Wednesday 14 August 2019

We Are Dimensional Explorers.-W A D E Part Two..

Humanity is expressed through seven dimensions or subtle bodies which comprise of 1) the
etheric body,2) the emotional body, 3) the mental body, 4) the astral body,5) the etheric
template body, fifth layer, 6) the celestial body , 7) the causal body, we are all dimensional
explorers, although many of us are only conscious of this physical realm, some of us are
also conscious of the astral dimension, that lies within our conscious perceptions if we tune
into that frequency.
We need to try and grasp that the word "humanity"is only a word that describes "vehicles of
expression"here on Earth. Our physical bodies are just vehicles for the soul or higher self to
use. The actual reality of what mankind actually is, is SPIRIT, we are all spirit First, then a
soul, then a physical vehicle(human body) these are three dimensions of expression, which
then meld into the seven other dimensions or bodies mentioned above,the seven and the three
add up to the perfect number ten, which is expressed as a circle  and within that circle is a
vertical line,which represents the number one (1) one and zero encircled by infinity.
This whole universe runs on absolute INTELLIGENCE, and this absolute intelligence is
no such thing as humanity is absolute reality, we only "appear to exist" temporally upon this
Earth plane as vehicles for collecting experiences and growing into awareness by the virtue
of these collective experiences, into a final understanding of your inner reality.
Because of our lack of true understanding of our inner nature, we therefore misidentify
ourselves as the vehicles as being who we really are, we do not however make the same
mistake with the cars we drive to work in, we know because it is very clear and obvious
where the distinctions lie between you and the car, with us as physical bodies and us feeling
that this must be me, because its all I have even known! It can be much harder to see who we
really are.
We literally and factually WADE THROUGH all these dimensions of expressed life energy
in order to fully understand that we are all totally connected and interconnected to each other
by the virtue of the ONE LIFE that presides within us all, we are all related to each other
eternally SO!
Warmest regards Michael/ any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

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