Thursday 29 August 2019

Points Of Energy Manifesting Soul.-P O E M S Part Two.

Humanity consists of seven and a half billion points of reference,or points of energy, each point
(which is YOU dear reader) is an exit point into this physical realm which we all live in here on
Earth. Our energy matrix tapers downwards (lower frequency) into a singularity point that is
held  in perfect cohesion and stasis by the "intentional field"of the life force that is our soul/
spirit. We have our physical existence here at the singularity point of exit into another dimension
of expression, which is here upon this Earth plane.
Our true inner being is not in this dimension at all, but is connected to the vehicle it uses which is
you and me dear reader,via electromagnetic connections and also electrochemical  connections
all act and react within the physical brain and central nervous system.
We physically exist within a vortex of living energy, spiralling down through several dimensions
of expression gradually getting narrower as the life force descends into lower vibrational
dimensions , becoming denser and denser as it descends the slip stream of the spinning vortex
until it finally emerges at its densest level and then congeal/condenses into physical matter.
Our flesh and blood vehicles/bodies are the direct result of this condensation of ethereal living
energy being lowered into denser fields of expression by the direct focused intention of the
divine immortal soul requiring physical experiences here upon this Earth.
We are all anchored here by two main connecting points, one is within the skull which is called
in English the crown chakra, and the other anchor is within the heart chakra which is situated
within the centre of the chest, and is not the same as the physical heart, though they are both
surely connected as well.
The life force, which is really spirit in transit,moves through every dimension that exists within
this universe, we are all dimensional eternal beings, expressing infinite numbers of ways to
function and have experiences in ways that we cannot as yet comprehend.
Science postulates the existence of singularities lying at the lowest possible point within a
black hole, that usually seems to be millions of light years away from where we are. Science
will soon realise that singularities exist much closer to home, and that to find one, all they have
to do is to look into the MIRROR!!!!! Black holes are just dimensional transit phenomena that
move via a vortex energy from one dimension into another, consciousness is completely unaffected
by gravity or black holes, consciousness transcends all, because consciousness is ABSOLUTE
and black holes and all phenomena remains forever RELATIVE.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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