Sunday 30 April 2023


soul realization: REINCARNATION EARTH ASTRAL PLANE . R E A P .:  There is in place a sequence that permits humanity to REAP   the benefits of gathering experiences here on Earth, and also to remove them s...



This blog today entitled NOW is about our understanding of this Absolute 

principle of NOW. The NOW is what "WE" the "phenomenon" are all contained

within this absolute principle of the NOW. Our universe is relative meaning

that it has within it perpetual motion , which is energy that moves within atomic

vibration, everything within this universe moves, but the  NOW which both 

transcends this universe and also interpenetrates this universe is eternally

motionlessness. The Absolute can have nothing relative about it, the unlimited

and limitless can have nothing limited. conditioned, or differentiated about itself,

this is what the NOW is.

All life being expressed moves through the ever motionless Now, moment by moment.

If we can begin to understand that Now has all motion universally in its limitless

eternal embrace. We are all firmly held in the eternal embrace of Now, you were born

in Now and you will exit your vehicle in the now, and move into the NOW  of the 


So then what exactly is the NOW? The NOUMENON of WISDOM ?

What is this eternal principle that holds all universal expression plus life on Earth

you and me in its infinite embrace? If we can fully understand  the NOW we will 

then also fully understand  ALL there is, Because Now contains ALL THERE IS

to know universally, and the now was PRESENT  Before this universe was born

or even THOUGHT OF, so what does this imply then? Life emerges out of the NOW

which implies that before emergence (meaning motion) "WE" before LIFE were 

MOTIONLESS SPIRIT. Which further implies that the NOW is really Divine Spirit

eternal PRESENCE, which means that the NOW is the" PRESENCE" that will NEVER


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 29 April 2023



This blog today entitled SUDDENLY is about the journey that all of humanity will

eventually take either in this life time expression or the next. The experience of 

SUDDENLY is already written upon the expression life pathway of all  humanity

and each being will eventually climb what can be called the JACOB'S LADDER

of realization, or a more modern term of KUNDALINI experience. KUNDALINI

is the :Primordial Cosmic Energy of this universe, when the KUNDALINI energy

rises it pierces all seven chakras along your spine, dissolving the karmic debris of

your past.

By going within ourselves and practicing meditation we begin to awaken that sleeping

dragon which sleeps coiled up in our root chakra. This process will awaken the NUMEN

within you, which is your real immortal spirit being. The NUMEN is our DIVINITY

which sleeps within us all. By entering into the inner silence within us, when all thoughts

have been STILLED, then we begin to awaken to our real immortal inner SELF.

Our seven major chakras are each Dimensional Doorways that lead to higher levels 

of consciousness  and awareness, as the sleeping dragon begins to stir from its long

slumber it slowly uncoils and begins to ascend up the spinal column, as it reaches a 

chakra centre it pierces the chakra and opens up a rotation spiral of energy that opens

up and connects us to a dimensional doorway within us, so that our awareness and

consciousness levels grow more inclusive and expansive.

The uncoiling process slowly ascends up the spine activating each chakra as it ascends 

this process continues until the dragon reaches the crown chakra, here we then become

within the Cosmic Embrace of what is called the SAMADHI EXPERIENCE which

simply means "ATONEMENT" WITHIN THE ALL" here rods of spiritual light

emanate from our crown chakra, as we are RE-BORN into our NUMEN realization

which is also often called that of either COSMIC consciousness, or CHRIST 


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Friday 28 April 2023


soul realization: SOURCE UNIVERSAL BECOMES LOCALIZED INSIDE MAN...:  The SUBLIME  truth is that we as that of humanity are all in essence the SOURCE of all reality and absolute atonement. We are all fractal f...



This blog today entitled NOPE is about how all expressed phenomenon in this 

universe arises out of just  "ONE  THING" which is that of the NOUMENON

which is another word for the SOURCE of all expression within this universe.

