Saturday 31 August 2019

Coherence Language Of The Heart. -C L O T H . PART TWO.

The word coherence as mentioned in the dictionary says this,(the quality of a unified whole)
coherence is the law of unification and atonement, which is the universal expression of Divine
unconditional love, that holds "coheres"all expressions  within their relevant expressional
mode. There is much talk and videos today explaining what the "new age movement" call
the ascension of mankind, some really interesting things are being said about this coming
ascension of mankind. There is however one thing that seems to be missing from this
ascension equation, and therefore is not being mentioned, which I feel is part of what could
be termed as "Divine mathematics" which translates as "before you ascend" there must first
be a descension from the head "centred personality" into the heart centred consciousness, we
all need to descend into the heart centred chakra, before we can ascend into the vast expanse
of spiritual consciousness.
We have all "forgotten" where we have all COME FROM, we are ALL SPIRIT which means
that we are ALL eternal BEINGS, and have ALL been through the DESCENSION process
aeons ago, that is how we all got HERE, by descending from ABSOLUTE BEING into relative
human vehicles.
Our heart centred consciousness is directly connected to universal wisdom and is "inclusively
coherent" in its NATURE.Whereas head centred consciousness is the creation of the EGO and
the MASK of the personality, the word personality comes from the Latin word Persona, which
literally translates as a MASK, this mask is ego driven and created by us, and is the home of all
self centred selfishness, bloated egos,vanity, bullshit posing as facts,wars, racial hatred, bigotry,
making the planet uninhabitable, and every other negative thing you can imagine, all this comes
from HEAD CENTRED human beings, all wearing the masks of deception and lies, these are
the "leaders" of our countries.There is a saying which goes like this "LET IT BEGIN WITH ME"
we can all play our small part and all make the descension from our ego driven heads into our
heart centred consciousness, we are ALL connected into one composite WHOLENESS, we have
all lost our way home, let us now establish the direction we will now all take, go into our hearts
find the love that dwells therein, and share this love with all you meet, then we will be cohering
and uniting together, to make this planet a safe HAVEN for all souls to be born into it.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 30 August 2019

Coherence Language Of The Heart. C L O T H .

We are all woven from the same cloth, which emanates from within the SOURCE of all
life and is the very LIFE of ALL LIFE, that being the Absolute Life Energy of the SPIRIT.
We are all "clothed" within the cradle of Absolute life which is spirit.
The word coherence means (the quality of forming a unified whole) coherence is the inner
language of the heart, not the physical heart although they are connected,but the heart centred
chakra, which lies within the centre of the chest. The language that emanates from that centre
is authentic truth that that is inclusive within its very nature, which is divine. The heart centre
shares and opens a window into the soul, the head centre speaks from acquired knowledge
learnt from others, the heart speaks from wisdom that is inbuilt within the life form and is
The heads talks with opinions of the ego, and can justify and excuse any manner of behaviour
if the end "justifies the means", we see this everyday with various Governments doing deals
with counties that are committing all number of atrocities to their citizens, and at best they
will offer is mealy-mouthed protests, while signing contracts for millions in trade deals with
that particular country.No leader or head of state has the balls to speak from their heart,
because they would fear loosing their status if they did,they would be either shot, sacked,
or exiled depending on which particular country it was.
In order to ascend in consciousness and become more cohesive in nature, we must first
descend from our heads to our hearts, when we can do that we will them begin to mirror
and reflect the authenticity that lies within us,we will move down from the chatter that
comes from the head, all that suficial bullshit that has no depth or meaning, mindless
mumbling trash, that is sadly seen as intelligent conversation.We seem to be content with
a damp squib, rather than lighting the fire that exists within the passion of life.
If we can make the move from talking to each other which is head centred, and try sharing
our experiences with each other which is heart centred we will then open a window and create
a channel that will begin igniting the inner fires of the spirit (which is what we all our, and have
completely forgotten our origin)  Heart centred consciousness  is love oriented, it is powered by
wisdom coupled with humility.Whereas head centred consciousness is powered by the ego and knowledge that has been taught to you by others, and if full of excuse making bullshit.
In part two will explore this further.    warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

Thursday 29 August 2019

Points Of Energy Manifesting Soul.-P O E M S Part Two.

Humanity consists of seven and a half billion points of reference,or points of energy, each point
(which is YOU dear reader) is an exit point into this physical realm which we all live in here on
Earth. Our energy matrix tapers downwards (lower frequency) into a singularity point that is
held  in perfect cohesion and stasis by the "intentional field"of the life force that is our soul/
spirit. We have our physical existence here at the singularity point of exit into another dimension
of expression, which is here upon this Earth plane.
Our true inner being is not in this dimension at all, but is connected to the vehicle it uses which is
you and me dear reader,via electromagnetic connections and also electrochemical  connections
all act and react within the physical brain and central nervous system.
We physically exist within a vortex of living energy, spiralling down through several dimensions
of expression gradually getting narrower as the life force descends into lower vibrational
dimensions , becoming denser and denser as it descends the slip stream of the spinning vortex
until it finally emerges at its densest level and then congeal/condenses into physical matter.
Our flesh and blood vehicles/bodies are the direct result of this condensation of ethereal living
energy being lowered into denser fields of expression by the direct focused intention of the
divine immortal soul requiring physical experiences here upon this Earth.
We are all anchored here by two main connecting points, one is within the skull which is called
in English the crown chakra, and the other anchor is within the heart chakra which is situated
within the centre of the chest, and is not the same as the physical heart, though they are both
surely connected as well.
The life force, which is really spirit in transit,moves through every dimension that exists within
this universe, we are all dimensional eternal beings, expressing infinite numbers of ways to
function and have experiences in ways that we cannot as yet comprehend.
Science postulates the existence of singularities lying at the lowest possible point within a
black hole, that usually seems to be millions of light years away from where we are. Science
will soon realise that singularities exist much closer to home, and that to find one, all they have
to do is to look into the MIRROR!!!!! Black holes are just dimensional transit phenomena that
move via a vortex energy from one dimension into another, consciousness is completely unaffected
by gravity or black holes, consciousness transcends all, because consciousness is ABSOLUTE
and black holes and all phenomena remains forever RELATIVE.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Points Of Energy Manifesting Soul.-P O E M S .

The phrase "poetry in motion" is being expressed within mankind, the harmonic tone of this
poetic mass movements of mankind, will no doubt reflect a negative tone of vibrational crisis.
There seems to be much more negativity being experienced than there is positivity.
Vibration crisis occurs when there is a disharmonious tone that overrides the natural harmonic
harmony of universal energy that flows in perfect sequence. However mankind has the uncanny
knack of throwing the proverbial spanner in the works, which causes disharmony  to arise,
along with disease, and eventually disaster to occur, which we are seeing evidence of this daily
in our global news reports.
We need to understand just what the term "mankind" actually means, is there actually a reality
that exists universally that is called mankind? What is the core the matrix that makes up the
image we call mankind? Take away the physical body, and what would be left? What would be
left would be that which you call YOU minus the physical vehicle that you were using to be
able to experience physical existence within this physical realm.
Maybe the idea of you being that of intelligent invisible energy that in intangible within its
frequency level scares you,and that we may somehow feel SAFE being enclosed and
encapsulated within a physical body, because after all its all we have known! This is perfectly
understandable, I too felt like this, when this realisation dawned upon me, and it took a while
to gradually reconcile this realisation within me.
We are all eternal beings, limitless life, within this point of our venturing within the universal
expanse of expressions being expressed as what we term as mankind, although the added word
KIND, is remarkably absent in many places upon this planet. MAN_DOING would be a far more
appropriate term than mankind at our present level of awakening.
Each one of US is a Point OF Energy that manifests the potentiality to fully realise the indwelling
divine energy of the SOUL, which will then lead on to the realisation of the SELF, which is the
ultimate realisation we can make, while being informed within a physical vehicle.
The point of energy that we all are that penetrates down through many dimensions and finally exists
here in the physical dimension, is also totally connected and interconnected to every other point of
energy here upon this planet.
In part two will explore this further.      warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Self Wears Earthly Attire Revealing Soul. -S W E A R S , Part Two.

