Friday 18 March 2022


 I remember reading a story years ago where it told of an ANGEL flying over a 

bustling city and saying pointing downwards, "behold the city of the living dead"

I was moved by this statement and it caused me to wonder what the angel meant

by looking down at a city teeming with people and then say it was the city of the 

living dead. After years of pondering on this point I have realized that we humans 

beings are all presented upon this planet in a three fold expression, which is physical

mental, and spiritual, a three fold expression for humanity. However I discovered 

that there are possibly millions of us around this planet that are not being fully expressed

rather than being a three fold expression there seems to be millions of us who are only 

two fold expression that being the physical and mental, while the spiritual dimension

seems to be still asleep.  Is this what that angel meant that the people in this teeming

city were all spiritually dead and unaware that they were spiritual souls?

This would mean that there are millions of us who are only two thirds alive, with the

spiritual dimension is dead or asleep or inanimate  within us, so rather than being a

three dimensional being, we are just firing within two dimensions of expression.

Although this digital age has brought so many of us into being able to seek information

instantly with search engines answering millions of questions every day, the down side of

this is that it demands your attention 24/7 and this attention is always outward and never

inward, so millions every day are forever looking OUT THERE rather than looking 

within themselves, and hopefully revealing that divine immortal soul that lives within

us all.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I really wish there are more who are willing to look within. Looking outside is what the majority is doing right now.
