Saturday 21 October 2017

Countenance-Of-Mankind-Atrophied.=C.O.M.A. Part Three.

Addle? =C.O.M.A.
Can our minds become addled? The answer is yes it can, and often is, we all are spoon-fed
bullshit, drip-fed to us by advertisers, pharma companies (who have a massive investment in
keeping you sick, and buying their crap) "news" media, which is owned by a very few, who
slant their bullshit news to foster their interests, not yours!  The shallowness of TV shows
that have the gall to call themselves entertainment, they churn out mindless drivel, which
keeps millions entranced with the hypnotic flashes on the screen and every ten minutes the
mindless drivel is interrupted by advertisers who want to sell you their brand of useless crap.
So when you add all this up, it makes for a very sick planet,(pardon me, the planet is ok, we are
the ones who are sick)  "bullshit replaces reality" that is the state we are all in now! We are all
lied to incessantly.
We are never educated into the reality of what exactly is a human being?  No schools, colleges,
or universities, teach what is man exactly? ZERO education.
The human race has lost its "WHOLENESS" and this is replaced by a great awning abyss  which
centers around our solar plexus, that empty feeling we all get, that inner "longing" for "completeness"
to become whole again. We all long for union with our higher self the soul, but because zero is
taught about this reality, unless you are a sensitive being, who naturally looks within and finds an answer, we are at a loss as to how to quell this inner longing, this deep hunger for completeness,
so because we are lost, we try and fill this gaping abyss with things like alcohol, drugs, food addictions, plus mental and emotional breakdowns, all these plus many other negative habits we
use to fill this inner longing for wholeness. This kills millions of humans years, and the numbers are
growing at an alarming rate yearly, soon there will be billions dying every year, you reading this blog
now, for sure know friends or family that are suffering in this way, maybe even you are hooked on
something yourself. I am hear to tell you that there is HOPE, all you need to do is look within you
take up meditation or yoga, realize that truly you are a SOUL having a human experience, your soul
is within you, you may have actually heard it talk to you in times of trial and sorrow, that still small
voice that is within you, is your immortal soul, so take heart its never too late to "get to know your
true self", ask your inner self the question who am I? If you are patient your soul will answer you.
warmest regards michael. any comments welcome facebook soul realization.

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