Tuesday 27 March 2018

Conscience Reveals All False Thinking. =C R A F T . part Two.

We all have choices and a fair amount of free will, why then do so many of us will ourselves
misery and pain? Of course no one in their right mind wills pain and despair upon themselves
but the fact is we do this unknowingly of the consequences of our thoughts and actions.
Mankind has a depth of ignorance about him that would make the ocean seem like a puddle
in comparison.
Our profound ignorance is not about understanding academic principles, although they can
be very useful to us, our ignorance lies in the complete lack of comprehension as to who we
really are, and the complete  lack of understanding as to what our conscience actually is, we
all live within this physical body and have not even a nodding acquaintance of who the real
occupier actually is!
The price we all pay for this complete lack of understanding and knowledge about our true
identity, is that of global sickness, where countless millions are dying every year of diseases
and illnesses all of our own making, albeit ignorantly, all the wars and suffering that  these
actions bring, arises because of total ignorance of ones true identity, none of this could possibly
occur, if we truly knew who we were. Because knowing who we were would reveal that we
are all connected to one divine family, and that love, acceptance, and compassion were are
natural natures of expression, just buried within us and covered over by our ignorance.
The saying, let your conscience be your guide, is badly needed today, if we all were in tune
with that inner monitor, then peace would quickly prevail  upon this world, all we need to do
is to listen to that still small voice within us, that is the voice of our soul speaking through
what is called our conscience.
If we can tune into this inner voice, take up yoga or meditation, sit quietly and explore the
inner world where you will then eventually know who you really are, that of an eternal
immortal soul.
There is a saying that "the truth will set you free" but that is only half of the whole picture
because if we actually do embrace the truth of who we actually are, not only will we be free
but also that inner truth of our being, now fired up with our conscience fully online and
active, will actually protect us from veering of into a direction that will cause us pain.
Our consciences will be fully active, and our actions will reflect our inner peaceful state.
Warmest regards Michael
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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