Monday 26 August 2019

Self Wears Earthly Attire Revealing Soul.-S W E A R S .

We are all eternal beings,having what could be called relative experience here upon this
planet Earth. We are all "embraced and contained" within the infinite matrix which we call
Science now recognises energy as eternal as it cannot be destroyed only converted into another
form of energy.Science is at the brink of full realisation  that LIFE and ENERGY are the very
same thing, and this realisation will impact profoundly upon the human race, as it will then
scientifically prove that all life is eternal and that death is in truth and reality just an illusion.
When we die we are then CONVERTED (just as science has proven) our physical energy
matrix,is then converted into astral energy matrix and we then continue living as before,
except we are then fully conscious within the astral dimension, instead of the physical
dimension we had just left.
Consciousness is the eternal infinite field in which we all experience our perceptions of
what we imagine is life as we feel it, or know it.Each of us has our own perspective on what
we feel is real.Within this infinite field of consciousness lies what we all call "our minds"
there seems to be your mind, and my mind,which suggests that there are seven and a half
billion minds upon this Earth, yet there is only ONE CONSCIOUSNESS FIELD, how does
this equate with reality? The other question relating to this is that there is only ONE LIFE
FORCE within this universe, where does this leave all of the seven billion human beings
and all the other creatures as well? What then becomes of the seven billion human beings
if there is only ONE LIFE FORCE? Which one of us is the lucky one then? Who gets to
outlive the rest of us!
Have we really got seven and a half billion separate minds upon this planet? What would happen
if you were to LOSE your mind? Would we all suffer? Can we live very well without having a
mind? Does the absolute life force actually possess a thing called MIND? Is not consciousness
universal, and mind localised within the two ears of a human being? If we do indeed LOCALISE
universal consciousness energy, and in so doing, by not understanding this process due to our
ignorance of reality, then believe that this infinite intelligent energy is really just us THINKING
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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