Tuesday 31 October 2017

Dawning-Experience-Awakens-Termination-Here. =D.E.A.T.H.

Our biggest fear is i suppose that of death, no one can cheat it, or buy yourself more time, not
even Bill Gates with all his billions, will live no longer that when his time here is up, he cannot
buy another day of earthly life.
Within say 120 years from today, everyone here on earth, all seven billion or so of us will be all
dead! A sobering thought perhaps.
What then is death? What does it actually mean? Consider for a moment, that when you go to bed
at night, and go to sleep, what happens then? While you are asleep in bed, you are in effect dead
to the world around you, you are unconscious of the physical world outside of your form, lying
there asleep. Does this daily phenomena cause you any worries, or fears? You are used to this routine
and so it feels normal. While asleep, although you are unconscious of the physical world around you
you are also fully conscious of that inner dimension, you have dreams, where all manner of fantasies
and fears are played out, often in glorious colour,you too venture into your other home from home
the astral plane,here you met up with old friends, family members who have left this dimension by
what we incorrectly call death, here you live out your other life within this inner dimension, then
the alarm clock goes off, and you are rapidly pulled out of that inner dimension, and awaken in
the outer physical dimension that you think is your only reality.
There is an ancient axiom that states "sleep is the first cousin of death" that is because the sleep
process is in a way a rehearsal for the real thing? Nature is in essence unconditional love,although
a surficial glance at it might suggest quite the opposite, "red in tooth and claw" so to speak,  but look deeper within its embrace and you will see love in motion, nature being love in motion, enables us
through the medium of sleep, to become familiar with going unconscious, forgetting this world for a time, and then introducing us to the world where we will all go to when we die! So over the course
of our life time here we in effect are living in two worlds all our life here, we have the physical
world by day, and the astral world by night. Many of you reading this might say, I know about this day time world because I live in it every day, but I do not remember this astral world that you mention here? That is normal, because a veil or curtain is "pulled across our memory" but with
determination, a note book and pen, you can train yourself to gradually remember where you have been going at night, when you wake up write down as quickly as you can what you are thinking and can remember, you have to do this very quickly,or the memory fades,with practice you can build up
a picture of your inner journeys and who you see there. So by the time our time arrives to die, inwardly we know the ropes, so to speak, outwardly we may seem fearful, but within we know whats happening and why.
In part two will explore why the word death is really an incorrect phrase, warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome facebook soul realzation.

Monday 30 October 2017

Evol-lution The Beginning Of Now Part Three.

The NOW was born when the Absolute manifested motion from the absolute motionlessness
state, by manifesting within its infinite mind, a primal Thought-wave that gave birth to what we
call the universe.
Infinite Absolute mind manifested the process that began with involution (where all the principles
that were later to become universal laws were "wrapped up") and then became evolution of which
we are all firmly embedded within.
The NOW is a universal "point" of reference, the now is infinite and forever STILL, the now never
moves, it has no need to, because it is ominipresent, it is us who move through an arc of ascension
called by us evolution, we are evolving in consciousness and awareness, where we gradually
release the "mind set" of conditional love, to move into over many lives a new mind set which
will reverse the ego centred mind set of (mine, and Me first) and very conditional love, to that
of fully embracing all in unconditional love and full acceptance of all.
Duality is our "outer expression" absoluteness is our inner expression,we all live within two
places of reference, one we are all familiar with the duality existence as portrayed by us in a
"vehicle" called the physical body, and aware of a physical universe of which we are within it.
The other place of reference that of our absolute state, that lies deeply embedded within our
ultimate "core being" which is what is often called "spirit" which is again another word for
the LIFE essence, or consciousness at a level that is unobtainable to us at this present point
in our journey.
There is an intermediary though that can more easily be contacted, that of our higher self, the
soul, and many thousands of us here on earth today are indeed in contact with this higher self.
By turning our gaze inward, instead of forever looking outward, we can begin the process of
making contact with our higher selves, and in so doing will begin the reversal process of
gradually leaving behind the selfish self centred mind set of the ego driven personality, which
fully embraces "conditional love" to that of moving into a more inclusive mind set which
gradually begins to embrace the fullness of unconditional love.
Now is the hour of our awakening,our levels of consciousness can become deeper and more inclusive
and gradually leave the exclusiveness which bares the hallmarks of egotism within it, far behind us
the angle of ones ascension through the evolutional process can become more "finely tuned" by our
mind set and intention of thoughtful actions, much as it was in the BEginning? Our thinking and actions define the angle of our ascent.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comment welcome, facebook soul realization.

Sunday 29 October 2017

Evol-ution The Beginning Of Now Part Two.

Duality was born when the full intention of the Absolutes Primal Thought (will to be) came about,
this was also the birth of the NOW.
From within that primal thought was the, yet to be realised, this universe that we now exist within.
The first results of the primal thought wave was to manifest what is called "involution", this is
where all the universal principles that are about  to be born (when the involutionary cycle has
finished) these principles which were "wrapped up" within the primal thought wave (will to be)
These principles will become "universal laws" such as gravity, and cause and effect, when the
involutionary cycle finished out-rolling the primal intent.
When this occurs ,there was a momentary pause,(similar to what is called "slack water" in the
ocean), at the end of this momentary pause, there began the process of what we now call
the phenomena called evolution, and with it the birth of relativity and what we understand as
duality, before this there was only absoluteness, relativity was as yet unborn,unconditional
love was born on this primal wave of manifesting consciousness and formations of congealed
consciousness,or light, into matter and formations.
Unconsciousness was the way of evolving for billions of years, until the "point" was reached
that unconsciousness became aware of its unconsciousness? and the birth of awareness was born.
What was to be later called mankind, was born,here things somewhat changed within the enclosed
forms that became early man, unconditional love, suddenly become very conditional, this was
when the ego was born.
Mankind was only able to exorcise conditional love, and if the "conditions" did not suit the one
observing this state, then hostility would naturally arise.
Mankind is in its essence absolute, eternal, and all, that is the inner being, the outer being which
is ego centred and basically selfish by nature, has yet the realise its GODLY REALITY, so here
you have the reverse position of the word love, absolute love has been  "REVERSED" within
mankind, due to the birth of duality, and the birth of the "I" within the EGO, this "I" reverses love
so that its unconditional true nature, is reversed to become the word EVOL which translates as
"conditional love", this is the position that we are all in now,looking for a way to again reverse this
and begin our journey in full consciousness and awareness back to our source.
In part three will explore this in depth, warm regards michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com anycomments welcome soul realization facebook.

Saturday 28 October 2017

EVOL-UTION The Beginning Of NOW.

Before NOW was born, where time and space did not yet exist, before duality sprang into motion,
there existed NO-THING whatsoever, the universe as we think we know it, was as yet unborn.
There was just Absoluteness, no thing existed, no motion anywhere, absolute motionlessness.
An absolute void of NO-THING, no matter, no light, no energy, no consciousness, just the infinite
potentiality of unrealised LIFE.
Then within this unrealised infinite absolute potentiality, came a stirring, motion was born, within
this unrealised Absolute life potentiality,a mighty IDEA was born, this idea was to become the
universe as we are coming to know it, the Will of Intention, was brought into action, the intention
was to manifest and bring about motion. The universe is basically a THOUGHT held within the
infinite mind of the absolute, nothing more.
Creation is basically a meaningless term, how could an Absolute almighty being, that is all that
can ever be or ever will be, create something?  Nothing in the universe exists, except IT! So from
where could it obtain something to create something from? The universe and everything within it
including you and me, are all the product of infinite mind, we at the moment are just an "IDEA"
made into shape and form, given a physical body, in order to gather experience.
Everything within the universe is begotten from within the mind of the absolute, us included,
not created, because that would be impossible, even for the ABSOLUTE!, Where could the Absolute
find something that existed from outside of its radius? There is only ONE ABSOLUTE, ONE
reality, so everything that exists is in essence ITSELF! We are all part of that one whole.
If we look at the word evolution, and break it down, the first four letters of the word spell LOVE
backwards? Evol, love in its essence and purity is unconditional ,however when unconditional
love becomes relative, and dual, as this universe is, then there appears to be born conditional
love and this is maybe what the word evolution indicates?
as our evol-ution progresses we can perhaps reverse the process within our consciousness and then
we will be involved in love-ution rather than evolution.
There is little evidence of unconditional love here on earth today, but massive amounts of conditional
love, hopefully we can all learn to make progress.
The NOW was born, when motion stirred within the infinite mind, we need always be mindful however that the NOW never moves! It is us on our journey through the ever still now that actually
move, we move,expand our awareness and consciousness, and evolve (hopefully).
In part two will explore this more, warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Friday 27 October 2017

Living-Out-Vibratory-Experience. =L.O.V.E. Part Three.