Life acquires shape and form in order to become expressed (move)  unexpressed life/spirit
is formless shapeless, invisible unexpressed motionlessness potentiality. The SELF which
is another name for the ABSOLUTE or GOD to most of us, becomes expressed in many
dimensions of being, we are all within the lowest density physical dimension.
The SELF can also be seen if broken down into its four letters as,Spirit-Eternal-Localising
-Form= SELF. We are all the SELF manifesting upon this planet Earth, wearing the planet
(earth) as a physical body, we are all "attired by matter", going in the direction of eventually
revealing this reality to your vastly "cloaked down" divine inner SELF.
This is done by us engaging in endless experiences which will ultimately lead us to the point
where we will "connect all the dots" so to speak, and then consequently awaken into your
previously submerged Divinity.
We all have several bodies of expression, spanning several dimensions  of presence, most of
us are only aware of this physical dimension , and many are also aware of or have at least
heard of the astral dimension as well, eventually we will all expand into finer awareness and
perceptions and will then be more able to perceive these inner dimensions naturally.
Evolution is basically a direction motioning "conveyor belt" which gradually ascends into higher
levels of expression and consciousness.
Mankind is gradually ascending into higher states of awareness and perceptions, this reveals
itself in the number of websites that are spiritually oriented that talk of meditation, soul
awareness, and a vast number of other videos that are designed to expand our conscious
awareness of spirit and other dimensions of life.One by one we are all moving along this
belt of awakening motions.
We are consciousness enveloped within a physical form, we are all energy, living-intelligent
focused-energy which spells out the word LIFE, life in its essence is invisible,formless,
intangible energy, we acquire tangibility by the process of condensation where the intangible
becomes congealed into what could be termed as solid-light! Humanity is basically represented
as "INFORMED LIGHT" (formed from within by condensation of fluidity into solidity,frozen)
Warmest regards Michael/ any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 26 August 2019

Self Wears Earthly Attire Revealing Soul.-S W E A R S .

We are all eternal beings,having what could be called relative experience here upon this
planet Earth. We are all "embraced and contained" within the infinite matrix which we call
Science now recognises energy as eternal as it cannot be destroyed only converted into another
form of energy.Science is at the brink of full realisation  that LIFE and ENERGY are the very
same thing, and this realisation will impact profoundly upon the human race, as it will then
scientifically prove that all life is eternal and that death is in truth and reality just an illusion.
When we die we are then CONVERTED (just as science has proven) our physical energy
matrix,is then converted into astral energy matrix and we then continue living as before,
except we are then fully conscious within the astral dimension, instead of the physical
dimension we had just left.
Consciousness is the eternal infinite field in which we all experience our perceptions of
what we imagine is life as we feel it, or know it.Each of us has our own perspective on what
we feel is real.Within this infinite field of consciousness lies what we all call "our minds"
there seems to be your mind, and my mind,which suggests that there are seven and a half
billion minds upon this Earth, yet there is only ONE CONSCIOUSNESS FIELD, how does
this equate with reality? The other question relating to this is that there is only ONE LIFE
FORCE within this universe, where does this leave all of the seven billion human beings
and all the other creatures as well? What then becomes of the seven billion human beings
if there is only ONE LIFE FORCE? Which one of us is the lucky one then? Who gets to
outlive the rest of us!
Have we really got seven and a half billion separate minds upon this planet? What would happen
if you were to LOSE your mind? Would we all suffer? Can we live very well without having a
mind? Does the absolute life force actually possess a thing called MIND? Is not consciousness
universal, and mind localised within the two ears of a human being? If we do indeed LOCALISE
universal consciousness energy, and in so doing, by not understanding this process due to our
ignorance of reality, then believe that this infinite intelligent energy is really just us THINKING
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

Sunday 25 August 2019

Surrender The Ego Manifest Self.- S T E M S . Part two.

The ego of mankind is held in stasis by a vortex of energy that arises from within the "I AM"
self-aware consciousness, this spinning energy matrix begins to reveal itself when we are
around the ago of two years old. This is where the energy of the "I AM" consciousness begins
to descend  and come "on line" so to speak. This gives rise to the phenomena known as the
"terrible twos", which involves violent temper tantrums within the newly awakened infant
if its wishes are not immediately placated,or even sooner!
As this spinning energy of the newly awakened one gathers momentum it draws into itself
a mixture of forces that will become the awakened child, these forces are that of personality,
ego, mind,individuality,a sense of being an isolated reality within the presence of "others"
like parents and family etc.
The universal SELF which is absolute and infinite,suddenly becomes a atomic isolated unit
of spinning intelligent energy located and centred within the planet Earth.The infinite has
suddenly become finite and its universal non-locale has been squeezed into an atom sized
being, which is us basically. Our mind is created by US,we create this thing called mind
which is the same thing as the word EGO, we create this "idea" of a mind through our
experiences from birth,our memories from birth, and our interactions with parents and family
all these interactions give birth to the concept of ego/mind/personality.individuality. none of
these concepts exist within the universe,we invent them as a process to gather information
and experiences that will ultimately culminate one day into your realisation that consciousness
is a universal and absolute reality,it is omnipresent and ubiquitous, and is NOT CENTRED in
anything that is called an INDIVIDUAL.
There is no such a thing as "my consciousness" or "your consciousness"such an idea is totally
absurd,our "minds" are in fact universal energy being filtered by a vessel (us) and manifesting
within our brains, as though we created this from within ourselves, which of course we did not.
We are thinking(which is moving energy by willed intention) as we think we are using universal
energy which is consciousness, and localising this energy within our ego centred matrix, and then
believing that this energy has arisen solely from within us.
If we can go within ourselves, surrender the ego upon the cross of true realisation of just who YOU
dear reader of this blog, really ARE.We will then be going in a direction that will bring world peace
and harmony, the hungry will be fed, the thirsty will be given clean water to drink, the forests will
be spared any more destruction, wars will cease,racial hatred and bigotry will melt before the rising
sun of inner realisation of the truth and real meaning of the brother and  sisterhood of humanity.
The only thing that stands in our way is the EGOIC MND.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 24 August 2019

Surrender The Ego Manifest Self. S T E M S .

