Sunday 4 August 2019

Can Humanity Actually Know Reality At Source? -C H A K R A S Part Two.

If mankind really knew who they actually were and realised their full and manifested being, then
the question raised in this blog which is "can humanity actually know reality" would never arise
because we would all know and understand that we were all the very embodiment of reality, which
is very simply LIFE expressed within a shapened form called by us a human being.
Life is always expressed within vortexual configurations , a tapestry of woven energy tapering
down the vibrational scale, until it emerges within the visible perspective of the onlooker which
is us. Energy then takes on form and shape, because of its low vibration rate. We each have eight
major chakras, plus many more minor ones, these are all energy centres that all spin at varying
rates of rotation, depending on our state of aware consciousness and depth of perception.
When the prophet Ezekiel who wrote much in the Hebrew Bible, and in the Christian one ,as well
mentioned in Islam whose name was DHUL KIFI meaning literally "possessor of the fold"
when Ezekiel mentioned "wheels within wheels" turning within themselves, he could easily
be describing the chakras of man, all our chakras are wheels within wheels vortices of spinning
energy, and each chakra has a colour assigned to it relating to it place within the life form, the
root chakra Muladhara is red in colour, while the crown chakra Sahasrara is both white and violet.
All expressed life moves within rotational eddies, each eddy has it own spin signature plus colour
assigned to it, each eddy tapers to a point,and this point can be seen as a singularity point which
holds intelligent energy (you) within a fixed point, so that expression can occur within that
dimension, that is how we can stay here, because we are all HELD in stasis, by the point of
which we exit the immaterial dimension, and materialise within this physical dimension.What
holds us all in stasis is the intentional field that emanates from within the soul, who has charge
of the vehicle that is permitted entry to the planetary school  in order to gather experiences that
will ultimately reveal to that physical vehicle its true and eternal nature. It can be called Divine
Coherence  that holds us all securely within it loving embrace, and this embrace always takes on
the formless form of rotational energy. We literally and factually spin and weave a tapestry of
experiences, that will ultimately one day reveal to your startled gaze the REAL YOU, the eternal
LIFE that is SPIRIT.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

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