Saturday 31 March 2018

Crisis Reveals Our Soul Signature. =C R O S S Part Two.

The horizontal and the vertical line making the shape of the cross impacts on all human life
here on earth, whether we understand it or not, or know about it or not. We spend countless
lives experiencing the horizontal line of the cross sequence in which the whole of humanity
is engaged in, we explore this horizontal line to the fullest of our experiences, exhausting
all the avenues of egotism both inflated and deflated,fully explore the personality, and play
out and act countless  roles over many life times, then there always comes a point within
each individual life time, perhaps this is the point in your lifetime dear reader, when all the
pain and suffering, all the humiliation, all the loneliness, all the heartache,make us ask the
question, what is the point to all of this? Where am I going? These types of questions make
us look at what our life is actually about, we begin to look for some deeper meaning to all
this,we are fed up with all the superficial  and plastic values of modern life, we begin to
crave depth and meaning in our lives.
Here we at at the point where the vertical line of the cross makes an appearance within
our life, we instinctively feel the need to look within ourselves, we have throroughly
exhausted all the attractions that appear outside of us, we see the hollowness and the
falseness of the way we are informed, by the media and news outlets, we see all the bullshit
that pretends to be real and factual. We crave inner peace and serenity, this is when we start
looking within our own hearts and soul, when we embark upon this vertical line, we are then
heading in the direction where wholeness, beauty, and radiance dwell, where the truth and
reality of who you really are await your discovery.
All of mankind has to journey from gross ignorance to knowledge then on into wisdom
and true understanding and humility, eventually after exhausting all possibilities and acts
man has to finally sacrifice his ego and vanity and false pride on the crucible of the cross
and begin the ascent upon the vertical line.
Man has to crucify his ego upon the cross of awakening in order for him to be reborn
and baptised by the fire of the indwelling spirit. This is the beginning for man on the ascent
into full knowledge of who he really is, that of an immortal eternal soul.
This though is just the beginning of a whole new way of life and living, where the one now
venturing on the vertical  line of ascent begins to experience an expansion of consciousness
and awareness, and begins to glow with an inner light that now illumines his path.
May peace and joy be with all those reading this blog, over this Easter time, any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Friday 30 March 2018

Crisis Reveals Our Soul Signature. = C R O S S .

Today is Good Friday and I thought it would be a good idea to write a blog called CROSS which
stands for, Crisis-Reveals-Our-Soul-Signature, and put my interpretation on what I see it as
We as human beings all have our own cross to bear, and this experience is given to us over
countless life times here upon the earth plane, we each expierience pain and pleasure, not often
in equal measure,as pain often seems to be the one most visited by us, we are each on our own
journey of self discovery, and this discovery encountered over many lifetimes, will give us the
fullness of experiences in every manner of living that you can imagine, we have all been, thieves,
liars, rich and poor, male and female, suffered great hardships and unimaginable pain, we have
all had enriching experiences, uplifting experiences, and the polar opposites of immense grief
and anguish.
All these experiences are encountered by us, so that we can then find out truly who we actually
are, each of out incarnations upon this earth we experience varying forms of crisis, each one in turn
hones away at our resistance to change and introspection, to exhaust the limits of egotism and
personality variations, this all takes time as we need to fully understand what it is to be human
we need to understand this first, before we venture into understanding our inherited Divinity.
We have all died a thousand times or more, in all manner of ways, we are all very experienced
at departing this vale of tears, only to reappear a short while later to have another go.
If we were truly in tune with ourselves, we would fall to our knees and give thanks for every
crisis that visits us, because unbeknown to us, it is our higher self the soul that brings about
this crisis, in order for us to pay attention as to what we are doing with our lives, and if we are
allowing sickness into our lives by the way we are living, and eating. Crisis occurs when there is
a real need for change, if we do not heed the warning signs issued by our higher self the soul
then we will die, and will have to pay more attention next time.
The horizontal path is the physical, the one that we all have trod for countless centuries, man
stands in the middle of a cross, the horizontal path represents physical life and experiences, then
there is a vertical path that leads man to discover his inherited Divinity, we are all directly within
the centre of the cross, and we are all crucified by countless experiences that burn away the dross
of our animal instincts, and burn away by the fire of our passions and exhaust the lusts and vain
notions, so that we eventually reach a point, when we seek to ascend the vertical path that will
finally lead to liberation and soul realisation.
In part two will look into this more, warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Mankind Is Sequenced Threefold Expressing Reality. =M I S T E R Part Two,

Yesterday I mentioned the triple emergence of mankind starting with the first phase that of
the egoic / personality which is the physical phase, the second phase  that of the soul searching
emotional / which is the mental phase, and lastly the third phase which is that of self awakening
the final and spiritual  full awakening stage.
The vast majority of mankind are all experiencing the first phase, the egoic and personality
stage and countless millions of us are still firmly rooted within this stage (what we all need
is a stick of dynamite under us to blast us out of our complacency!) And this usually presents
itself to us in the form of an arising crisis, these arising crisis of which some will be life
threatening, others will be painful either physically, mentally, or emotionally,  these arising
calls that come deeply from within us (unbeknown by most) cause us to take stock of our
lives,and begin to ask questions about things such as why are we all here? This is the beginning
of phase two, the soul searching phase, where our mind and emotions are stirred up by questions
that we find difficulty in answering, such as the question, who am I? At this point in our
evolutionary journey we feel an instinctive need to change our gaze from forever looking
outward, to refocusing our gaze inward, to look within ourselves for the answer to life's
riddle. There are now many millions of us at this vital stage in our emergence sequence
that of finally discovering the real occupier of this physical body, that our true identity
is that of the higher self, the soul, and further realising that this physical body that we
mistakenly thought was us, is actually just a vehicle, a spacesuit for the real owner that
of the soul, which we now further realise is actually US!
The journey we have all travelled on has been very long and arduous, to reach the point
where we are regularly looking within ourselves, and beginning to realise that there is an
energy/spirit that indwells within us has taken countless incarnations here on earth, and we
are now reaping the fruits of our past efforts.
The vast majority of us will remain within phase two for many more incarnations, exploring
the variant opportunities that will present themselves to us, as we grow in expansive
consciousness and perception. Our ultimate destiny is for us all to reach phase three in our
triple emergence cycle, that of full realisation of the SELF, which is absolute spirit, or GOD
for short,and then we will also realise that there is but ONE SELF, there are billions of souls
but only one SELF! There is no need to worry about this now though, for by the time you arrive
at this last and final stage for earthly experience, you will have lost your ego and personality
and see yourself as a universal point of consciousness within the infinity of the eternal.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Mankind Is Sequenced Threefold Expressing Reality. =M I S T E R.

All life is on an ascending arc of expansion and awareness,and we as human beings are no
exception to this pulsating wave of evolution, we are all caught up in its all empowering
embrace, and are at differing points along that endless chain.
If we look within the evolutionary sequence expressed within mankind, it seems to very strongly
suggest that we are all very deeply involved in a triple ascension phase, the first phase being
that of man awakening in what was to be called self consciousness, and self awareness, man awoke
and took on the traits of the newly acquired  self consciousness, that of egotism and becoming
a personality, he knew that he knew, and wanted what he wanted, and if you did not give it to him
he would take it from you by force, It is mine! Was the war cry of this early man.
Mankind has been in this phase for many thousands of years, and has had countless incarnations
to earth expressing this brutish force of ego and personality, and today after countless thousands
of years, many of us have hardly moved on from this point of awakening, we only have to look around the world today with all the wars and killings of innocent children, all due to greed and
a lust for power, at any cost, then you have heads of state posturing like proud peacocks strutting
across the worlds stage, rampant egotism in full bloom!
There is hope though, for amid all this doom and gloom, there are beacons of light flashing out
across this world, as many are waking up to another phase in their long evolutional journey
where they see more than just ego and personality, many are finding a great source of power
and energy that dwells within them,their emotional and mental faculties are stirring with a buzz
of arising possibilities and fresh hope, they are beginning to experience an inner voice that
reassuringly leads them to make greater efforts in looking within themselves, and an inner peace
and calmness arises from within.
This is the beginning of becoming aware  of our higher self, that of the soul, these seekers of truth
are now entering the second phase of our threefold ascension , that of soul awareness, there are
opening a doorway into another dimension, that of the spiritual dimension, and in so doing are
actually being reborn into another level of consciousness and perceptive awareness.
In part two will continue to expand this triple ascension phase and will try and marry it all
up into some kind of composite whole. Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook soul realisation.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Conscience Reveals All False Thinking. =C R A F T . part Two.