What STEMS from the ego, when it is coupled with power and prestige, is greed and selfishness
and this potent mixture is percolating across this planet, with the speed of the forest fires that
now run ravage within the Amazon rain forest.
This planet is in the latter stages of asphyxiation and oceanic poisoning, this coupled with wars
and religious hatred and bigotry spell out a very dire and grim future for those who survive the
next twenty five years.
W stand on the precipice of global disaster, we are almost at the point of no return, where we
will then free fall into oblivion. We can be likened to the little boy who "whistles in the wind"
to keep him from becoming afraid, we are like that little boy, only we are not whistling , we are
instead to busy studying our smart phones and hoping that the incoming 5G will speed up our
connections, so we can send texts at almost warp speed, we will be so busy looking at these
plastic worthless gadgets, that we will fail to see the cesspool that will soon wash around your
The only way out of this emerging cancer of the self, and total blindness to reality is to go
within our selves . The only way out, is to GO WITHIN and release the vice like grip the ego
has on billions of us folks.
Instead of cooperating and caring for each other because we are all related to each other within
one family of a divine and spiritual heritage, we instead act as though many are opposed to us
because we think and act from differing cultural and religious backgrounds, yet we are all from
the ONE POINT of infinite Intelligence. If we just opened our eyes and let go of our ego's hold
on us, and shared and talked to one another honestly and with an open mind, we would then see
the truth of our ONE COLLECTIVE HERITAGE, and that realisation would melt away the
years of bigotry and racial hatred.
We are not the individual we all think we are,what we are is the SELF, the self manifests through
the medium of the indwelling soul.Selfishness and self centred egotism are the root cause of all
our woes,lust for power, greed, and moral blindness gives rise to the multinational greed driven
rape of this Earth, where soy beans and palm oil are grown at the expense of our forests and the
extinction of thousands of creatures and the expulsion of indigenous tribes people from their land.
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 23 August 2019

We Are Solid Shadows Uniformly Presented. W A S S U P Part two.

To better understand the phenomena of the solid shadows, we need to backtrack into the field
of higher energy and source out the reality of what is our core matrix signature. We need to
understand that the term mankind or that of humanity is in reality a meaningless phrase, because
the phenomena called "humanity" is in reality just a description of a vehicle that is used by higher
energy sources in order to effect purchase upon this Earth plane, so that it can gather the necessary
experiences that it needs for a fuller realisation of its orientation within the expressed life stream.
Mankind is in truth and in fact just a collection of "vessels" that house the primary life source
the immortal soul.
For the soul to become resident within the earth plane,its energy source has to become vastly
steeped down in vibration, therefore we then have a fluid spirit life essence gradually becoming
denser by the process of condensation until the intangible gradually becomes tangible, solid light
in fact.
The intangible soul becomes the tangible human vessel or vehicle. When we understand this
process of condensation and the congealing of intelligent energy into a vessel, in order to gain
purchase within this dimension of physical expression,it is then easy to see that we are all actually
solid shadows cast by the inner light of the soul.
When we stand in the light of the physical sun, we cast a insubstantial shadow, matter-less and
empty,we are then what could be termed as a shadow within a shadow, one shadow from the
physical sun has zero substance, and is the shadow that present day science accepts,the other
shadow is our physical form, which has got substance and atomic weight within it,this is the
shadow that science would suggest is totally impossible and an absurd proposition to venture
an opinion on.When science fully understands its inner fluid energy matrix, and understands
life is in truth intelligent energy in motion, we will then have some focus on the marvel of the
vessels we all inhabit, and perhaps the birth of a new branch of science called spiritual science
and the understanding of the SOLID SHADOWS phenomena.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 22 August 2019

We Are Solid Shadows Uniformly Presented. W A S S U P ,

What this blog is about science would say is totally impossible, that of having a solid shadow
a tangible physical shadow. I maintain that all human beings are solid shadows , reflecting the
light and luminosity of the real inner occupier of the physical vehicle, that being the immortal
divine soul.Our physical bodies, which are made up of congealed energy (light) are the tangible
shadow that is cast by the inner light of the indwelling soul.
We have all been "endowed" with substance this substance is congealed light or matter if you
prefer that term.
The intention of the soul is to gain experience here upon the Earth plane, therefore that
intention is carried out by the condensing of ethereal energy into a much lower vibration state
so that the intangible gradually becomes tangible and congeals into matter and forms the physical
body that the soul occupies upon entrance into the physical plane.
The greater light and intense luminosity of the spiritual soul then casts its shadow within the
informed vehicle that we call mankind.
The human vehicle is held in stasis by the continued INTENTION of the soul until its
experiences here are finished for this particular lifetime,then it withdraws its intention and the
physical body dies, and the shadow gradually dissipates as the inner light has been withdrawn,
of course this happens at a much slower rate than a none physical shadow because of the density
of the physical matter.
Wassup is about bringing some light into the shadows of BEING that we are all caught up
within.The physical sun cast none physical shadows upon the ground, and we are all
understanding of this process, this blog is about enlarging the process of shadow understanding
to therefore include us as all being living breathing moving solid shadows called Humanity.
I will go further into this in the next blog on WASSUP tomorrow.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

Wednesday 21 August 2019

We Inside Self Discern Our Meaning. W I S D O M , Part Two.

The title of this blog today says, "We-Inside-Self-Discern-Our-Meaning" spelling out the word
wisdom,if we were to personalise this it would read, I inside My self discern my meaning, how
many of us actually ever do this? Are we far too busy looking "out there" or at our smart phones
to pay any attention to our inner needs? Do we perceive our inner needs as "boring"and of no
use to us? There is so much exciting things going on out there to keep us all fascinated 
(entranced) for a life time, who wants mundane boring stuff like looking into myself?
Mankind is connected by the energy of the life stream that flows through us all.We are all
here for just one reason, and one reason only,that reason is to discern your true and lasting
identity, and when you finally do that, inner wisdom will suggest to your now awakened self
that you share this understanding with all those who will listen and are still unaware of their
divine immortal heritage;
Wisdom suggests we pass it on to all our fellow kinfolk,knowledge says keep this to yourself,
and gain an advantage from it.
As we experience more and more interactions with life, over many life times here on Earth the
compression of our matter physical bodies gradually undergoes a change within its atomic
structure, a process of decompactation begins to reveal itself , we begin loosing our dense
physical atoms, and begin to acquire less dense ethereal atoms, sometimes called "astral atoms"
this is natures way of refining its vehicles into higher vibrational expressions.
All this operates under natural universal law, and has been occurring for countless centuries
mostly completely unnoticed by us all.
Wisdom or rather infinite wisdom is the unconditional love that provides the necessary cohesion
to keep us all within its eternal embrace, wisdom is the universal lubricant that keeps order amid
the perceived chaos  that we think we all see.
Wisdom lies within all our heart chakras, these energy light vortexes spin with the intelligent force
of LIFE itself, which is in essence that of SPIRIT.
We can and will do perceive this truth if we go within, and discern its meaning.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

We Inside Self Discern Our Meaning.-W I S D O M .

What is wisdom? And how does it differ from knowledge? For me the simple insight between
the two, is that wisdom unities,and knowledge divides. Wisdom can be seen as the "inclusive
union of opposing forces" whereas knowledge tends to "divide and rule". It is wisdom that keeps
our energy matrix within a coherent stream of intelligent force, that binds us together and
expresses us coherently within several dimensions of expression. It is false knowledge that
tears us apart, false knowledge can be known as ignorance, we believe we are all something
which we are NOT!  And that is the cause of all our Earthly woes and tribulations.
We become trapped in a web of false ideas regarding the question of who are you really? And
because we do not know ourselves, we therefore believe that we are mortal beings with a limited
scope and energy, and will all die and pass away one day,"hopefully many years from now!"
We fail to make the connections that will link us into the universal storehouse of infinite wisdom.
Because we do not know it exists, we become fixated within this physical realm, with all its
limited range. We are taught to forever look "out there" we are never taught to look within, why
is this? Simply because we are surrounded by a complicit belief that reality exists "out there"
outwards,and cannot be found within.
There is a great hope arising and has been ascending for some years now,the arrival of the
internet, and the "so called new age messengers" has brought to the attention of millions
that there is an inner reality in which we are all totally connected with,(but so many fail to
realise this connection) we are all connected to the infinite, it just that many of us do not
know of this connection. If any of us are interested in who we really are, there are many web
sites that you can find answers for your questions.Question,do you trust implicitly yourself
dear reader? If you do, and I hope you do, then you can just look within yourself, because
within you lies infinite wisdom, you have access to intuition and insightful ideas that will
flood into your consciousness if you take the trouble to look within yourself, there is no need
really to look out there for anything really, you have your very own inner GURU living within
your energy matrix,if you can truly believe in yourself, then you are onto a winner, because all
the truth of your being is vouchsafed safely within you NOW, will you then take this opportunity
to venture within yourself dear reader of this blog, and find the REAL YOU ???
In part two will explore this more deeply            Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook  Soul Realization.

