Saturday 7 September 2019

Conduits Of Life Decohering Expressing Reflex. C O L D E R

For any life to become an expression and to be born into motion from stillness  it needs a
conduit for that to be able to occur. The conduit that we as humanity use is by way of a vortexial
field of rotating life force, that tapers "downwards" through several dimensions of expressions
and finally emerges within a reference point which is a singularity that is held in coherence
by the intentional field of the spirit life force,which we term as the soul. Suddenly we become
visible tangible beings within this physical dimension of Earth. Our physical bodies though are
just vehicles(space suits) for the indwelling soul to use here in the physical dimension.
The vortexial field that we are all held in stasis rotates in a clockwise rotation, this is the
downward rotation that holds the vehicle (YOU)  in a healthy and vibrant balance, until it
has completed its sequence of experience gathering here, then the rotation changes to the
vertical anticlockwise rotation, and this signals the death of the vehicle, and YOU then
literally EXIT the VEHICLE, and carry on living as before!
Now the thing about this rotation sequence is that if we are in harmony with this downward
spiral of living energy, we will remain healthy and fit and well. However if we begin to go
"against the flow" or use a much older phrase that of "kicking against the pricks!? Which is
the clockwise rotation  of expressed form(physical body),we then begin to get into the field
of what science would call "Quantum Decoherence" what then begins to occur is a counter
clockwise motion within our life field stream of energy, this action then brings in its train that of
"turbulence! which translates as an EDDY being formed within our life stream pattern, the
phrase of  "your life going round in circles" is about the rotation of this eddy.
This eddy then gradually if left unchecked behaves like a vampire sucking out the living energy
of life from your central matrix, which is in effect reversing your life stream energy, and replacing
it with the outgoing vertical energy that comes with death,being stuck in this eddy can be seen as
a virtual death by installments.
The point where the singularity enters our form within the physical field dimension  is very still,
much like the eye of the hurricane, we are all centred in the point of stillness. All disease and pain
are caused by us leaving that centre, and entering into the violent storms which manifest within us
as emotional outbursts and rages.
In part two will go more into this.          warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

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