The NOUMENON is the invisible intangible background stateless state from 

which all visible phenomenon arises out of.

All life on Earth and universally is emergent out of the same background invisible

LIFE FORCE which is that of the NOUMENON.

All visible matter universally is the outer appearance of an invisible intangible 

inner reality.

Mankind is no exception to this universal rule of BEINGNESS outwardly mankind 

is seen as a physical biological machine, we call a human being. We only ever see the

outward appearance of an invisible inner reality, from which the human being "emerges

from". NOPE is about trying to understand that behind all life, behind all matter, behind

all phenomenon, lies the ONE ABSOLUTE REALITY which is the NOUMENON from

which "WE" all EMERGE FROM, and eventually return back to. "WE" are all the 

INTANGIBLE ESSENCE  NOUMENON made visible so that we can experience  the 

very real phenomenon of "MOTIONAL TANGIBILITY" and thereby experience 

physical interactions and motion and emotion experiences as being phenomenal beings

we are moving and feeling our way through emerging experiences all of which are

impossible when you are in the NOUMENON stateless state of motionlessness.

The NOUMENON has zero need any motion because it is omnipresent and ubiquitous.

but as phenomenal  beings we are thereby LOCALIZED within a TIME and Space 

continuum, so in that state we are localized to the spot we stand on . 

Thereby we can move and become both motional and emotional and experience 

experiences which cannot be had as the SOURCE GOD NOUMENON.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then plese pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 27 April 2023


soul realization: ASTRAL BODIES LESS EXPRESSED DENSITY. A B ...:  Divine wisdom has decreed that humanity needs a place of residence for us to go to when we die(change venues). This place we call the Astra...



This blog today entitled STEALTH is about the journey we all will take when we

embark on a venture of inner questing. When we take up meditation and begin our

inner journey we are then beginning to gradually ascend an invisible stairway that

lies within  the centre of our being and is wrapped around our spinal column.

This stairway or ladder as in JACOBS LADDER which was seen in a vision by 

JACOB ascending upwards into what he called HEAVEN or inner harmony.

What he was witnessing was the inner ascent of the KUNDALINI energy as it 

slowly uncoils itself up each of our chakras. 

When we begin our inner quest we touch BASE with our ROOT CHAKRA , we

become grounded within  its energy vortex. This is the beginning of our journey of

ascent which will take place at the pace you are able to handle, some of us will ascend

quicker than others , it really depends on your individual level of sensitivity.

The deeper we can go within meditation and enter into a profound silence will be

the speed that we will ascend. Holding the silence without any thoughts is the key

and what to aim for.

Silence is literally   GOLDEN because it touches the Golden ray that opens up when

we start to ascend and envelopes us in its aura spectrum.

Our Journey is from the root chakra upwards until we reach the crown chakra .

The energy which is the Dragon Serpent energy uncoils slowly with STEALTH and

CAUTION because it can be dangerous to try and force this process along too fast

It has to ascend  at a controlled rate of ascent exponentially.

Warmest regards michael an y feedback welcomed facebook   soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Wednesday 26 April 2023



This blog today entitled WICKS is about full wisdom cannot dawn upon a 

conscious being until that conscious being fully knows who and what they are.

Wisdom means in this sense that we can never know the full meaning of wisdom

until we fully embrace the realization of who and what we really are beneath this

FACADE of FORM we call the human vehicle.

Unbeknown to many of us is that humanity are all the very embodiment of wisdom 

and Divine love, but we fail to recognise what we have on-board within us all,

Love and wisdom are all expressions of Divinity  the SOURCE of all Life and  

because we fail to understand that "WE" are all Divine Beings. That we are all 

SPIRIT clothed in a physical biological machine called our body, and because of

our gross ignorance of our true Immortal Divine Identity, we imagine that wisdom

and love are things we can learn to do or practice , not realizing for one minute 

that we are all the very embodiment of this Divine Principle of wisdom and love.

