Saturday 14 October 2017

The Universe Is Thought Made Manifest Consciousness Intently Focused. Part Three.

Consciousness is us! We are within an infinite ocean of consciousness, and we know it not.
You reading this page right now, are the very embodiment of consciousness, meaning in truth and
in fact, that your physical body, in which you live and move and have your being is consciousness
slowed down in vibration, so much so, that it congeals, sets, into a solid looking formation called
your physical body.
Confusion only ever arises when we wrongfully imagine that the universe and this world, and
what occurs in our everyday life is full of different THINGS!  This idea is wholly incorrect, there
are not and infinite amount of different things, the entire universe consists of just ONE THING
and that one thing is CONSCIOUSNESS, This might sound absurd to you reading this, and that
is completely understandable, i felt the say way for many years, we are taught from birth to name
all the different things we come across in our lives, therefore we tend to think that there must
be millions or even billions of different things. Science will validate this claim of mine, just Goggle
it and see, its just that science, or better quantum physics says that ALL IS ENERGY, which i
agree with, but go further and say that this energy is really consciousness.
There is but ONE, and from the one come the illusion of the many, and from the many comes the
ONE, which is consciousness. When we use words like, energy, light, matter, spirit, consciousness
these five names are EXACTLY THE SAME THING, the only difference is the vibration rate
the only real difference in all of these is spirit, spirit is vibrationless, and motionless, the others all
are in rapid motion, Spirit is motionless because it is consciousness in its potentiality state, the
primal state of perfection in absolute stillness, in computer speak, spirit is OFF LINE, awaiting
a call if it comes.
Your mind, is a fixed point within the consciousness matrix, as is your soul, which is a vehicle
for the spirit, your body is a vehicle for the soul, we are all arising within a motionless state, as
our primal reality is SPIRIT, from that motionless state we have entered into the "stream or river"
of expressed life, before we were unexpressed life?
When you know the law of ONE, which is consciousness, God, absolute, all are the same thing, you
can then answer a question that at first would appear as absolutely impossible to answer, and yet
i know the answer to this impossible question without a shred of doubt, the question is this "how many forms of life are there within the universe"? The answer is, just ONE, form of life in the universe, expressed in an infinite number of ways. that's it simple.
warmest regards michael. any comments welcome soul realization face book.

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