The VOID is that eternal SPACELESS SPACE that exists within the Primordial Matrix
of all expressed life. At the core of our being-ness lies the VOID which is centred within
the Absolute and anchored there eternally . This is our permanent fixture and anchor with
that of the eternal reality that we all ARE. The void is enfolded within us, and when we
venture within ourselves while practising meditation or yoga , we begin to touch this
Absolute Infinite inner void. Inwards we are all firmly anchored within the Absolute
embrace of the formless void which is that of Absolute Divine Intelligence. Outwardly
we are covered within five layers or Koshas that span over five dimensions of expression
the last and most dense is this physical one. We may feel at times that of being abandoned
or in times of trial and despair, that we are all alone, but in truth we can never become lost
or abandoned from our Divine Anchorage which keeps us all safe and secure.
When we look within ourselves, we are looking in the direction of where we all come
from, our home within the ALL.
The VOID beckons us to look within , this often takes the form of an arising CRISIS in
our lives, which causes us to take stock of our lives and begin looking within ourselves
for the answer to who we really are, when we know ourselves we will lose all our fears
and know that we are all immortal souls, that we are always SAFE and secure within
the loving embrace of the Infinite Eternal VOID.
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
Interesting. Thank you, Rachel