When we can consciously know our true SELF we will then have access to all 

wisdom  and love as we will see and understand that these Divine Principles are

what we "REALLY ARE". WICKS is about turning within ourselves and 

thereby revealing the true immortal nature of our Being, Humanity is here to 

wake up and while doing so, gather valuable experiences of Tangible life in 

physical matter. The most important thing any of "US" can "EVER" know

is OUR-SELF all other things pale into insignificance when compared with the

Divine Magnificent realization of discovering who and what we all truly are, Which

is that of Divine Immortal Unborn Spirit.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gm any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE CREATED EVOLUTIONAL REALITY...:  Absolute awareness , pure spirit is an intangible reality, the only reality that exists, arising out of this PURE SPIRIT is that of uncondi...

Monday 24 April 2023



This blog today entitled SMILED is about how Divine Spirit (GOD) SMILED

INTO LIFE and made it thereby manifest within this relative universe. All Life

universally is in essence that of Pure Spirit or SOURCE, "we" being human 

beings only ever see the outward phenomenon which we call life, we all fail 

to notice the invisible NOUMENON that gives life its momentum which is

Pure Spirit.

Spirit in its rest state of Absolute is eternally motionlessness and forever silent,

But for reasons best known to the SOURCE , it has decided to invest its SELF by

motioning into movement  by becoming that of relative motioning (atomic vibration)

life and therefore being able to express its SELF in an infinite number of ways 

throughout this THEATRE of EXPRESSION (universe). Life seems to be infinitely

diverse all over this universe, as though the SOURCE wants t experience an infinite 

number of differing expressions.

We as human beings seem to be at the apex of life expression, where we have awareness 

of being an "I" AM aware being . We have the ability to SELF Knowing which ultimately

means that we can seek and find out that in essence we all our the SOURCE of all life GOD,

We are Self conscious beings and unlike all other life that we know about, we all have the

capacity to know we are SOURCE BEING.

We know that we are all spiritual beings, which means that we are all the spirit in essence.

Smiled is about returning that SMILE back  into the full realization of who and what we all

really are. We are all here to wake up and realize our destiny, that is being an eternal 

immortal Spirit BEING, we will then Transcend and become Transcendent 


warmest regards michael any feedback welcome Facebook soul Realization

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

soul realization: THOUGHT IS MOTIONAL ENERGY. T I M E .

soul realization: THOUGHT IS MOTIONAL ENERGY. T I M E .:  For me this universe is basically a  product of thought, an intention to cause motion by that of a thought wave manifesting within the Abso...

Sunday 23 April 2023



This blog today entitled SOAKING is about how there are in truth only two

things that arise, one is shadow and the other is light. The Shadow is relativity

and what we call Life being expressed, the other is light absolute which many

of us call GOD or Spirit.

Shadow is that of GOD or Spirit being expressed within this relative universe as 

Motion (atomic vibration)  and shadow. all life is the SHADOW of  pure Light

which is Spirit.

What we term  as SOULS is in fact the appearance of KOSHAS , in reality there is no

such a thing as a SOUL. All that exists is SHADOW which is LIFE universal and LIGHT

which which is GOD/Spirit. Souls do not exist only KOSHAS which are ethereal 

awareness coverings for the Spirit.

Humanity has a physical body KOSHA which is the most dense, and also interpenetrating

the physical body is the electromagnetic Astral body which to is a KOSHA  but made much

less dense that the physical body. The Astral body Kosha is there for you to use at night

when you are asleep, and when you die, exit your physical body-and ascend in you Astral

body  to the Astral realm that you resonate with.

Only two things seem to exist and they are SHADOW which includes the WHOLENESS

of this relative universe and all that's within it, and LIGHT that is the Divine Equation

light=all and all=light.

Life is that of condensed light, humanity is made of condensed light, congealed and 

shaped by intelligence to become a vehicle for the Spirit to use here on earth.