We all have choices and a fair amount of free will, why then do so many of us will ourselves
misery and pain? Of course no one in their right mind wills pain and despair upon themselves
but the fact is we do this unknowingly of the consequences of our thoughts and actions.
Mankind has a depth of ignorance about him that would make the ocean seem like a puddle
in comparison.
Our profound ignorance is not about understanding academic principles, although they can
be very useful to us, our ignorance lies in the complete lack of comprehension as to who we
really are, and the complete  lack of understanding as to what our conscience actually is, we
all live within this physical body and have not even a nodding acquaintance of who the real
occupier actually is!
The price we all pay for this complete lack of understanding and knowledge about our true
identity, is that of global sickness, where countless millions are dying every year of diseases
and illnesses all of our own making, albeit ignorantly, all the wars and suffering that  these
actions bring, arises because of total ignorance of ones true identity, none of this could possibly
occur, if we truly knew who we were. Because knowing who we were would reveal that we
are all connected to one divine family, and that love, acceptance, and compassion were are
natural natures of expression, just buried within us and covered over by our ignorance.
The saying, let your conscience be your guide, is badly needed today, if we all were in tune
with that inner monitor, then peace would quickly prevail  upon this world, all we need to do
is to listen to that still small voice within us, that is the voice of our soul speaking through
what is called our conscience.
If we can tune into this inner voice, take up yoga or meditation, sit quietly and explore the
inner world where you will then eventually know who you really are, that of an eternal
immortal soul.
There is a saying that "the truth will set you free" but that is only half of the whole picture
because if we actually do embrace the truth of who we actually are, not only will we be free
but also that inner truth of our being, now fired up with our conscience fully online and
active, will actually protect us from veering of into a direction that will cause us pain.
Our consciences will be fully active, and our actions will reflect our inner peaceful state.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Monday 26 March 2018

Conscience Reveals All False Thinking. =C R A F T .

We each have within us a Divine monitor, which is called our conscience, and if we pay heed
to its promptings we will be saved from much suffering and mental anguish.
The home of our conscience lies in our individual immortal soul, that lies within the centre
of our being, that still small voice that we sometimes hear calling out to us in times of crisis
and emotional upset, this inner voice is that of our soul, and is exactly the same voice as our
Sadly though and to our great cost we often ignore this inner voice of conscience, and plough
on in the same negative pattern, until the pain and suffering is too much for us to take, then
we take some action, others are not so lucky and die before they get a chance to change course.
The root cause of all this pain and suffering we all endure is our ignorance of who we really
are, if only we knew ourselves as we truly are, most of this planets problems would vanish
Freedom and conscious awareness comes from knowing truly what, and who you are, until you
know yourself as being an immortal divine soul, you will only be partially alive, the vast majority
of who you really are will be unavailable to you, like an iceberg that vastness of your whole being
will be submerged beneath your consciousness threshold and you will be about three per cent
conscious, ninety seven per cent of you will be dead!
By turning inward and embracing the sciences of either yoga or meditation, we can open up the
gateway that will expand our consciousness, and allow us to express more of our hidden potential
and in so doing become more aware and attentive to the promptings of our conscience.
CRAFT is about  paying attention to the call of reality, reality lies within each one of us, ourside
of us there lies pain, anguish, and delusion, within us lies expansion of consciousness and perception,
realisation as to who we really are,freedom from ignorance and fear, freedom from the pain of being
and feeling isolated, and apart from the whole, becoming whole again rather than being fragmented
parts of something unknowable.
Let your conscience be YOUR GUIDE, and lead you to  the place where light dwells within
coruscating rivers of luminosity.
In part two will explore this further, warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Sunday 25 March 2018

Natural Illumination Manifests By Upwelling Source. =N I M B U S Part Two.

Mankind is expressed within an electromagnetic maelstrom of conglomerate energies, held in
stasis by the cohesive embrace of the Divine will of the indwelling soul.
Each one of us is a inclusive part of one magnificent Whole, yet on appearance we all look
separate and apart from each other, but we need always be mindful, that appearances can be
very deceptive.
Our understanding of light  is very limited, and only seems to include the light of this dimension
in fact light exists in many dimensions and has the properties akin to that of water, which can be
a liquid, solid, or gas, light too exhibits these properties and can flow  like a liquid, become solid
and congeal and form our physical bodies,or be nebulous like our thoughts.
Light exhibits itself within seven dimensions, but will only deal with two here that of the
etheric light, and the astral light, our physical bodies are completely surrounded by an electric
blue flame, this is called our etheric body, the etheric body also known as the health body
is the place where any incoming illness or disease will register first, in a fit and healthy
body there would be a completely uninterrupted  glow of vivid blue light, enclosing all
of the body,however in the case of illness or disease, there would appear dark patches
over where the illness or disease will enter the physical body, all disease and illnesses
first register within the etheric matrix, before venturing into the physical  body.
Next we have the astral light that extends throughout the astral realm, astral colours are
not the same as physical plane colours, there are colours there that are not seen here in
this dense level of expression, each of us visits this realm while asleep, and we are all very
familiar with its presence in our nocturnal visitations, the problem though is that we forget
where we have been each morning when we wake up, and therefore do not remember, but
we can train ourselves to remember our nightly journeys by keeping a note book and pen
beside the bed, and as soon as you awake, write down the first things you remember, you
have to be very quick, as the window for remembering is very short, but with regular practice
you can begin to build up a picture of what you are doing,seeing, and involved with while
We all have an aura or nimbus that surrounds our physical body, an electromagnetic signature
that displays who we are, what we are thinking, whether we are positive or negative, it will
either show murky muddy mixed dark colours, or bright and coherent colours, and all the varied
combinations in-between.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Saturday 24 March 2018

Natural Illumination Manifests By Upwelling Source =N I M B U S .

Electromagnetic fields are the hallmark of energy in motion, human beings replicate the
phenomena known as the Aurora Borealis also known as the Northern Lights, within each of
our bodies we have a magnetic field of undulating energy exchanges, we in fact have our own
Aurora Borealis within each human being, and this is usually called the aura, or nimbus.
Usually the human aura is invisible to most of us, and can only be seen by clairvoyants and
those of a very sensitive nature, it can also be seen by anybody who uses what is called
Kirlian photography that will reveal the auras around all living things, it uses high voltage
electric plates.
Mankind  is represented through seven densities or bodies of expression, and each body has its
own aura within it, what most clairvoyants see is just the very outer emanations of the aura
and etheric body.
We are all magnetic energy, formed and shaped by infinite will into what is called a human body
and this body of expression is coloured by the light that emanates through it, because another name
for energy is light, and we are all manifesting what could be called living light, consciousness too
has all the hallmarks of a luminous essence, it could be said that there are only two real things that
of light, and the absence of light that of darkness.
The colour of our light manifestations that flash through our auras vary moment to moment
depending on what we are thinking, saying, and doing, and most importantly what are our
feelings? Are we negative or angry, or are we happy and joyful? If we could actually see what
is happening to us when say we are very angry or even violent , we would be horrified by what we
saw, vivid flashes of scarlet red colours, within a black background, with other sickly looking
colours flashing in as well, all we can do is feel the effects of this self poisoning maelstrom that
we have created by loosing complete control of our emotions and self.
On the other hand if we are warm and loving, with a compassionate heart, our auras will reflect
this inner reality, by expressing beautiful colours of blue and gold with a tinge of white or pink.
In the good book  namely the bible there is a passage which states "by their fruits ye shall know
them" here I would like to add also, that be there auras ye shall know them, because when mankind
develops further and that we can then all see each others aura, well when that great day dawns upon
us, nothing will be hidden from us, the truth then will be there for all to see, shining clearly through
your aura, no one will be able then to hide behind a mask of pretence, what you are thinking and
feeling will be open and seen by all. There will be then literally no where to hide! So we all need to
get our acts together before that day arrives.
In part two will look further into this. warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Friday 23 March 2018

We Are Self Personified. =W A S P Part Two.

