Sunday 8 September 2019

Conduits Of Life Decohering Expressing Reflex.-C O L D E R Part Two.

When we can remain within the centre of our life stream energy source, all is well and we are
"safe"within the EYE (I)? Of the rotational force that holds us in coherence within the
physical realm.We need to try and understand that what is "seen" by us of our physical body
is only in truth less than one tenth of the full spectrum of expression within the life stream that
exits within your physical body. Nine tenths of your true being is invisible and is contained
within a downward flowing vortex of intelligent Energy,which is what we all ARE Intelligent
Energy, that has evolved into a "I AM"consciousness field of identity.
Human beings (vehicles) have no actual reality at all, except only in a relative way and being
presented here upon the earth plane. When we have finished all our experiencing, and have
finally fully REALISED the SELF which Absolute Spirit, Absolute Life Source or GOD
for short, the human being will no longer exist, and will vanish from within all consciousness
because humanity has only really been a concept (thought) within the infinite consciousness
of the SOURCE.
What science calls Quantum Decoherence actually occurs within every human upon this
planet, in varying degrees of impact, we all are held within a quantum field, its called by us
who are not scientists LIFE and expression. The expression of "going with the flow" is an
accurate expression of our inner reality, swimming downstream is easy,that's going with the
flow, trying to swim upstream which is going against the flow, and this causes Turbulence
to occur, that turbulence enters our live the minute we leave the centre point of stillness,this
when we stray away from the Eye of stillness  causes friction within the physical body, and
friction cause heat. Moving away from the centre point sets up an opposing force, which instead
of validating and supporting a healthy life stream, it begins the process of decohering the life
force that is held here in a clockwise rotation,decoherence in this tangible sense means literally
that your "life force is flying apart" you are coming APART at the seams.All this is the result
of us creating a negative eddy within our life stream, "going round in circles, getting nowhere
fast" does this ring a bell in your head? We need balance in our lives, as best we can to live in
harmony with the natural laws of life, if we can do that, we will not be visited by EDDY, and
our lives will remain coherent and healthy until we exit the vehicle/
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome.Facebook Soul Realization.

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