All energy is fluid light universal, matter is solid light. Humanity is that of 8 billion

KOSHIC covered SPIRIT  engaged in collecting tangible experiences while also 

trying to wake up and realise who and what you really are, which  is that of SPIRIT/GOD.

One of the drawbacks that we all encounter on incarnating into this super dense state is

that the process of supplying us with a physical vehicle means that all our memory of

who we really are is wiped clean, so that as a baby we start with a blank slate, it is 

only as we age, that we are able to begin the quest of full self knowing.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: SPIRIT IS NEGATED. S I N .

soul realization: SPIRIT IS NEGATED. S I N .:   This blog today entitled SIN is about how we understand what this word actually means. We have the Biblical meaning of the word sin and wh...

Saturday 22 April 2023



This blog today entitled REELS is about how we perceive the concept of evolution

and what it actually is. Can life actually evolve? And if so what has it evolved from?

LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE, so the question arises then

what is the matrix of life? What is its essence? For me the answer is that of SPIRIT

which is that  of the ABSOLUTE SOURCE Being GOD/BRAHMAN, 

Now Spirit/GOD is an UNBORN Eternal Being, Absolute Perfection and therefore

totally Transcendent of an relative concept of evolution. So Spirit or GOD being 

absolute is FOREVER Absolute Perfection, and if spirit is the hidden matrix of all life

how then can life evolve?

The answer is that it cannot in reality evolve as it is perfect in its matrix. The KOSHIC

coverings which adorn presented life do seem to motion through stages of expression.

REELS is about understanding that evolution is really a word meaning that Absolute 

Perfection seeks out tangible experiences and therefore undergoes an almost infinite 

amount of expressive sequencing over this entire relative universe. It is as though this

universe is THOUGHT into Presented sequence so that Divine Intelligence can free

some of its stillness power into relative MOTIONING and seek out experiences of what

we call life.

Life is intelligent motioning Energy. Humanity has reached a point in this awakening

sequence that we can now perceive that we are all Divine Spirit and that we have almost

reached the end of this ILLUSION we call evolution or ascension. We are now ascending

into full waking consciousness of our own Divinity and immortal eternal nature, so we 

can then transcend evolution and just BE an eternal Perfect BEING.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: Incarnation Manifests Polarity Localising You.-I M...

soul realization: Incarnation Manifests Polarity Localising You.-I M...: The universal field of consciousness becomes localised within an "I AM" field of self-aware consciousness, and therefore becomes...

soul realization: Incarnation Manifests Polarity Localising You.-I M...

soul realization: Incarnation Manifests Polarity Localising You.-I M...: The implication and reason for our incarnations here upon this Earth plane are hidden and vouchsafed within our inner being, and are locat...

Friday 21 April 2023



This blog  today entitled BOMBED is about how all life (expressed Divinity) came

to become what we term as LIFE. We first need to fully understand what exactly life

is. Life is SPIRIT  Divinity motioned into relativity by a Primordial Intention Thought

wave. For Pure Spirit to become motional Life (Spirit in purity is motionlessness and

omnipresent) To become ENCLOTHED Life Spirit has to gain DENSITY and become

relative, then it can approach the BELT of Matter and become (IN-FORMED) by 

adorning KOSHIC sheaths.

When this occurs it then becomes presented within a singularity vortex and is born 

onto this planet.

All life universally is that of Spirit in essence and the form presented is the KOSHAS

covering that inner matrix which is spirit.

Spirit (GOD) Brahman/Allah/or any other name you wish (they are all the SAME)  is

Absolute Intelligence and this Absolute Being is in its rest stateless state is Eternally

Motionlessness and SILENT. Then within this AWESOME ABSOLUTENESS  there

arises MOTION carried aloft by an Intention Thought Wave , this produces MOTION

from MOTIONLESSNESS. It is the Causeless Cause of all motion universally.