We all are the embodiment of love, we are love made manifest, (given form and shape) condensed
and steeped down vastly in vibratory expression, we are basically intelligent energy shaped and
(In-Formed) by intelligent focused intent, which is consciousness, our souls hold us (physical vehicle) in coherence while we gather experience upon this dense physical earth plane, remember
that human (beings) are only temporary (homes) for the soul, who is the REAL YOU, not the
vehicle which it uses, the word humanity is just another name for vehicles, nothing more.
Because there is such gross ignorance about we we really are, all manner of no-sense has been
invented over the ages.We are all "Living out Vibratory Experiences" that is what love actually
is,we are here to gather experience, learn from that experience, and adjust ourselves accordingly.
In our long journey through evolution, where we all left that eternal absolute place, and were
"cast out" so to speak into dualism, leaving the absolute state, and entering the relative state where
duality presides over all. Here we left at state where love was always unconditional, into say
where we are today billions of years hence, here love is 99.99999 per cent CONDITIONAL the
UN is noticed by its absence! Think about this honestly, do you really know any being in your
neighbourhood or family that loves everything unconditionally? I very much doubt it, we tend
to love others on condition that they satisfy some need or want in us, if they stop doing that, then
we look elsewhere for satisfaction.
The outer part of us, which is dominated by the ego, is always to get its needs met, not yours! so
any ego type love is always conditional, that is the nature of the ego (ME FIRST), however if we
look into ourselves,through yoga or meditation, and discover our true identity, which is NOT the
EGO, but our higher self the SOUL, we all our eternal immortal SOULS, that is who we all really
are, and the true nature of the soul is unconditional love! So in order to become more loving and
accepting, we need to look within ourselves, establish a telepathic communication with that higher
self, which can and has been done thousands of times by others, practice mediation daily, or yoga
and reveal your true and valid identity, and give notice to that imposter that resides within you the ego, then you will become open to change, and in so doing, express a more inclusive love.
warmest regards michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome face book soul realization.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Living-Out-Vibratory-Experience.=L.O.V.E. Part Two.

Love is the "energy of spiritual intention,made manifest" love is, absolute acceptance, and absolute
inclusivity, this vibrant energy pulsates through everyone of us, and we are completely unaware
of this reality.
Millions of us, maybe even billions, are basically LOST, which translates out as this;Love-Ousted
-Signal-Trapped= L.O.S.T. and what is this THING that is trapping our divine signal? The answer
is our EGO'S, our egos filled not only with our exaggerated ideas of self importance, but also drip
fed bullshit, from the media, advertisers, and big pharma, all with one intention only, that of keeping
your focus forever looking outward, never within, (God Forbid) and also keep spending money buying their worthless crap!
Try an experiment with your friends or family, ask them exactly who are you? Tell them that you
don;t want their name, you already know that, you also know what they do for a living, and you also
know where they were born, and how old they are, tell them that you know all that stuff what they have told you, but they still have not told you WHO THEY ACTUALLY ARE? Can you dear reader
of this blog,do you know EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE? Not your name,rank, and serial number,
but who are you? What exactly is a HUMAN BEING? You are one, who then are you? Basically
a human being is just a VEHICLE, a vehicle for the REAL BEING who is inside this biological
"spacesuit" that of your higher self, the SOUL, and the energy of the soul is unconditional LOVE
a radiant energy that illuminates the universe, however by the time that this energy which is at
source spirit, then steeped down in vibration to be provided a vehicle for the soul, which is fluid
energy, like liquid light, then by the time we get to the physical vehicle, we are vibrating very,
very slowly, and that living energetic liquid light energy, becomes congealed, solidifies, and becomes
our human body, the"spacesuit" for the soul. On top of all this sluggishness and low vibratory rate,
we then have another problem in the form of the EGO, and a whole life time of conditioning,
where we have been taught from a child, to forever look outwards, never within. is it any wonder
then that love on this planet is in short supply?
In part three will attempt to unify all these loose ends and make a wholesome answer.
warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome soul realization face book.

Wednesday 25 October 2017


It has been said that "love make the world go round" and surely it does just that, but is there not
a grave shortage of this precious virtue in the world today? When we read or see the news on TV
is there not constant reports of wars and terrorism effecting many countries worldwide, not much
love here is there? This most precious vibration, the vibration of life itself, seems to be in a grave
scarcity these days.
What then is love? What is its nature? Love is the basic and fundamental bedrock of what we hardly
understand life to be, the nature of love is "Absolute Inclusivity" and absolute unconditional
acceptance,  love is the "Energy of Spiritual Intention, made Manifest" in reality no-thing else
can possibly EXIST? What we see, feel, and experience, like those emotions of hatred, bigotry,
envy, jealousy, resentment, all these so called negative states of expression, are really all at the very
end of a continuum that love actually is, at its highest level it is unconditional acceptance and
totally inclusive, and the other end of its continuum it is very different and is conditional,
selfishly promoted,and bears within it immense pain and suffering if you disagree with its
Millions of us on earth are actually sleepwalking into oblivion, and are completely unaware of
this sad state of affairs. We fail to see, we fail to understand,we fail to feel. that which is hidden
from us in plain sight! If you look into the mirror, what do you really see? Yes i know you will
see your face, your form, your shape, but what else do you see? If you looked deeply into your
eyes looking back at you in the mirror, if you looked really deeply into those eyes, what you
would see, is love looking back at YOU, and the REASON it would be looking back at YOU,
is because that is what you and all of us, actually are!!! We all our the EMBODIMENT of
love, LOVE is a DIVINE universal ENERGY, we all are MADE OUT Of this ENERGY, the
radiant fluid divine energy, is steeped vastly down in vibration, so much so that it congeals and
sets into what we commonly call a physical body. Consciousness is love in flowing motion,
if we open our minds, and expand our consciousness, peer deeply into our perceptions and awaken
our intuition, we will then be born aloft on a tide of rising emotion that of love rushing into your
conscious awareness and perception.
In part two will explore this perception and love more deeply.
warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome facebook soul realization

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Fiction-Expressed-As-Reality.=F.E.A.R. Part Three.

Restrict? =F.E.A.R.
Too much choice breeds confusion, not happiness,you want a cup of coffee, just a cup of coffee
please you say to the assistant behind the counter,which sort sir, she replies, just normal coffee
and milk please,I say, what sort of coffee sir? We have African, South american, Egyptian, by this
time i have had enough of choice, and say i prefer Martian coffee, have you any in stock?
Millions of our fellow humans have just two choices to make, that of living or dying, in the Famine
stricken lands of Africa and other countries where there is zero food and zero water, there is no
multiple choice, in fact for millions there is just one option only open, that is to die of hunger and
thirst. They have not got multiple choices of what coffee to drink, or which cereal to buy this week.
All these exotic flavours and scents are designed for one thing, to keep you away from looking
where you really need to look, and that is within yourself.
We are all becoming a colony of global fascinators? We are so busy watching the little screen on
our smart phones, that we fail to see the bus that mows us down in the road, many each year are killed while watching their phones! Or walk off a cliff while taking a selfie! Fear stalks the land
and cuts down millions each year, I will tell you now what the ROOT CAUSE of all fears actually
is. The root cause of all global fears, wars, and dis-ease is complete and utter ignorance of whom
you really are.
If we all knew who we really were, then overnight there would be global peace and harmony,
dis-ease would slowly melt away as we all woke up from our ignorant slumber and smelled the
real coffee blended by the spirit within you.
We, all human beings, are souls with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls! We are all souls having
a human experience here on the Earth plane, we are here for one reason only, that of gathering
experience, and understanding what it feels like to feel "APART FROM THE WHOLE", it truth
we are never ever apart from the WHOLE, that is totally impossible, and cannot happen, but the
feeling of being apart from the whole, FEELS VERY REAL INDEED! Our fears are of not knowing
ourselves, when we know who and what we are,fear will vanish from your life. Look within yourself
take up the regular practice of yoga, or meditation, ask yourself the most important question you will
ever ask yourself, that of asking, WHO AM I? You are a soul having a human experience, please
do not take my word for this truth, examine the reality for yourself, look within you, ask the question
who am I? And if you persist with this question your very own answer will present itself to you
within your level of consciousness. Then you will know for sure just who you really are, and when
you do that dear reader, please pass this message on to all you meet.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any questions welcome, facebook soul realization.

Monday 23 October 2017

Fiction-Expressed-As-Reality.=F.E.A.R. Part Two.

Fear rises when blindness takes hold, the opposite to fear is faith, what can you have faith in if
you have no idea of a higher power than yourself? If you have no belief in a God, who then do you put your faith with? Yourself maybe? Could you get reassurance from your football team when your
life lies in ruins? What about those who worship celebrities? If you or you partner suddenly found
out they had a terminal illness, would you get comfort from your adoring celebrity? Perhaps they
might visit you in the hospice  in between hair appointments?
Faith is the most reassuring antidote to any fear, but where can we find it? Well the answer to that is
very simple, look within your self, there you will find if you persist, the answer that will dispel all
fear from your heart.
One of the biggest reasons we all fear is the one we know nothing about! That is our true identity
and because of this gross ignorance about our true identity and who we really are, there arises within
us all manner of uncertainties  that play out as unknown fears and anxieties, the human race is plagued by unknown and known fears, so much so that millions die each year of fear related
sicknesses, such as addictions, and mental and emotional illnesses, all are fear based in essence.
We are born live and die, billions of us, and never know in the wholeness of that life, who we really
are, this a a horrendous tragedy that i hope in some small way this blog will play a small part in helping to correct this overtime that the grim reaper is putting in "cutting down those millions
every year with his trusty scythe" who all die in fear based problems.
My hope is that by sharing my experiences of finding myself and true nature, i can help others too
so that they can also find their true inner self, and thereby release yourself from the ignorance of not
knowing exactly who you are, and being released also from the fear of not knowing.
If i can help just one soul find themselves and become free from the fear of ignorance, then i shall
be very grateful indeed.
In part three will go into this very very clearly, so that you will all know the way out of this fear
ridden life, and how to become born again into a new level of consciousness and perception.
warmest regards michael,
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com ant comments welcome facebook soul realization

