillness  causes friction within the physical body, and
friction cause heat. Moving away from the centre point sets up an opposing force, which instead
of validating and supporting a healthy life stream, it begins the process of decohering the life
force that is held here in a clockwise rotation,decoherence in this tangible sense means literally
that your "life force is flying apart" you are coming APART at the seams.All this is the result
of us creating a negative eddy within our life stream, "going round in circles, getting nowhere
fast" does this ring a bell in your head? We need balance in our lives, as best we can to live in
harmony with the natural laws of life, if we can do that, we will not be visited by EDDY, and
our lives will remain coherent and healthy until we exit the vehicle/
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome.Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 7 September 2019

Conduits Of Life Decohering Expressing Reflex. C O L D E R

For any life to become an expression and to be born into motion from stillness  it needs a
conduit for that to be able to occur. The conduit that we as humanity use is by way of a vortexial
field of rotating life force, that tapers "downwards" through several dimensions of expressions
and finally emerges within a reference point which is a singularity that is held in coherence
by the intentional field of the spirit life force,which we term as the soul. Suddenly we become
visible tangible beings within this physical dimension of Earth. Our physical bodies though are
just vehicles(space suits) for the indwelling soul to use here in the physical dimension.
The vortexial field that we are all held in stasis rotates in a clockwise rotation, this is the
downward rotation that holds the vehicle (YOU)  in a healthy and vibrant balance, until it
has completed its sequence of experience gathering here, then the rotation changes to the
vertical anticlockwise rotation, and this signals the death of the vehicle, and YOU then
literally EXIT the VEHICLE, and carry on living as before!
Now the thing about this rotation sequence is that if we are in harmony with this downward
spiral of living energy, we will remain healthy and fit and well. However if we begin to go
"against the flow" or use a much older phrase that of "kicking against the pricks!? Which is
the clockwise rotation  of expressed form(physical body),we then begin to get into the field
of what science would call "Quantum Decoherence" what then begins to occur is a counter
clockwise motion within our life field stream of energy, this action then brings in its train that of
"turbulence! which translates as an EDDY being formed within our life stream pattern, the
phrase of  "your life going round in circles" is about the rotation of this eddy.
This eddy then gradually if left unchecked behaves like a vampire sucking out the living energy
of life from your central matrix, which is in effect reversing your life stream energy, and replacing
it with the outgoing vertical energy that comes with death,being stuck in this eddy can be seen as
a virtual death by installments.
The point where the singularity enters our form within the physical field dimension  is very still,
much like the eye of the hurricane, we are all centred in the point of stillness. All disease and pain
are caused by us leaving that centre, and entering into the violent storms which manifest within us
as emotional outbursts and rages.
In part two will go more into this.          warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

Friday 6 September 2019

Zero-Point Energy Reveals Omnipresent Source.-Z E R O S part Two.

The NEW SCIENTIST website, asks the question,"where does the zero-point energy come
from"? That is an interesting question indeed. My answer would be that it has not come from
anywhere at all, rather we are ALL totally immersed within its field, and we know it NOT!
Another name for the trendy one of the zero-point energy or field, would be a much more
mundane name that of consciousness and awareness, because consciousness and awareness
are really the same thing.
The unified field of infinite intelligence is consciousness. consciousness is the ground state of
all universal occurrences. Consciousness can be seen as a "transcendental unity,and a universal
diversity"consciousness contains all life universally within its absolute infinite embrace.
The zero-point field or consciousness is the absolute life force energy being expressed in
(E)motion vibration.
Life that moves is relative,life that does not move is ABSOLUTE. Human beings are relative
condensed energy, which is LIGHT congealed into substance,intangible energy becoming
tangible by lowering it vibration rate of frequency.Our outer appearance is relative because
it MOVES, but the core matrix of "man" is spirit/life/ and is absolute and does not  MOVE
-zero-point-zero motion, and the reason it does not move is by virtue that is is then ABSOLUTE
and therefore OMNIPRESENT.
Each breath we take represents MOTION, but between those two movements there is stillness
no breath at all, this breathless state reveals the absolute if we use our awareness and focused
consciousness, become like an laser beam of intense inner scrutiny.
Mankind is zero-point energy moving through experiences on two legs!Zero-point energy has
nothing to do with zero temperature or absolute zero, these are interesting sidelines that divert
the consciousness field from its "ground state" inclusive all embracing STATE, to one of an
exclusive intellectual state, which if persist in leads to what could be called mental
masturbation. We all ARE zero-point beings, because we are all consciousness being expressed
within the form we call humanity,the EXPRESSION becomes the MOTION from STILLNESS
Consciousness/LIFE/zero point field,all EMERGE from absolute motionlessness,the FIELD never
moves, it is us who are the movers and the shakers, because we are all vortexes of an "I AM" field
anchored within a point of reference, and within that dimension of rotary I AM consciousness
we draw zero-point energy into our vortex matrix by the power of thought, which creates motion
within the stillness of the infinite oceanic field of consciousness.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Zero-point Energy Reveals Omnipresent Source. Z E R O S .

