Thursday 31 March 2022


 Mankind exists within a physical vehicle we call the human body, remove the physical body

and mankind no longer exists. We only exists because we have a physical body and a astral 

body, remove these vehicles and all you have left is the SOUL, which is SPIRIT in essence.

Our bodies are made up of countless trillions of ATOMS and these atoms have been active 

since the very beginning of this universe billions of years ago. All atoms have MEMORY

and are in fact miniature points of consciousness, there is a book about the consciousness

of the atom, all atoms have a memory of their journey through this cosmos and humanity

is also a miniature representation  of this relative universe, which means that every piece

of knowledge  and wisdom that exists is ALSO VOUCHSAFED within YOU NOW!

All you have to do is to look within yourself, within us all lies universal knowledge and

all wisdom. In truth we are not here on Earth to LEARN ANYTHING but rather to 

UNCOVER what lies BENEATH the FACADE of FORM which is the human

vehicle. By going within ourselves with mediation or yoga , we are beginning to tune

into that infinite cosmos that lies within us all;

The only barrier that exists which will stop you from knowing all there is to know and 

to find universal wisdom is your own IGNORANCE of just who you really are.

LET GO of your ignorance and embrace that reality that lies within you RIGHT NOW!

All truth and universal wisdom is all VOUCHSAFED WITHIN YOU NOW, what are 

you waiting for? Open your heart as well as your mind, look within and find YOUR-SELF!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 30 March 2022


 This blog today entitled SEEM is about how so many souls worldwide are awakening  up

and beginning to realize what lies beneath their FACADE of form, which is the physical

body. Many souls today are waking up through undergoing a major crises in their lives.

This crisis forces so many souls to look within themselves and seek out an answer to the

question who am I really? Others are waking up through taking up the practice of 

meditation or yoga. With so much information available on the internet  with many

websites devoted entirely about how to realize your soul.

More and more human beings are emerging from under the cloak of flesh and blood

and are seeing that within themselves they feel a SPIRITUAL PRESENCE this 

presence is your very own immortal divine soul.

The buzz word these days is ascension  which seems to have replaced the older 

word of evolution. Many websites are all about ascension and what it means to the 

individual. We begin to realize that we have been asleep to the hidden inner presence

We are gradually waking up and actually feeling this presence within us, By taking 

up meditation or yoga we can begin to tap into these inner resources, here we begin

to tune into our intuition which is that still small inner voice ,which often speaks words

of reassurance when we are in a crisis. That inner small voice is your higher self which 

when you make actual contact with it  will reveal the fact that your higher self is really 

none other than your very own immortal divine soul.

It is written in all our destinies that we each realize our own immortal soul, we will all get 

there one day, either in this present incarnation or the next one, but sooner or later we will

all arrive at the portal that open the door to full SOUL REALIZATION.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 29 March 2022


 The VOID is that eternal SPACELESS SPACE that exists within the Primordial Matrix

of all expressed life. At the core of our being-ness lies the VOID which is centred within

the Absolute and anchored there eternally . This is our permanent fixture and anchor with

that of the eternal reality that we all ARE. The void is enfolded within us, and when we

venture within ourselves while practising meditation or yoga , we begin to touch this 

Absolute Infinite inner void. Inwards we are all firmly anchored within the Absolute 

embrace of the formless void which is that of Absolute Divine Intelligence. Outwardly

we are covered within five layers or Koshas that span over five dimensions of expression 

the last and most dense is this physical one. We may feel at times that of being abandoned

or in times of trial and despair, that we are all alone, but in truth we can never become lost

or abandoned from our Divine Anchorage which keeps us all safe and secure.

When we look within ourselves, we are looking in the direction of where we all come 

from, our home within the ALL.

The VOID beckons us to look within , this often takes the form of an arising CRISIS  in

our lives, which causes us to take stock of our lives and begin looking within ourselves

for the answer to who we really are, when we know ourselves we will lose all our fears

and know that we are all immortal souls, that we are always SAFE and secure within 

the loving embrace of the Infinite Eternal VOID.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 28 March 2022


 What is sin honestly? Do  you know? The word that is SIN has been used by the Priests of

old to mean that we can cause offence to GOD,(as if that were ever possible!)  by our 

BEHAVIOR and that we need to listen to the words of the church elders , who will explain

to you that you are a sinner keep you in fear. This has given enormous power to the priests 

of old. To me the word SIN means something completely different and has nothing whatsoever

to do with so called holy men or priests. SIN means SPIRIT-IS-NEGATED when we negate

our true being we are sinners because we are denying our true nature though ignorance of who

we really are. So what is a human being? We are all THREE FOLD  BEINGS expressions  of

life. Which is presented through us as that of being physical, mental, spiritual, a three fold 

expression of human life;

Because of our gross ignorance of who and what we really are millions of us are only two

dimensional expressed beings, which is physical and mental, the third dimension  the spiritual

is not being activated, because so many of us do NOT KNOW ITS THERE!

Which means that we are only TWO THIRDS ALIVE the spiritual dimension is not being

expressed. This blog entitled WISH is about us knowing who we really ARE which is a 

physical, mental, and spiritual being. 


is that of NOT KNOWING who we REALLY ARE!

When you really know who you are we then are incapable of becoming a SINNER  because

now we know who we really are, and that third part of our three fold expression being the 

spiritual aspect, is now getting our fullest attention.

