Space as mentioned in an occult maxim is an "ENTITY" and that entity is that of SPIRIT
and spirit is presented in motion by that of consciousness, consciousness enfolds all life, and
in our case it enfolds the soul that is presented upon this planet within a biological vehicle
we call a human being. This blog entitled SPACES is about us human beings who are all
vehicles who foster the PRESENCE of the SOUL who is the animator of the vehicle, we
are all in nature that of SPACE-LETS proportional representations of the WHOLE of
infinite space, reduced to a finite physical being in order to experience tangible experiences
here upon the Earth.
Our consciousness is a reflection of our inbuilt awareness which allows us to be active
within a relative expression upon this planet. Pure awareness is infinite and absolute ,
but our experience within physicality steeps down this infinite awareness by reflecting
it upon our consciousness and this further reflects upon our minds and thoughts and
feelings. The mind is really just an invisible container for our thoughts which are born
within the ego and the fiction of individuality.
Back of all our presented format lie that of spirit which is absolute and eternal. We all our
SPIRIT undergoing a relative experience here upon this planet Earth.
Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,
Like a river streaming