W A S P  is about our realising the inner potential that lies at the core of our being, that of the
Divine SELF which is the Great Spirit manifesting within everyone of us human beings.
We all have the potentiality to realise this inner truth of our true identity, where if we do we
can dance  through this life in rhythmic splendour, and be at one with all,  or we can stumble
and fall around in a   ignorant stupor, the choice is ours to make.
Although full realisation of the SELF while incarnated here on earth is entirely  possible it is
highly unlikely  that only one in ten million will possibly achieve this.
Realisation of the SELF is the ultimate achievement possibly for mankind, and many have already
achieved this highest state of consciousness and realisation.
Please do not be put off by this,we are talking about the highest state that a human being can
attain to, there are however many degrees of development that precede this final realisation
we can all make a start, millions of us have already are on their way, upon a path that will
eventually lead us all into full realisation of the SELF.
The beginning of this path starts when we consciously change our gaze from continually looking
outward, to then looking inward, when we start doing this, either by taking up the regular practice
of yoga or meditation, we begin to then start making the connections that will ultimately lead to
our full realisation in the future.
We will then be aligning ourselves with the natural laws of universal expression, and in so doing
begin to make contact with that intuitive aspect of our inner being, that of our higher self, the soul
that inner voice of our conscience is actually the inner voice of our soul, it is also that "still small
voice within us" that speaks to us in times of trial and crisis.
This is the only reason we are all here, we are all here to eventually find the SELF within, and
this takes countless lives over vast ages to complete, we are all on our way, some are just further
along the path than others, this is because of our individual point of awakening upon the axis of
the arc of evolution, varies with each point, some points have been pointing longer that others!
Mans destiny is to find himself, and when man finds his true SELF, he will also find GOD.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Thursday 22 March 2018

We Are Self Personified. W A S P .

Mankind is represented in seven billion or so spacesuits, commonly called the human physical
body, this body though as we will all discover , when venturing within ourselves and asking the
fundamental question of who am "I"? We will eventually realise the fact that we are all immortal
divine souls, also known as the higher self. and that the physical body is just a vehicle or
spacesuit, provided by Infinite Intelligence in order to facilitate our entry into the physical
domain of this planet called Earth.
When we look within ourselves through the practice of yoga or meditation, and ask ourselves
the question who am I? Which will reveal to us, if we are patient and persevere, our true nature
that of an immortal divine soul, also known by some as the higher self.
When we discover this magnificent truth about ourselves, we will further discover a higher
reality that will present itself to us, that of the SELF we will further discover that our soul is
indeed a vehicle for the indwelling Spirit, the very source of all life itself.
The SELF is that of the Absolute Spirit  or God for short, that dwells within the heart of all
humanity and all life, and is the very LIFE of LIFE Itself.
A very important distinction needs to be made here and that is that there are seven billion
or so immortal divine souls upon this Earth plane, but there is only ONE SELF!
This truth that is a universal fact and a expressed reality within us all, can cause us all to
feel somewhat perplexed and very uneasy, because it seems that ultimately we as human
beings do not exist! And this is absolutely true, we do not exist absolutely! We do however exist
relatively, and exist within the evolutionary arc of which we all are truly journeying through
however the highest truth is that we all are ONE, and that ONE is Absolute,human beings
are basically vehicles spacesuits for the soul to gain experience here upon the Earth plane
and that the soul is in fact just a vehicle for the indwelling spirit  so that it can gain some
purchase upon this dense physical plane.
Be reassured all of you reading this blog,that you will never loose yourself" what you will
eventually loose is your egotism and so called personality, by eventually loosing or rather
transcending the ego and personality, you will gain the very prize of life itself, you will realise
yourself to be that WHICH JUST IS! And that is the SELF!
In part two will explore this further, warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Nothing Opens Way. =N O W Part Two.

Eternally still is the NOW,  silently observing all its charges as they pass by on the arc
of evolution. Nothing is real, and real is nothing, this is the equation that baffles scientific
minds, how can nothing be real? They all say! And what is exactly nothing? And what is the
relationship between nothing and now? The NOW is the infinite and eternal field  in which
nothing can be expressed in an infinite number of ways.
The NOW is eternally still and absolutely motionless and provides the "arena"  or field
where life unexpressed can become expressed and open out and flourish, it is also the
gateway or portal that leads from Absoluteness  into the Relative physical universe , the
NOW  permits nothing to gain momentum, (leave stillness, and venture into motion) from its
eternal stillness, and venture out into expressed life and the formation of vehicles or bodies
of expressed life energy.
Nothing  can be expressed as the absolute entirety of all there is. was, and will ever be, the absolute
wholeness of everything within the universe is basically nothing, and that nothing is the only thing
that is eternally real and ever lasting. All the words we can ever use, boil down to just one thing
and that is nothing. We can use words that we think can define more accurately what we are trying
to say, words like, energy, consciousness,spirit, light,thought, matter,quantum physics, but again
when you boil all these words down, they too spell out nothing. The eternal ever present constant
is NOTHING and this this nothing, needs the infinite backdrop of the eternal NOW in order to
do this.
We too as the human race are all nothing, ignorantly deluded into thinking that we are something!
We are nothing, expressed as what is called a human being, which is basically a vehicle or spacesuit
for the real occupier that of the spirit, or soul, we have all ventured out into "motional" expressed
life, countless aeons ago, we left our abode of eternal motionlessness, and were cast out of stillness
and blasted out into motion, where we encountered our ever present watcher of the way,the NOW.
When we enter into the silence within us, in say meditation, the deeper our silence becomes the closer
we draw nearer to the NOW, and when we can do that, the now will open up your consciousness
and new and unknown dimensions of reality will open up before your startled gaze.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Nothing Opens Way. = N O W .

I have just invented a quote to accompany this blog, it goes as follows, when we understand
nothing,we will understand all. When we understand now, we will  understand past and
future. The past is written in the now, and also the future is written in the now,
Now is an eternal constant, it never moves, eternally still, it is us who move upon the majestic
arc of evolution, we are forever moving within this arc of expansion, gathering experiences along
the way, while the now,(ever watchful) looks on in total silence.
All is nothing, and nothing is all, how can this be? The word nothing is actually two words which
are no-thing, in one of my other blogs where I stated that there was no plurality in reality, which
meant that there is only one singular reality, not several.  and that the universe consisted of just
one thing (not things) and that this thing was consciousness, or energy,or mind, or spirit, the
thing to fully understand and realise is that all these names are the very same thing.
Therefore if we know and accept that premise,we will fully understand what the universe is
made of, and further when looking within ourselves, we too will fully realise who we are, and
whats more will also see how connected and interconnected we are to everything within the
Vouchsafed within us all is the answer to all questions, infinite knowledge and wisdom lie
within us all, we have not got to learn this priceless wisdom, we already possess it within
our higher self the soul, all we have to do, is uncover this inner truth.
The NOW is the eternal point of stillness that we all circle around moving on an ascending
arc of expansion and realisation, it is that familiar reliable point that we can always depend upon
the now will never leave you, or forget you, it will accompany you on your epic journey from
unconsciousness to self aware consciousness  and beyond.
The way is opened by embracing the now, it is the path that we all tread towards expanded
consciousness, and ultimate enlightenment.
When we find this spiritual heritage that lies hidden within us, and make contact with our
higher selves the soul, we will then know who we truly are, and that will be a great day of
rejoicing for us all individually as we awaken to this inner truth..
In part two will expand this further.warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Monday 19 March 2018

Decoherance Emerges And Threatens Host..=D E A T H Part Two.