Warmest regards michael; any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 27 March 2022


 This blog today entitled BEING which spells out the words BEFORE EMERGENCE "I" 

NEGOTIATED  GATEWAY, who is this "I" that negotiated the gateway, and who did this

"I" negotiate with?  The "I" here in question is the immortal Divine Soul, and who the soul

negotiated with was the four Element which are that of Earth-Air-Fire-Water, the soul asked 

these four elements for permission to make a human body vehicle, so that it could gain 

purchase in this dense physical dimension of Earth.

The four elements which are all that of Divine Intelligence they agree to loan the soul

their vital ingredients  it needs to incarnate here upon the Earth. The fifth element which

is the ETHER is supplied by the presence of the soul making the equation of expressed 

life on Earth complete.

When the negotiations are complete the soul then is ready to leave the Astral Realm  and

proceed Earthwards to incarnation. This process begins by the soul falling into a deep

slumber, and while unconscious is pulled out over the river of forget-full-ness which  is

the proverbial river STYX, here the soul is caught up in a vortex which spins clockwise

downwards into the Earth plane(here downwards means lowering vibrations frequencies)

While the soul is within the vortex the four elements add their vital ingredients to the 

mixture, that will become born a human baby. The soul will then plunge into the host 

mother  and will then become a living human being. The point of the soul arrival is 

called the "QUICKENING" within the mother.

This clockwise rotation remains intact for the whole duration of that human life span

at the point of death the downward clockwise rotation ceases, and immediately an 

upward counter clockwise rotation opens up, and escorts the soul back into the astral

realm. These rotations are made up of electromagnetic fields of undulating energy.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 26 March 2022


 This blog entitled "I AM" ME is about how our "I AM" point of reference is "wrapped" 

around the mental energy that we call that of "ME", ME exists as Manifested Intelligent

Energy wrapped around a singularity vortex  that holds the reference point "YOU"  in

coherent stasis. The "I AM" is the SPIRIT or SOUL aspect of your matrix  the ME part 

is that of the human being who finds this ME within itself. ME is in truth just that of

fluidic pure energy that is infinite intelligence that pervades this universe,

When we think of ME we are thinking of a physical body , but this occurs only  because

of our ignorance of what energy actually IS, ENERGY is SPIRIT in MOTION  which is

absolute INTELLIGENCE. But because of our limited understanding of who we think

that ME is a physical relative body, this ME that has a name label attached to it.

I AM is spirit  wrapped around five koshas of layered energy at differing vibratory

frequencies which emerge as what we call a Soul,  the soul is then wrapped within a

singularity vortex and presented within a toroidal double torus field of undulating 

electromagnetic energy , this is where the physical representation of the human being

surfaces at around two years old when the IDEA  of ME  is BORN within the EGO

ME is in truth the manifestation of intelligent  energy wrapped around a physical 

vehicle and wrongly seen as meaning that ME is a physical body called whatever 

you choose to call it.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 25 March 2022


 Is it not written that the truth will set you free? What is this TRUTH that will ultimately 

set us free? Well there are many answers to this question, but the one that will ultimately

set you free, is when you fully know who you are, all other truth's pail into insignificance

when compared to this of SELF KNOWING. Why is it so important that we fully know

ourselves? That is a good question, well the answer is that until you fully know yourself

you will be and remain committed to endless incarnations here until you do exactly that!

The sole reason we are all here on Earth in a human body is for us to realise the SOUL

that dwells within us all, And until that is realised we are committed to keep incarnating

until we do. The truth about who you really are, will set you free from the bondage of 

endless incarnations here upon the Earth.

It will set you free to explore other possibilities in other dimensions of expressions, We 

are most fortunate to be living in a time where there is so much information available

on many websites which teach about self knowing, the reality of the soul realization

which is open to all who seek within themselves. This digital  is a bonus for all seekers 

of inner knowledge, we have many choices and teaching methods open to us all if we 

chose to use them. The TRUTH is that YOU  reading this blog now, are much more than

you think you are, YOU reading this NOW  are an IMMORTAL DIVINE SOUL

having a human experience with a human body VEHICLE. THAT is WHO YOU REALLY

ARE,THAT is the TRUTH -THAT will SET YOU FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickichael17@gm any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Thursday 24 March 2022


 Humanity and all expressed life universally is an eternal principle which is Spirit 

becoming relatively aligned and being cloaked within physical matter. What is life?

To me life stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy. that is what LIFE actually

is. The inner matrix of expressed life is SPIRIT which is an eternal constant. 

The eternal is motionless, the same as the eternal principle  of the NOW which is

also motionless , it is expressed life that moves through the medium we call evolution

Evolution is about moving LIFE through stages of more advanced expressions on and

upwards leading to that of realizing the point of SELF AWARENESS. 

Humanity as self aware and know that they are "I AM" self aware consciousness,.

This point in evolution is the point where we begin to recognise that latent Divinity

that is within us all.

We become spiritually aware which means that we feel that there is a hidden presence

within us that feels different from that of just being human.  When we take notice of this

we enter into a new ERA which is the title of this blog today.

This new ERA is about waking up and realizing that we are all SOULS with physical bodies;

That primarily we understand that we are all Divine immortal  souls  undergoing a human 

relative incarnation experience  upon this planet earth.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Wednesday 23 March 2022


 Understanding what light  actually is reveals the magic SPELL that conjures up a 

multitude of varieties of expressed life universally. Light is SPIRIT in motion and light

can be presented in four modes of expression, it can be either a solid, liquid, gas, or plasma.

depending on its vibratory frequency. Human beings are what could be called solid light

beings, light that has been greatly condensed and slowed down in vibration frequency.

Consciousness is fluidic light and fills this entire universe with its omnipresent presence.