Monday 19 August 2019

The Elements Express Mankind Sequentially. .T E E M S .

The word TEEM comes from the very early English meaning "to bring forth" mankind is
brought forth into physical form by the elements of nature(which are all intelligent energy)
loaning their energy to the physical body about to be born here upon the Earth plane.
The elements in question are Earth, Water,Fire,Air, and Ether, making the five basic elements
and another less known one that of vibration making six in total.We as souls, which by the way
are not human, but are Spirit,(the human being is the vehicle the elements loan us to exist here)
need a vehicle in order to become expressed here upon the Earth plane. The soul within its
being is totally unable to be expressed here because of its element which is the Ether also called
Akasha in Sanskrit ,the ether soul infused being cannot venture into this Earth plane because it
lacks the necessary density (gravity) to gain purchase upon this realm,so the soul which is the
Akasha element asks the other denser elements of Earth, air,fire, and water for permission to be
given the loan of these four elements that will then permit in entrance into the physical plane,
We have all been given this service by the elements since we first ventured here long long
ago.The vast majority of mankind have absolutely no idea of the cooperation of elemental
intelligence that is required to hold one being here in perfect coherent stasis for them to
have their for score years and ten spent gathering their much needed experiences.
The vast majority of us do not know who they really are, let alone knowing about the most
vital role the elements play in allowing us to even exist here for a while.This one here writing
this blog,feels that the elements deserve our gratitude once in a while,to show some respect
for the services that are rendered to us all here on Earth,this is my small way of saying thank
you all for the loan of your most vital energy, without it our evolution would not exist, and we
would be unconscious energy, lacking the I AM aware consciousness. Consciousness is the
gift of self awareness that we all possess this consciousness is absolutely limitless and infinite
we just have to look deeper and deeper within us, when we do this our inner awareness will
reveal the complexity of absolute simplicity, which we we marvel at the amount of intelligent
cooperation that exists all around us, often totally invisible, but can be perceived by our inner
awareness when we become sensitive to its subtle vibrations.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.comany feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 18 August 2019

Reality Is Spiritual Knowledge Igniting Neural Gateway.-R I S K I N G Part two.

Mankind is in reality just the infinitesimal tip of a vast array of intelligent energy that spans
several dimensions in its expressions, nine tenths of our reality is completely invisible to us all
we only ever see the minutest part of our composite whole that we all are. Yet millions of us
believe that the physical  is who we really are. The depth of our ignorance is truly astounding,
and because of this lack of knowing who we really are, we have this sordid and sick mess that
the world is in today. Where we are killing each with wars and racial hatred, plus millions are
dying of hunger and starvation and also lack of fresh clean water,while we in the west are awash
with mountains of food in supermarkets and fresh water gushing out of our taps.
This unbalanced nature of the way we live, will ultimately destroy us all, unless there is a
willingness to change, and this change needs to be in the making like right NOW!
We are all contained within the Spirit which is LIFE, life is not HUMAN, it is divine intelligent
energy. which is expressed as MOTION it MOVES  through several dimensions of being
gathering experiences along the way.
When life is in motion it is called LIFE, when it is motionlessness it is called SPIRIT. One
moves, and one is eternally still, yet they are the same thing.
At the core of our being, we are all SPIRIT,(motionless and still) and at the surface of our being
we are all expressed  as LIFE in MOTION, the physical body is just a vehicle, nothing more than
that,yet we give it great importance, because we do not understand what the body actually IS!
The physical body is a vehicle that is loaned to us by the four Elements of Earth,Air, water, and
fire, which are all intelligent energy that are on a differing evolutional path then we are on, our
immortal soul which is within the element of the ether, asks the elements for permission to use
their essences for the manifestation of a physical body,when we die, that contract with the elements
is finished, and their loan of energy resolves back into it element from whence it came.We all fail
to understand the cooperation that is required for us to have the courtesy of a vehicle to use here.
Therefore we take our bodies for granted, and never give thanks to the elements for their kindly
loan of energy. Maybe we could begin  to show some gratitude for the immense help and service
that is given to us all, so that we may find ourselves and the way HOME at last.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 17 August 2019

Reality Is Spiritual Knowledge Igniting Neural Gateway.-R I S K I N G .

we can sometimes ask the question what is reality? Does anybody actually know what it is?
The question to ask maybe, is that am I real?  Am I part of reality, or am I fully real ? And
can one ever be really partially real? It is like being partially pregnant, we either are real or we
are not,what is it then?
For me we are all the very embodiment of reality, when we look into the mirror, we see the
"outer image"of an invisible eternal reality, which is LIFE or SPIRIT.
What are we risking if we look deeply within ourselves? Well we may well risk loosing the
hold that our ego's has on us all, am I prepared to risk letting go of my ego? Will I be like the
hole in the doughnut if I do that?  We each have to decide on that question,then adjust ourselves
accordingly. We are all motioneers moving through our expressions of life,pulling into our
matrix  of energy that we use either negatively or positively, depending on our way of moving
through our experience gathering expeditions here on Earth, whether we are negative and full
of self centred desires, or we are positive and generous and loving unselfishly. All energy which
is basically a unified field of infinite potentiality is ALWAYS NEUTRAL, still and forever
balanced. It is US the living motioneers who are moving through the continuum of life and
are held within a singularity point of reference by the cohesive embrace of our higher self the
We are all completely and absolutely surrounded by this eternal field of neutral energy, it is
the presence that is often mentioned by us who are sensitive to its stillness.Because we are all
expressed within a vortex ,our spinning actions  suck in the neutral energy and the our consciousness
gives it a direction to follow which can be either negative or positive, depending where our
polarity axis is at that moment.
To begin a pathway of self knowing we open up those inner doors, which in turn ignite those
neural pathways in the brain and make connections via electromagnetic gateways that will
automatically open when we become sensitive to higher energies,this will also open electro
chemical connections in which the brain connects to higher energies and other dimensions of
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed.Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 16 August 2019

Spirit Eternal Expressing My Self.-S E E M S Part two.

We all seem to be human beings, although very few of us are ever just being rather a more
appropriate name for us would be human doings, rather than just being.If we look deeply into
the formation of man, what do we find? Well what we find is a condensation of energy
formatted through several dimensions of expression, and becoming visible in a state called
a human being, which is a tangible form manifested to house the intangible energy of the
life force, which is the soul.
That basically is what we all are. It is not made apparent to most of us until we have begun
looking deeply into the real meaning of the word SEEM, and perhaps consider an alternate
spelling for the word, like SEAM, which could spell out -Spirit-Eternal-Activating-Mankind
=SEAM, this way of spelling the word would make sense if we understood that the soul has
"stitched up"  the physical body so that its seams can be expressed here on Earth???
Behind every word lies a thought,and behind every thought lies a consciousness, and behind
every consciousness lies LIFE which is SPIRIT being expressed through motion.
LIFE is not what is seems(seams) what we see is not what is really occurring, we have never
seen the actual "moment" of OCCURRENCE, what we have only EVER SEEN is the after
effects of what has occurred!  All we ever have seen it the outer effects of an inner occurrence
that which occurs in always invisible to us human beings.This is also true of reality, no human
being has ever seen reality, and never will while in human form,reality is always invisible to
us, we only ever see the outer manifestation of a hidden invisible inner reality.
We all "seem" to die, this is an illusion, because what is eternal which is LIFE and SPIRIT has
never had a beginning or never will experience an ending, because we are ALL eternal beings
we "seem" to die, because we just believe what we think we see(which is very very limited) we
see a loved one stop breathing, heart stopped, and say they are dead.What is actually occurring
is that loved one has left the VEHICLE that has housed their soul for three score years and ten,
and moved into another dimension of expression, called the astral plane, where they will continue
"living" as before they  "passed away!!!
Seeming ,understood will then not lead us down the illusory path of false believing. Instead it will
awaken our consciousness into full knowing and understanding the invisible LIFE, that is HIDDEN
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Spirit Eternal Expressing My Self.-S E E M S .

