Tuesday 24 October 2017

Fiction-Expressed-As-Reality.=F.E.A.R. Part Three.

Restrict? =F.E.A.R.
Too much choice breeds confusion, not happiness,you want a cup of coffee, just a cup of coffee
please you say to the assistant behind the counter,which sort sir, she replies, just normal coffee
and milk please,I say, what sort of coffee sir? We have African, South american, Egyptian, by this
time i have had enough of choice, and say i prefer Martian coffee, have you any in stock?
Millions of our fellow humans have just two choices to make, that of living or dying, in the Famine
stricken lands of Africa and other countries where there is zero food and zero water, there is no
multiple choice, in fact for millions there is just one option only open, that is to die of hunger and
thirst. They have not got multiple choices of what coffee to drink, or which cereal to buy this week.
All these exotic flavours and scents are designed for one thing, to keep you away from looking
where you really need to look, and that is within yourself.
We are all becoming a colony of global fascinators? We are so busy watching the little screen on
our smart phones, that we fail to see the bus that mows us down in the road, many each year are killed while watching their phones! Or walk off a cliff while taking a selfie! Fear stalks the land
and cuts down millions each year, I will tell you now what the ROOT CAUSE of all fears actually
is. The root cause of all global fears, wars, and dis-ease is complete and utter ignorance of whom
you really are.
If we all knew who we really were, then overnight there would be global peace and harmony,
dis-ease would slowly melt away as we all woke up from our ignorant slumber and smelled the
real coffee blended by the spirit within you.
We, all human beings, are souls with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls! We are all souls having
a human experience here on the Earth plane, we are here for one reason only, that of gathering
experience, and understanding what it feels like to feel "APART FROM THE WHOLE", it truth
we are never ever apart from the WHOLE, that is totally impossible, and cannot happen, but the
feeling of being apart from the whole, FEELS VERY REAL INDEED! Our fears are of not knowing
ourselves, when we know who and what we are,fear will vanish from your life. Look within yourself
take up the regular practice of yoga, or meditation, ask yourself the most important question you will
ever ask yourself, that of asking, WHO AM I? You are a soul having a human experience, please
do not take my word for this truth, examine the reality for yourself, look within you, ask the question
who am I? And if you persist with this question your very own answer will present itself to you
within your level of consciousness. Then you will know for sure just who you really are, and when
you do that dear reader, please pass this message on to all you meet.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any questions welcome, facebook soul realization.

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