In other higher dimensions like the astral high planes, light flows like a liquid  of many

differing hues, golden liquid light, that can sometimes be seen  on Earth at times as golden

ORBS  that flash into your awareness, then vanish instantly, Blue ORBS can also be seen

at times.

The word enlightenment means to attract more inner light into your perceptive awareness,

when we take up meditation or yoga we are tuning into higher frequencies within us, which

are less dense light energy. We begin to lose the dense physical atoms, and begin attracting

higher less dense ethereal atoms, so that our bodies slowly become "LIGHTER" meaning

there is a greater capacity of light entering and pervading your body.

Our physical bodies are really temples of living condensed physical light, which can be 

illuminated from within by adopting certain practices such as yoga, or meditation, if we can

do this and look within ourselves, we will then discover the true eternal nature of our being.

Our destiny and incarnation upon this planet is to reveal the real YOU that is hidden from 

view, covered over by a FACADE of form, which is the human vehicle, look within this

FACADE of form, and uncover the REAL YOU that lies hidden within you, throw some

LIGHT into that inner shadow, and reveal your true Illumined Lighted Soul.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 22 March 2022


 This blog entitled SCRUMS is about how this entire universe is filled with just ONE

SINGULAR REALITY, and that one singular reality is that of the SELF or rather the

ABSOLUTE ONE-BRAHMAN or GOD, undergoing a relative expression manifesting

within infinite numbers of diverse ways. The ABSOLUTE BEINGLESS BEING has 

undergone a shift from motionlessness to that of motion by the arising of an INTENTION

within that INFINITE ABSOLUTE MIND. This intention produced MOTION from 

STILLNESS and gave birth to what we call the universe. But what needs to be fully 

understood is that this entire infinite relative universe has only ONE REALITY

within IT,  and this reality is the ONE SINGULAR non-dual Absolute BEINGLESS 

Being, who has taken on a infinite variety of guises and forms and has populated  this

universe with ITSELF,  only by being diversified within an infinite number of ways.

When we look at this planet Earth we see it populated with millions of forms of life

but this number is deceptive because there is but ONE LIFE universally. Every creature 

on this planet including you and me reading this now, we are all part of ONE INFINITE

WHOLENESS. ONE LIFE universally, ONE SELF universally, ONE Absolute 

BEINDLESS BEING universally. All the 7.7 billion souls on Earth, are all just ONE


By knowing this reality, we can therefore get a better perspective on what reality actually

is, and to better understand our place in the ultimate scheme of things.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Monday 21 March 2022


 Space as mentioned in an occult maxim is an "ENTITY" and that entity is that of SPIRIT

and spirit is presented in motion by that of consciousness, consciousness enfolds all life, and

in our case it enfolds the soul that is presented upon this planet within a biological vehicle 

we call a human being. This blog entitled SPACES is about us human beings who are all 

vehicles who foster the PRESENCE of the SOUL who is the animator of the vehicle, we 

are all in nature that of SPACE-LETS proportional representations of the WHOLE of

infinite space, reduced to a finite physical being in order to experience tangible experiences

here upon the Earth.

Our consciousness is a reflection of our inbuilt awareness which allows us to be active 

within a relative expression  upon this planet. Pure awareness is infinite and absolute ,

but our experience within physicality steeps down this infinite awareness by reflecting

it upon our consciousness  and this further reflects upon our minds and thoughts and 

feelings. The mind is really just an invisible container for our thoughts which are born

within the ego and the fiction of individuality.

Back of all our presented format lie that of spirit which is absolute and eternal. We all our

SPIRIT undergoing a relative experience here upon this planet Earth.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Sunday 20 March 2022


 Transmutation  means literally to be changed from within, and this blog entitled TIME  is

about the gradual transmutation of mankind's emergence one soul at a time. Millions of us

now worldwide are actively engaged in either meditation or yogic practices. Millions are

going within them selves and are gradually becoming transformed and transmuted into finer

less dense models of themselves.

By practicing meditation  or yoga we are actually unknowingly by us beginning a process of

transmutation what gradually occurs within us, is that the course physical atoms of our body 

are gradually becoming replaced by much finer ethereal atoms which make the body "lighter"

meaning less dense and a greater quality of energy that unfolds from within the meditator,

This finer energy is more light energy than the dense physical matter. We are becoming 

enlightened meaning that we are attracting more ethereal energy into our physical body.

Enlightenment  really means to WAKE UP and begin to realise what lies within you, and

that by going within yourself you are opening up avenues within you that lead to you 

becoming more aware of who and what you really are. All energy is basically LIGHT 

that has become condensed as it appears in dense matter, our physical bodies are made

out of condensed light energy. By going within yourself and meditating you ignite that 

inner flame of expressed life, and this releases light energy. Atoms are all of differing 

densities, meditation transmutes dense physical atoms, into more ethereal less dense atoms

so that we become more ENLIGHTENED from within ourselves.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 19 March 2022


 This blog entitled STRIPE is about how we earn that vital STRIPE and emerge  from being

just an immortal soul into MELDING into full SELF REALIZATION where we know we

are ONE within the ALL  in fact we then realize that "WE" are the ALL in ALL.

So mankind is currently on a conveyer  belt like sequence that requires incarnation after

incarnation to reach certain goals. We plunge down into this gross Earth plane, then die and

ascend back into the Astral plane. We need to understand that the Astral plane is only a 

"holding area" it holds you in your astral body for a period of rest and stock taking, then

you are reincarnated . this process "seemingly" goes of forever, but the reason for this 

holding area which is what the astral plane really is, for you to make the vital connection 

about finding out who you really are, and the only way that can be realised is by incarnating

upon this planet. The astral realms are only a TEMPORAL HOME for the soul , the astral

planes were placed  here by Divine Intelligence  that materialised the ETHERIC into a 

place residence for human beings to rest up while finding out who they are.