For some reason beyond our immortal comprehension this Absolute SPIRIT seems

to be interested in "MOTION" and all life universally is that of MOTION (atomic


So that Spirit has devised a way where it can experience Infinite Motioning LIFE

universally all at the same time SIMULTANEOSLY! This concept could really blow 

our limited minds.

The BELT of MATTER is a growing FIELD of motional Intelligence which we call LIFE

"WE" are the FIELD within the belt of MATTER,

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: VALE OF TEARS EARTH DEFINED. V O T E D .

soul realization: VALE OF TEARS EARTH DEFINED. V O T E D .:  Our journey from stillness (perfection) into motion (imperfection) has been a long and arduous one, we have all been on the move (evolution...

Thursday 20 April 2023



This blog today entitled KNIFE is about how we can all become empowered by

going within ourselves and finding out who we really are. The numinous realm 

lies within us all, the word  NUMINOUS comes from the LATIN word NUMEN

meaning "arousing spiritual or religious emotion" mysterious or awe inspiring.

So by going within ourselves we can gain INSIGHTS  into our true inner spiritual

nature. If we take up meditation or yoga we can then begin the journey of full

self knowing. KNIFE is about cutting through our ignorance that holds us in despair

and fears, and beginning to reveal to us what lies within our inner being.

The question of who am I really? Will arise within you, and by persisting on 

this noble inner quest you will reveal the answer to that very question of who am I?

Self Knowing real SELF inner Knowing is one of the most empowering feelings 

you will ever have in this present life time.

Vouchsafed within each one of us is the answer to your real and TRUE immortal

identity. It is all our destinies to reveal this inner truth about our being.

The answer to all your questions LIE within you NOW!  Knowingness can only be

found by looking deeply within your self. The truth of who you are is there within you,

all you have to do is to go within and find it,

We all need to feel empowered, to feel WHOLE and worthwhile , to find inner peace

and serenity, all these valuable assets lie within you now.

KNIFE is about cutting through our ignorance and revealing that ETHEREAL breeze

of fresh air , when we finally KNOW who we REALLY ARE.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family or friends Thanks


soul realization: ETERNAL IDEATIONAL PERIODIC CAUSELESSNESS. ...:   This blog today is about the birth of this universe which occurs periodically over trillions of years in a series of GREAT CYCLES. These c...

Wednesday 19 April 2023



This blog today entitled GLAZED is about how our awareness and perceptions are

GLAZED over by our deep level of ignorance as to who and what we really all are.

The purpose of this blog is to try an UN-GLAZE our perceptions and shine a mirror

or light upon that dark ignorance of being that dwells within most of us here on Earth.

We all seem to fail at recognising what Divine  wisdom has already VOUCHSAFED 

within each one of us. We can go searching for love and not realizing that each human

being is actually the very "EMBODIMENT" of that Divine Principle. What is LOVE

we all our LOVE incarnated into flesh and bone. We too can go searching for GOD or

some Higher Power to help us, again not realizing that "WE" all our the very 

Embodiment of Divinity, that we are "GOD" INCARNATE, "and we KNOW it NOT!

All of humanity is eternal immortal  Divine SPIRIT, "WE" as Spirit have never been born

we are all UNBORN eternal being. Because we do not know who we really are, we 

become full of doubts and fears, a strange foreboding can arise with us, we can feel  alone

and lost. Within every human being lies the answer to who and what you REALLY ARE

all you need to d is to look within yourself. We all our the physical embodiment of

Divine unconditional LOVE, but because of our gross ignorance we fail to see this TRUTH.