There is  an expression which states that "all is not always as it "seems", and this is so very
true of all of us, who are commonly known as humanity. On the surface we all look different
and various races of us are different colours, but beneath the veneer and facade of form,we are
all very much the same-spirit expressing LIFE.
The word "seems" really implies that what you think you see,is really not what it actually is!
Like looking down upon the ground that "seems" solid looking, but beneath its outer surface
lies a dangerous quicksand, waiting to suck you under and drown.
Our personal "quicksand" that "seems" stable enough is the illusions raised  by the duality based
experiences we encounter every day, and we believe wholeheartedly that these encounters are
all totally real, they are in fact just seemingly real, but not absolutely real.
The real "MY SELF" is not who you think it is,and never has been, yet we all buy into this
"collective illusion" because its all we know,and everyone else around us does also validate
this illusion because it "SEEMS" so REAL, that we never ever question its validity.
What we actually are within the core or matrix of our being, way beyond the place where the
word "seems" lives is eternal spirit which is absolute within its SELF.  We are all absolute
spirit having what could be termed a relative experience here upon the Earth plane, our exterior
expression, that of being physical is relative and therefore temporal, so are our other inner expressions also temporal and relative, the only absolute eternal aspect of "us all" is the inner
absolute LIFE FORCE which is SPIRIT.
"We" all have many incarnations here upon this Earth plane, we literally "spin" in and out of
incarnations, a clockwise spin into physical form, and a anticlockwise spin back into the Astral
plane, this has been going on for a very long time, as we gather more experiences, we begin to
reveal our inner truth and see the reality signature within our hearts, we are then heading in the
direction of full knowing the SELF, that is then no longer (MY) SELF, rather just SELF, we
then find that the word MY is much more that it SEEMS?
In part two will explore this further.             Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

We Are Dimensional Explorers.-W A D E Part Two..

Humanity is expressed through seven dimensions or subtle bodies which comprise of 1) the
etheric body,2) the emotional body, 3) the mental body, 4) the astral body,5) the etheric
template body, fifth layer, 6) the celestial body , 7) the causal body, we are all dimensional
explorers, although many of us are only conscious of this physical realm, some of us are
also conscious of the astral dimension, that lies within our conscious perceptions if we tune
into that frequency.
We need to try and grasp that the word "humanity"is only a word that describes "vehicles of
expression"here on Earth. Our physical bodies are just vehicles for the soul or higher self to
use. The actual reality of what mankind actually is, is SPIRIT, we are all spirit First, then a
soul, then a physical vehicle(human body) these are three dimensions of expression, which
then meld into the seven other dimensions or bodies mentioned above,the seven and the three
add up to the perfect number ten, which is expressed as a circle  and within that circle is a
vertical line,which represents the number one (1) one and zero encircled by infinity.
This whole universe runs on absolute INTELLIGENCE, and this absolute intelligence is
no such thing as humanity is absolute reality, we only "appear to exist" temporally upon this
Earth plane as vehicles for collecting experiences and growing into awareness by the virtue
of these collective experiences, into a final understanding of your inner reality.
Because of our lack of true understanding of our inner nature, we therefore misidentify
ourselves as the vehicles as being who we really are, we do not however make the same
mistake with the cars we drive to work in, we know because it is very clear and obvious
where the distinctions lie between you and the car, with us as physical bodies and us feeling
that this must be me, because its all I have even known! It can be much harder to see who we
really are.
We literally and factually WADE THROUGH all these dimensions of expressed life energy
in order to fully understand that we are all totally connected and interconnected to each other
by the virtue of the ONE LIFE that presides within us all, we are all related to each other
eternally SO!
Warmest regards Michael/ any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

We Are Dimensional Explorers.-W A D E .

We are all dimensional explorers, and have spent aeons wading through multiple dimensions
at the moment we are all consciously exploring this physical dimension, I used the word
consciously exploring this physical dimension, because unconsciously we are all exploring
other dimensions as well.
Each night when we are asleep we are all exploring the astral dimension, although most of us
completely forget these nocturnal journeys a few minutes after waking. We can though train
ourselves to remember where we have been, if we keep a pen and notebook by our bedside and
immediately upon waking write down all our thoughts and memories as quickly as you can,this
needs to be done at once, before you go to the loo, because there is only a short window of
memory that last no more than three to four minutes, after that a curtain comes down and that
access to that dimension closes  until the next bedtime.With practice you can begin to build a
picture of what you were doing, while asleep!
We are all three fold (dimensional) beings, we are physical, mental, and spiritual, and we can
add the emotional dimension as well.The spiritual dimension that we all are enfolded in, has
got absolutely NOTHING to do with any religion, upon this planet Earth, we are all within
a spiritual dimension, because that is what we all are SPIRIT, and spirit is eternal and absolute
and has NOTHING to do with any religion on Earth.
Our consciousness is a dimension that at its highers level of frequency holds all other dimensions
within its infinite embrace, and is the unified field of all universal motion.We are only limited
by our lack of perception and awareness within this dimensional field, the more our awareness
grows, and our insight into life becomes more penetrating the deeper will our access into
consciousness grow.Our emotions for instance are a doorway into our deepest being, a window
into our immortal soul.Our emotions are a dimension that spans more than this physical life
if we look to the matrix of (E) motion within us, we will discover some very interesting things
about who we really are.
We are all travellers upon the path of expressed life,we all travel within multiple dimensions, although mostly only really comprehend one the physical, in part two will explore ways of opening
up the inner doors within us all.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 12 August 2019

Consciousness Reels Informing Self Insight Sought.-C R I S I S . Part Two.

We can all be effected by crisis in our lives, it can show itself in our physical body,emotions,
mentally, or spiritually. There is no one I have ever met who has never encountered a crisis
in their lives. I was told many years ago that the major crisis in my life, that nearly killed me
of, and caused me years of mental and emotional pain,was a blessing in disguise, by a new
found friend I had made,If I had a gun at the time I might well have been tempted to shoot him!
However his wise words became very true after I began to recover from my illness.
Crisis brings in its train the need to effect change in our lives, If we all lived perfect lives and
were in complete harmony with the universal laws of life,then crisis would not ever effect us,
but none of us ever live like that in perfect harmony with life!
When our backs are literally "up against the wall" this is often the time that we feel the
presence of that "still small voice within us", this inner voice will often whisper words of
reassurance and comfort, which will take the sting out of our pain or anguish,many friends
I have spoken to have heard this inner voice when in a crisis, some do not seem to know where
it came from, some thought it was God, others just accepted that it helped them recover from
their crisis. Some also like myself looked into the inner self and enquired who was it talking
to me then?
I found that this inner voice, that some believe is the voice of their conscience, I thought this at
first,and over the years of the recovery process, I took up the daily practice of meditation, which
I have now been doing for over forty five years, and gradually began to make more and more
contact with this mysterious inner voice, that was the still small voice, we all can have access to
this inner voice, which I came to understand was in fact my higher self, the immortal soul, we do
not really need to be in a crisis mode to effect contact with this inner self, which is who you really
ARE, not the physical body which is just a vehicle for the real occupier to use the soul.That was
the way for me, but it need not be for you dear reader of this blog, you do not need to be in a life
threatening situation before you access contact with this inner voice, all you need to do is to take
up the regular practice of yoga, or meditation, look within yourself, and after a while of doing that
you will begin to see and feel a greater sense of sensitivity arising within you, and in those quiet moments, you will begin the process that will lead you into contact with your higher self the soul.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 11 August 2019

Consciousness Reels Informing Self Insight Sought.- C R I S I S .

