Thursday 15 March 2018

Vibrations In Crisis Is Opening Up Sorrows. =V I C I O U S . Part Two.

The universal equation goes basically like this,all is energy, and energy is all,we as human beings
are all energy, some of it condensed to a very slow vibration and exits as a physical body, and
other vibrations are higher like thought and feelings.
All energy vibrates and takes on a solid or liquid like formation, depending on its rate of
oscillation and rotation,energy moves in a spiral formation and appears as a vortex
We as human beings, who are also self aware, can do something that no other life form can do
and that is to consciously or unconsciously to go against the natural order of universal alignment
we can do the opposite and instead of being in harmony with our energy matrix, we throw a
spanner into the works, by being negative and resisting the natural flow of force. This results
in our becoming ill and damaged by our wilfulness be it knowingly or otherwise.
Millions or even perhaps billions of us have some form of belief in a universal creator who
many call God, yet most of these do not fully realise that we all are creators of our very own
reality, and whats more we also create the life we lead, and all the illnesses and other maladies
that befall us all.
The energy matrix that we all our embedded deeply within, has certain parameters which we
need to stay within, or else we will incur a vibratory crisis, where the energy harmony becomes
compromised which will result in damage to its point of reference (us) and the longer this crisis
remains in place, the greater the damage done, ultimately causing the death of the form of
expression, due to decoherence of the energy matrix.
Basically unless we live in harmony with universal law, and take the trouble to know who we really are,we will remain stunted and prone to all manner of diseases, including fears and anxieties.
We need to fully understand that we are all connected to each other by a common bond of energy
filled consciousness, and that we are all immortal souls, having what could be called a human
experience here on earth.
All illnesses and other maladies that plague mankind are ALL caused because there is disharmony
within the enclosed system (your body) this is what vibratory crisis actually is, we step out of the
alignment coherent area, and this beings negativity into our being, which then translates as
sickness.In order to stop this crisis from occurring within us, we all need to live in harmony with
natural law, (you can find all about this on the net, just type in natural universal laws) and we also
need to fully embrace who we actually really are,that of eternal immortal souls, if we can do that
then we will avoid sickness and despair, and open the door to love peace and inner joy.
Warmest regards Michael, all feedback welcome face book soul realisation.

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