Monday 5 August 2019

Humans Are Reference Point Singularities.-H A R P S .

Humanity all seven and a half billion of us are really just reference points located and exiting
upon the earth plane via a vortex of funnelling energy life stream into a singularity point and
that point attached to our physical vehicles within the crown chakra and also anchored within
the heart chakra. The human vehicle is basically a biological machine, and the brain is a
biological computer. The physical brain computer acts and receives non physical energies
that connect it to the life stream of the higher self, or the soul, who is the real  and only
occupier of the physical body.
The brain receives electromagnetic impulses from the higher self, plus it also receives
bioelectrochemical impulses from that same source,that makes and fully connects the physical
vehicle to the full spectrum of universal energy.
To better understand this process, we need to fully realise that the "actual LIFE FORCE" that
animates the physical vehicle has NEVER BEEN SEEN by man. Because the LIFE force is
invisible and remains out of this physical earth dimension. The soul never touches the earth
physically, only the vehicle does that. If we all developed higher clairvoyant vision we would see
streams of living energy flowing in and out of of our form that hold us all in a coherent stasis
that permits the vehicle to explore this planet and gather experiences, which in turn provide
insight into the truth of our expression here.
We are nothing but pure and absolute consciousness,not consciousness of anything other than
ourselves, but just consciousness of our own essential being, which we always experience as
"I AM" , when we imagine that we are conscious of anything other than "I AM" we appear to be
our mind, a separate object-knowing consciousness. But when we examine this consciousness that
appears to know things other than itself, it will dissolve and disappear and what will remain is only our true non-dual consciousness of being, because there is truly no such thing as "mind" other than
our fundamental and essential self -consciousness-"I AM".
We all drop out of the field, literally,the unified infinite field which is an ocean of flowing consciousness and are all pulled down into the vortex funnel exiting here upon the earth plane through a point called a singularity, what pulls our life force down into incarnation upon this Earth plane, is the intentional field of focused intention which emanates from within the matrix of the
soul, this intentional field is the "force field" that holds all life here in coherence until it is withdrawn
which means to the vehicle that it ceases to function any more, we though move onto other pastures.
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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