Monday 16 October 2017

Dream-About-Reality-Knowing-Nothing-Except-Somnambulistic-Silence=Darkness. Part Three.

Destiny is born within infinite mind.
Awareness as yet unborn.
Rolling out within evolution's pulse.
Kiln of fire burning brightly.
Nothing registers in unconscious state.
Eternity passes still asleep.
Soulful download, dawning breaks.
Spring has arrived, and "I" is born= D.A.R.K.N.E.S.S.
We were all asleep and as yet unborn, for billions of years, it is only recently in the past few million
or so years, that we have somewhat awoken, we all have a vast history behind us,that is stored and
vouchsafed within our DNA, that can be assessed by focused meditation over a period of time.
Whatever there has been before, you have experienced it,our experiences span billions of years
right back to the first "casting out" of the Absolute motionlessness state, into the maelstrom of
motioning within involution first, then after a momentary pause. evolution began in earnest, we all
have these distant memories locked within our DNA.
Now in the present time, we are called human beings, and wear a thing called a physical body, which
in truth and in fact is really a "spacesuit" for the indwelling soul, which is who you and I really ARE!
We were first and last SPIRIT, that is what we ALL really are, and will always BE, We are spirit, soul. and physical body, the soul is the vehicle for the spirit, and the physical body is the vehicle for
the soul. Human beings in reality do not EXIST, I mean in absolute reality that is, we only ever exist
within this relative reality, which by its name is Temporal in nature.
The spirit and soul are eternal, the human being which is really just the spacesuit (body) is not eternal
and is basically animated "STARDUST" nothing more!
We need always remember that where we all came from which is the Absolute Infinite Consciousness
or just GOD for short, is NOT A HUMAN BEING!! There is no big man in the sky with a long beard
looking down on us all, what the is, is Infinite Absolute Consciousness, from which this universe
emanates from within its infinite mind, it itself Transcends the universe and all else.
If we look within ourselves, ask ourselves this most important question any human can ask of
themselves, the question is this; WHO AM I? If you continue to ask this question of your inner self
in regular daily meditation, you will eventually receive an answer from your higher self, which is your soul. That still small voice that you have heard within you, in times of trial and crisis, is that
inner voice of your soul. Your soul will tell you who you REALLY ARE!
warmest regards michael. any comments welcome face book soul realization.

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