As mentioned in the first part of this blog on Death,that we all live within a narrow confine , or
point of balance, if we can remain within this point of stillness, we will be fit and healthy and
not have too many pressing problems, however if we venture out from this point of stillness
we then enter a place where turbulence and eddies dwell. These can take the form of a "rip tide"
that creates an undertow that will literally knock us off our feet, these attacks occur within us
and it is like being eaten alive! That;s where the saying comes from, "what's eating you then"?
The further we venture away from the centre of our being, the more violent the turbulence
will become, this storm unlike the weather storms that exist outside of us, these storms that we
encounter when we leave our point of stillness, exist within us, and are invisible to all onlookers
but clearly felt by the victim.
When we find we are caught up in repetitive behaviours, and seems to be going round in endless
circles, that is because we are, we are caught up in an eddy, which is basically a whirlpool, just
like a vortex, that circles round endlessly, most often the only way out of a powerful eddy. is
for a major crisis to appear in our lives, this arising crisis can create the momentum for us to
blast our way out of the whirlpool, and get back to our peaceful centre.
Nature all around us, like the animals for instance all live in harmony with there particular
nature, they all naturally stay within their own points of balance, and therefore seldom if
ever get sick.
Mankind, however has the added bonus, or what could be seen as a liability, of having self
awareness and the faculty of knowing that he knows. And because we have this ability and
the act of being able to choose, we often choose unconsciously to make ourselves ill, by
venturing away from our natural designated point of stillness, we are taken away from our
automatic place of cohesion, and driven by passions, lust, and greed invite albeit unconsciously
a monster into our midst, that if left unchecked, will literally eat you alive, from the inside out.
There is always hope however, and if we can recognise this pattern within us,we can all find our very own point of balance, take up something like meditation or yoga, and start practising this as a way
of rebalancing yourself, and finding some inner peace and quietness, that way your inner flame of life
will start to burn brighter.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Sunday 18 March 2018

Decoherence Emerges And Threatens Host. =D E A T H .

The parameters of life expressed (pole) are narrow and taper to a point at the end of a vortex
as long as we remain within the narrow confines of this vortexial point, we will remain well
fit and healthy. But if we venture away from the point of balance in which we are all expressed
we will then encounter turbulence which is caused by the rotational swirling of energy that
forms the funnel of the vortex, that holds us all in stasis while we gather experience here on
earth, The point of the vortex where we exit  into the physical realm is very still and silent
like the eye of the hurricane, that is completely still. yet a few yards away winds roar at speeds
of over a hundred miles per hour.
We are all centred within this point of stillness, placed there by infinite intelligence, all dis-ease
pain,and anguish, are caused by us leaving this point of stillness and entering into turbulent
spaces and encountering violent storms, these manifest within the physical body as illness,
pain, and emotional distress and mental anguish.
The point of the downward facing vortex in which we all dwell, is centred within the crown
chakra, and its rotational vector is a clockwise spin, for expressed life here, and a counter
clockwise spin when we die, both votexes are "S" shaped and when combined form the
signature for infinity that of the figure eight lying on its side.
Our lives all express a reflective principle, it reflects back to you whatever you project out
from yourself, in a direct ratio,we all get back, in due course, whatever we give out, which is
also the workings of Karma.
The point of stillness that exists within us, can also be seen as a point of balance, if we live
balanced lives, then we will reap the rewards of this. If not we will endure suffering and
despair, we all have a choice about what we reflect from within ourselves, if we take the
trouble to exercise this choice, and think about what we think, say, and do, ever being
mindful, that all we put out will return to us in a while.
If we can take stock of our life,see if we are ill or have other outstanding problems that
cause us concern, and find that point of stillness that dwells within us all. we can then begin
to realign ourselves and  find that quiet place within us, we all are in grave need of peace and
inner quietude, there in this abode of inner peace healing can take place, and balance can be
In part two will explore ways of doing this,warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Saturday 17 March 2018

Visiting Astral Planes Opens Up Reality. =V A P O U R . Part Two.

We are all energy, and as science has confirmed that energy cannot be destroyed only converted
thereby making all energy eternal by nature. As we then are energy. living intelligent energy, we
also cannot be destroyed, so that the concept of death is an illusion, and that the reality is that
nothing has ever died within this energy filled universe, as that would be absolutely impossible
to occur, and even our science agrees on this point.
So that when we die (change locations) all we ever do is we exit our physical body, and move
seamlessly into our astral body, and continue living as before, albeit in a different location.
The astral realm or plane occupies the same space as the physical plane, we don't actually
travel anywhere in particular, all we do is enter into another dimension that operates on a
higher frequency vibration than that of the physical plane.
Many of us fear death, as it seems to imply, extinction of consciousness, total and absolute
oblivion, total annihilation of self, and if that were true, then that could seem fearful to many
and make us cling onto to life at whatever the cost. Thankfully though this is not true at all
and the truth is that we are all eternal beings,expressed within seven dimensions of perceptive
awareness, although most of us are only really aware of the dense physical dimension, and a few other are aware of the etheric and astral bodies, beyond that, the other five expressions, await
for our personal evolution to catch up to a full consciousness of who we really are.
Reality really expresses itself as that which just "IS" and the "IS" is absolutely totally and fully
Inclusive, there is no such thing as exclusiveness within reality, that concept exists only in the
illusion which suggest this false phenomena  within the dual nature of the relative universe
in the absolute reality no exclusiveness can exist.
Mankind has an urgent need to shift his focus of forever looking outward, to actually shifting
his gaze inward, and in so doing getting to know who he really is, that of a divine immortal
soul, having what is called a human experience while journeying here upon the earth plane.
We all live in two different worlds every day of our expression here on earth,the day light
waking state, which we are all very familiar with, and the night time world where we all go to
when we are asleep, which is the astral plane or realm, of which we know virtually nothing
about .If we are ever going to understand the reality in which we move in,then we need to make
an effort to first get to know that total stranger that dwells within you, and is who you really
ARE, is not an intelligent thing to pursue?
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome facebook soul realisation.

Friday 16 March 2018

Visiting Astral Planes Opens Up Reality. =V A P O U R .

Reality opens up from the infinitely small sub atomic particles or waves, to the infinitely large
energy field in which we all dwell.
A vast and endless expression of that which is all, we as human beings know very little about
this infinite expression of living intelligent energy.
Most of us do not even know who we are, let alone what reality actually is.We actually live within
seven dimensions of expression, and daily we all live in two, that of the physical realm while awake
and the astral realm while asleep, the majority of us (hopefully) know all about the physical waking
part, because we consciously experience it daily, but not so many of us know anything about our
nocturnal excursions into the astral realm. For most of us a veil comes down upon awakening
and we quickly forget all about our adventures there.
We can however do something about this by keeping a note book and pen next to our bed, and
writing down as quickly as we can on awakening, all the thoughts and feelings we are experiencing
at that moment, if we practice this daily we will begin to build up a picture of what we have been doing , and who we have met and spoken to.
Sleep has been known to be called the first cousin of death by those of old, because when we die
(change our residence) we all go into the astral world, automatically, you do not have to do anything
its all done with perfect timing and precision for us,we leave our physical body here on the earth
where it belongs, and we then use consciously our astral body, the connection with the physical
body is severed at the time of death, this is the silver chord, that connects the physical body with
the astral body,the big difference is of course that when we are sleeping and astral travelling
the silver chord remains firmly intact, and also it can stretch infinitely in any direction without
snapping, so there is nothing to fear about venturing too far.
Natural universal law, being perfect in its operation makes very sure that we are used to the
act of leaving our bodies every night, and venturing into our other home, the astral realm, so that
by the time we actually die, we are used to the procedure of leaving the physical body, and therefore
it is no longer a shock to us, this is unconditional love being expressed to all of us, when we need it
In part two will explore this idea further. Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome facebook soul realisation.