Sunday 22 October 2017


Robustly. =F.E.A.R.
It seems that  there is much more fear around than hope,fear of terrorists, being attacked while
sitting on a bus, train, or plane, fear of disease, getting cancer, heart attacks, being cut down by
some form of addiction, like that of drugs and alcohol, obesity,fear reigns supreme on the modern
worlds stage.
All this fear is being slowly oiled up by the lies we are being drip fed every day, like the utter
lies that advertisers tell you , like their brand of face cream will make wrinkles vanish and on top
of that you will look years younger! Total lies and utter bullshit, but so many buy into these fake
charlatans bullshit promises, and what happens then? A big let down, self esteem takes a tumble
and what fills this void, fear of course.
Years ago when fears stalked the land like they do today, people then had their church their beliefs
they had faith that calmed the fears, they could trust in their God, whichever God they believed in
and ask and pray for help.
In this modern age churches are mostly empty, i myself have seen several recently converted into
flats and car parks! Religion in the west has been in the decline for years, and this will I feel continue
until they will eventually all be gone and made into housing blocks! 
Worship of something is an inbuilt faculty within man, whether he knows it or not, or accepts it or not, we all have an inner urge to "hold something in High esteem" In this modern day what can man
worship we he deny's God? Why footballers and celebrities of course! The only thing with this course
of action though, is that if you are in deep trouble, get a terminal illness, get made homeless, can you
find any solace in asking your football hero, or favourite celebrity for help, can you actually pray for their help? If you did your hero footballer would be too busy buying another sports car, or chasing
ladies of the night for sexual favours, and your celebrity would be far too busy getting their nails done, to answer your plea for help on their fan mail web site!
Man needs a power greater than himself, if he cannot find that power within  him, he will instinctively look outside of himself for something, or someone to look up to, that is the nature
of mankind, the reality is that we do not understand our nature, and are therefore rendered blind
and helpless. Fear rises when blindness takes hold, we panic in our darkened consciousness and
blindly grab hold of the  first thing we touch.
In part two will go deeper into this,warmest regards michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome, face book soul realization.

Saturday 21 October 2017

Countenance-Of-Mankind-Atrophied.=C.O.M.A. Part Three.

Addle? =C.O.M.A.
Can our minds become addled? The answer is yes it can, and often is, we all are spoon-fed
bullshit, drip-fed to us by advertisers, pharma companies (who have a massive investment in
keeping you sick, and buying their crap) "news" media, which is owned by a very few, who
slant their bullshit news to foster their interests, not yours!  The shallowness of TV shows
that have the gall to call themselves entertainment, they churn out mindless drivel, which
keeps millions entranced with the hypnotic flashes on the screen and every ten minutes the
mindless drivel is interrupted by advertisers who want to sell you their brand of useless crap.
So when you add all this up, it makes for a very sick planet,(pardon me, the planet is ok, we are
the ones who are sick)  "bullshit replaces reality" that is the state we are all in now! We are all
lied to incessantly.
We are never educated into the reality of what exactly is a human being?  No schools, colleges,
or universities, teach what is man exactly? ZERO education.
The human race has lost its "WHOLENESS" and this is replaced by a great awning abyss  which
centers around our solar plexus, that empty feeling we all get, that inner "longing" for "completeness"
to become whole again. We all long for union with our higher self the soul, but because zero is
taught about this reality, unless you are a sensitive being, who naturally looks within and finds an answer, we are at a loss as to how to quell this inner longing, this deep hunger for completeness,
so because we are lost, we try and fill this gaping abyss with things like alcohol, drugs, food addictions, plus mental and emotional breakdowns, all these plus many other negative habits we
use to fill this inner longing for wholeness. This kills millions of humans years, and the numbers are
growing at an alarming rate yearly, soon there will be billions dying every year, you reading this blog
now, for sure know friends or family that are suffering in this way, maybe even you are hooked on
something yourself. I am hear to tell you that there is HOPE, all you need to do is look within you
take up meditation or yoga, realize that truly you are a SOUL having a human experience, your soul
is within you, you may have actually heard it talk to you in times of trial and sorrow, that still small
voice that is within you, is your immortal soul, so take heart its never too late to "get to know your
true self", ask your inner self the question who am I? If you are patient your soul will answer you.
warmest regards michael.
kirkkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Friday 20 October 2017

Countenance-Of-Mankind-Atrophied.=C.O.M.A. Part Two.

Actions= C.O.M.A.
Mankind is the only being or creature on this planet, that has an "inner homing beacon" this
homing beacon is the human soul or higher self, the homing beacon manifests its self in two
ways as part of our duality within the relative three dimensional universe we all live in.
The first manifestation of the soul is the "inner longing" that all human beings have, "as though
something is missing in our life" this missing feeling echo's the souls yearning for union with
its outer shell, the physical body.
The second manifestation of the soul often appears at the point of crisis, which i have just written
about in a recent blog. This manifests as what is commonly called the "still small voice within us".
If we fail to take notice of these "signals of the soul" like looking within ourselves for the answer,
we never seem to make what appears to be the most obvious place to look for an answer to this
INNER LONGING, or the still small voice that arises WITHIN us, where do we choose to look?
Outside of ourselves, if we even bother to look that is!
Now we need to try and fully understand what's going on here, the soul requires your attention,
the is the SOLE reason you are on this earth! You are here to make that most fundamental
connection you will ever make in your whole manifested evolution!! Which by the way spans
billions of years. The soul requires our attention, and it will always win, believe me, now at first
it will give you subtle clues as to its whereabouts, (within you) like that longing feeling we all
have, or maybe several inner small voices when our backs are against the wall in crisis, if that fails
the clues get more blunter so to speak, you may develop an addiction to drugs, alcohol, food, you
may have a mental breakdown, or suffer emotional stress, you may even take you own life, as you
feel so sick of it all! We start to break down, become hollow, empty vessels making a lot of noise.
Remember that life is ETERNAL, death is an ILLUSION, what there is really is change, we exit
our physical body at the time of (death) change, and enter our astral body, and abide there till we
come back here and try better next time, remember too , we have all the time in the world literally!!!
The wisest course of action we can take, is to make an honest attempt to look within ourselves
take up yoga or meditation, and find the source of that still small voice, that lives within every human
being on this planet, all seven billion or so.The choice is always yours dear reader, what will you choose?
warmest regards michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome, face book soul realization.

Countenance-Of-Mankind-Atrophied. =C.O.M.A.

Awareness. =C.O.M.A.
Science informs us that mankind uses only three per cent of his mental faculties, and is therefore
ninety seven per cent unaware of himself and the rest of life.
His consciousness accesses only three per cent of its potential, whereas an animal like and cat or
dog, accesses one hundred per cent of their potential, if you had a dog or a cat that only had three
per cent of itself aware and awake, you would most likely out of pity for it, take it to the vet to be
quietly put to sleep!!!!
Ninety seven per cent of our consciousness potential is unconsciousness, and therefore unavailable
to us, mankind is indeed in a C.O.M.A. and its going to get much worse. Like they say in the films
"you ain't seen nothing yet"!
I wrote in the last blog about a coming tsunami that will wipe out tens of millions of us,maybe
even reaching billions if nothing is done about it.
This tsunami has been gently braking on the shores of man for many years now, its intensity is
growing yearly, within fifteen to twenty years time it will have reached a critical phase in its "wake"
up call to mankind, it will then become a MEGA TSUNAMI that will crash into  mankind with all
the viciousness of a rabid dog, and in its wake perhaps billions will die.
We all need to wake up, and wake up fast, another interesting facet of information is that the average
human say out of one thousand hours of awake consciousness,spends about  nine thousand
nine hundred and ninety nine point five per cent of that time looking outward only! just point five
looking in. And that is the main reason so many millions are dying  of addictive illnesses, and mental
and emotional turmoils every year. If we used our three per cent awake consciousness, and for once
in our lives looked within ourselves and asked that biggest question any human can EVER ASK
The of the question ,WHO AM I? If we knew who we really are, we would KNOW where that
"LONGING" feeling emanated from, and instead of trying to feed this insatiable appetite this
hunger that dwells within man, the empty hollow feeling that we get, and many go to their graves
trying to quench this unquenchable thirst or hunger, we want to feel FULL and not EMPTY and
we cannot succeed the way we are going on today.
In part two will explore this more, may you find some identification here.warm regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

Thursday 19 October 2017

Consciousness-Reveals-Inner-Spiritual-Insights-Silently.=C.R.I.S.I.S. Part Three.