There are three basic stages we all go through , the first one is realising what it is to be a 

human being, here we spend countless incarnations  understanding this process, being 

both female and male incarnations. The eventually we meld into stage two , which is 

about gradually waking up to the fact that you are really a divine immortal soul, this stage

lasts several incarnations, being both female and male YIN and YANG, the last stage three

is about you transcending  the soul stage and making that most vital realization  that you are

the SELF (SOURCE/GOD) incarnate, when this momentous point is reached, you will 

never visit the temporal place of the astral realm, as you are now the ETERNAL SELF

and have transcended the temporal astral planes, and will ascend when you decide to 

release your hold on the vehicle, straight back into the ABSOLUTE BLISS you left 

aeons ago.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then plesae pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 18 March 2022


 I remember reading a story years ago where it told of an ANGEL flying over a 

bustling city and saying pointing downwards, "behold the city of the living dead"

I was moved by this statement and it caused me to wonder what the angel meant

by looking down at a city teeming with people and then say it was the city of the 

living dead. After years of pondering on this point I have realized that we humans 

beings are all presented upon this planet in a three fold expression, which is physical

mental, and spiritual, a three fold expression for humanity. However I discovered 

that there are possibly millions of us around this planet that are not being fully expressed

rather than being a three fold expression there seems to be millions of us who are only 

two fold expression that being the physical and mental, while the spiritual dimension

seems to be still asleep.  Is this what that angel meant that the people in this teeming

city were all spiritually dead and unaware that they were spiritual souls?

This would mean that there are millions of us who are only two thirds alive, with the

spiritual dimension is dead or asleep or inanimate  within us, so rather than being a

three dimensional being, we are just firing within two dimensions of expression.

Although this digital age has brought so many of us into being able to seek information

instantly with search engines answering millions of questions every day, the down side of

this is that it demands your attention 24/7 and this attention is always outward and never

inward, so millions every day are forever looking OUT THERE rather than looking 

within themselves, and hopefully revealing that divine immortal soul that lives within

us all.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 17 March 2022


 There is a story in the Bible which mentions a woman who touches the hem of the 

garment that Jesus was wearing, and was immediately healed, This story has a far 

deeper meaning  than we could imagine. Touching the hem of the garment is a symbol

of a far deeper truth which means that when we go within ourselves in meditation or

yoga, we enter into the silence within us and within that silence our presence our 

consciousness makes contact with the HEM of the GARMENT of GOD or the

SOURCE. And this contact this touching is making contact with the SPIRIT within

YOU. Touching the hem of the HOLY GARMENT  means that your consciousness

makes contact with the SPIRIT that is within  YOU in the core of your BEING.

The cloth of spirit lies within us all it is a layer of inner knowingness that longs to

make contact with its OUTER KIN.

The silent sound of the OM is a beacon that points the way towards an inner connection

with the presence of loving spirit  that dwells within you.

This blog called TOTE is about  the fact that each one of us has the ability to  TOUCH


All we have to do is to go within ourselves and reach out into that inner silence and then

make contact with that inner presence which is that of the spirit  that is within you and

also within every human being on this planet. Being WHOLE means all three expressions

of yourself are fully active, being three folded expressions means that we are Physical 

mental, and spiritual beings, when all three expressions are fully operative we are then

HOLY which actually means WHOLLY WHOLE and triangularly balanced

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 16 March 2022


 It is said that we are all made in the IMAGE of the SOURCE or GOD, what then would 

this IMAGE BE? We are mostly familiar with the idea of the ETERNAL which seems to

imply something that is OUT-SIDE of you. So what about when we go within ourselves

in meditation? This could easily be seen as that of entering into INTERNITY that space 

less space that is both infinite and absolute, which we enter by going within OUR-SELF.

We are not going outside into ETERNITY but rather are going within to INTERNITY.

We will then see if we pursue this line of research that what started out as your little

self, gradually becomes more inclusive and all embracing. So that you will eventually

reach a point where no-thing is left out of your conscious inclusivity, so that your-self

becomes fully inclusive of all . which means that you are a IMAGELESS IMAGE

within an INTERNITY  of NO-THING, but your awareness and consciousness.

INTERNITY enfolds you manifesting the GRACE of Infinite Intelligence  that

embraces you with unconditional love and acceptance. When we fully open our hearts

and dive deep  into that inner INTERNITY  that exists within us ALL, we then realize that

we have included all life into our hearts and have become fully inclusive of all.

This is what INTERNITY is the INFINITE expanse of NOTHING that is EVERYTHING

and is Absolute and ALL KNOWING and the embodiment of WISDOM.

Each one of US can enter into INTERNITY  any time we choose to, what about you dear

reader of this blog today, are you ready and willing to step into INTERNITY TODAY?????

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 15 March 2022


 Beneath the FACADE of form lies the formless reality. Beneath the illusion of the

physical body lies the invisible SOUL or Spirit. If we only believe what we can see 

we will not discover the 99% of truth that is invisible to our gaze .All energy is 

invisible, we only see what its effects are within material objects. Electricity is 

invisible, we only see its effects , when we plug in the electric kettle and switch

it on we see the boiling water, but not the power that made it. The same thing  with

the physical body which only acts as a vehicle for the Soul to gain purchase here in

this dense physical realm. We only ever see the outer extremity, and never the force 

that animates the body. The human vehicle is a complex presentation one which

spans over five differing levels of consciousness and dimensional expressions, we 

are all completely surrounded and fully immersed within a double torus field of 

undulating electromagnetic energy which is centred within the heart and crown

chakra, these are anchoring point for this energy.

