Thursday 12 September 2019

Ignorance Negates And Wisdom Enfolds. I N -A W E Part two.

If we all really knew who we were, we would all fall to our knees and burst into tears of
upmost joy and absolute wonder, we would all be in a most profound state of absolute AWE
We would SEE that we are ALL GOD having a human experience  here upon the dimensional
plane we call Earth.Absolute Life Force, condensed down into seven and a half billion
replications (mirror images) of the ONE BEING.
Mankind has forgotten the passion of the soul is to learn through experiences, to play with pure
neutral energy, and sometimes we play so enthusiastically we forget we are playing. When you
do not take full responsibility for your actions, you must project your choices onto something
outside of you, in other words blame "others" for your actions!
What we all our is seven and a half billion "points of awareness" enclosed within a physical
form, and these physical forms (in the plural) all call themselves "I AM" followed by a label
which is their identity marker NAME, (JOHN,IVY)etc,each being believes that they are an
individual and separate from the "OTHERS" all these assumptions are incorrect and appear
as part of a collective illusion, that many of us buy into, because we are ignorant of what life
actually is, and because we have never ventured deeply into our inner heart centre where
divine wisdom dwells.Plus there is an innate fear within mankind of loosing their 
individuality,If we are truly all GOD, then what will become of ME????? Will I vanish
and become like the hole in the doughnut?? It is because we do NOT KNOW ourselves
and therefore do not understand our TRUE NATURE, that is where our fears come from,
and the lies and ignorance  we all feed on, like the jokes we tell and laugh if someone said
they thought they were GOD, we then assumed that they were MAD, and needed hospital
treatment, to cure their madness? That being so, then the whole human race is totally
BARKING MAD, and all of humanity should be put on a section of the mental health act
and locked away in a padded cell for all our own safety. Because the reality is that we are all
divine, we are all immortal, and we are all ONE Infinite Intelligence that is ABSOLUTE an
we are all facets of that ONE JEWEL, having multiple experiences upon the dimension on
Earth, and when we have had enough experiences we STEP out of the condensation wrapper
that we used for collecting experiences, and merge back into the OCEAN from whence we all
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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