Our awareness and consciousness is contained within a localised physical dimensional field
and this field holds our "I AM" consciousness within a vortex of spinning intelligent energy
that is held in coherence by the intentional field of our immortal soul/spirit. We are all wrapped
up within an intentional field of focused consciousness, and from this intentional field we are
informed within a physical vehicle, and call ourselves mankind. The infinite absolute unified
field of consciousness, becomes  and leaves its non-locale omnipresent state, to that of being
localised upon and within a vehicle on planet Earth.
Science states that at the point of presence where the zero point energy is detected the is no
rotational motion present, it is motionless. this is because consciousness is the zero point field
and consciousness is motionless and omnipresent. It cannot move, where could it move to
where it was not already there? It is ONLY expressions of life that MOVE, consciousness is
NOT an expression, it IS LIFE unexpressed and ABSOLUTE. It is us who "seem" to move
because we are relatively expressed formations of compressed light/energy.
Our localised matrices which contain our "I AM" consciousness, draw energy from the ZPF
by way of our thinking, we draw into our energy matrix consciousness, and the act of our
thinking manifests motion being drawn into the rotational field of our "I AM" field awareness
we are actually all moving through eternal stillness and are all completely unaware of this.
We need to understand that consciousness has nothing to do with THINKING, thinking only
exists within a expression of LIFE, LIFE unexpressed is devoid of thought, perfection has no
need of such a thing as thought, it do not exist within absolute reality, it only exists within our
limited awareness of what life actually IS.
By going within ourselves, by gradually ceasing the flow of thought we then our activating our
perceptual awareness which if practised regularly  will lead us into an understanding of just what
we really are. We will be in contact with that ZPF of energy, which is consciousness, the deeper
we go within ourselves the greater levels of consciousness we will perceive, and this will produce
a greater understanding of what life actually means.
In part two will explore this further       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Consciousness Entangles Reality The Absolute Infinite Numinosity. C E R T A I N Part Two.

One thing is absolutely certain and that is that all life is totally entangled within the unified
field of infinite consciousness.Consciousness can be seen as the bedrock  of what science calls
zero-point-energy ZPE. ZPE emerges from the point  of absolute stillness-motionlessness, and
the field of consciousness never MOVES, consciousness is the field , an absolute uniformed
field of conscious energy that is motionless. Consciousness has no-need of motion because it
is absolute, ubiquitous,omnipresent,it CANNOT MOVE, because it is ALREADY THERE,
everywhere universally simultaneously.
It is US who move within this infinite absolute ocean of liquid life (spirit) thoughts move,as we
consciously draw on the ZPE of the field into our self aware conscious life stream,which is a
energy vortex that holds our self aware consciousness in a coherent embrace that is held in
stasis by the intention field of our soul,which then emerges within the physical dimension
as what we term as a human being.There is an ancient occult maxim which states that
"thoughts are things"thoughts equal energy and energy equals matter,then thoughts become
mater,we need to observe our thoughts.
Our thoughts create motion (a stirring within the field) the infinite absolute ocean of
consciousness, becomes localised within the life stream that contains our self aware "I AM"
consciousness, within that stream motion exists, and the process of thoughts/thinking draw
"unto itself" (YOU) zero-point -energy from the infinite ocean of stillness,our act of
THINKING, manifests "motion from motionlessness" the motion in YOUR field is
created by your thoughts!
We need to try and understand that WE are all one composite wholeness of LIFE, we are all
absolute living Intelligent Energy Consciousness, having a relative localised experience here
on Earth, we all are the ETERNAL reality, literally "going through the motions" and feeling
that experience of motion. We ALL transcend ALPHA and OMEGA, before this universe was
"I AM"HERE! We are all immortal beings,ZPE is the field in which we now all play, we each
have a role, which we each choose, what role are you playing today my friend?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Consciousness Entangles Reality The Absolute Infinite Numinosity. C E R T A I N .

Our brains are not just a physical computer, rather more like a quantum field that is wholly
connected to this universe and is dimensionally transcendent. Theoretical physicist and
mathematician  Eugene Wiger says quote "It is not possible to formulate the laws of quantum
mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness" unquote. I would also
like to add another quote from Dr John Wheeler physicist, quote, "without consciousness there
is no physical matter, this is known as the Participatory Anthropic Principle, consciousness
literally creates the physical world" unquote. As our awareness expands it automatically begins
to include other "things" into its orbit of consciousness. We become more inclusive in our
understanding of life, and begin to let go of exclusiveness.
Quantum consciousness and quantum entanglement are really the same thing. What the quantum
field of life shows is that everything is connected to everything, it suggests that space is merely
a construct that gives us the ILLUSION of separation.
Quantum science is now agreeing with the VEDAS and the Bhagavad-Gita that all is ONE and
Consciousness is non-local in the same sense that quantum objects are non-local. Scientist claim
that quantum theory proves consciousness moves to another universe or dimension at death,
could that then be the astral plane, I wonder?
The word certain that is spelt out in this blog today, means to "have no doubt" to be sure,are we
without doubt? are you sure of who you really are?All is in motion, and behind all this motion
lies eternal stillness, motionlessness. we are all connected to the motions of life, and also
connected to the inner stillness of life.Everything is energy, energy influences other energy,
energy appears out of thin air, what this means is that since we all our energy, we are all connected
matter does not separate us because -we are not MATTER,we are all totally connected to each other.
I will finish this blog today with one more quote from the author of the book called The Rainbow
and the Worm,the physics of organisms,by Mae WAN Ho.quote,"The visible body just happens to
be where the wave function of the organism is most dense, invisible quantum waves are spreading
out from each of us and permeating into all other organisms .At the same time each of us has the
waves of every other organism entangled within our own makeup" unquote.
Will continue this in part two.          Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 2 September 2019