Sustenance = C.R.I.S.I.S.
Of all the yet to arrive crisis, the one that mankind needs to address is the one that really matters.
That of who you really are? Because man does not know who he really is, therefore the "longing"
that is "inherent" within all mankind, and is the result of all the "soulful" longing for reunion from
within to without, and because this longing is never addressed, because of mans forever looking
outwards  and never looking within.
This results in the "longing"  turning into a "hunger" an insatiable appetite that demands "filling"
we become hollow empty people, and this hungers turns on us with a viciousness  that cuts down
millions every year,this hunger translates out as addictions, like alcoholism,obesity, drug addictions,
sexual addictions, there are also many other things like mental and emotional illnesses, all manifest
because of the same giant chasm the HOLE in man, tens of millions of us are not WHOLE beings
but the polar opposite that of HOLE beings, the W is missing?
There is a gigantic Tsunami ready waiting in the wings, and the moment only millions a year are
dying of the HOLE SICKNESS, which is a hunger fed addiction, soon the number will grow into
billions, then PERHAPS, we may sit up and TAKE NOTICE!
The LONGING that every human being feels, and yes that includes you dear reader of this blog,
the longing is a message, a flash of light from within, if you listen intently, it will whisper to you
"look within yourself and find the real YOU" the real you is the soul, the spirit within you, we all
are SOULS having a "human experience", we all are immortal souls here to gather experience of
feeling the pain of feeling separate from the WHOLENESS of reality.
You reading this now are first a living spirit, which is enclosed within a vehicle called the soul,and
soul is enclosed within the vehicle of the physical body. Know this reality, look within yourself
find YOUR SELF, the SOUL, link up with this higher self of you, establish telepathic communication with it, and in so doing you will make the "QUANTUM JUMP from a HOLE
being until a WHOLE being, then you will have no more inner longing, and experience perfect
peace and inner JOY.
I pray this realization dawns within you all. Peace and love michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

Consciousness-Reveals-Inner-Spiritual-Insights-Silently.=C.R.I.S.I.S. part two.

Solutions.= C.R.I.S.I.S.
What would our lives be like without any arising crisis? Many i am sure would say something
like our lives would be so much better without any bloody crisis! That seems to be a very good
answer, but look at your own life, look at those around you, has their life changed for the better
because  of a crisis?
At the moment a grave crisis arises, it can seem that maybe our very life hangs in the balance, like
it did with me many years ago, and at that very time if someone had said to me, why don't you welcome this crisis, I am sure i would have punched them in the face! Yet as time went on my
crisis was the very best thing that ever happened to me.
In my many years of working with people with alcohol and severe drug problems, i witnessed
hundreds of individual crisis and the effects it had on the men and women who were in deep
distress and bewilderment as to what was to become of them, how would they overcome their
addiction? Many of them felt powerless, and could see nothing but pain and despair before them
and then hopefully some thought escape into oblivion and death.
I would share with them my experiences and say how i managed to stay sober one day at a time
with the support of others exactly like me, where we would meet up in meetings and support each
other. Many that i  saw my self included felt completely lost and empty inside, did not know who we
were, and full of unknown fears, for me the answer came from within, when I fell to the floor and
asked the Great Spirit for help, as i was and felt beyond human aid.
Many others i have had the privilige to see a great transformation take place in their lives, when they too, looked within themselves and found a power greater than themselves, their inner soul contact.
In my forty odd years of living or trying to live a spiritual life, and practice daily meditation, i have come across so many "lost souls" who were empty and barren within, what i began to realize was that
there is a crisis looming within this world, that will dwarf all others, that crisis is that of the vast amount and depth there is within humanity of their complete and utter  ignorance of whom they really are.
I will go into this in part three. regards michael.
kirkpatrrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

Wednesday 18 October 2017


When a crisis comes a calling, change is summoned by the soul,most if not all of us are very
reluctant to bring about any change in our lives, unless our backs are up against a brick wall
with no way out seen,there may be some of you out there that can and have actually effected
changes in your life, without a crisis intervening, I take my hat of to you all who can do that
I however was not one of those fortunate few who can bring about a change without any crisis.
I was given just three months to live by my doctor, before the crisis was severe enough for me
to get of my fat ass and actually do something about it. I asked for help, and was told "I was beyond
human aid!!! I thought that just being given three months to live, was a pretty major crisis, then to
be told that, well I thought I better get a shovel and start digging my own grave! Instead of doing
that i fell to my knees and asked that Big man in the sky for help, to my utter surprise and amazement
a deep inner voice spoke to me, and asked me what did I know? I tried to answer as to what I knew,
and immediately a great pressure was put upon me, so much so that I could hear my bones crunching
under the immense pressure,the voice asked again, the same question, what do you know? As I
tried to answer the question as to what I thought i knew, the pressure got so intense I thought i was
about to pass out,  my skull was like making cracking noises under this immense pressure,again
the inner voice said, what do you know? Immediately i said absolutely nothing! I know nothing
at all, zero minus, as soon as i had said that, the pressure was instantly lifted, and the voice said
yes Michael you know nothing, you have much to learn, now go to your bed, while healing begins
upon your broken body. I ran up those stairs as fast as my legs would carry me and jumped into
bed fully clothed, pulled the blankets over me, and I just lost consciousness then.
I slept for over fourteen hours and awoke into another world of understanding and consciousness,
I understood what had happened to me, and that now i was going to be healthy and well, my crisis
was the best thing that has ever happened in my seventy two years of life upon this planet, in part
two will talk about many others who each had their crisis and how in changed their lives for the better.
Warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome,face book soul realization.

Love-Ignites-Gods-Holistic-Thoughts.=L.I.G.H.T. Part Three

Our souls which lie deeply embedded within our heart chakra, flashes a beacon of light, rather like
a lighthouse flashing its warning beam into the darkened sea.
The light of the soul flashes in pulsating waves, and we only ever seem to notice this, when we are in
a crisis, (the main reason for this failure to see and feel this pulsating throb of the soul, it because of
our total fascination for always looking forever OUTWARD, we never look within unless we are in
trouble) when our backs are to the wall, when we are in pain and great emotional stress, we then become "open to catch" that still small voice  that arises from deep within us,this is the voice of
your soul, your higher self, "its" light comes in the form of a whisper, a reassuring inner voice that
says to you that all will be well, and you instinctively know this to be totally true, and accept this
voice unconditionally.
Mankind is basically fundamentally and actually GOD in multidimensional forms, we are three
dimensional in the vertical, starting with the spirit first, then the soul, then the human body, the
vehicle for the spirit is the soul, and the vehicle for the soul is the physical body, all these three
bodies are made of light, the spirit is purity absolute, the soul is purity relative, and the human
body is the slowest light vibration level and is again relative.
We also have seven other bodies "light bodies" starting from the physical, etheric,astral, on up to
the bliss body, these expressions of being-ness make a total number of ten, which can be seen as
the number of perfection, usually displayed as a perfect circle with one line running vertical
through it.
Like the rhyme I was a poet and didn't know it, we all are God and we don't know it either!!! Its
time to wake up humanity, and realize just who we all really are, we are all beacons of eternal
luminosity, but we have forgotten how to shine!  Look within you today, take up meditation, do
it every day, and see how you will begin to glow, if every being on this planet did this for long
enough, we would all emit a light that would outshine the SUN.
warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com all comments welcome, soul realization face book.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Love-Ignites-Gods-Holistic-Thoughts.=L.I.G.H.T. part two.

Thee=L.I.G.H.T. we can make all sorts of things from the light, just like the little poem i just
made up. Luminosity is radiated from us from within the physical body, science knows this and
has written much on the subject, just Google light and the physical body, and you will find many
articles mentioning this,  most of the light we give off is invisible to our naked eye, but sensitive
instruments can see and detect this bodily radiation.
Light is the real essence of everything, this earth is not "earth" as you see it,it is light.
Consciousness is light and flows like a mighty river, running through many dimensions, we are
all totally immersed within it, submerged within an ocean of energy, which is consciousness, and
is also light, the topic of this blog, and although we are all within this infinite ocean of light, we
are mostly all completely unaware of this reality.
Knowledge and wisdom are like batteries within us, the more knowledge and wisdom we acqire
the more light that filters through to us, and illumines the way ahead for us all.
Meditation is the science of unifying all loose ends and bringing them together to make a complete
whole from the many fragmented parts.
If we take up meditation, and practice it daily, we will begin the process of inner illumination
and an expansion of consciousness(which too is light) this will begin to bring balance and harmony
into your life, which translates as brighter colors which again is light.
There is so much darkness and despair within the world, with wars and conflicts taking place all over the planet,we all  badly need much more light and goodwill.
We can all do our part in raising the light intensity by going within ourselves and meditating on
peace and love and goodwill to all mankind, every little bit helps raise the dark threshold into
brighter hues, a candle in a room will throw of much light, imagine what your full attention would
warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome soul realization facebook.


Light is energy in motion, all within this universe moves, with one notable exception, that of
darkness, darkness is eternally still, and motionless.
Light vibrates at massively different rates, from very slow vibration like through dense matter
we need to remember that all matter, including us, is just light solidified or congealed, through
to vibrations that whirl into rates of millions of times a second in its highest expression.
Light within us varies greatly in vibration rate, from the slow sluggish rate of our physical
body, to the much higher rate of our conscious thoughts and emotions, thoughts are things, and
if focused on long enough will materialize within our proximity.
Our emotions are light vibrations as well, love is a much higher vibration than hatred or anger.
Light has basically three fundamental expressions, exactly the same as water,here i am reminded
of the very ancient axiom that of "As above so below, as below so above" the lowest expression
of light is that of matter, matter is basically congealed solidified light, which our bodies are made from, the second highest rate of expression is liquid, which translates as consciousness, this includes
all flowing rays or waves, like thought, xrays, gamma rays,visible light etc, the third state of light
as a gas or steam, is that of spirit, which is the highest rate of all. Now although there seems to be three states of light expressed as there are, needless to say though, that in essence they are all the same thing.
We need to become conscious and aware that while we are on this Earth plane, we exist within
two very different worlds, the daylight world that we are all self consciously aware of, and the
other world where we visit while asleep, which most of us are totally ignorant of.
The world where we visit while asleep is the Astral world, often called the Astral Light, here we
all our exposed to another form of light, that still flows like a liquid but exists within another
inner dimension, that we visit while asleep. This inner world can also be visit while awake, but
in another state of higher consciousness, such as deep meditation.
We in our totality of expressed beingness are all three expressions being expressed simultaneously
all the three aspects of light  shine brightly through us, although most of us are completely unaware
of this reality.
At our highest inner state we are Spirit, this spirit has a vehicle which is called the soul, and the soul
also has a vehicle which is called the physical body, so we are Gas =spirit, liquid soul,and ice solid
matter, if we can truly KNOW ourselves we would then realize this fact.
In par two will try and link this together.
warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments most welcome facebook soul realization.

