Monday 26 March 2018

Conscience Reveals All False Thinking. =C R A F T .

We each have within us a Divine monitor, which is called our conscience, and if we pay heed
to its promptings we will be saved from much suffering and mental anguish.
The home of our conscience lies in our individual immortal soul, that lies within the centre
of our being, that still small voice that we sometimes hear calling out to us in times of crisis
and emotional upset, this inner voice is that of our soul, and is exactly the same voice as our
Sadly though and to our great cost we often ignore this inner voice of conscience, and plough
on in the same negative pattern, until the pain and suffering is too much for us to take, then
we take some action, others are not so lucky and die before they get a chance to change course.
The root cause of all this pain and suffering we all endure is our ignorance of who we really
are, if only we knew ourselves as we truly are, most of this planets problems would vanish
Freedom and conscious awareness comes from knowing truly what, and who you are, until you
know yourself as being an immortal divine soul, you will only be partially alive, the vast majority
of who you really are will be unavailable to you, like an iceberg that vastness of your whole being
will be submerged beneath your consciousness threshold and you will be about three per cent
conscious, ninety seven per cent of you will be dead!
By turning inward and embracing the sciences of either yoga or meditation, we can open up the
gateway that will expand our consciousness, and allow us to express more of our hidden potential
and in so doing become more aware and attentive to the promptings of our conscience.
CRAFT is about  paying attention to the call of reality, reality lies within each one of us, ourside
of us there lies pain, anguish, and delusion, within us lies expansion of consciousness and perception,
realisation as to who we really are,freedom from ignorance and fear, freedom from the pain of being
and feeling isolated, and apart from the whole, becoming whole again rather than being fragmented
parts of something unknowable.
Let your conscience be YOUR GUIDE, and lead you to  the place where light dwells within
coruscating rivers of luminosity.
In part two will explore this further, warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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