Ode To Be Whole.

1 Time flows by ignoring my pain
I just sit here, cannot explain.

2 Space encloses me, all around
look for a signal, still no sound.

3 Empty feelings circle around
cannot feel my feet upon the ground

4 Sunlight beckons, hopes are stirred
will I be alright, don't be absurd.

5 The way ahead looks long and steep
will this night bring dreamless sleep.

6 Looking for a sign to show the way
will I find it on this day.

7  Gazing out on a star light night
are there others with my plight.

8 Towards another day I venture
will it bring pain or adventure.

Hope you enjoy this little ode to wholeness, warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome, facebook soul realisation.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Vibrations In Crisis Is Opening Up Sorrows. =V I C I O U S . Part Two.

The universal equation goes basically like this,all is energy, and energy is all,we as human beings
are all energy, some of it condensed to a very slow vibration and exits as a physical body, and
other vibrations are higher like thought and feelings.
All energy vibrates and takes on a solid or liquid like formation, depending on its rate of
oscillation and rotation,energy moves in a spiral formation and appears as a vortex
We as human beings, who are also self aware, can do something that no other life form can do
and that is to consciously or unconsciously to go against the natural order of universal alignment
we can do the opposite and instead of being in harmony with our energy matrix, we throw a
spanner into the works, by being negative and resisting the natural flow of force. This results
in our becoming ill and damaged by our wilfulness be it knowingly or otherwise.
Millions or even perhaps billions of us have some form of belief in a universal creator who
many call God, yet most of these do not fully realise that we all are creators of our very own
reality, and whats more we also create the life we lead, and all the illnesses and other maladies
that befall us all.
The energy matrix that we all our embedded deeply within, has certain parameters which we
need to stay within, or else we will incur a vibratory crisis, where the energy harmony becomes
compromised which will result in damage to its point of reference (us) and the longer this crisis
remains in place, the greater the damage done, ultimately causing the death of the form of
expression, due to decoherence of the energy matrix.
Basically unless we live in harmony with universal law, and take the trouble to know who we really are,we will remain stunted and prone to all manner of diseases, including fears and anxieties.
We need to fully understand that we are all connected to each other by a common bond of energy
filled consciousness, and that we are all immortal souls, having what could be called a human
experience here on earth.
All illnesses and other maladies that plague mankind are ALL caused because there is disharmony
within the enclosed system (your body) this is what vibratory crisis actually is, we step out of the
alignment coherent area, and this beings negativity into our being, which then translates as
sickness.In order to stop this crisis from occurring within us, we all need to live in harmony with
natural law, (you can find all about this on the net, just type in natural universal laws) and we also
need to fully embrace who we actually really are,that of eternal immortal souls, if we can do that
then we will avoid sickness and despair, and open the door to love peace and inner joy.
Warmest regards Michael, all feedback welcome face book soul realisation.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Vibrations In Crisis Is Opening Up Sorrows, =V I C I O U S.

Mankind has evolved into a point where he has opened up a vibrational crisis, which has
negative low oscillations emanating from within its matrix. These low level vibrations are
damaging to our physical, mental, and spiritual welfare.
We are so out of synchronisation with the laws of universal harmony, which are basically
operating on a loving inclusive all accepting principle, that we have arrived at a point
in our evolution where we have unwittingly invited a monster into our midst, that of
selfishness and rampant egotism, to run riot within our lives.
This monster can only dwell within us when there is an inner emotional vibratory crisis
this gives the negative monster the energy it needs to exist within us.
Mankind is very sick at this point in our development, the root cause of this sickness, is
that we are so hopelessly out of alignment with universal law, that we have open up within
us a devastating vibrational crisis, that is literally killing millions of us every year, we are
dying like flies, with things like cancer, heart disease,diabetes.addictions to drugs and alcolol
plus millions also dying of emotional and mental illnesses.
All these diseases and mental and emotional problems, would disappear overnight if we
achieved and held ourselves in vibrational harmony.
Vibrations are another name for energy in motion, and this energy moves in a rotating
symmetrical fashion in the form of a vortex,the lower the vibratory oscillations are, the
effect upon a human being, will be negative, and this translates as sickness and ill health
the higher the vibrations are then this brings about  a harmonious effect upon the being
in question, resulting if maintained robust health and fitness.
All of our difficulties and illnesses are self created by us, we can be creators of vibrant
health, or disease and misery, the choice is down to us, and the way we connect to reality
and the basic laws of universal harmony and acceptance of who we really are.
We each have a personal responsibility to know ourselves as we truly are,to align ourselves
with the natural laws of life,if we do not know these laws, then find out from the internet
there is much information there awaiting discovery.We can all end this vibratory crisis within us
and get back to robust health and fitness, we each have the choice to do this thing,if we are sick
and tired, of being sick and tired,then we can take action and eliminate this from our lives.
In part two will make suggestions as to how to achieve this, warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed face book soul realisation.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Before Us Lies Life Smothered Hopelessly In Trivia. =B U L L S H I T ! Part Two,

What is it that makes us so fascinated by trivia and celebrity worship? God is dead let us all
embrace worshipping none entities who have ego's the size of mount Everest!, And whats more
buy everything they wear and put on their skin. Are our lives so empty that we need to fill this
inner void with shallow worthless trash posing as "entertainment".
Has mankind lost his way and is struggling against a vicious rip tide of superfluous nonsense?
Where fake news is being broadcast by the main media outlets like Google and Facebook , and
we are being sucked into this vortex of lies.
We are all embodiment's of the life principle,we are life which stands for Living Intelligent
Focused Energy=L I F E , that is what we all are,intelligent energy, yet we are squandering
our intelligence by being taken in by a huge global wave of superficiality posing as having
meaning and depth, is there any hope for us at all?
If we are tired of this shallowness, and long to find some depth of meaning in out lives
then we have not too far to look, all we need to do is refocus our gaze from forever looking
outward, to now looking inward,if we need help on this,or advice, we can look through the
many outlets on the web, that teach such things as yoga and meditation, look through these
and find one that resonates with you, then put the teaching into practice and begin the journey
to the deep that lies within us all.
We have so lost our way, that children do not know what a potato is, or what veg actually
looks like, because all their food is processed garbage, instant food, instant diabetes!
Were pink slurry mixed with fat and sugars and called chicken nuggets,is actually being
allowed to be called food! That food will eventually kill you.It is time to take our power back
and not allow outside forces to manipulate the way we think, and what we buy,we are fed lies
daily by food manufactures who fill their products with sugar disguised by varies names,which give
rise to rampant  diabetes which is infecting millions in the west, the drug companies who make
billions out of us by buying their pills.all these companies are using us as cash cows for their
Real depth and meaning are in short supply these days,it is up to us individually to cast aside this
superficial blanket of meaningless trivia, and to descend into the depths of our real divine heritige
that exists within us all, to find out who we really are, and how we are all connected to each other
to find ourselves,and rejoice in the opening up of an enchanting and wonderful life, that exists
within us all, but is hidden from our view by superficiality and false propaganda issued from the
multinational companies that dictate what we think,eat, and do.
Warmest regards Michael/ any feed back welcome facebook soul realisation.

Monday 12 March 2018

Before Us Lies Life Smothered Hopelessly In Trivia. = B U L L S H I T !