Monday 16 October 2017

Dream-About-Reality-Knowing-Nothing-Except-Somnambulistic-Silence=Darkness. Part Three.

Destiny is born within infinite mind.
Awareness as yet unborn.
Rolling out within evolution's pulse.
Kiln of fire burning brightly.
Nothing registers in unconscious state.
Eternity passes still asleep.
Soulful download, dawning breaks.
Spring has arrived, and "I" is born= D.A.R.K.N.E.S.S.
We were all asleep and as yet unborn, for billions of years, it is only recently in the past few million
or so years, that we have somewhat awoken, we all have a vast history behind us,that is stored and
vouchsafed within our DNA, that can be assessed by focused meditation over a period of time.
Whatever there has been before, you have experienced it,our experiences span billions of years
right back to the first "casting out" of the Absolute motionlessness state, into the maelstrom of
motioning within involution first, then after a momentary pause. evolution began in earnest, we all
have these distant memories locked within our DNA.
Now in the present time, we are called human beings, and wear a thing called a physical body, which
in truth and in fact is really a "spacesuit" for the indwelling soul, which is who you and I really ARE!
We were first and last SPIRIT, that is what we ALL really are, and will always BE, We are spirit, soul. and physical body, the soul is the vehicle for the spirit, and the physical body is the vehicle for
the soul. Human beings in reality do not EXIST, I mean in absolute reality that is, we only ever exist
within this relative reality, which by its name is Temporal in nature.
The spirit and soul are eternal, the human being which is really just the spacesuit (body) is not eternal
and is basically animated "STARDUST" nothing more!
We need always remember that where we all came from which is the Absolute Infinite Consciousness
or just GOD for short, is NOT A HUMAN BEING!! There is no big man in the sky with a long beard
looking down on us all, what the is, is Infinite Absolute Consciousness, from which this universe
emanates from within its infinite mind, it itself Transcends the universe and all else.
If we look within ourselves, ask ourselves this most important question any human can ask of
themselves, the question is this; WHO AM I? If you continue to ask this question of your inner self
in regular daily meditation, you will eventually receive an answer from your higher self, which is your soul. That still small voice that you have heard within you, in times of trial and crisis, is that
inner voice of your soul. Your soul will tell you who you REALLY ARE!
warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome face book soul realization.

Sunday 15 October 2017

Dream-About-Reality-Knowing-Nothing-Except-Somnambulistic-Silence.=D.A.R.K.N.E,S.S. Part Two.

Dawning ripples within infinite mind.
Awakening from stillness, motion sublime.
Reality is born from stillness state.
Knowing intention focused clearly.
Nothing is all, we see the paradox now sincerely.
Everything we are,is a product of mind.
Spirit we all our in elemental being.
Seeing this truth is so revealing.=D.A.R.K.N.E.S.S.
We all our spirit and therefore eternal in nature, and have all been on a journey that has spanned
billions upon billions of years.
We all our the product of that primal thought from within the absolute infinite mind, the absolute
for reasons best known solely unto itself, chose to and made a decision to bring about what we now
call the universe, the absolute brought this about by thinking it into being from within its infinite
mind, we and all that is within this universe was begotten not made from the intention of infinite
mind, no-thing was ever created, this is a mistake which many of us make, there is in truth no such
thing as creation, the entire universe us included are all basically "IDEAS" within the infinite mind
Ideas that have become solidified, congealed, slowed down vibration from its "high estate".
Those of you that might think this "idea" is impossible, and perhaps fanciful, might consider what
an architect actually does for a living, he first gets an idea, then draw a picture, scales it all to size
and if his plan is accepted, then his basic "idea" which was a product of his mind, is actually built
and becomes a solid brick building, his idea becomes solidified, just the same as the Absolute
brought about this universe.
First we are spirit, second we are a soul, and third we are still a soul, but having a human experience!
Human beings are not what you really think they are, think about it,take away your "spacesuit"
which is your physical body, and what is left? Some will say your astral body is left, ok, remove
the astral body, and what is left? Can you see where this is leading, dear reader?
Human beings tell themselves stories, and have done so for ages past,this Earth plane is really
a school for us to learn how to become  unified again with that spirit within us, that is anchored
within our soul, human beings are really just  forms, bodies, that allow the soul to find itself fully
and reunite with the whole, to become WHOLLY WHOLE once more.
In part three will unite this together.
Warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome, soul realization face book.

Saturday 14 October 2017


We are born with the fury of a Super Nova, flung out into infinite space, we coalesce and form
elements of congealed star dust, for aeons we journey through the newly formed Cosmos, then
over ageless time past we begin to resemble life as formations.
At this point we are still very much "off line" we are unconsciousness yet alive, but we have no
way of knowing that yet.
Unknown ages pass again before our unaware unconsciousness,when we arrive at a ball of fire
spinning around furiously in a newly forming solar system, we have arrived on what will in billions
of years in the future be called Planet Earth.
Here our real journey begins in earnest, first after millions of years of cooling down and being
together as molten then solid rock, we begin to flow in a primordial soup, a chemical soup that
will eventually by the touch of "electrical magic" coalesce elements in such a way that a living
"pulse" or heart is born out of the Divine electrical spark, this then is the beginning of what will
eventually become you and me.
Consciousness existed within this spark of newly formed mobile life, but not consciousness as
we think we know it today, then the consciousness was totally unconsciousness and within an
absolute darkened state, no light existed within at that level, only the electrical spark that kept
that single celled brother and sister of ours alive and mobile.
We now have billions of cells within our physical body, then we had but one! My how we have
grown! Again ages past, millions upon millions of years, in that time we changed, we grew, we
acquired many many more cells, we diversified, we became more complex organisms, on and
on further aeons past, until we arrive at the time when man burst forth upon this Earth plane
did man actually come from an ape? Many think we did, however they have never yet actually
discovered the so called missing link.
Let us leave aside that argument for now, and just assume  that there was a very primitive
early man who somehow arrived here on earth, it does not really matter from where he arose
what matters is that he was there and lets deal with that.
This early primitive man, had consciousness, had instincts which were the animator of all his
actions, they were all acted on by instinct only, consciousness was the body and the brawn and
the "actioneer" of his deeds,but the mind of early primitive man was as yet unborn.
In part two will enlarge upon this journey from darkness into light.
warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome, soul realization face book.

The Universe Is Thought Made Manifest Consciousness Intently Focused. Part Three.

Consciousness is us! We are within an infinite ocean of consciousness, and we know it not.
You reading this page right now, are the very embodiment of consciousness, meaning in truth and
in fact, that your physical body, in which you live and move and have your being is consciousness
slowed down in vibration, so much so, that it congeals, sets, into a solid looking formation called
your physical body.
Confusion only ever arises when we wrongfully imagine that the universe and this world, and
what occurs in our everyday life is full of different THINGS!  This idea is wholly incorrect, there
are not and infinite amount of different things, the entire universe consists of just ONE THING
and that one thing is CONSCIOUSNESS, This might sound absurd to you reading this, and that
is completely understandable, i felt the say way for many years, we are taught from birth to name
all the different things we come across in our lives, therefore we tend to think that there must
be millions or even billions of different things. Science will validate this claim of mine, just Goggle
it and see, its just that science, or better quantum physics says that ALL IS ENERGY, which i
agree with, but go further and say that this energy is really consciousness.
There is but ONE, and from the one come the illusion of the many, and from the many comes the
ONE, which is consciousness. When we use words like, energy, light, matter, spirit, consciousness
these five names are EXACTLY THE SAME THING, the only difference is the vibration rate
the only real difference in all of these is spirit, spirit is vibrationless, and motionless, the others all
are in rapid motion, Spirit is motionless because it is consciousness in its potentiality state, the
primal state of perfection in absolute stillness, in computer speak, spirit is OFF LINE, awaiting
a call if it comes.
Your mind, is a fixed point within the consciousness matrix, as is your soul, which is a vehicle
for the spirit, your body is a vehicle for the soul, we are all arising within a motionless state, as
our primal reality is SPIRIT, from that motionless state we have entered into the "stream or river"
of expressed life, before we were unexpressed life?
When you know the law of ONE, which is consciousness, God, absolute, all are the same thing, you
can then answer a question that at first would appear as absolutely impossible to answer, and yet
i know the answer to this impossible question without a shred of doubt, the question is this "how many forms of life are there within the universe"? The answer is, just ONE, form of life in the universe, expressed in an infinite number of ways. that's it simple.
warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome soul realization face book.