We are all Divine Immortal beings , GOD or Spirit is what you ARE now reading this 

blog dear READER . We get lost in our fears and ignorance and fail to see what we each

have ONBOARD our selves, Love and Spirit is what we all OUR. There is ZERO 

DISTANCE between "YOU" and GOD BECAUSE "YOU" ARE "IT"  and 

you KNOW it NOT!  The human being is just a vehicle so that "YOU" (GOD)  can

gain purchase here on Earth and gather up experiences of tangibility

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: INFINITE DEPTH EXPRESSED AS SILENCE. I D E...:  IDEAS that form in our minds as the result of practicing meditation, can lead us into making some profound inner discoveries  that before t...

Tuesday 18 April 2023



This blog today entitled LIMIT is about how life and all universal expressions

are all the product of just ONE PRIMORDIAL thought wave INTENTION.

which is still in progress after billions of years, when this INTENTION wave

is finally withdrawn then this universe will vanish in an blink of an eye, as though

it had never BEEN. LIMIT is about the limitlessness of infinite diversity that is

currently being expressed throughout this infinite universe.

One LIFE force which in essence is that of pure Spirit  cloaked within Koshas being

expressed within an infinite degree  of differing forms and formlessness, just on this

planet Earth there are literally billions of differing things we call life.

Life is Spirit clothed in motion and Koshas , the motion arisen within that primordial

thought wave . without THOUGHT motion cannot arise. Spirit in its rest stateless

state is eternally motionlessness and forever still and silent. It is only when expression

arises within an INTENTION that MOTION (LIFE) arises and moves into and occupies

a space of being-ness?

All life occupies a space, what then is this space  that life occupies?  The space is that 

eternal ocean of BLISS  that is the ocean of  Spirit  or consciousness. Life is the visible

"WAVE" that rises up from that invisible ocean, and thereby "occupies" a space

which is relative, life penetrates the membrane or template from a two dimensional 

astral ocean or plane an ocean of pure consciousness.

Life "rises up" in a life wave to push into and occupy a space in this relative universe.

Life is the THOUGHT  "baring TENDRILS" that branch out  into an infinite Diverse

ways  of expression  throughout this universe LIMITLESSNESS in OPERATION.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it  onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: Spiralling Into Density Develop 'HOLY' Insight. S ...

soul realization: Spiralling Into Density Develop 'HOLY' Insight. S ...:   The word SIDDHI is a (SANSKRIT) word meaning, 'accomplishment' 'attainment' 'perfection' It means that supernormal...


soul realization: HUMILITY UNITIES MANKIND'S SOUL. H U M S .:  My first understanding of the word Humility was of the type of person depicted by Charles Dickens whom he called 'URIAH HEEP' who  ...

Monday 17 April 2023



This blog today entitled LOFT is about how three lines of FORCE converge into

a Divine Trinity which then produce this relative universe. This "HOLY" convergence 

arose within the mind of the Absolute Brahman (GOD)  which produced motion from

motionlessness. These three lines of force are positive which is Brahman, negative 

which is SHAKTI the divine Feminine and the neutral being that of ISHWARA (son)

so you have this Divine Trinity of Father-Mother-Son, all of which arise out of the 

ONE Brahman (God). 

There is ONLY ONE BEING not THREE, but when motion and relativity are thought

into being to produce a relative universe , the ONE Absolute produces Three lines of

force which make the balance of positive-negative-neutral, these three make up the 

whole of manifested life universally.

Humanity had inbuilt within it all three lives of force which are positive-negative-neutral

these three lines of force when balanced make for a healthy well human being.

LOFT is about how we can align these forces within us and open up to our inner

true being, which is that of being Spirit.

We are all eternal beings  UNBORN, who are having a human experience here on Earth.

Busy gathering tangible experiences of relative expressed life.