We of course cannot see this magnetic field that surrounds all 7.7 billion souls on

this planet, but scientific machines can and do register this magnetic torus field that

pulsates and seems to emanate from within the human heart.

When we can look within this FACADE of form and begin to make contact with our

true and immortal self, we will be well on our way to understanding our true and 

natural inner nature, which will then reveal our immortal DIVINE HERITAGE.

Warmest regards michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 14 March 2022


 What is it that does the most harm to Humanity? Most of us could think of 101 things

that cause the most harm to humanity. But the biggest by far that is the root cause of all

the wars and disease globally is that of our BASIC IGNORANCE of just who we really 

are!  WHY ARE we not TAUGHT this from childhood? Just who WE ARE  and how we 

are all connected and interconnected to EACH-OTHER. The reason is that most of 

humanity has no IDEA of just who and WHAT they really are. Global IGNORANCE 

of self awareness on a MASSIVE SCALE. Because we fail miserably to know our true

immortal SELF, we are then PLUNGED into a cauldron of misery and suspicion, that

plagues this planet today. WHY are not countries leaders teaching us this reality  of our

immortal true self? And that we are all connected and interconnected to EACH-OTHER.

If we harm ONE SOUL we also equally harm ourselves, this is the immutable law of

KARMA Cause and EFFECT, you cause HARM and it WILL EFFECT YOU! Such is

the universal LAW.

Years ago before the digital age there was some kind of excuse for not knowing who we 

were, but today with global internet and thousands of websites spewing out reams of

information about the Divinity and immortality of mankind, today there is no excuse for

not knowing just who you really are, and when you know that adjusting your life and habits


Global ignorance is a sickness that affects tens of millions of us, it fills unknowing souls

with selfishness, greed, hatred, bigotry, suspicion, the old adage that ignorance is bliss

is a sick parrot joke, because ignorance rather than causing bliss, instead brings destruction

and war fare that has killed millions in this last century alone.

If we can awaken from our ignorant slumber, and put on the cloak of inner self knowing

then peace and joy full ness will reign down upon in place of bullets and bombs.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 13 March 2022


 SPIRIT, is the underlying matrix of all universal expression, NO-THING exists without 

the PRESENCE of spirit within it universally. Spirit that is unexpressed is motionlessness

and is a PURITY of PURE-BEING.  When expressed (having motion, vibration) spirit 

then takes on the name that we are all more familiar with which is that of ENERGY.

Energy is that of Spirit in MOTION, in its unexpressed stateless state spirit is a singularity

singular non dual transcendent absolute eternal reality. When expressed it takes on that

Motional formless form of Energy which then becomes relative.

The whole universe is relative and behind the expressions lies that of the Absolute Singular 

reality. Spirit is an UNBORN Eternal BEING, that is absolute and unknowable by the reason

of MIND. But knowable by becoming still within, letting go of the finite mind, and touching

that profound stillness and silence within the SELF.

Mankind is primarily and totally SPIRIT on the INSIDE and then LAYERED on the 

"OUTSIDE" by five koshas or sheaths that cover the pure spirit , our roots lie in the 

ABSOLUTE while our BOOTS lie within the relative realm of cause and effect.

To know yourself is to go within and see just what you actually are, You are basically a 

SPIRIT BEING  that has been CLOTHED in a JACOB STYLE COAT of many

COLOURS!  these colours are SKINS that allow you to function on several densities

simultaneously within several dimensions and levels of consciousness degrees, the 

physical body being the lowest density level of expression.


to undergo the experience of TANGIBILITY and to FEEL what that is LIKE to become

immersed within the illusion of finiteness, to experience cause and effect, to understand

what "WE" all take for GRANTED the gifts we have of, hearing, touching, feeling, seeing,

smelling, tasting, and the emotion of shared lovingness. PURE SPIRIT the SOURCE

BRAHMAN,GOD, cannot experience any of the feeling we experience here on Earth

when in an ABSOLUTE stateless state, IT-SPIRIT-BRAHMAN- has to become

REALTIVE in order to experience anything at all, THAT's where YOU come in dear

reader of this BLOG!

Warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 12 March 2022


 Within the deafening inner silence the heart cries out for wholeness and completeness, the

heart responds to the silence within  with a sigh of inner knowing. This blog today entitled

SILENCE is about taking that most important step you may ever take in your present 

lifetime, and begin the journey of going within yourself and taking up either mediation

or yoga.

Within us all lies the answer to the question of all questions which is that of WHO AM "I" ?

We all want to know, many think they know and take their physical body as being who they 

really are. But many today who have access to many spiritual websites, begin to think 

differently, and millions have now started on their inner journey of going within them

selves. When all thoughts are stilled, and peace descends within you, then you become 

aware of the silence which seems to grow deeper as we listen more intently within this inner

void. Where we can discover that we are each a miniature replication of this universe, we 

begin to realize that all wisdom and knowledge is stored within the universe and by going

into the silence we can access this wisdom.

Meditation is not about learning anything  rather it is about UNCOVERING the truth that

lies within YOU, because you are the universe in miniature and the deeper you venture 

within the more of YOUR SELF you will UNCOVER from YOUR SELF.

