Sunday 8 October 2017

Channeler Calls Up An Archangel With The Ease You Call Up For A Beer. Part Three/

At the turn of the century in the 1900's, we had the arrival of Spiritualism, and with that many
fraudster mediums cashed in on this new trend, also at this time you had the snake oil salesman
who promised that a bottle of his snake oil would cure everything from syphillis  to a sore throat!
Spiritualism had its heyday and began to wane in the 1960's with the event of television, we then
had the worship of footballers and film stars, all this type of worship stems from mans inner urge
to "connect" with something.
With the power of the Christian church waning dramatically in the west, and as nature "abhors a
vacuum", something will rush in and fill the void, with the arrival of the internet, and You Tube
a new world of opportunities suddenly came online, enter the modern day snake oil salesman
who now call  themselves Grandiose names like , master, lord whatsisname from another galaxy,
channelers channeling everyone from Jesus to Gengis Khan who all have very important messages
for mankind, and they will tall you all about it, for a price! I wonder if any of these peddlers of
utter crap know the meaning of the word humility?
What we are not ever told, is the truth  of being human, and what it means, mainly because these
sellers of spiritual ideas, do not know who they really are, let alone the poor sucker who is about to pay this con man 200 dollars.
The fact is that all of mankind NEED A HIGHER POWER, that need is inbuilt within the vehicle
(physical body), we all WITHOUT EXCEPTION have an irresistible urge to connect with
something, whether it be a football team, a celebrity, or a God, within us lies our soul, the higher
self, this is our  M ASTER within each human being on this planet,we each have our own inner
GURU, sometimes called that "Still Small Voice from within" that inner voice is that of your soul.
The sad fact is that these days billions of us are completely and totally ignorant of who we really
are, which is SOULS having a human experience upon the earth plane, we are all souls first, and
humans second. If we all knew this reality, we would all instinctively look within, and all find
this inexhaustible supply of knowledge and wisdom, just there for the asking, and whats more
there is zero charge for this down flow into your consciousness.
In truth we all have no need to look anywhere else for guidance other than within our selves, it is
all there within  us awaiting for us to look within and find it. I am not suggesting that we have no need of help from friends or family, far from it, these things enrich our lives and are great and
comforting to experience, what I am saying is to be very aware of those who will tell you your future
or teach you enlightenment for a heavy price, spiritual truth is universally free and available to us
all if we look within, meditate and gradually find that inner peace and wisdom that dwell within
us all.
Warmest regards michael. any comments welcome facebook soul realization/

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