Wednesday 18 October 2017


When a crisis comes a calling, change is summoned by the soul,most if not all of us are very
reluctant to bring about any change in our lives, unless our backs are up against a brick wall
with no way out seen,there may be some of you out there that can and have actually effected
changes in your life, without a crisis intervening, I take my hat of to you all who can do that
I however was not one of those fortunate few who can bring about a change without any crisis.
I was given just three months to live by my doctor, before the crisis was severe enough for me
to get of my fat ass and actually do something about it. I asked for help, and was told "I was beyond
human aid!!! I thought that just being given three months to live, was a pretty major crisis, then to
be told that, well I thought I better get a shovel and start digging my own grave! Instead of doing
that i fell to my knees and asked that Big man in the sky for help, to my utter surprise and amazement
a deep inner voice spoke to me, and asked me what did I know? I tried to answer as to what I knew,
and immediately a great pressure was put upon me, so much so that I could hear my bones crunching
under the immense pressure,the voice asked again, the same question, what do you know? As I
tried to answer the question as to what I thought i knew, the pressure got so intense I thought i was
about to pass out,  my skull was like making cracking noises under this immense pressure,again
the inner voice said, what do you know? Immediately i said absolutely nothing! I know nothing
at all, zero minus, as soon as i had said that, the pressure was instantly lifted, and the voice said
yes Michael you know nothing, you have much to learn, now go to your bed, while healing begins
upon your broken body. I ran up those stairs as fast as my legs would carry me and jumped into
bed fully clothed, pulled the blankets over me, and I just lost consciousness then.
I slept for over fourteen hours and awoke into another world of understanding and consciousness,
I understood what had happened to me, and that now i was going to be healthy and well, my crisis
was the best thing that has ever happened in my seventy two years of life upon this planet, in part
two will talk about many others who each had their crisis and how in changed their lives for the better.
Warmest regards michael. any comments welcome,face book soul realization.

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