Spirit is in essence unconditional LOVE which enfolds this entire universe with its loving

all enfolding embrace, we are all part of this WHOLENESS each one of US is COMPLETE

and WHOLE, the sad part of this eternal TRUTH, is that countless millions of us do not 

recognise or even understand this reality, because often our gaze is forever OUT THERE

rather than looking WITHIN OUR SELVES, the answer to all LIFE'S many questions can

are ARE ALL ANSWERED if we can refocus our GAZE inward for a change.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Friday 11 March 2022


 This blog entitled SCIENCES spells out the basic sequence of how DIVINE SPIRIT in

order to experience tangible life expression , condenses itself into that of energy, and therefore

after a ,long journey through evolution consciously begins to express its SELF within the

presentation format of what we call Humanity.

We can then ask the question "what is man that we are mindful of him"? What is mankind

when the physical FACADE of form is stripped away? What  lies beneath this FACADE of

form? When we can ask ourselves the question of "WHO AM I "? In order to answer that 

question we have to venture within ourselves.

When we begin looking into ourselves we begin to make contact with that inner presence

which is that spiritual presence that exists within us all.

When we can see and understand that LIFE which stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused

-Energy, we can see that we are all basically living ENERGY which is most certainly 

Intelligent and that energy is intangible and invisible, but nevertheless very real.

If we can look deeply within us we will see that we are indeed all SPIRIT that is clothed

in matter in order to be able to experience tangible living LIFE EXPERIENCES.

We seem to fail and cognise the Absolute importance of the word EXPERIENCES,

these things which we take for granted  because we all encounter thousands of them

every day, are ONLY POSSIBLE when and IN a relative dual based SPACE, which 

is what this relative universe is, you can ONLY EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCES within a 

RELATIVE universe, TANGIBILITY and EXPERIENCES go hand in hand they are not

possible within the ABSOLUTE because within that AWESOME VOID NO_THING 

ever OCCURS or HAPPENS, there is just eternal motionlessness. This is WHY YOU ARE

HERE reading this NOW, because your inner matrix is PURE MOTIONLESS SPIRIT while

also you are clothed in matter so that you can verily feel the motion and emotion that are

aroused when we experience experiences, The ABSOLUTE EXPERIENCES NOTHING.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 10 March 2022


 Before going into this blog today it is I feel important to mention something that I

feel is often overlooked or not even thought about at all, and that is "WE" are all souls

with bodies, and NOT bodies with souls, there is a big difference, as the soul is primary

and is a principle that is both eternal and immortal, while the physical body which the soul

uses as a vehicle is not, and it therefore rots and decays at death, while the soul continues

living as before,

One way to awaken our immortal soul is to look within ourselves, and take up the practice

of meditation or yoga. When we do this we are therefore heading in the right direction which

is within ourselves. Sometimes it seems we need a crisis in our lives to awaken a need 

within us to venture within. When we are faced with a crisis it often forces us to take stock

of our lives and see what has been missing in our life.

What we do discover when we look within ourselves is that we find a part of ourselves that

we did not know was there, because it was hidden behind barrage of endless thoughts, and

has only began to surface as you have gradually slowed down your thoughts while you have

been practicing meditation.

When we enter into that inner silence when all thoughts are stilled, we begin to see and what's

more feel an expansion of our awareness and consciousness, this in turn reveals much more

about ourselves, that was previously completely unknown to us, Here in this silent inner

SANCTUM, we are beginning to awaken into our true immortal  soul AWAKENING.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 9 March 2022


 Our awareness which is absolute reveals consciousness to us which is relative via our 

inner perceptions and electrical activity within the brain.  This blog entitled ARCH is 

about the archway we all pass through on our journey through expressed physical life.

The primary thing we all use is our awareness , and our awareness becomes reflected 

by our minds as thought, which then reveals itself as this thing we call consciousness

consciousness is in truth just awareness in a reflective mode.

Our minds are really created by us as just a "depository"  for thoughts and nothing

more, mind, personality, and ego are all created by us so that we can carry out our

"I AM" aware functions.

The mind has nothing to do with consciousness or awareness , without thoughts the

mind would not EXIST! But consciousness and awareness would.

Wholeness is awakened within us by being made aware that awareness enfolds 

everything universally and that consciousness is that eternal principle, being 

reflected back upon us as an ECHO of awareness. 

This understanding when contemplated will bring about the realization of just how

holistically we are all being, and that rather than feeling fragmented , we will see that

we are all a part within a universal wholeness of life.

Nothing is missing from us we are all complete and whole, it is just the shadow of

ignorance that so many of us carry around, that tries to deflect us of the path of being

whole ,to that of being a fragmented  separate lonely soul.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If tis blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Tuesday 8 March 2022


 To put it MILDLY, you reading this now are Divinity localized within a physical body

which acts as a vehicle for Divinity to use in order to gain purchase in this dense low

vibrational realm.. A Biblical expression comes to mind here about that of "hiding our

light (divinity) under a bushel", we hide our Divinity because of our gross ignorance of

whom and what we really are.

This blog entitled MILDLY is about how our Divine Inheritance is going unrecognised

by us because we think we are just a Human being and no more than that. We seem to

buy into the illusion that the physical body is who we really are, which of course it is not.

Instead of us all embracing our Divine heritage, we instead either deny it, or are just 

completely unaware of who you really are.

If we could all embrace this reality of what we really are, then all WARS and bloodshed

would cease immediately. We would see that we are all connected to ONE DIVINE

FAMILY, the brotherhood of man, and the sisterhood of woman. We would see that we are

all INEXTRICABLY connected to each other, related to each other by a Divine connection.

