Friday 27 September 2019

Fractals Universal Self Symmetry Expressing Divinity.-F U S S E D .

Before I start this blog today, i want to include this quote from, Quote" God is a
binary fractal self replicating Algorithm, and the universe is a Gentic Matrix resulting from the
existential Tension created by its desire for SELF-Knowledge. Thus we all exist as one Eternal
Energy that has fragmented its Infinite Perception to experience what we call LIFE" Unquote.
We are all fractal patterns imaging mirror images of each other, but failing to see this self
replicating images that we each reflect to each other. The reason for this is because we only
ever see the surface tension of an invisible reality that lies beneath and behind the facade
of form (physical body).
Snowflakes are often mentioned in explanations of fractals, and what is often said is that each
snowflake is different from another snowflake, well that is very true for the surficial appearance
of the snow flake, but beneath that surface ALL SNOWFLAKES  consist of the very same thing
that of frozen water (energy).
Humanity is exactly the same principle as that of the snowflake, we may all look very different
on the surface, but beneath the surface we are all the same "Intelligent Energy Source" we each
are mirror-images of each other,and being so we each reflect all possible combinations that
our pattern matrix will permit, which seems to be infinite, we each reflect anger, rage, lust,
gluttony/obesity, joy, love, compassion, envy,hope, despair, pain, the list is endless, but each of
us can usually decipher the meaning of that which is reflected back to us from another human
being.And whats more, we can recognize what this is, because we have it within ourselves, this
insightful truth can often make us feel very uncomfortable because if we recognize any pattern
in another, the only way you could possibly recognize it, it because that potential lies within you
too! We often fail to understand that if the  right buttons are pressed, in the right sequence, we
all could commit murder or break the law, ask any mother what her limits would be, if her child
was in any danger?
Life being expressed universally is basically all fractal patterns that reveal a tapestry of "woven
dreams" that may seem unknown to the individual, but when we eventually lose our illusory
idea of being an individual, we will then see what a beautiful and wonderful pattern we have helped
to weave.
Will continue this in part two.       warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization .

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