We each our three fold beings the HOLY triangulated Shape is what we are. Three lines

of Force which make three "Is" each "I" is a dimension of expression, The "I"s (lines)

of force make up a "Presented IDEA" into shape and form (human being) We are all

Divine Triangulated life being expressed here on Earth.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog  resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: Souls Hunger Awaiting Reality Intuiting Numinosity...

soul realization: Souls Hunger Awaiting Reality Intuiting Numinosity...: It is not righteousness that we hunger and thirst for, rather it is in the knowing of whom we truly are, that we hunger for, but sadly tho...

soul realization: Souls Hunger Awaiting Reality Intuiting Numinosity...

soul realization: Souls Hunger Awaiting Reality Intuiting Numinosity...: We all have a deep hunger, a hankering for something that we cannot seem quite put our fingers on. We feel that something is missing in ou...

Sunday 16 April 2023



This blog today entitled COILING is about how consciousness is the only

ubiquitous presence that exists within this universe. Consciousness is a 

infinite multifaceted medium that under-rights all expressed phenomenon

in this universe. Quantum science is now beginning to recognise that 

consciousness can be expressed as a Gas, Liquid, Solid (matter) Plasma, in 

fact it is the only phenomenon that exists within  our universe. The Divine

equation seems to read that "all is consciousness, and consciousness is all".

Consciousness is only the expression of Divine Spirit , consciousness is Spirit

motioned by an INTENTION Thought Wave.  Coiling is about how the Divine

SPIRAL unravels within the life expression as it expands into higher states of awareness.

In human beings this coiling sequence is called the KUNDALINI  which sleeps 

coiled up in your root chakra. This is the consciousness that embarks on waking 

us up to who we really are,

The coiled serpent  or dragon in our root chakra is the upward ascent director that 

leads to full SELF KNOWING, which is that of Being an Eternal Spirit.

Consciousness uncoils the KUNDALINI to reveal the real BEING that is covered

with a physical vehicle.

By tuning into our inner aware consciousness we connect to our true SELF.

This relative universe is just one UNIFIED FIELD of infinite consciousness expressed

in an infinite number of diverse ways, It can be a mountain-planet-star-you and me

everything is consciousness, no other thing exists in this universe. All energy is 

consciousness, all force is consciousness, gravity is consciousness. 

Coiling is about understanding what actually is, there are no things in the plural

only in the singular, and that singular reality is consciousness sublime.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: Sometimes-Conscious-Awareness-Reawakens-Emotional-...

soul realization: Sometimes-Conscious-Awareness-Reawakens-Emotional-...: Whom among us has never been scared? Not I, said he, the deluded one. We all experience the feeling of being scared, childhood emotional tr...

Saturday 15 April 2023



This blog today entitled SOIL is about who and what we all really are, the truth of

what lies beneath the FACADE of FORM which is our physical vehicle of expression.

"WE" that of humanity are all Pure Spirit Being, which is being expressed as a physical

vehicle body in order to experience tangible life  within a limited dimensional expression

and to experience the interactions of physicality. 

We are in fact  solid shadows of the inner pure Spirit Light, this light is an ASTRAL 

Radiance which is akin to etheric light, but of an higher degree of radiant energy.

Science as yet cannot fathom the reality of a solid shadow, they will though through 

insightful revelations of the quantum radiation field, which is electromagnetic light

energy. Our shadows the physical body is the "TOOL" that enables spirit to gain 

purchase here on Earth and be able to gain insight into tangible life here.

Light is a radiation essence that pervades the spirit while it is being expressed within

the astral universe. In its natural Eternal state there is zero radiation, as all is Absolute 

stillness with zero atomic vibration,

Those of us who are psychic or sensitive can see this light radiation which is the aura

that surrounds all of humanity. 

The aura is electromagnetic light radiation and interpenetrates from the astral realm 

which is all around us everywhere, but invisible  to most humans. Animals can often

into this astral radiation dimension.

By going within ourselves we can begin opening up our understanding of our true 

immortal nature,

Meditation  and yoga are great ways to do this. SOIL is about looking within and

revealing that inner light that is your true Divine inner nature. May your Shadow

Body become "enlightened" by your SELF enquiry within your BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: SOURCE UNIVERSAL BECOMES LOCALIZED INSIDE MAN...:  The SUBLIME  truth is that we as that of humanity are all in essence the SOURCE of all reality and absolute atonement. We are all fractal f...