Path Of Return Expressed Sequentially -P O R E S Part Two.

The path or return exists because we all move, and movement brings within its train the
consequences of that motion,which is a wave of causation, no wave = no causation, no
causation means no Karma. No cause to manifest the effects which come from that motion.
Simply put this means that the reason we are all here, enduring endless incarnations upon this
planet Earth, is because we still have the NEED to MOVE, and any motion creates "turbulence"
within the energy field of that which "motions"(US) turbulence  can also be seen as Karma.
When we can finally realise that we are all the SELF, which is Absolute LIFE/SPIRIT, then
all motion ceases immediately, because your consciousness becomes universal and transcends
the relative dual based universe,your physical vehicle will fall away, along with your ego,mind,
personality, and the illusion of that fictitious thing called Individuality.YOU will literally
dissolve all that you were, and then become what you ARE, which is Absolute LIFE, all BEING.
Most of us though are a long way of our final resolution back into SPIRIT from whence we all
came, many moons ago. There is no need to panic! We have all the time in the universe, which
is eternal, however , we can all make an effort to know ourselves, if we so chose to do.
We are all expressed sequentially here on Earth to enable us to breathe through our pores
the openings within our bodies , this through the "sweat of our brows" and the suffering we
endure, bring about a gradual awakening, a stirring within our consciousness and perceptions
that begins to reveal a spiritual presence that lives within our physical vehicle.
We can then move into a more inclusive reality, rather than the non inclusive reality we all
had before the awakening process had begun within us.
The injunction mentioned within the scriptures which says "be still and know that I am God"
is really explaining the PATHWAY that leads to full LIBERATION and also the NEED TO
MOVE? Stillness is silence, that is why all the teachings of yoga and meditation mention inner
silence, stillness of any thought,In silence and stillness karma does not exist.Spirit has zero Karma
God does not have any Karma! and nor do we when we realise our ultimate SELF, because the
process of reaching that POINT, burns up and exhausts all karma, we are then perfected in the
stillness of silent being.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 1 September 2019

Path Of Return Expressed Sequentially. P O R E S

The path of return is also expressed as that of reincarnation, or even that of metempsychosis.
This knowledge and understanding of the path of return has been known by mankind for
tens of thousands of years, its existence is written in all our major religions, though its
reference in Christianity was revised by the Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicea
in 325 AD, and thereby any mention of reincarnation was removed from the Bible. This then
gave the religious leaders at that time more power over the followers of that religion and
promoted fear among them, as they had only ONE LIFE to live, so do as we say, or you will
rot and burn in Hell!
The only way out of the path of return is to go within and find out exactly who you really ARE,
then like the Buddha said, you can then get of the "wheel of Life"as you exhaust all your
accumulated karma. Karma acts like the coherence that holds you together upon this physical
plane, without karma we would just dissolve into the whole, and cease to be an "individual" and
also cease to wear the mask that we call personality, our BUBBLE of PERSONA would BURST!
To back track a bit,we need to reflect just where we all came from, which is the SOURCE of
all LIFE. Now this SOURCE of all life is by definition ABSOLUTE PERFECTION
ABSOLUTELY.We all come emanate from that perfection , so what comes from perfection must
also be perfect, otherwise it would be utter nonsense and also an impossibility.Therefore we our
all reflections of perfection, and have no need of correction? However we have all forgotten
"who the hell we really are"and therefore go through this journey of SELF-DISCOVERY until
we finally wake up and smell the "proverbial ROSES", and when we can do that, we can then
get of the wheel of reincarnation, and move to a different venue of experiences.
We are all made of the gold of infinite wisdom,yet we think we are more like the lead of a
dead weight, the dead weight we all carry is the weight of IGNORANCE to our true IDENTITY.
The ancient stories of the Philosopher's stone which alchemists said could turn base metals into
gold, is in reality the story of mankind being able to transmute his base material body into the
divine golden wisdom that resides within the inner consciousness of the human being, and by
going within, we raise our vibrations and thereby transmute our lead weigh of ignorance into
the pure gold  of eternal wisdom.
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.