We now live in a world,especially in the western more affluent part where trivia and fake news is
often responded to much more than real news. We seem to be totally fascinated by all that is
hollow shallow and basically worthless trash. Like the shows that are supposed to be called
entertainment, and the endless line up of those who think they have talent competing with others
and we sit and watch this crap.
We are fed live images of war zones, and shown blood soaked ground, shown harrowing photos
of those poor victims of mans greed and lust for power, and we are all shown this from the comfort
of our homes, while sat having dinner.! Is this not some sick kind of voyeurism? Our attention is
always firmly placed on forever looking outward, endlessly looking at our mobile phones in case
we miss some mighty important news , like some hollywood  stars new hairstyle!  Or your friends
birthday is tomorrow, send them a card.
We as humans are suffocating under the lash of trivia based bullshit,and political correctness, where
if you call a man mister, or a woman miss, you can be seen as being sexist! Millions are dying every
year because of they way they live, and the amount of junk food they consume, addictions are also
killing millions of us every year, yet the food and big pharma companies keep on peddling the
junk food laden with several kinds of disguised sugars and salt, and the drug companies are raking
in billions as we all fall sick in droves, and they push their drugs down our throats.
Trivia and surficial attention will be the death of mankind, unless we wake up, and smell the real
roses, rather that the scented plastic variety.
We worship footballers and celebrities as though they were gods,buy magazines which tell you all
about what these "famous" people are doing, what is their favourite food? What are they wearing?
How many cars have they got? Think about this for a minute, you are so interested in some stranger
whom you will never meet in a thousand years,what about your own life? What about your neighbour
are they well and warm?
We can know so much about somebody else, yet we do not even know who we really our,let alone
some so called famous person, you cannot find any real depth or meaning while you are treading
endlessly in very shallow water, trivia like tinsel paper exist only on the surface, all glitter and show
painted a golden colour to imply some value to the crap being displayed.
In part two will explore this more deeply. warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Sunday 11 March 2018

Metamorphosis Of Mankind M O M. Part Two.

Mankind has risen up out of the ashes and ruins of his past, and is beginning to take on the
role of transformation, rising like the Phoenix and opening up higher levels of consciousness
and awareness.
Millions of us are on this path of transformation that will ultimately lead to us being reborn
again while still in physical form, and without the need to enter the womb twice!
Then the metamorphosis sequence will have changed our presence from being just a human
being, into now being a divine being.
One of the most enduring metaphors for the spiritual path is the transformation of the lowly
caterpillar into a butterfly. Out of its own substance the ground hugging grub weaves the
medium of metamorphosis the chrysalis within  which it evolves into a beautiful creature
with wings. The human being undergoes an equally dramatic transformation, unfolding the
path to liberation from within the depths of the soul and emerging after a great struggle
as an expression of divinity in the world.
The ultimate destiny of all of mankind is to undergo this process of transformation, that will
lead onto us all being reborn by the process of metamorphosis  into a new level of awareness
and consciousness, knowing that without as shadow of doubt who you truly are, that of a
divine immortal soul being expressed within a physical body, this is what we all will undergo
its just a question of when you will make a start, this life time, or the next, the choice is yours.
There is a saying that,"God sleeps in the stones,dreams in the plants,stirs in the animals,and
awakens in man" We have all been through this long journey together, now we are at the cross roads
of our awakening,we are at a point where we can actually take an active conscious role in our own
personal evolutionary path, we can decide to look within ourselves, take up the regular practice of
yoga or meditation,immerse ourselves into the inner silence, that dwells within us, and arises when
all thoughts are stilled, open our hearts and minds to explore this vast infinite inner realm, and discover from whence" that still small voice within us" arises from, it comes from our higher self
the soul, we can then make conscious contact with our higher self the soul, which will then open
the door to much higher levels of consciousness and perceptive ability, we will be intuitively aware
and gain in the process much knowledge and inclusive wisdom.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome face book soul realisation.

Saturday 10 March 2018

Metamorphosis Of Mankind. =M O M .

It is a process of metamorphosis that begins when the soul in man incarnate awakens to its
spiritual essence and discovers the path of return to its Source. Now at this crucial turning
point in evolution,humanity is awakening to its higher nature- the spark of the Godhead
implanted in animal man . The human soul is imprisoned by the matrix of material forces
in which it dwells, until the moment of awakening, when the heart opens and one begins
to sense the subtler dimensions of life.
A mysterious alchemical process is set in motion by which the lower self  or unredeemed
persona gradually becomes aware of its higher counterpart, the divine self, existing on a
subtler plane, when this awareness reaches a kindling point, a seeker of light is born and the
way opens to the path of transformation,which will then lead the inquiring mind to a further
point in which the transforming process is replaced by a transmutation which then opens
the door to intuitive learning(being taught from within) this is the first phase of the
transformative  journey.
Mankind exists within a infinite ocean of varying energy, and this energy is expressed in
an almost infinite number of "degrees of excitation" from very low material frequencies
on up into the higher levels of consciousness and spirituality, for man to tune into these
higher vibrations of energy, he needs to look within himself, and still his mind and thought
processes, and become still and silent within.
When man can achieve that he will then gain access to higher energy frequencies that will
impact upon him, and gradually bring about a transformative process that will set the man
firmily on the road that will lead to a process of the man being reborn, and metamorphosis
will transform him from man animal to man divine.
This is the path that lies open for all of us to take, it is up to us to make that most vital decision
no one can make it for us, it is though our destiny, it is just depends on whether you want to
start this journey today, or postpone it to the next life time.
Just as an insect crawls around and eats, then goes to sleep and awakens into another form
so to can we change from being just human, into being divine.
In part two will explore this concept further, warmest regards Michael any feed back welcomed face book soul realisation.

Friday 9 March 2018

Enlightenment Accentuates Reality Truth Harmonised =E A R T H Part Two.

In order to gain enlightenment we first need to know and understand who we really are, what lies
beneath this physical exterior?  We need to understand that we are so much more than we had ever
imagined it to be,just as there are seven dimensions of reality, we have seven bodies, each body
corresponds to the seven dimensions of reality, we have a physical body,etheric body, astral body,
mental body, soul or causal body,buddhic body, and atmic body.
Each body also has a characteristic or quality of energy associated with it, the physical body
has to do with instinct, the etheric body with the vital force and vital energy, the astral body with
desires, feelings, and emotions,the mental body with the concrete mind,the soul or causal body
with abstract mind, the buddhic body with intuition,the atmic body with spiritual will.
We each have several levels of consciousness and perceptions, however most of these levels
of consciousness are completely unknown to the vast majority of us, and most of us only access
the first three levels of awareness. The other four levels are unknown to us.
The simple truth regarding enlightenment is that all it requires is for you to know yourself
once you know yourself fully, you are then automatically enlightened by that act of knowing
Easier said than done though,as I said in the previous blog on this topic, the path to enlightenment
is very simple to follow, but that simplicity does not imply  that it is easy, it is not easy, it will
be the hardest thing you have ever done in your life.
What is the secret of knowing yourself? What have you got to do? Well the answer to these
questions is that what you got to do is basically nothing! Try sitting for just ten minutes and
do absolutely nothing whatsoever,no moving, no thinking, just sat there absolutely still in mind
and body, stopping all thoughts dead, and reaching a point where they stop arising altogether
for say ten minutes, can you easily do that simple thing?
What we are looking for is depth, depth in perception, awareness, and consciousness,and these can
only be found in absolute silence within, any thoughts send a vibrational shock wave through the
stillness and immediately shatter the depth of penetration.
The deeper we venture into our inner being,the closer we get to the understanding of who we are
if we persist in our daily meditation or yoga, persist in our questioning of  who am I? We will
gradually build up a rapport and open up an intuitional doorway to our higher self the soul.
This will then lead to an opening up of our true self, and we will then know absolutely who and
what we truly are, which is universal immortal divine souls, who are all the SELF, and that
SELF, is the absolute or God if you prefer. One last and most vital point to understand is that
although there may appear to be seven billion souls on earth, there is in fact just  ONE SELF.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome face book soul realisation.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Enlightenment Accentuates Reality Truth Harmonised. E A R T H .