Friday 13 October 2017

The Universe Is Thought Made Manifest Consciousness Intently Focused. Part Two.

What is the speed of darkness? Darkness isn't a physical category, but rather a state of mind, our
conscious experience changes from moment to moment, but the individual frames of that
experience are timeless, in that sense darkness has no speed!  Darkness is I think ubiquitous in
its nature, and that it seems to be consciousness that is unfocused and without intent is in fact
darkness, which amounts to unrealized potentiality.
Black holes or violent vortexes are I think actually recycle energy (which is consciousness) energy
that has formed into matter, and strip it down as it is pulled into the gaping  chasm of the event
horizon. reducing this matter and energy into its  "primal state" which is Intention manifested
which breaks down simply to THOUGHT!
Dark matter and dark energy do not exist, what is being detected (by inference) is the unrealized
potentiality of latent consciousness, that being absolute and totally full within the universe,
causes distortions and ripples within the continuum, and can be detected by inference on its
effect on the matter and bodies around it.
We all live and move and have our being within an infinite and eternal ocean of thought made
manifested reality,which is just another word for consciousness, we as human beings are consciousness manifested as a physical body, a body made out of compressed consciousness!
The entire universe is consciousness, names such as energy, light,spirit,matter, are all the very
same thing, spirit is consciousness that is absolutely motionlessness, it is ubiquitious in nature
and has no use for motion, and by its name it is infinitely present simultaneously.
Matter, and energy, light, and darkness, are all consciousness, vibrating at different levels of
speed, or in the case of darkness, no vibration at all.
An ancient axiom states that "thoughts are things" that is the truth, whatever we think about
will eventually manifest within our experience and life, so we best be very careful what we think about! We do not realize that power of thought, we fail to see that the WHOLE OF REALITY
is in FACT just a product of thought! Our planet Earth is a thought out product, consciousness
condensed into a ball or sphere which we all happily call our home.
Your physical body, that is in fact just a vehicle for your soul is made out of consciousness that
has been vastly steeped down from its "high estate" and become congealed, made into matter.
Reality can in fact be explained in one word "consciousness" when focused, motion appears and
form into shapes, that in turn become what we call "things", unfocused all is still and motionless.
Which is absolute darkness.
In part three will try and link it all together.
warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome, soul realization.facebook,

Thursday 12 October 2017

The Universe Is Thought Made Manifest Consciousness Intently Focused.

Consciousness exists within both relativity and absoluteness, all is consciousness and consciousness
is all, that is the equation that reality plays to.
Physicists say that consciousness could really be a new state of matter,in fact they have even given
it a new name "Perceptronium" CE "Collective Evolution" says that consciousness creates reality,
physicists admit the universe is , immaterial, mental, and spiritual, that was a quote from CE.
A further quote from Nasseim Haramein, who is director of research for the resonance project,
says,quote, "looking for consciousness in the brain  is like looking in the radio for the announcer!
My last quote is from Gautama Buddha, "We make what we think, all that we are arises with our
thoughts,with our thoughts we make the world" unquote.
An ancient axiom states that "thoughts are things" we all our the product of thought, consciousness
is at the back and front of all universal manifestations, whether it be you or me, or a super nova
about to burst forth a billion light years from here.
Consciousness has many aspects to it, and can "appear" as many differing things, but in truth it is
all the same thing, matter is consciousness congealed, light is consciousness flowing like a river,
life is consciousness  as an expression that is called by us "something" Spirit is consciousness in
a state of absolute motionlessness, the paradox here is that through absolute motionlessness we
get motion springing out of it, imagine the eye within a hurricane, within the center of that eye
is stillness, yet at the periphery the winds can be well over a hundred miles per hour, then imagine
the absolute mind of the absolute in a state of absolute stillness, THEN, Intention arises from within
that absolute quintessent consciousness of the absolute which then creates motion out of stillness.
The other paradox that presents itself here is that from absolute darkness came the light, darkness
is first, then comes the light, the absolute or God for short, is absolute darkness in its motionless
state, and only becomes visible when intention arises, and motion arrives with it.  The whole
physical universe is just a Intention, a thought of the absolute, It thought the universe into
being, and so it was manifested.
Darkness is the "field" from which everything is connected to, darkness was called the "ether" or the other name "aether" these were names given to the "field" that explained how everything seemed
to be connected, to me darkness is now the field that provides infinite connections throughout
the universe. We are all connected to the darkness or reality.
In part two will explore more into the darkness, what is the speed of darkness?
Warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Dreaming-Unravels-Answers-Listening-Intently-Truth-Yields.=D.U.A.L.I.T.Y. Part Three.

In our heart of hearts, we all dream of total union, total acceptance, and unconditional love, to
be wholly whole, totally complete without any fragmentation whatsoever.
This is the root cause of all our longing for completeness and wholeness, we instinctively feel
that there is something missing in our lives, and what is missing, is our connection to our higher
self, the SOUL,  until there is a connection made we will always have this longing for wholeness.
The downside of this great instinctual urge we all have for atonement with the WHOLE, which
translates into our lives, as though something is missing, is that it takes the form of an "hunger"
we all want to "fill this empty void within us" and the way we try and appease this insatiable
appetite  is the reason millions die every year from things like, alcoholism, drug addictions,
food addictions like obesity,and all the other mental, and physical illnesses that arise from this
one simple longing within for wholeness.
We are all encapsulated within the grasp of duality, physically, but we are much more than just
physical beings, we are all three fold beings, physical, mental. and spiritual,we are all aware and know about the first two, physical and mental, but what about the spiritual? Now we all need to
fully understand what this actually means, the spiritual aspect of humanity has "absolutely NOTHING to do with ANY RELIGION"  on this planet EARTH"!!!!! We are all spiritual
beings as the result of universal natural intelligent LAW. All life is spiritual in essence, such is the
The spiritual part of humanity is not a theory, or some bullshit proposition from a scientific think
tank, it is the reality of who we all really are, you need to understand this dear reader, for in the
understanding and acceptance of this universal reality,you will find a way out of being the
fragmented part, and journey toward wholeness and union with your higher self the soul.
This can be accomplished by taking up daily meditation or yoga practices, if we do this daily
discipline, then we will be well on our way to unification within the whole, then that empty
feeling will leave us forever, loneliness will no longer haunt us,although we will still be within
duality, with it dual nature of, on or off, left or right, up or down, deep within us we will feel
the deep emotion of gradually orienting ourselves towards wholeness of being, and that feeling
that we are becoming conscious of a far greater reality, which lies beyond duality, that of the
Warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments very welcome soul realization facebook.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Dreaming-Unravels-Answers-Listening-Intently-Truth-Yields.=D.U.A.L.I.T.Y Part Two.

We are all familiar with duality, it exists all round us, and is firmly embedded within our
consciousness, and many of us no doubt think that this is the only reality that exists; however
we would be very wrong to imagine that duality is all there really is.
There exists another reality, one that never changes, and that is absolute reality, which exists
beneath the illusion of the duality that we all think we know. There are two main differences
between the two, relative reality, has changes taking place, and therefore has motion, in absolute
reality, there is NEVER any change (because there absolute perfection exists, and therefore change
is absolutely unnecessary, and therefore never occurs) and there is no motion all is very still a
state of complete motionlessness.
We each at the core of our being are LIFE or SPIRIT, duality is non existent at this level of being
only absoluteness, at the very center of our being, we are a SELF, your real SELF, which is absolute
now there are about seven billion humans on this Earth plane, and all are SELF, notice that the word
self is singular, not plural, the reason for this is because there is only ONE ABSOLUTE SELF, so
the self that exists within you, is exactly the same self that exists within the other seven or so billions
of us humans.
The one and the many is a riddle that is played out thousands of times over thousands of years, each
one of us reading this now, will play this game. In truth relative, there are seven billion separate humans on Earth, that's how it appears to us, in absolute reality there is just ONE BEING here.
One being, mirrored and replicated seven billions times, exactly like seven billion facets from
within one JEWEL?
We each have three major expressions, in this context, we have seven others in another level, but
within the context of this blog and duality and the absolute, we have three, that being first the
SELF, which is PURE LIFE (spirit) then there is the soul, which acts as a vehicle for the spirit,
and then we have the physical body, which acts as the vehicle for the soul, and is anchored within
the heart chakra.
Our inner urge is to seek union and be at one with our whole being, because we feel separate from
and apart from our inner soul of spirit, we then feel deeply lonely, and all have a deep longing that
arises within us all at times, you dear reader reading this now, have felt this inner longing, the
deep need to connect with the wholeness of LIFE.
In part three will explore this further, warmest regards michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Monday 9 October 2017

Dreaming-Unravels-Answers-Listening-Intently-Truth-Yields. =D.U.A.L.I.T.Y.

