Wednesday 18 October 2017

Love-Ignites-Gods-Holistic-Thoughts.=L.I.G.H.T. Part Three

Our souls which lie deeply embedded within our heart chakra, flashes a beacon of light, rather like
a lighthouse flashing its warning beam into the darkened sea.
The light of the soul flashes in pulsating waves, and we only ever seem to notice this, when we are in
a crisis, (the main reason for this failure to see and feel this pulsating throb of the soul, it because of
our total fascination for always looking forever OUTWARD, we never look within unless we are in
trouble) when our backs are to the wall, when we are in pain and great emotional stress, we then become "open to catch" that still small voice  that arises from deep within us,this is the voice of
your soul, your higher self, "its" light comes in the form of a whisper, a reassuring inner voice that
says to you that all will be well, and you instinctively know this to be totally true, and accept this
voice unconditionally.
Mankind is basically fundamentally and actually GOD in multidimensional forms, we are three
dimensional in the vertical, starting with the spirit first, then the soul, then the human body, the
vehicle for the spirit is the soul, and the vehicle for the soul is the physical body, all these three
bodies are made of light, the spirit is purity absolute, the soul is purity relative, and the human
body is the slowest light vibration level and is again relative.
We also have seven other bodies "light bodies" starting from the physical, etheric,astral, on up to
the bliss body, these expressions of being-ness make a total number of ten, which can be seen as
the number of perfection, usually displayed as a perfect circle with one line running vertical
through it.
Like the rhyme I was a poet and didn't know it, we all are God and we don't know it either!!! Its
time to wake up humanity, and realize just who we all really are, we are all beacons of eternal
luminosity, but we have forgotten how to shine!  Look within you today, take up meditation, do
it every day, and see how you will begin to glow, if every being on this planet did this for long
enough, we would all emit a light that would outshine the SUN.
warmest regards michael. all comments welcome, soul realization face book.

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