Saturday 10 August 2019

People Are Principles Expressing Reality.-P A P E R -Part Two.

In yesterday's blog I finished with a question, what is Life? To me life is an Absolute Eternal
Singular Principle,which to me spells out Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy-LIFE, this
Singular Principle moves throughout this relative universe,everything within this universe
moves and everything that moves is LIFE. When there is no movement , when there is
Absolute motionlessness, then life looses it's expression, and therefore becomes what it
was when not moving or being expressed, that of Absolute Spirit. Unexpressed life is
therefore SPIRIT, no motion=SPIRIT, motion=LIFE.
So what about us all here then? What are we in truth? We are all the motioning aspects of
life, encased within a vehicle called mankind. At the core of our being, all is still, and is
Absolute spirit, this is where "we"all manifested from countless aeons ago. Then motion
was born on the wings of the Primal INTENTION of the Absolute, that INTENTION caused
motion to arise, and as motion arised  within the forming relative universe,LIFE was born out
of the stillness of the quintessence of SPIRIT.
We all know what we are in our core of BEING, the problem though is that we are a long way
from that centre of our being. We in our ignorance believe that the physical body is who we really
are, which is not at all true, yet hundreds of millions of us seriously believe this illusion, and therefore go to their grave clinging on to this fictitious belief, which means that we are all
destined  to return here again and again until we wake up and claim our divine heritage and
We are all within the singular principle of LIFE, all other universal principles are enfolded
and manifest from within that primal principle, love arises out of life, as does cause and effect
and gravity is really unconditional love,attracting all to its centre.
If we can but just look behind the FORM, which is really just a facade veiling the invisible
living energy that animates the vehicle, if we can see and understand that our physical bodies
are just and ONLY VEHICLES, do any of you identify yourself with your CAR?  I very much
doubt so,your car is a vehicle you get in it drive to where you want to go, then EXIT the Vehicle
That is exactly what we do with our physical vehicles, we drive through our whole life, then die,
(exit the vehicle) and continue living in the Astral plane.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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