What exactly is duality? As you read these words, multiple layers are at work to generate what you
currently experience.
These layers exist independently of each other and yet interact almost directly. The first layer, the
one most of us are most sure of, is yourself, your mind,your consciousness, that which experiences,
the second layer is your body , your brain, the flesh and bone that contains and produces your
consciousness, that which translates external stimuli as sense experience.
The third layer is the rest of the universe, an entity within itself, of which you play a part but cannot
understand and perceive directly (because the second layer, your  body, acts as a barrier).
The separation between the first and third layers is the cause for the "duality" . It is precisely
because your mind cannot directly experience the universe, that a duality is formed, which
separates, understanding, meaning, and truth into two parts, relative and absolute.
Duality is the nature in which anything or everything holds opposing truths,all of which are true.
Duality holds good in our earth plane existence, and continues into other levels of expression that
we all encounter, but mostly forget on awaking , by this I mean our nocturnal visits to the astral
realm, duality still exists within this realm as well, albeit with added additions like being able to
fly at will!
There are seven main astral planes, plus forty nine other sub planes, as we rise higher in vibration
rate, and ascend to the higher levels of life, duality gradually begins to loose its hold on us and
eventually fades out of existence, and then just absoluteness is there.
Our souls exists within the absolute, and we are within both levels simultaneously, relative and
absolute, by going within ourselves we can gradually and consciously exist within both states
of being, by taking up meditation and practicing this, we can steer a course that will  lead us all
into a better comprehension of reality and how it is expressed through varying dimensions.
The Buddha taught the middle way between two extremes, walk the path of neutrality which
lies within the center point of two extremes, neither good nor bad, or right or wrong, just being
without a vector left or right, complete acceptance.
Warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome, facebook soul realization.

Sunday 8 October 2017

Channeler Calls Up An Archangel With The Ease You Call Up For A Beer. Part Three/

At the turn of the century in the 1900's, we had the arrival of Spiritualism, and with that many
fraudster mediums cashed in on this new trend, also at this time you had the snake oil salesman
who promised that a bottle of his snake oil would cure everything from syphillis  to a sore throat!
Spiritualism had its heyday and began to wane in the 1960's with the event of television, we then
had the worship of footballers and film stars, all this type of worship stems from mans inner urge
to "connect" with something.
With the power of the Christian church waning dramatically in the west, and as nature "abhors a
vacuum", something will rush in and fill the void, with the arrival of the internet, and You Tube
a new world of opportunities suddenly came online, enter the modern day snake oil salesman
who now call  themselves Grandiose names like , master, lord whatsisname from another galaxy,
channelers channeling everyone from Jesus to Gengis Khan who all have very important messages
for mankind, and they will tall you all about it, for a price! I wonder if any of these peddlers of
utter crap know the meaning of the word humility?
What we are not ever told, is the truth  of being human, and what it means, mainly because these
sellers of spiritual ideas, do not know who they really are, let alone the poor sucker who is about to pay this con man 200 dollars.
The fact is that all of mankind NEED A HIGHER POWER, that need is inbuilt within the vehicle
(physical body), we all WITHOUT EXCEPTION have an irresistible urge to connect with
something, whether it be a football team, a celebrity, or a God, within us lies our soul, the higher
self, this is our  M ASTER within each human being on this planet,we each have our own inner
GURU, sometimes called that "Still Small Voice from within" that inner voice is that of your soul.
The sad fact is that these days billions of us are completely and totally ignorant of who we really
are, which is SOULS having a human experience upon the earth plane, we are all souls first, and
humans second. If we all knew this reality, we would all instinctively look within, and all find
this inexhaustible supply of knowledge and wisdom, just there for the asking, and whats more
there is zero charge for this down flow into your consciousness.
In truth we all have no need to look anywhere else for guidance other than within our selves, it is
all there within  us awaiting for us to look within and find it. I am not suggesting that we have no need of help from friends or family, far from it, these things enrich our lives and are great and
comforting to experience, what I am saying is to be very aware of those who will tell you your future
or teach you enlightenment for a heavy price, spiritual truth is universally free and available to us
all if we look within, meditate and gradually find that inner peace and wisdom that dwell within
us all.
Warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome facebook soul realization/

Saturday 7 October 2017

Channeler Calls Up An Archangel With The Ease You Call Up For A Beer. Part Two.

The name Michael, as in the Archangel Michael, actually means "who is like God" the answer to
this question is very simple to answer, it is "WE ARE", we are all God within our core spirit
essence, we are God,spirit, first, second we are the soul, and third we are a physical being living
within a vehicle for the soul, (our body).
If we really knew who we were, we would not waste our time and money chasing messages from
bogus fraudsters, of at best deluded buffoons, we would then instinctively know that within each one of us is a wise guru, that being your very own immortal soul,each of us has within themselves this
wise guru, the soul or God within us, some call it the higher self, all you have to do is to look within yourself,  and ask the questions you really want answering, if you persist with this regular meditation
then your soul will answer you, and when it does, you will "instinctively" know that what you have been told, is absolutely true and valid.
Because of our gross ignorance of our true identity. we have all fallen prey to those who are only
too happy to jump in and fill the void of our empty leaderless lives, where the churches are all failing
around the world, humans intuitively want some kind of guidance and reassurance from some form of  "higher power" and this comes today via channelers, and internet gurus, who today are a dime
a dozen and mostly all peddle the same crap, wrapped up in their own egotistical  package, for a
price of course, it does not come free, ask your self this, how much did the Buddha charge his
followers for his teachings? How much did Jesus charge the multitude for his sermon on the Mount,
and also for the loaves and fishes he handed out for lunch?  Yet these gurus and channelers of
"great beings" have the audacity to charge you for the bullshit they peddle!
Now I have been around the world a few times, seen many great things, and have been actively
involved in meditation on a daily basis for well over forty years, have had many spiritual and
psychic experiences, dozens of them over the years, have made contact many times with my higher
self the soul, who is the inner guru within all mankind, just look within you, and that "still small voice" within you will respond to your call, just as it did to mine many years ago.
Mankind getting guidance from wise sages and Oracles have been going on for thousands of years
 all the ancient kings and queens consulted the Oracles before battles or for better harvests.
Psychic and spiritual phenomena are very real things, and are part of natural universal law.
Clairvoyance and other sensitive faculties are again very real and have been used for thousands
of years, it is just that in our modern age, and ,with the internet, it is so easy to scam people like
the telephone psychics! In part three will try and link this all together  and hope it makes sense to
you dear readers of this blog.
warmest regards michael (who is like God)?
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome please, soul realization facebook.

Channeler Calls Up An Archangel With The Ease You Call For A Beer?

Imagine if you got a problem with Microsoft on you computer at home, what would be the chances
of the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, coming personally to your home and fixing your problem?
Supposing I had a deep political question to ask our Prime Minister here in England, what are the odds that she would visit me, and answer my question?
Suppose also that I had a question about royalty, would the Queen of England come to my home,
have a cup of tea, then answer my serious question????
Now imagine this,a person, say we call him Joe, lives in the mid west of America, was say a plumber
by trade, discovers he is very sensitive, psychic even, and then further discovers that he can call
on spirits and talk to them.
Now let us imagine a being such as the Archangel Michael, who according to the Bible is Gods
right hand and most senior Angel, a mighty archangel who must be by the account that God is universal and not localized to planet Earth, also be a universal archangel whose influence must
also reach across billions of light years within our universe.
Now what do you think the odds are for our mid west sensitive plumber, ever meeting up the
Archangel Michael? And further more being able to summon him up at will, to put on a show
for paying customers, with all the ease of calling the bartender for a beer????
When you put it like this it sounds absolutely ludicrous, that a chap can just "demand" the presence
of such a mighty glorious being such as the Archangel Michael, who covers the entire universe
with his presence, but is available on tap in mid west America.!!!!!
Then you have channelers who claim to again "summon up " on tap, and a few hundred dollars
mighty interstellar entities, with impressive made up names like "Noc Nam" which is con man
backwards! They all have very important messages to give us, and they will tell you all for only
two hundred dollars. Or buy three sessions with this alien entity guru and get one session free!
It is said that there is a sucker born every minute, How many of us are suckers buying into this
bullshit? Have we become so lost, and far away from reality, that we are prepared to listen to such
pretentious nonsense, and actually believe it has ANY REAL merit?
What next I wonder, advice from someone channeling a wise dolphin who informs us that his ocean
is being polluted? Or some very far right group like say Neo Nazi;s who claim their leader actually
channels Hitler!!
In part two i will go further into this phenomena, and say that there is hope for us all, but only from
within ourselves, and not from some channeled bullshit that charges the earth for trivial crap.
warmest regards michael.
kirkptrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome, face book soul realization.

Friday 6 October 2017

What Is Light? Liquid-Intelligence-Guiding-Helpful-Thoughts.=L.I.G.H.T. Part Three.

We are trained from birth to look in only one way,from the moment a baby is born it is encouraged
to reach up and try and touch the mobiles that hang from the pram, from then on and for the rest of
its life it will forever look in the same direction, that of outward.
Unless an intervening crisis occurs within the ones life, at that point, maybe one will make an
attempt to look within themselves, or look within and ask Gods help if they are say faced with
a terminal illness.
Modern day mankind is being severely manipulated by all manner of stimulation, from
advertisers, media outlets, which are all owned by just a few moguls who only print the version
of "news" that they want said, nothing more, have you ever wondered why adverts and modern
day pop videos all seem to show flashing lights, and rapid changes of focus points? The reason
for this this is to maintain your attention, psychologists who are on the payroll of big multi
national advertisers, worked out years ago that the attention span of a human was about 4 seconds
slightly less than a goldfish by the way! So to guarantee your undivided attention they change the
images every four seconds, so that you are put into a trance like state, and most likely end up
buying their over priced bullshit product.
The only way out, is to go within yourself, there is a saying which goes like this,"to thine own self
be true" This my dear readers of this blog is absolutely impossible for millions and millions of the
human race, the reason it is impossible is quite simply because No_ONE KNOWS WHO THEY
REALLY ARE!!!!! Do you dear reader of this blog, know exactly who YOU ARE? Most know
only their name, place of birth, and occupation, ask them, who are you, besides your name .rank,
and occupation, and you will most likely get a blank look.
We are all beings of beautiful light, radiant beings, when we are free from the ignorance that stifle
our full expression and radiance, You are an immortal soul, having a human experience, know this
to be true, how will you know this to be true? The answer to that is very simple, go within yourself
take up something like meditation or yoga, practice this daily starting at first with say just ten minutes  a day, ask yourself the question, WHO AM I? If you are patient and persist, you will recieve
your own answer, and then you will know who YOU really are.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments or questions welcomed, soul realzation facebook.

