Friday 9 March 2018

Enlightenment Accentuates Reality Truth Harmonised =E A R T H Part Two.

In order to gain enlightenment we first need to know and understand who we really are, what lies
beneath this physical exterior?  We need to understand that we are so much more than we had ever
imagined it to be,just as there are seven dimensions of reality, we have seven bodies, each body
corresponds to the seven dimensions of reality, we have a physical body,etheric body, astral body,
mental body, soul or causal body,buddhic body, and atmic body.
Each body also has a characteristic or quality of energy associated with it, the physical body
has to do with instinct, the etheric body with the vital force and vital energy, the astral body with
desires, feelings, and emotions,the mental body with the concrete mind,the soul or causal body
with abstract mind, the buddhic body with intuition,the atmic body with spiritual will.
We each have several levels of consciousness and perceptions, however most of these levels
of consciousness are completely unknown to the vast majority of us, and most of us only access
the first three levels of awareness. The other four levels are unknown to us.
The simple truth regarding enlightenment is that all it requires is for you to know yourself
once you know yourself fully, you are then automatically enlightened by that act of knowing
Easier said than done though,as I said in the previous blog on this topic, the path to enlightenment
is very simple to follow, but that simplicity does not imply  that it is easy, it is not easy, it will
be the hardest thing you have ever done in your life.
What is the secret of knowing yourself? What have you got to do? Well the answer to these
questions is that what you got to do is basically nothing! Try sitting for just ten minutes and
do absolutely nothing whatsoever,no moving, no thinking, just sat there absolutely still in mind
and body, stopping all thoughts dead, and reaching a point where they stop arising altogether
for say ten minutes, can you easily do that simple thing?
What we are looking for is depth, depth in perception, awareness, and consciousness,and these can
only be found in absolute silence within, any thoughts send a vibrational shock wave through the
stillness and immediately shatter the depth of penetration.
The deeper we venture into our inner being,the closer we get to the understanding of who we are
if we persist in our daily meditation or yoga, persist in our questioning of  who am I? We will
gradually build up a rapport and open up an intuitional doorway to our higher self the soul.
This will then lead to an opening up of our true self, and we will then know absolutely who and
what we truly are, which is universal immortal divine souls, who are all the SELF, and that
SELF, is the absolute or God if you prefer. One last and most vital point to understand is that
although there may appear to be seven billion souls on earth, there is in fact just  ONE SELF.
Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcome face book soul realisation.

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