Wednesday 25 October 2017


It has been said that "love make the world go round" and surely it does just that, but is there not
a grave shortage of this precious virtue in the world today? When we read or see the news on TV
is there not constant reports of wars and terrorism effecting many countries worldwide, not much
love here is there? This most precious vibration, the vibration of life itself, seems to be in a grave
scarcity these days.
What then is love? What is its nature? Love is the basic and fundamental bedrock of what we hardly
understand life to be, the nature of love is "Absolute Inclusivity" and absolute unconditional
acceptance,  love is the "Energy of Spiritual Intention, made Manifest" in reality no-thing else
can possibly EXIST? What we see, feel, and experience, like those emotions of hatred, bigotry,
envy, jealousy, resentment, all these so called negative states of expression, are really all at the very
end of a continuum that love actually is, at its highest level it is unconditional acceptance and
totally inclusive, and the other end of its continuum it is very different and is conditional,
selfishly promoted,and bears within it immense pain and suffering if you disagree with its
Millions of us on earth are actually sleepwalking into oblivion, and are completely unaware of
this sad state of affairs. We fail to see, we fail to understand,we fail to feel. that which is hidden
from us in plain sight! If you look into the mirror, what do you really see? Yes i know you will
see your face, your form, your shape, but what else do you see? If you looked deeply into your
eyes looking back at you in the mirror, if you looked really deeply into those eyes, what you
would see, is love looking back at YOU, and the REASON it would be looking back at YOU,
is because that is what you and all of us, actually are!!! We all our the EMBODIMENT of
love, LOVE is a DIVINE universal ENERGY, we all are MADE OUT Of this ENERGY, the
radiant fluid divine energy, is steeped vastly down in vibration, so much so that it congeals and
sets into what we commonly call a physical body. Consciousness is love in flowing motion,
if we open our minds, and expand our consciousness, peer deeply into our perceptions and awaken
our intuition, we will then be born aloft on a tide of rising emotion that of love rushing into your
conscious awareness and perception.
In part two will explore this perception and love more deeply.
warmest regards michael. any comments welcome facebook soul realization

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