When we can successfully LOCATE OUR SELVES YOU, within our inner being, we will 

then see the truth of this blog shining out from within YOU.

Our heritage is to fully know ourselves, to uncover from within our ignorance the real being 

who has been hidden  from view by a shadow of ignorance,

When we find our true SELF we will see the connections that binds us all together in one

Divine family dwelling here on the Earth.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then plese pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 7 March 2022


 This whole universe is SELF-AWARE consciousness and consciousness is really pure

awareness operating in a reflective mode. The Source is present everywhere simultaneously

yet we fail to understand its mighty presence because we fall into the trap of seeing an

infinite number of THINGS, and we in our ignorance think that all these THINGS are

different and separate from the other thing. BUT the truth is that the SOURCE IS

EVERY-THING ABSOLUTELY.  The Source is omnipresent and within every ATOM

and CELL within this universe. This whole universe is but a reflection of what it is when

being EXPRESSED, which means in MOTION.

We as human beings are the expression of this universe in MINIATURE, we are the 

universe walking on two legs.

Within us lies am INTERNITY of infinity, there is the ETERNAL which "seems" to

exist outside of us, and then there is the INTERNAL which lies within us all and this

inner expanse is also infinite and limitless.

We all our the SOURCE and we know it NOT! NO-THING exists OTHER THAN the

SOURCE that is the equation that scares so many, because there is the thought of 

"what about me?" If there is only the SOURCE then" where do "I" fit into this picture?

Well the truth is that YOU are the SOURCE within YOU. 

What you identify as ME is only a VEHICLE YOU USE to gain purchase here upon

the earth plane. The divine force that moves you through this expression is who you 

really are, all we have to do is let go of the vehicle worship, and rather embrace the reality

that YOU reading this right NOW and the SOURCE in MINAITURE and when all your

five koshas of sheaths are removed including the physical vehicle you will just 

effortlessly flow back into who you always HAVE BEEN which is the SOURCE-SELF.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 6 March 2022


 Humanities RITE of passage is to be able to know who you really are. This blog entitled

RITES is about the experiencing ceremony we all go through as we journey through 

multiple incarnations in our endless search for the discovery of the SELF  that lies within

us all.

Each incarnation we embark on brings us one step closer in our RITE of PASSAGE from

gross ignorance into the light of inner wisdom that lifts the shadow of ignorance from 

us and reveals who we really are.

Reality in its innermost meaning, means that when you fully know YOUR-SELF you

will then know that YOU are INDEED and in fact REALITY standing on two legs.

Within our inner matrix we are reality, we are the whole universe in MINIATURE

whole and complete. Our outer vehicle the physical body is a covering for the soul

and spirit to enable it to gain purchase here on Earth, and to be able to gather 

experience and also feel what tangible living is really like, It is in the gathering of

these valuable experiences that eventually enables us to wake up from our long 

slumber and begin to see just who and what we really are.

The basic message and the RITE of passage is for the OUTER YOU to look 

within and reveal the INNER YOU, then when you can JOIN up all the dots and

begin to reveal the BIG PICTURE which has been hiding within you for countless

incarnations, you will then have made and accomplished your very own personal


We are all upon this voyage of inner discovery, our passage through life can be both

joyful and sad, painful and hopeful, but each experience we encounter will bring us all

one step closer to recasting our gaze from outwards to that of inwards, when we do this

we are on the right track to dissolving and knowing what our PASSAGE RITE actually

means for us.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Saturday 5 March 2022


 When we practice meditation we are able to enter into that inner silence, where

all thoughts are stilled, and the mind is stunned into silence. We begin to enter into

the VOID which is an infinite expanse of nothing, that is what seems to be an internal

universe within yourself?  When we enter this VOID  stillness embraces and surrounds

us completely. this stillness is a place where all vibrations cease to exist. Internally we

are taken out of the physical sequence of vibratory existence and enter into a place 

outside of this relative universe. This experience is akin to that of "touching the HEM

of the garment of GOD/Source. In other words your aware CONSCIOUNESS touches

the VOID and this TOUCHING of your inner spirit self opens up deeply WITHIN YOU

all universal wisdom and knowledge that has been vouchsafed within your core of being


Outwardly we are a physical biological vehicle called by us as a human being, but inwardly

deeply within our inner matrix we are this VOID that we enter when in deep meditation, this

is who we really are, A point of consciousness awareness within a limitless absolute VOID,

when we go deeply within ourselves we are in effect and in fact GOING HOME to our

ROOTS. Nothing is ever learned within meditation, I have been meditating for forty seven

years and have leaned nothing in that time, HOWEVER what I have discovered is that 

meditation is about UNCOVERING what ALREADY LIES WITHIN YOU, not learning

anything, but rather uncovering what was already there, but had been forgotten and thereby

buried under a thick layer of accumulated ignorance.

Warmest regards  michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 4 March 2022


 Spirit enfolds no-thing which is the SELF and this SELF (which is the SOURCE of all life)

is then expressed as a Divine human soul within this physical dimension here on Earth.

"WE" are first SPIRIT, then soul. then a human being vehicle expressed within a 

biological vehicle we call the human body.

"WE" have in fact five bodies of expression which are called Koshas or sheaths, these five

bodies radiate outwards from the dense physical body, and are on a higher level than the

physical each corresponding body radiating outwards is of a higher frequency than the previous

one, and each is on a differing level of consciousness.