It could be said that when crisis calls "change is summoned" , reluctance to change our ways or
manner of living and thinking habits, will if left unchecked usually result in an arising crisis in
our lives. It seems that many of us, myself included, have to almost stand on the "precipice of life"
and death before we effect a much needed change in our lives. Why are we so reluctant to change?
In my case it was because I was too lazy, and in denial that my life was in a terrible mess, and many
of us are like this. No matter how sick I got , I refused to do anything about it. In the end it was the
mental pain and abject horror and fear of the madness that came with this soul sickness, that made
my consciousness "reel" in acute fear and terror, this caused me to fall to the floor and ask for help
from the invisible power of the Great Spirit,as I was totally lost and finished , beyond any human aid
all my excuses, rationalisations,and all the other bullshit threadbare ideas I had clung to were finished. The madness of this will be familiar with those who have trod this path of isolation and
fear ridden denial.(as they say, Denial is not a river in Egypt)!
Crisis is like a "natural reminder"that only arises when we step out of our natural alignment with
the living energy of life and therefore start to suffer the impacts and consequences of this
negative direction, when this occurs, a crisis is "summoned" by our inner intelligence, the soul
to correct this imbalance.
If we then adjust ourselves to become aligned with the living energy of life, the crises then fades
out of our existence. And will stay that way, unless summoned again by our misdirection.
Unbeknown to many of us, there are several layers (dimensions) of intelligence operating within
our life expression here on Earth, most of us are only aware of our physical brain intelligence,
this is just the very lowest level of operating intelligence, there are several higher layers
(dimensions) also in use,within us all is a monitor, sometimes called our conscience, this conscience
is really just another name for the immortal soul of which we are all embedded within it embrace
it is this "monitor" that will summon a crises to occur in our lives, in order to redress the balance
if we are out of alignment,the monitor (soul) will remain silent if we take steps ourselves  to correct
any imbalance in our lives that we have detected and take insightful action to correct this.. If however
we fail to "read the writing on the proverbial wall" and take no action to correct this misalignment
then the inner monitor will take action.
In part two will explore this further.           warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Saturday 10 August 2019

People Are Principles Expressing Reality.-P A P E R -Part Two.

In yesterday's blog I finished with a question, what is Life? To me life is an Absolute Eternal
Singular Principle,which to me spells out Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy-LIFE, this
Singular Principle moves throughout this relative universe,everything within this universe
moves and everything that moves is LIFE. When there is no movement , when there is
Absolute motionlessness, then life looses it's expression, and therefore becomes what it
was when not moving or being expressed, that of Absolute Spirit. Unexpressed life is
therefore SPIRIT, no motion=SPIRIT, motion=LIFE.
So what about us all here then? What are we in truth? We are all the motioning aspects of
life, encased within a vehicle called mankind. At the core of our being, all is still, and is
Absolute spirit, this is where "we"all manifested from countless aeons ago. Then motion
was born on the wings of the Primal INTENTION of the Absolute, that INTENTION caused
motion to arise, and as motion arised  within the forming relative universe,LIFE was born out
of the stillness of the quintessence of SPIRIT.
We all know what we are in our core of BEING, the problem though is that we are a long way
from that centre of our being. We in our ignorance believe that the physical body is who we really
are, which is not at all true, yet hundreds of millions of us seriously believe this illusion, and therefore go to their grave clinging on to this fictitious belief, which means that we are all
destined  to return here again and again until we wake up and claim our divine heritage and
We are all within the singular principle of LIFE, all other universal principles are enfolded
and manifest from within that primal principle, love arises out of life, as does cause and effect
and gravity is really unconditional love,attracting all to its centre.
If we can but just look behind the FORM, which is really just a facade veiling the invisible
living energy that animates the vehicle, if we can see and understand that our physical bodies
are just and ONLY VEHICLES, do any of you identify yourself with your CAR?  I very much
doubt so,your car is a vehicle you get in it drive to where you want to go, then EXIT the Vehicle
That is exactly what we do with our physical vehicles, we drive through our whole life, then die,
(exit the vehicle) and continue living in the Astral plane.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 9 August 2019

People Are Principles Expressing Reality.-P A P E R .

Paper thin is the veil that hides the truth from our eyes. A collection of people is called humanity
we are humanity. What then is the guiding and main principle that reveals humanity?
For me the principle that exposes humanity to our gaze is that of LIFE, we are all life, which
stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE. There are really just three main principles
that operate this relative universe, these three principles are,LIFE,LIGHT.and LOVE, and these
condense into just ONE Absolute principle  which is LIFE, when expressed this principle is
called LIFE, when unexpressed when all life ceases to MOVE universally, it is then called
Absolute SPIRIT.
The energetic principle (life) possesses a radiance (light) which in turn has a bonding power
(love) which is therefore expressed as LIFE-LIGHT-LOVE, and at the exit point of these three
primal principles,we all dwell and have our being! We as this thing called humanity are in truth
seven and a half billion points of the eternal principle of LIFE, each one of us is LIFE being
expressed within a vehicle called mankind, and enclosed and enfolded within a physical body.
We all have access to universal knowledge and wisdom if we know where to look for it.
The reason why you are within a vehicle upon the planet Earth is to understand what exactly
LIFE really IS.
Remember that our physical body is not life,the intelligent matrix of energy that animates your
physical form is the life principle, not the shell of the body, that will eventually rot and decay.
Knowing ourselves is the driving force that propels us all through our experiences here on
Earth, that is why we are all here, to find out who we really are.
We are all expressing this principle by our moving through our personal experiences that amount
to a growing understanding of our life, the reason we motion through each day, the interactions we
encounter all begin to build a comprehensive picture which we then interpret as our understanding
of why we are here, this understanding is constantly being revised by our newer experiences, and
gradually we seek to look within ourselves because we instinctively know that within us all lies
the answer to the question, what is LIFE?
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Thursday 8 August 2019

Question Use Everything Seek Truth.-Q U E S T -Part Two.