Thursday 5 October 2017

What Is Light? Liquid-Intelligence-Guiding-Helpful-Thoughts.=L.I.G.H.T. Part Two.

We are  totally immersed within the light energy spectrum, physically, mentally. and spiritually,
we are all light at varying levels of vibration.
Our language contains references to light that we never ever think about today, yet long ago when
mankind was closer to nature and much more sensitive, they saw colors that entered our language
and now completely lost in our understanding of what they actually and really mean , here are some
examples of color being used in our language, "green with envy" If a person is really envious of
another's life style or the money they may have, the color Green will radiate from their aura, and it
will be a most unpleasant  shade of sickly snotty green, like phlegm, if you were clairvoyant or
very sensitive you would see the sickly color very clearly in their aura.
"Feeling blue", down in the dumps, maybe even depressed, this state of being will also show up
in the aura of the person affected by this state, it will show up as a "muddy blue" even brown if
very severely depressed, "red with rage" this will show up very clearly within the aura as a
flaming red color, with flashes of other darker colors as well, if this state is held to often, and too
long,heart disease will occur and most likely death.
We are all so out of touch with reality and who we really are, the truth is that billions of us are lost
in a material maze of smart phones, and bullshit empty promises, our ignorance of our true state of
being is absolutely astounding, we know more about the life style of a famous celebrity, than
we do about who and what WE REALLY ARE!!!  We are all wading through a swamp of bullshit
trivia, posing as that of something with "substance" and dying of so many diseases that were unheard
of years ago, because we are so far out on a limb that is rotten.
The whole of humanity is composed of living light congealed and shaped into what is called a
physical body, do you know that to be true? Most likely not, because it is not something you are ever taught at school, you are also never taught at school that we are all souls with bodies, and are all
immortal beings, who just change their vehicles (physical body) at the time of change (death) and
carry on living in the astral realm.
A Quote from Joseph Cambell, says this,"At some point, the body and  mind together become
fundamentally aware and convinced that energy by which the body is pervaded, is the same
as that which illuminates the world and maintains all beings" unquote.
We are all beings of the living light, which is just another word for energy, lack of power is our
main dilemma, but not power from outside of who we are, the power we all need to grow  and
blossom with, lies deeply within ourselves, we all have to look within and find this power.
In part three we will explore this aspect much more deeply. warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome, never get any! soul realization.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

What Is Light ? Liquid-Intelligence-Guiding-Helpful-Thoughts.=L.I.G.H.T.

What is light? We have many forms of light, physical light is the only one that casts shadows, such
as from the sun, moon, and say street lights all these physical lights cast shadows, however the
inner light that of your aura, your etheric body, the light within the head, that we can see in meditation, and all spiritual  and psychic lights cast no shadows, the reason for this is that they are
all self luminous, are lite from within the form, and can never cast a shadow, whereas the sun for
instance cast shadows because it "seems" to be outside of us, and because we perceive all this
light as coming from outside of ourselves, we therefore see countless shadows.
Light is energy in flow, the faster it flows the brighter it will appear,we are all totally immersed
within many forms of light, and the vast majority of it we are totally unaware of, and therefore
ignorant as to its meaning as" messages written within our presence"? If we are ill or upset, or
are in great pain, all this disturbance will show up very clearly within our auras, and also within
our etheric body, which is an electric blue fire like body that completely surrounds the physical
body and is the first place where any physical disharmony within the body appears, it appears
as darkened patches, ,patches hovering over the area that will soon be effected within the physical
body.If a sensitive person, of clairvoyant looked deeply at you, they would see clearly what the problem was, and also where it was in the body, in particular if it was a disease of an organ of heart
problems, it would show up as a color (light) which would show up much darker than the surroundings.
If you are emotional upset, this too will show up in your aura, also your anger and resentments,
and if you are depressed. or very lonely and isolated, this too will show up as colors to be seen
by those that have the eyes to see.
To a sensitive and clairvoyant being nothing can be really hidden from them, there is a saying
in the Christian Bible where I believe Jesus  said "by there fruits ye shall know them" well i
would also add that "by there aura lights, (colors) we shall "see" them, very plainly.
We as human beings are all made up wholly from light, light that has congealed from its liquid
state and has lowered its vibration level vastly to appear as semi solid, i say semi solid as that is
what we really are,we are really shot full of holes at the atomic level.
Will go into this more fully in part two, warmest regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments most welcome, soul realization face book.

Tuesday 3 October 2017

A Coalescing Sequence Of Energy Expressed As Mankind. Part Three.

We are all made of energy,in truth that is all there really is within this physical universe.
All is energy, and that includes consciousness,and light in all its manifestations and wave lengths
energy reigns supreme universally, and is fully "operational" one hundred per cent in every
dimension and vibration levels, that includes, the physical, mental, spiritual, etheric, astral,and all
other planes ascending from within into infinity and eternity.
We all need to pay attention to and fully understand exactly what energy really is. ENERGY is
LIFE  expressed, when it is unexpressed it can be called just SPIRIT or LIFE.
Energy equates to life absolutely, you cannot have one without the other, LIFE stands for, and breaks
there is no motion, it is called SPIRIT.
Consciousness is the focused intent of energy contained within a "fixed point" , the fixed point
is our self awareness, and self consciousness.
We are really and truly "fixed points"within an infinite ocean of energy, what we are looking for
is a way to go with the flow, which we hope will be positive results coming from our positive
actions and thoughts.
Just like the tides of our earths oceans,which are all energy when understood, we can be on an ebbing tide, or caught up in a full tidal surge, our calm periods can be likened to the phenomena called
"slack water" when there is a momentary pause in the tidal flow, and all current flow stops for a
We are not just souls having a human experience, we are also souls gathering experiences and
gradually over many life times, learning from those experiences, and moving on and upward
upon the ascending arc of our evolution, we gradually come to understand, through pain and suffering
that we need to go with the flow of energy, that means we all have to reduce dramatically our
resistance to the positive flow of energy, the least resistance we offer up, the better our living
experience will be.
If we can let go of all the crap (negative habits, and actions, thoughts,) we can then begin to align
ourselves positively to the life enhancing flow of life, our life can flow expansion wise, that means
we are in harmony with the flow, or it can slowly strangle us in a constrictive hold if we persist
in negative action, thoughts, and deeds.
We all pays our money and takes our choice, what do you choose dear reader of this blog?
warmest regards mmichael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any comments welcome facebook soul realization.

Monday 2 October 2017

A Coalescing Sequence Of Energy Expressed As Mankind. Part Two.

The very ancient axiom, which states very clearly that "thoughts are things" which means they "always" materialize within our very personal orbit of being,whether they are negative or positive
without fail, such is the law of cause and effect or Karma if you prefer, therefore be very careful
what you think, say, and do.
Thoughts are like knitting needles that construct a pattern within our life, whether it be beautiful
or downright ugly, what we are weaving is the energy that envelops us all and is the energy that
cause and effect spring out of, this energy without a focused reference point, such as our  self
consciousness and awareness, is completely neutral and is neither positive or negative, it only
becomes activated when we think things, and thereby act upon them, then depending on what we
have created, it will inexorably return to you positive or negative, dis-ease or unity?
If we are ignorant of these laws, they will still effect us, ignorance is no defense from reality
taking its toll of your actions, if you were totally  ignorant of the law of gravity, and walked of a
three hundred foot cliff, you would die is seconds, you can cheat the laws of man, or hire a good
"word smith" lawyer and be acquitted from murder, if you have the cash to pay this word smith
but with universal natural laws there is no escape whatsoever, the only real option we ever will have
is to educate ourselves as to exactly what they are, then align ourselves to them, so that we benefit
from a prosperous and positive life expression.
Energy can be our savior or our destroyer (physically that is) it is up to us, and how we conduct
ourselves, "conduct" is an interesting word, like the way electricity flows and is guided or conducted
along a thought out route, that will benefit us all, like lighting up our homes etc, all energy without
being "conducted" is neutral, so how we "conduct" ourselves depends if we are to be healthy and
fit, or riddled with cancer, (cancer by the way is negative energy localized within a body) all our
dis-eases come from negative energy consequences impacting upon our being.
We are all basically conductors of energy,  we can conduct our life like a well orchestrated
symphony, where we will be in TUNE with all the impacting energy, and therefore our life will
be blessed with robust health, vim, and vitality, or the opposite a complete inharmonious cacopony
of negative noise, that will impact upon us in ill health and even death if left long enough.
In  part three will try and link all this together in a composite whole, wrm regards michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com comments welcome, please make some, soul realization.