Wednesday 4 September 2019

Consciousness Entangles Reality The Absolute Infinite Numinosity. C E R T A I N Part Two.

One thing is absolutely certain and that is that all life is totally entangled within the unified
field of infinite consciousness.Consciousness can be seen as the bedrock  of what science calls
zero-point-energy ZPE. ZPE emerges from the point  of absolute stillness-motionlessness, and
the field of consciousness never MOVES, consciousness is the field , an absolute uniformed
field of conscious energy that is motionless. Consciousness has no-need of motion because it
is absolute, ubiquitous,omnipresent,it CANNOT MOVE, because it is ALREADY THERE,
everywhere universally simultaneously.
It is US who move within this infinite absolute ocean of liquid life (spirit) thoughts move,as we
consciously draw on the ZPE of the field into our self aware conscious life stream,which is a
energy vortex that holds our self aware consciousness in a coherent embrace that is held in
stasis by the intention field of our soul,which then emerges within the physical dimension
as what we term as a human being.There is an ancient occult maxim which states that
"thoughts are things"thoughts equal energy and energy equals matter,then thoughts become
mater,we need to observe our thoughts.
Our thoughts create motion (a stirring within the field) the infinite absolute ocean of
consciousness, becomes localised within the life stream that contains our self aware "I AM"
consciousness, within that stream motion exists, and the process of thoughts/thinking draw
"unto itself" (YOU) zero-point -energy from the infinite ocean of stillness,our act of
THINKING, manifests "motion from motionlessness" the motion in YOUR field is
created by your thoughts!
We need to try and understand that WE are all one composite wholeness of LIFE, we are all
absolute living Intelligent Energy Consciousness, having a relative localised experience here
on Earth, we all are the ETERNAL reality, literally "going through the motions" and feeling
that experience of motion. We ALL transcend ALPHA and OMEGA, before this universe was
"I AM"HERE! We are all immortal beings,ZPE is the field in which we now all play, we each
have a role, which we each choose, what role are you playing today my friend?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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