The pathless path is our personal journey of gradual unfolding, which ultimately will lead us
to a full realisation of our immortal divine soul. Everyday we experience our interactions with
life, with actions and reactions to whatever is presented before us. This flow of motion that is us
moving through this relative plane, gradually reveals more and more clues about what life actually
is, the trick is to be able to decipher these clues and adjust ourselves accordingly. One way of doing
this is to alter our gaze from outward into inward, by taking up the practice of meditation or yoga.
By doing this we increase our personal awareness and also enhance our perception abilities.
Which leads us into seeing things within our life path that we had previously missed,it leads into
an understanding and insight about our path.
It reveals the word unfolding what does this word actually mean? Unfolding means "to open up
from within" exactly as a flower does before the rising sun.
Our "rising sun"is the spiritual sun that exists within the interior of all life, and when ee go within
ourselves we come into contact with this spiritual sun which exists deeply within all life, and
unlike the physical sun which is golden and yellow, the spiritual sun is blue, and in meditation
we often see its rays of light as blue flashes before our inner gaze.
This contact brings about the unfolding and opening up of your inner vision by way of intuitive
insights that will flash into your consciousness and reveal more about your real inner SELF.
Unbeknown to the majority of us is that the reason we are all here on this QUEST is to walk
across this land, and in so doing create a path for ourselves through endless experiencing that
will bring about the blossoming of the life vehicle into developing insight into the realising and
full knowing of its lasting and true identity, this is the ONLY REASON while we are all here
there is no OTHER REASON. We are all used to the physical warmth of the solar sun, and we
bathe in its warmth often.
Now we need to get used to the interior sun, whose warmth and insights millions of us have never
felt.Going within may feel like an alien world to many, because we have only been used to the exterior world, and have never ventured inwards.It may well see strange to you at first. but if you
persist and take up the practice of looking within, you will soon begin to see the benefits, calmness
and serenity will begin to enfold you, this will encourage you to continue on your noble QUEST.
Have a safe journey dear readers.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Question Use Everything Seek Truth.-Q U E S T .

to begin this blog today I would like to use a quote from Jiddu Krishnamurti, which says this
quote,"I maintain that truth is a pathless land and you cannot approach it by any path
whatsoever,by any religion, by any sect" unquote, this quote came from the writings of
Krishnamurti called "The Desolation of the Pathless Path". The pathless path lies within us
all,and we create it moment by moment as we live our lives, we each create our own pathless
path, and therefore tread it daily. If we look for the path we are already lost! It cannot be found
by the intellect or the mind, it can only become "experienced moment by moment" as we
manifest our daily motions through our localised engagements in the place where we are
We could ask ourselves the question, why do we need experiences? What is the purpose of
experiences? What is truth? Does anybody know? If we ask questions like these, we are setting
in motion the possibility of an answer?
True knowing does not occur within the mind, if we are thinking in order to uncover the root
of thought, one could say we are already in the wrong room! Mind is thought and for thoughts
to have a landing place, an identity must be in play to run its conditioned program. Thoughts
are simply the movement of memory and knowledge. These shadow byproducts of the identity/
mind, give birth to and enforce the perpetration of ego,mind,identity or the transitory self.
We are all on a quest, its just that the majority of us are all unaware of this motion.Our daily
experiences gradually reveal to us, through both pain and joy, through arising crisis,  sadness
and loss,each experience that impacts upon us emotionally, stirs up energy that arises from
deep within us, these emotional experiences gradually open a door within us, and when the
impacts imprint enough force upon us, we will instinctively search within ourselves for answers.
The pathless path has nothing to do with some well known guru or saint that lives in a cave in
the Himalayas although they are treading the pathless path them selves, but each one of us
knowingly or unknowingly is also treading our own pathless path every day of our lives,our
quest as is spelt out in this blog, is to find the truth that lies within us all, and doing that requires
a shift in our gaze from outwards to inwards.
In part two will explore this further.        Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Humans Are Reference Point Singularities. H A R P S Part Two.

Our life stream spans from the SOURCE of all LIFE the Absolute Spirit of ALL, and motions
down through many dimensions of expression, until it exits upon the relative plane here on Earth.
Although totally invisible to us, we are all in fact anchored here on Earth by the intentional field
of the indwelling soul, and are held within a "vortex of living energy" tapering down into a
"singularity point of reference", we human beings (vehicles) are all reference points to the
immortal life stream of living divine energy.
The birth of our singularity reference points, began we we acquired self -consciousness the birth
of the "I AM" consciousness, the awakening of the "I AM" consciousness caused a rotation to
occur within the infinite field on consciousness, this rotation was the spinning self aware being,
who was waking up to the realisation that it was "self aware" "self knowing" after spending aeons
in an unconscious state, we then awake, and the awakening caused a singularity to manifest to
provide a matrix for this new found self aware being, and also provide entry into the relative realm
of dual existence. While also providing a physical body to house the indwelling life form the soul.
If we can imagine an infinite ocean of consciousness,(which science calls the unified field)
somewhere above our heads, and we are all funnelled down from this infinite ocean into single
points of self awareness life, we have all rotated out of the main ocean which is absolute, and
flowed downwards into this relative dimension of Earth. Above us (figuratively speaking) lies
the absolute ocean , where we will all return to, when our full realisation  process has been fully
and totally comprehended.
The "black hole" that science is so interested in,is in fact representative of our aeons spent in
an unconscious state of unknowing, we spent billions of years within the black hole, which
can also represent our ignorance phase of unknowing existence,The rotation that occurred within
this black hole, was in fact our escape chute into another dimension of self knowing, and the
beginning of our conscious self aware journey back home, from whence we came so very long
ago.We were all born again into self consciousness and self awareness, and journeyed out of the
black hole of darkness which is really just another name for ignorance, and we were cast into
the light of the physical sun, in order to grow and bathe in its light.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realization.

Monday 5 August 2019

Humans Are Reference Point Singularities.-H A R P S .

Humanity all seven and a half billion of us are really just reference points located and exiting
upon the earth plane via a vortex of funnelling energy life stream into a singularity point and
that point attached to our physical vehicles within the crown chakra and also anchored within
the heart chakra. The human vehicle is basically a biological machine, and the brain is a
biological computer. The physical brain computer acts and receives non physical energies
that connect it to the life stream of the higher self, or the soul, who is the real  and only
occupier of the physical body.
The brain receives electromagnetic impulses from the higher self, plus it also receives
bioelectrochemical impulses from that same source,that makes and fully connects the physical
vehicle to the full spectrum of universal energy.
To better understand this process, we need to fully realise that the "actual LIFE FORCE" that
animates the physical vehicle has NEVER BEEN SEEN by man. Because the LIFE force is
invisible and remains out of this physical earth dimension. The soul never touches the earth
physically, only the vehicle does that. If we all developed higher clairvoyant vision we would see
streams of living energy flowing in and out of of our form that hold us all in a coherent stasis
that permits the vehicle to explore this planet and gather experiences, which in turn provide
insight into the truth of our expression here.
We are nothing but pure and absolute consciousness,not consciousness of anything other than
ourselves, but just consciousness of our own essential being, which we always experience as
"I AM" , when we imagine that we are conscious of anything other than "I AM" we appear to be
our mind, a separate object-knowing consciousness. But when we examine this consciousness that
appears to know things other than itself, it will dissolve and disappear and what will remain is only our true non-dual consciousness of being, because there is truly no such thing as "mind" other than
our fundamental and essential self -consciousness-"I AM".
We all drop out of the field, literally,the unified infinite field which is an ocean of flowing consciousness and are all pulled down into the vortex funnel exiting here upon the earth plane through a point called a singularity, what pulls our life force down into incarnation upon this Earth plane, is the intentional field of focused intention which emanates from within the matrix of the
soul, this intentional field is the "force field" that holds all life here in coherence until it is withdrawn
which means to the vehicle that it ceases to function any more, we though move onto other pastures.
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Sunday 4 August 2019

Can Humanity Actually Know Reality At Source? -C H A K R A S Part Two.

