Friday 6 October 2017

What Is Light? Liquid-Intelligence-Guiding-Helpful-Thoughts.=L.I.G.H.T. Part Three.

We are trained from birth to look in only one way,from the moment a baby is born it is encouraged
to reach up and try and touch the mobiles that hang from the pram, from then on and for the rest of
its life it will forever look in the same direction, that of outward.
Unless an intervening crisis occurs within the ones life, at that point, maybe one will make an
attempt to look within themselves, or look within and ask Gods help if they are say faced with
a terminal illness.
Modern day mankind is being severely manipulated by all manner of stimulation, from
advertisers, media outlets, which are all owned by just a few moguls who only print the version
of "news" that they want said, nothing more, have you ever wondered why adverts and modern
day pop videos all seem to show flashing lights, and rapid changes of focus points? The reason
for this this is to maintain your attention, psychologists who are on the payroll of big multi
national advertisers, worked out years ago that the attention span of a human was about 4 seconds
slightly less than a goldfish by the way! So to guarantee your undivided attention they change the
images every four seconds, so that you are put into a trance like state, and most likely end up
buying their over priced bullshit product.
The only way out, is to go within yourself, there is a saying which goes like this,"to thine own self
be true" This my dear readers of this blog is absolutely impossible for millions and millions of the
human race, the reason it is impossible is quite simply because No_ONE KNOWS WHO THEY
REALLY ARE!!!!! Do you dear reader of this blog, know exactly who YOU ARE? Most know
only their name, place of birth, and occupation, ask them, who are you, besides your name .rank,
and occupation, and you will most likely get a blank look.
We are all beings of beautiful light, radiant beings, when we are free from the ignorance that stifle
our full expression and radiance, You are an immortal soul, having a human experience, know this
to be true, how will you know this to be true? The answer to that is very simple, go within yourself
take up something like meditation or yoga, practice this daily starting at first with say just ten minutes  a day, ask yourself the question, WHO AM I? If you are patient and persist, you will recieve
your own answer, and then you will know who YOU really are.
Warmest regards Michael. comments or questions welcomed, soul realzation facebook.

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