Humanity is basically here on earth for two main reasons, one is to know who you really are

and this is done by the vast amount of experience gathering over many incarnations here on

Earth, which will then reveal to you through vast amounts of experiences and pain and joy 

hopes and fears, that you will then eventually look within yourself and therefore reveal your

true immortal divine nature. The second reason we are all here is because of our KARMIC 


Divine ECONOMY. This whole universe runs on a maintaining perfect balance and 

equilibrium so any imbalance of our actions over all our incarnated lives has to become

squared and thereby cancelled out, and when we have cancelled out all our debts to 

expressed life, and thereby found our true immortal soul, we can then (IF WE CHOSE)

get of this wheel of repeated incarnations, and move onto higher destinations in other

parts and other dimensions within this extended universe.

Also if we chose to remain here and be of service to our brothers and sisters who are 

still living in the shadow of ignorance, we will incarnate in full knowledge of who we

are, and also  will have zero Karma.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 3 March 2022


 WHY, does wisdom honour you dear reader of this blog?  That is a good question and one

that I will attempt to answer here.  Because unbeknown to the majority of mankind today

that we are all the very 'embodiment of wisdom' on two legs!  Wisdom is the force that

makes life what it is for us all. Wisdom is what you are 'MADE OF' we are fluid wisdom

made tangible by condensing energy(wisdom) into lower levels of density, WISDOM is 

what you are the embodiment of. And when you can search within yourself by meditation

or yoga, you will find wisdom looking back at you from within your inner silence.

Wisdom is NOT what you learn, rather it is what 'YOU ARE!' We are wisdom 

embodied within a physical vehicle. Because we do not know ourselves, we tend to

believe a lot of fictional ideas what we think is reality. If you want to know what reality

is, just look into yourself. YOU ARE THAT REALITY, and you are that wisdom.

IF you just become your SELF, you will then know what wisdom is , it stares back

at you from the mirror.!

Wisdom is LIFE in MOTION and we are MOVED along by its natural rhythm in 

our every day living of gathering experiences.

It is this experiencing of our interactions in life that we gain insight into who we really are.

A dark mirror of ignorance lies within us , and one way of polishing this mirror and

removing our ignorance is to take up the practice of meditation or yoga.

This will open up countless opportunities for you, and will reveal to your heart and being

the wisdom that you really are.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks

Wednesday 2 March 2022


 This blog entitled ISSUES is about being able to present that which seems to be

totally "UNPRESENTABLE" and thereby impossible to correlate in a meaningful

way of address, however I shall try and engage this challenge by offering the 

following details.

All presented life universally has in its matrix the root cause of its Being, and this

BEING is that of the Absolute SELF SOURCE. Human beings are 'presented' here

on Earth within five koshas or sheaths of differing energy levels and varying density

and vibration frequencies. When we are "uncovered" stripped of  all our outer 

coverings what is left is the SELF, which equates directly with the SOURCE of

all LIFE universally. To find the SELF (SOURCE) we have to venture very 

deeply within ourselves. We have to dig through thick layers of ignorance and

false assumptions.

Deep within us ALL lies the SELF-SHINING Absolute Source of ALL LIFE.

All 7.7 billion of us human beings are all SELF SHINING reality at the core of

our Being. By taking up meditation we can begin to explore deep within us, we

will enter a realm of inner light, that at first will appear as darkness. The vast

infinite void that lies within us, this void appears black but this is only because we

seem to be looking outwards. When we recast our gaze back to our central core 

which is omnipresent and ubiquitous, we will see that we are "ALL" SELF SHINING

SOURCE, and that inner LIGHT casts "NO SHADOW" pure white light that is all

embracing and ABSOLUTE.

"WE" are all tangible relative beings on the outside, and deep within us we are all 

intangible SELF/SOURCE which is Absolute. WE all ISSUE out from within and

are presented in this tangible format as human beings.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 1 March 2022


 We all out by default zones of smoke and mirrors. what is reality? Does anybody really know?

We are told by an ancient occult maxim, that "thoughts are THINGS", are we then the 'things'

that thought has created? And if so what substance are we then made of-thought-Perhaps?

Behind all what we see, is the hidden inner invisible NOUMENON, that is the invisible 

MATRIX of all things seen by us. This blog entitled SAME really means that all that we

think say, do, touch, see, and experience is made of the SAME THING. Which is that of

condensed energy. NO-THING is real that is the equation that dispels the illusion of the

world of smoke and mirrors that we all live in. 

What you consider to be real, begs the question, real WHAT? The only thing real in this

universe which is relative and dual based, is that of energy. Energy is the SAME-THING

and also the ONLY-THING that is REAL in this universe, and every OTHER THING 

you identify with is made of that ONE-THING, every THING is the SAME-THING

PERIOD. No other thing EXISTS. 

Humanity consists of 7.7 billion intelligent energy packages within a biological vehicle.

All energy is intelligent , the food we eat is energy shaped into an apple or banana, the

clothes we wear is energy woven into fabrics which is energy. 

Energy can be expressed as a liquid, solid, gas, or plasma, form, but in truth it is the one


SAMENESS is what expressed life is, all the SAME-THING, BUT, expressed within an

infinite number of differing ways,

When we can look beyond the smoke and mirrors we can begin to see just how everything

is connected to everything else, all is energy and energy is all that is the equation that when

fully understood would bring about world peace and total cooperation between all nations.

NO THING is EVER APART from the WHOLE, we are all totally connected to each other

there are no spaces or gaps between us  .ENERGY =SOURCE=YOU and ME. Totally and

IRREVOCABLY connected and interconnected with each other.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.