If mankind really knew who they actually were and realised their full and manifested being, then
the question raised in this blog which is "can humanity actually know reality" would never arise
because we would all know and understand that we were all the very embodiment of reality, which
is very simply LIFE expressed within a shapened form called by us a human being.
Life is always expressed within vortexual configurations , a tapestry of woven energy tapering
down the vibrational scale, until it emerges within the visible perspective of the onlooker which
is us. Energy then takes on form and shape, because of its low vibration rate. We each have eight
major chakras, plus many more minor ones, these are all energy centres that all spin at varying
rates of rotation, depending on our state of aware consciousness and depth of perception.
When the prophet Ezekiel who wrote much in the Hebrew Bible, and in the Christian one ,as well
mentioned in Islam whose name was DHUL KIFI meaning literally "possessor of the fold"
when Ezekiel mentioned "wheels within wheels" turning within themselves, he could easily
be describing the chakras of man, all our chakras are wheels within wheels vortices of spinning
energy, and each chakra has a colour assigned to it relating to it place within the life form, the
root chakra Muladhara is red in colour, while the crown chakra Sahasrara is both white and violet.
All expressed life moves within rotational eddies, each eddy has it own spin signature plus colour
assigned to it, each eddy tapers to a point,and this point can be seen as a singularity point which
holds intelligent energy (you) within a fixed point, so that expression can occur within that
dimension, that is how we can stay here, because we are all HELD in stasis, by the point of
which we exit the immaterial dimension, and materialise within this physical dimension.What
holds us all in stasis is the intentional field that emanates from within the soul, who has charge
of the vehicle that is permitted entry to the planetary school  in order to gather experiences that
will ultimately reveal to that physical vehicle its true and eternal nature. It can be called Divine
Coherence  that holds us all securely within it loving embrace, and this embrace always takes on
the formless form of rotational energy. We literally and factually spin and weave a tapestry of
experiences, that will ultimately one day reveal to your startled gaze the REAL YOU, the eternal
LIFE that is SPIRIT.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

Saturday 3 August 2019

Can Humanity Actually Know Reality At Source ? -C H A K R A S .

The question that this blog raises is that can we as humanity actually know reality at source?
For me the answer is most assuredly yes we can, provided we keep an open mind, and are
prepared to look within ourselves for the answer.
The question posed by this blog spells out the word CHARKAS, what exactly is a chakra?
Basically it is a spinning vortex of living energy that links us into the matrix of reality and
our expression here in the physical form. The chakras link into our ethereal and astral
expressions and are absolutely necessary for us to be able to function here, if we look behind
the form and shape of the human being what do you find? Well what you find is energy, Living
Intelligent-Focused-Energy, which spells out the word L I F E , we are all living energy woven
and weaved into a composite whole, invisible energy made visible by condensation down the
vibrant vibrations until it began to set and congeal into visible formations as the physical body.
We are all one hundred per cent energy, nothing less than that,we are never told this, or it is
hardly ever mentioned, except maybe in scientific journals which very few of us would ever read.
The physical body  is composed of living light condensed from its liquid formless form into what
we are all familiar with that of a physical body.
LIFE is energy. which happens to be very intelligent and eternal in nature, that is what we all are
living intelligent focused energy that is eternal and absolute in its nature, here on Earth we are all
encapsulated within a physical vehicle, which we call humanity, and millions of us think that this
vehicle is who you really are, which of course is utter nonsense, we make the mistake of identifying
with the vehicle, rather than the real occupier that of your immortal soul, your higher self.
We can all know reality at source, if we take the trouble to look within ourselves,we need to
understand that we are SOURCE manifesting in human form, reality is what you ARE, we are ALL
the very embodiment of reality, how could we possibly be anything else???? Embodiment of fiction
maybe? We are all the "real deal" we are all SOURCE vastly condensed into a gross entanglement
of congealed energy, when we look within ourselves,we begin the process of raising our vibrations
and will then slowly become less dense or gross matter,connecting with our inner nature will "lighten
our being".
In part two will explore this further.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Friday 2 August 2019

Fiction Of "OTHERS" Debunked. -F O O D Part Two.

How often have we heard the refrain "they" made me do it, or the other one,"it was not me, it was
the "others",perhaps we too have used these old chestnuts of excuses, when picked up by another
regarding our behaviour or what we said! Instead of taking full responsibility for our actions and
deeds, we try and blame someone or something else.
What exactly is this thing called mankind? The ultimate reality is that seven and a half billion
souls, will eventually all condense back into ONE LIFE PRESENCE, which is Absolute Spirit
or GOD for short.
Our vast journey spanning countless aeons moving and experiencing billions of experiences
through an evolutionary arc of gradual unfolding until we reach a point, where we all our now
that of "I AM" consciousness. It is written in the scriptures the saying "BE STILL" and know
that "I AM" GOD,what we very often fail to recognise or understand, is that what this injunction
is actually saying is that YOU the one saying this injunction of "I AM GOD"is actually referring
to YOU the one saying this injunction, it is not in reference to "some other" BODY who is GOD,
rather the injunction means YOU the one saying those WORDS!!!!
Evolution could also be called the gradual process of dissolving back into SOURCE aware
Ultimately we will all dissolve our ego's and personalities, let go of the illusion of individualism
and finally let go of our minds, which we created through our memories and experiences from
birth. We will eventually all "lose our minds"and then we will find our TRUE SELF, which is
Absolute Infinite Spirit, or LIFE for short.
What is laid out here is the ultimate destiny of all LIFE, not just mankind,therefore  no need to
worry or be concerned, because ALL IS UNDER LAW, and we are all SAFE and SECURE
within its infinite loving embrace, there is no RUSH to become dissolved and lose yourself
the one that you are now familiar with,all I have pointed out here is the destiny of humanity
its ultimate soul-lution may take many hundreds or more years to become fully realised.
We are all basically seven and a half billion replications of the ONE REALITY, which is LIFE.
What we call "others" is really you in a different disguise!
Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realisation. 

Thursday 1 August 2019

Fiction Of "OTHERS" Debunked. F O O D .

To create some FOOD for thought, Sri Ramana Maharshi -1879-1950, who was asked by one of
his devotees  the question, "how should we treat others master"Ramana Maharshi replied, "THERE
ARE NO OTHERS! What then can we make of this most profound statement?
To answer this most profound question, we must first distinguish two important facts, one is that
within relativity which is the duality based universe in which we all dwell in physically,there is
most certainly the "impression"of others, even though this impression is in truth an illusion, it is
an illusion that we all partake in daily.The other aspect of this equation regarding "others" is that
although outwardly we all dwell within this relative universe, at the back of this presentation
there lies the Absolute, in this state there is no such thing as "OTHERS"there is but ONE LIFE
if we remember that the word LIFE is always in the singular, there is no plural present within
LIFE, there is no such a thing as LIFE'S!!
Deep within all of humanity lies the SPIRIT, this is the core of our being. This core is overlaid
by the vehicle of the soul, and the soul vehicle is overlaid by the physical body vehicle.
So at the core of our being, there can not exist the idea of such a thing as "OTHERS", there is
just SPIRIT and spirit is LIFE and life is but ONE-SINGULAR.
We are all three fold beings, physical,mental, and spiritual,we are also souls with physical bodies
and NOT the other way round of physical bodies with souls, the soul is primary, the physical body
is just a vehicle and nothing more than that.
At our core we are all SELF, there is only ONE SELF upon this planet Earth, there are though
seven and a half billion souls here, what are we to make of this reality? Seven billion souls and
just one SELF. What happens to all the other souls then? That again is an interesting question.
To become fully SELF realised as did Sri Ramana Maharshi you awaken into full consciousness
of the reality that you are Absolute, and that the universe and all that is within it,lies within your
full awake and aware consciousness, everything is YOU, and YOU are everything,what was your
ego and personality, your mind, and you individuality, has all been dissolved into the SELF, you
as an individual has vanished forever.
It will be some time yet before most of us arrive at the portal of SELF REALISATION, perhaps in
several life times from now, maybe even in this one,if you are serious about loosing yourself in
order to find the SELF! This blog is about creating FOOD for thought.
In part two will look further into this.    warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.