Friday 9 August 2019

People Are Principles Expressing Reality.-P A P E R .

Paper thin is the veil that hides the truth from our eyes. A collection of people is called humanity
we are humanity. What then is the guiding and main principle that reveals humanity?
For me the principle that exposes humanity to our gaze is that of LIFE, we are all life, which
stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE. There are really just three main principles
that operate this relative universe, these three principles are,LIFE,LIGHT.and LOVE, and these
condense into just ONE Absolute principle  which is LIFE, when expressed this principle is
called LIFE, when unexpressed when all life ceases to MOVE universally, it is then called
Absolute SPIRIT.
The energetic principle (life) possesses a radiance (light) which in turn has a bonding power
(love) which is therefore expressed as LIFE-LIGHT-LOVE, and at the exit point of these three
primal principles,we all dwell and have our being! We as this thing called humanity are in truth
seven and a half billion points of the eternal principle of LIFE, each one of us is LIFE being
expressed within a vehicle called mankind, and enclosed and enfolded within a physical body.
We all have access to universal knowledge and wisdom if we know where to look for it.
The reason why you are within a vehicle upon the planet Earth is to understand what exactly
LIFE really IS.
Remember that our physical body is not life,the intelligent matrix of energy that animates your
physical form is the life principle, not the shell of the body, that will eventually rot and decay.
Knowing ourselves is the driving force that propels us all through our experiences here on
Earth, that is why we are all here, to find out who we really are.
We are all expressing this principle by our moving through our personal experiences that amount
to a growing understanding of our life, the reason we motion through each day, the interactions we
encounter all begin to build a comprehensive picture which we then interpret as our understanding
of why we are here, this understanding is constantly being revised by our newer experiences, and
gradually we seek to look within ourselves because we instinctively know that within us all lies
the answer to the question, what is LIFE?
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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