Monday 2 October 2017

A Coalescing Sequence Of Energy Expressed As Mankind. Part Two.

The very ancient axiom, which states very clearly that "thoughts are things" which means they "always" materialize within our very personal orbit of being,whether they are negative or positive
without fail, such is the law of cause and effect or Karma if you prefer, therefore be very careful
what you think, say, and do.
Thoughts are like knitting needles that construct a pattern within our life, whether it be beautiful
or downright ugly, what we are weaving is the energy that envelops us all and is the energy that
cause and effect spring out of, this energy without a focused reference point, such as our  self
consciousness and awareness, is completely neutral and is neither positive or negative, it only
becomes activated when we think things, and thereby act upon them, then depending on what we
have created, it will inexorably return to you positive or negative, dis-ease or unity?
If we are ignorant of these laws, they will still effect us, ignorance is no defense from reality
taking its toll of your actions, if you were totally  ignorant of the law of gravity, and walked of a
three hundred foot cliff, you would die is seconds, you can cheat the laws of man, or hire a good
"word smith" lawyer and be acquitted from murder, if you have the cash to pay this word smith
but with universal natural laws there is no escape whatsoever, the only real option we ever will have
is to educate ourselves as to exactly what they are, then align ourselves to them, so that we benefit
from a prosperous and positive life expression.
Energy can be our savior or our destroyer (physically that is) it is up to us, and how we conduct
ourselves, "conduct" is an interesting word, like the way electricity flows and is guided or conducted
along a thought out route, that will benefit us all, like lighting up our homes etc, all energy without
being "conducted" is neutral, so how we "conduct" ourselves depends if we are to be healthy and
fit, or riddled with cancer, (cancer by the way is negative energy localized within a body) all our
dis-eases come from negative energy consequences impacting upon our being.
We are all basically conductors of energy,  we can conduct our life like a well orchestrated
symphony, where we will be in TUNE with all the impacting energy, and therefore our life will
be blessed with robust health, vim, and vitality, or the opposite a complete inharmonious cacopony
of negative noise, that will impact upon us in ill health and even death if left long enough.
In  part three will try and link all this together in a composite whole, wrm regards michael. comments welcome, please make some, soul realization.

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