What exactly does enlightenment mean? Does anyone actually know? How would you know if
you had attained enlightenment? These questions have been asked by many down through ages
long past.
Enlightenment has got absolutely nothing to do with what you know, or how much you have
studied, it has got nothing to do with how good and loving you may be, enlightenment actually
means very simply, knowing yourself as the SELF!  In other words it means that you know
through personal experience, and have made conscious contact with your higher self, which
is the soul, and that you fully embrace this divine reality, and have surrendered your ego and
personality on the alter of sacrifice, and therefore are reborn into a higher level of consciousness
and awareness. That simply is what enlightenment actually means, that you know yourself as
A God incarnate upon the earth plane, and that your only reality is the eternal SELF, your name
rank and serial number, plus your occupation, are now seen a totally irrelevant and of no
consequence whatsoever.
So how then does one gain enlightenment if that is your ardent desire? Again the answer is very simple, but please do NOT confuse simple as meaning EASY, for easy it is not.
The very first requirement is to have a desire, better if it is a burning desire to know yourself,
billions of us all think we know ourselves, and can even be very smug about it, of course I know
myself they will say, what a foolish question, they remark. But what the majority of these actually
know about themselves is a very surficial understanding of there habits and emotions, there is
absolutely no real depth understanding of that inner reality that dwells deeply within them, that
of their very own immortal soul.
If you have a wish to know yourself, then you can start with the most basic question one can ask
them self, that question of who am I? Set aside some time each day,teach yourself how to meditate
or practice yoga, enter into the silence, that dwells deeply within you, and when you have entered
into the silence, ask yourself the question,who am I? You must be persistent with this most noble
endeavour , persistence pay big dividends if you remain focused and steadfast in your practice.
Learn to let go of all arising thoughts, ignore them completely, just let them roll on by, keep focused
on the question who am I?
In part two will delve deeper into this question, warmest regards Michael any feed back welcome facebook soul realisation.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Metempsychosis Or Reincarnation Expressed. M O R E Part Two,

Evolution is much like "the wheel of Life" as taught in Buddhism, we are each presented with
a seemingly endless cycle of experiences, all manifested by life to teach us something about
who and what we really are.
The planet earth from our point of view is basically a planetary school, a platform placed here
by infinite intelligence in order for us to evolve from the slime of unconsciousness to erect
standing bipeds, and then further evolving from ape to man-human then further on to man
consciously divine.
As was said in yesterdays blog on this topic, mankind wrongly identifies himself with the
vehicle used to give the real owner (the soul) and with this false identification man is led
a merry dance of misappropriated  assumptions that keep him prisoner here far longer than
he need be.
We have all been here on earth for centuries long past,going up and down like a living
life wave, the crest of the wave holds us here in physical form, then the wave collapses
we change venues (die) and refocus our view in the astral plane, where we all have been
countless times, and visit this realm every night while asleep.The astral plane is as real as
this earth plane is real, we are all multidimensional beings, and we live in these dimensions
accordingly to where our point of conscious perception is focused, while awake we are
focused within the earth plane realm, then when we go to sleep, we shift our point of
focus, and then tune into the dimension that corresponds  with the astral plane.
The whole point of evolution is to evolve, and that is why we are here, mankind is generally
wholly ignorant of who he actually is, some of us are still just human-animals.while others
have evolved into human-beings, we still have a way to go before we have reached the point
where we have learned all the lessons this earth can teach us, and therefore can get of the
wheel of life, and therefore have no more need to reincarnate here, unless of course we chose
to do so, in order to teach others the reality of our being.
We each have an opportunity in this day of the internet, to learn about who we really are, there
are vast amounts of useful information there if we take the trouble to search for it, most of us know
more about what certain celebrities do and say, that they know about who they actually are, that is
the sad state that we are in today, we look outside for direction, rather than looking within us for the
We all our eternal immortal souls, having what is called a human experience here on earth, in order
to fully comprehend and fully understand what this reality actually means to us.
When we can fully understand what and who we truly are,we will have progressed within the
evolutionary cycle far enough to have no more need to reincarnate here, unless we chose to, we can then more on to higher stages of expanded consciousness and spiritual expression.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome face book soul realisation.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Metempsychosis Or Reincarnation Expressed. M O R E .

Metempsychosis is the theory of the soul derived from the teachings of Pythagoras, who may
have based his ideas on the Indian concept of reincarnation. In metempsychosis the soul is
immortal and passes through cycles of incarnation in birth and release from the body at death.
Both of the teachings from the ancient Greek teachings of Pythagoras, who called his ideas
metempsychosis, to the teachings of the GITA  from the Hindu religion  who call it reincarnation
both teach that we as human beings are all immortal souls, and are born and reborn many many
times here upon the earth plane.
What exactly is this thing called humanity? We all think we know what it is, but I suggest that
what we all think we know about humanity is completely wrong, we use words like the human
race, and mankind, man cruel would be nearer the mark these days!  Human beings are just
and only vehicles for the indwelling soul, what is called mankind is actually seven billion
or so space suits vehicles provided  by natural universal law, with the cooperation of the
elements that of earth,air, water, fire, and ether, so that the soul may gain purchase on this
dense and low vibration plane.
Our only and actual reality is that we are all spirit first, and that spirit which is the vital
life essence of all reality, is covered by another vehicle which is called the eternal immortal
soul, that is what we really are, we are identifying with our vehicles of expression and actually
believing that the spacesuit is our real and true identity! That is like say the Ford car you drive
is actually you, if you told the doctor that you were a Ford car, he would call for the men in
white coats to take you to a mental hospital for deep therapy!
Re embodiment is not a theory, it is a universal fact of living expression, we all have been here on
earth many many times before,many of us can remember our past lives, I can remember three
past lives, that I have lived before, and I am not alone in this past life remembering.
Because outwardly we are all evolving within the current cycle of evolution, we all need to know
and understand who we really are, and this takes many life times of experience to fully understand
as to what you truly are.
We all have been incarnated in every race on earth,have been wealthy and poor, healthy and sick
cruel and kind, indifferent and loving,generous and miserly, male and female,it is only when we
have fully exhausted and understood all these experiences, that we can then step off the wheel of
reincarnation, and therefore decide what we do next.
In part two will look at this more closely warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome face book soul realization.

Monday 5 March 2018

Knowledge About Reality Modifies Actions. K A R M A Part Two.

The main thing we all need to understand is that cause and effect  otherwise known as Karma
is that there is not some mighty punisher up there in the sky, who will reign down upon us
thunderbolts from above, if we do something wrong. We are never "punished" for what we do
rather it is by what we do, and that there is no real punisher in existence, what  happens is simply
that we break a natural universal law, and therefore follows an effect from this action,  whether it
be a positive or negative effect.
Karma which is a natural universal law, also known in the west as the law of cause and effect,
operates perfectly throughout the universe, it operates whether we know about it or not, whether
we are ignorant of its existent or not, or whether we know about it or not,being ignorant of this
law will not excuse you from its effects.
If we try and understand this law, we can then modify our behaviour and the way we act and react
with others, the basis of this law is complete love and acceptance, balancing our actions within
these parameters will keep us free from negative effects, and we will be in harmony with ourselves
and all others.
This however is not an easy thing to do and sustain, we can only improve our lot by doing the
best we can on any given day, the more we can understand this law, and look within ourselves
for answers, the easier it will eventually become.
The main thing to understand about this law is that it operates automatically and is finely balanced
within each human being, and that our conscience it the connector to this law of expression, if we
look within ourselves, take up something like yoga or meditation, become honest with our thoughts
and feelings, we will begin to align ourselves to this law, and that our conscience will become
fully activated, and in so doing it will act as a protector of its charge, by giving you intuitive
warnings if your behaviour or actions are straying into the penalty zone, and giving you time
to change your course of action,your higher self, or the soul, is the seat where your conscience
lies, its job,(if you pay attention to it) is to protect you from harming yourself, and others.
We were issued forth into this human domain by an act of unconditional love, and within that
embodiment was placed our conscience, it is our responsibility to listen to that still small voice
within us which is our soul or higher self, and if we do that,our lives will become much more
happier and contented.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome face book soul realisation.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Knowledge About Reality Modifies Actions.=K A R M A

