Thursday 1 August 2019

Fiction Of "OTHERS" Debunked. F O O D .

To create some FOOD for thought, Sri Ramana Maharshi -1879-1950, who was asked by one of
his devotees  the question, "how should we treat others master"Ramana Maharshi replied, "THERE
ARE NO OTHERS! What then can we make of this most profound statement?
To answer this most profound question, we must first distinguish two important facts, one is that
within relativity which is the duality based universe in which we all dwell in physically,there is
most certainly the "impression"of others, even though this impression is in truth an illusion, it is
an illusion that we all partake in daily.The other aspect of this equation regarding "others" is that
although outwardly we all dwell within this relative universe, at the back of this presentation
there lies the Absolute, in this state there is no such thing as "OTHERS"there is but ONE LIFE
if we remember that the word LIFE is always in the singular, there is no plural present within
LIFE, there is no such a thing as LIFE'S!!
Deep within all of humanity lies the SPIRIT, this is the core of our being. This core is overlaid
by the vehicle of the soul, and the soul vehicle is overlaid by the physical body vehicle.
So at the core of our being, there can not exist the idea of such a thing as "OTHERS", there is
just SPIRIT and spirit is LIFE and life is but ONE-SINGULAR.
We are all three fold beings, physical,mental, and spiritual,we are also souls with physical bodies
and NOT the other way round of physical bodies with souls, the soul is primary, the physical body
is just a vehicle and nothing more than that.
At our core we are all SELF, there is only ONE SELF upon this planet Earth, there are though
seven and a half billion souls here, what are we to make of this reality? Seven billion souls and
just one SELF. What happens to all the other souls then? That again is an interesting question.
To become fully SELF realised as did Sri Ramana Maharshi you awaken into full consciousness
of the reality that you are Absolute, and that the universe and all that is within it,lies within your
full awake and aware consciousness, everything is YOU, and YOU are everything,what was your
ego and personality, your mind, and you individuality, has all been dissolved into the SELF, you
as an individual has vanished forever.
It will be some time yet before most of us arrive at the portal of SELF REALISATION, perhaps in
several life times from now, maybe even in this one,if you are serious about loosing yourself in
order to find the SELF! This blog is about creating FOOD for thought.
In part two will look further into this.    warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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