The law of Karma can be briefly summed up by two familiar sayings, "as you sow , so shall you reap" and the other is the  law of cause and effect, we are effected and infected by the causes we
set into motion.
What many of us do not realise is that this law if fully comprehensive in every dimension we
exist within, and operates on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual basis, and whats more
this law holds US fully responsible for everything we think, say, and do, all our actions, and reactions
are held firmly within the embrace of this law.
There is absolutely no escape from the influence of this law, and we need be ever mindful that we
are not "punished" (effected) by this law for what we do, rather we are effected by what we do.
There is no God up there in the sky going to punish you as you are a sinner! There is absolutely
no need for that, the law of Karma is absolute and automatic in its operation, it regulates itself
automatically and is finely balanced within every life form, we are not judged by what we do,rather
for what we do, and the only judge of man is man himself! There is no need for a God to judge you
these are childlike fairy stories that man has been spoon fed for centuries, and are all utter
nonsense, the reality is that every human being has inbuilt within his being something called a
conscience, also called a divine monitor, this inbuilt aspect of our being is the very thing that will
judge YOU, no other being in the universe including the Absolute GOD has the authority to judge
another being, only we have the absolute authority to judge ourselves, and that's the way it works.
When we are in our physical bodies and err in our actions in dealing with our peers, we can hide
behind all sorts of excuses as to why we were justified in doing an action  that upset our peers, we can pretend it was their fault, they deserved what was coming to them, and for many of us we can
feel justified about our actions, even be a little smug about it all.
Other times we can lie awake at night and feel guilty about what we had done to another person
this is our conscience acting on us, and showing us that what we did was unloving and hurtful
to another, and suggesting ways of balancing this act, perhaps a heart felt apology or some other
way of making amends, if we act on these promptings from our conscience we are beginning to
address the balance of our incurring Karma.
In part two will explore further this topic, warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

Saturday 3 March 2018

Opening Consciousness Can Unite Loving Truth. =O C C U L T part Two.

That which remains hidden, is the meaning of the word occult, and what has been hidden from
mankind for centuries,is the truth of who we really are, we each have our own innate integrity
which reflects the other truth of our being that of our divine heritage, we are all divine souls
and all related by our integral divinity.
This is the truth that has been omitted by religion, as those in power, wanted to stay in power
and wanted man to fear God, and respect their authority and kowtow to their rules of conduct.
Therefore we were not told the truth of our heritage and our divine expression of the infinite
mind,that of the Absolute God.
Mankind is fully united within one composite whole,although on the surface this does not seem
so and we seem to be apart from one another, however this is a surficial illusion, that quickly
dissolves if we look beneath the outer appearances.
We are all one divine family each a presenting soul, incarnated upon this earth to gain experience
and learn and adjust from those experiences.
When we take the trouble to refocus our gaze from forever looking outward, to beginning to
look within our self, we will begin to discover that hidden world that lies within us.
This line of inner inquiry will lead us to discover the truth of our being, that we are all immortal
souls, having what is called a human experience , this human experience is necessary in order
for us to learn and understand the meaning and the feeling of being apart from the whole, to feel
the very real feeling and pain of separation and feeling isolated and alone,(in truth it is absolutely
impossible ever to become separated from the whole, but the feeling seems very real) we all need
to experience these feelings in order to bring into our consciousness the meaning of the word love
and compassion, which in turn lead to our understanding  the pains and trials that our brother and sister experience. It gives us empathy and insight into others suffering, because we too have been
there, and understand.
My hope and prayers are that now the occult (hidden) message of our true divine heritage will
now be freely available to all, and that those that want to know who they truly are (and I hope
you all do who read this) will have the opportunity to find them selves and therefore set
themselves free from the bondage of ignorance and groping in the dark.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome face book soul realisation.

Friday 2 March 2018

Opening Consciousness Can Unite Loving Truth. =O C C U L T .

What is the loving truth that can unite us? The word occult means basically "that which is hidden"
the hidden knowledge, wisdom and truth that has been kept from us for centuries, and only known
by a privileged few.
The loving truth that has been hidden for so long, hidden by those in high authority within the
religious orders around the world, this truth, that by knowing it would set you free, and escape
the bondage of false teaching and emotional slavery, the elite within all these various religions
were very fearful of loosing their power and stranglehold they had on society in general.
Thankfully in this modern age. and particularly with the opening up of the internet and an easy
exchange of knowledge and information, we can easily find out things that were once totally
hidden away from our view.
Opening our consciousness means much more than just using our minds and thinking things
through, consciousness is about what we actually are, we all are consciousness formed and
shaped in a physical body, consciousness is just another name for energy and energy is a
universal constant, eternal and ubiquitous, we are all energy, conscious energy called
consciousness, which is also known as spirit, which again is a universal constant, eternal
and ubiquitous, this is what we all our at the inner matrix of our being, outwardly we are
all contained within a physical form called the human being, energy or consciouseness
or light, congealed and set into form by infinite intelligence.
at our inner level we are self, covered by what is called our soul or higher self, this too is
consciousness soul and spirit combined in one homogeneous whole, that is what we all our
souls having what could be called a human experience here on the earth plane.
It is said that by knowing the truth, the truth will set you free, what does that actually mean?
Could it be free from the slavery of ignorance and false assumptions? Freedom just to be
ourselves? And what does that mean, free to be yourself? What were you then before this freedom?
These questions will all be answered in the next part of the OCCULT blog. Of all the things a person
can ever know, the most important understanding is knowing exactly who you are, and when you know that, all other truth will automatically be added to you.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome face book soul realisation.

Thursday 1 March 2018

Resonant Energy Flows Letting Evolving Consciousness Through Into Opening Numinosity. Part 2.

An ancient occult axiom states, "as above, so below, so below, as above", clearly points to the
reflection principle that operates throughout the universe.
We are all visible reflections of an inner energy, this energy is known by many different names
like, force, consciousness,life force, spirit,or just plain energy, all these different names are all
really describing the same thing.
Human beings are all mirror images of each other, we all reflect upon each other, some of these
reflections are positive and others negative, whatever you see in another person exists within you
Our awareness only becomes more alert when we still the endless chatter of thoughts that invade
our brains, when we can still this endless chatter of which most of it is  meaningless  trivialities
we can begin to get some perspective of just who we are, we can begin to open up levels of
consciousness that were previously denied to us, and in so doing this, become aware that we all
seem to be part of one whole principle that seems to have a leaning towards unity and atonement
The most effective cementing principle in the universe is the power of love and acceptance all
of which are in short supply in our modern world.
We all evolve through a seemingly endless chain of experiences, through these experiences we
feel pain and anguish, joy and immense happiness , sadness, find true love, and then lose it through
death or accident, all these experiences shape us into what we are today, however we need to be
mindful that life continues far longer than you can ever imagine, and that you now reading this
blog, have had numerous excursions here to what has been often called  "this vale of tears" the
Earth, we all our here to finally know ourselves, and we all do this by experiencing endless
experiences, and hopefully learning and adjusting ourselves along the way,we each reflect of
each other, and we are all in differing states of awareness and levels of consciousness, yet we are
all able to see ourselves in others, if we take the trouble to look closely and become aware that
although we may all seem separate and apart on the surface, this is in fact a deception, for again
if we look deeply into ourselves we see that we are all united into one whole family, and that we
are all divine, and reflect this reality to each other constantly, if we had but eyes to see!
So if we open our minds, and open our hearts, look within and find that being that dwells there
and find that this being is your own very real immortal soul, and when that is realised it will then
be abundantly clear that we all our part of one divine family, this will then be reality reflected back
at you from its primary source.
Warmest regards Michael. any comments welcome facebook soul realisation.