Friday 14 April 2023



This blog today entitled IMPS is about tracing the root primordial causeless cause

that began all MOTION and gave birth to this universe. The Primordial "MOVER"

was the INTENTION of the ABSOLUTE a THOUGHT WAVE that gave birth to

All MOTION universally, and from which all universal laws both immutable and

mutable were born aloft within that Primordial thought wave that brought motion

out of  motionlessness. All energy and universal forces arose out of this Primordial

thought Intention WAVE. ONE THING manifests EVERYTHING universally, 

MOTION  and INTENTION are Intrinsically locked together.

IMPS is about how we can understand how motion is connected to THOUGHT and

consciousness. All force which is energy arises out of that ONE primordial thought

wave. Our laws of nature are all consciousness  arising out of INTENTION. This 

intention wave is still "ONGOING"  even after billions of years of motioning.

The intention wave FOREVER FLOWS (motion) when this intention is withdrawn 

then this universe will vanish in a blink of an eye.

There are only two modes of operation in reality, they are MOTION which is solely 

in this relative universe, and motionlessness which refers to the Absolute stillness

of the Absolute  motionless brooding.

Humanity are all basically "thoughts made into THINGS",  the things are your 

physical body. Deep within your matrix lies Spirit which is motionlessness Intelligence.

"WE" are all anchored firmly in the Absolute of ALL inwardly, and outwardly  we are

motional beings in what we call the life stream.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook soul Realization

If this blog resonates  within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

soul realization: Spirit-Hidden-In-Plain-Sight. =S.H.I.P.S. Part ...

soul realization: Spirit-Hidden-In-Plain-Sight. =S.H.I.P.S. Part ...: No man has ever seen reality,or ever will, while in mortal form. Science and quantum physics all say and agree, that all matter is really ...

soul realization: Spirit-Hidden-In-Plain-Sight. =S.H.I.P.S,

soul realization: Spirit-Hidden-In-Plain-Sight. =S.H.I.P.S,: There is an ancient axiom, which says,"that reality is hidden in plain sight, and we see it not" we too have a saying which says...

Thursday 13 April 2023

soul realization: VEHICLES OF INNER DENSITY. V O I D .

soul realization: VEHICLES OF INNER DENSITY. V O I D .: This blog today called VOID which stands for, VEHICLES-OF INNER-DENSITY is basically a description of what we call a human being. The essenc...



This blog today entitled WAIT is about the need we all have to ask that most

basic and fundamental question that we will ever ask in our lives, and that 

question is of paramount importance so much so that all other questions pale

into insignificance when compared with the question of "Who am "I" Truthfully"?

You dear reader of this blog , do you know who you are truthfully? 

When I started meditation way back in 1974 this was the first question I asked myself

who the hell am I really? After just recovering from a near fatal illness. I wanted to 

know what was life all about and who was I beneath this FACADE of form the human

body? It took about six months to finally receive an answer from my INTUITION

insights .

The answer was that I was an immortal spirit who was here to gain experience of tangible

life in relative form, and that I was now waking up into the full realization of just who and

what I was. This awakening came over forty eight years ago now, and since then I have 

been sharing my experiences of waking up into our Divine Immortal heritage.

Our physical bodies are just vehicles like the car you drive to work on, "WE" are NOT

the vehicle, we are all Spirit BEINGS eternal and UNBORN. WAIT is about waking up 

and smelling those proverbial roses.

The whole of humanity all 8 billion of us are all immortal beings . We are all here to wake

up and also to experience tangible life and its interactions. Within us ALL lies the answer

to your Divine immortal nature. When we look within and divert our gaze inwards we will

begin the awakening process. We each have the faculty of INTUITION which means to be

taught from within, when we tune into our INTUITION that still small "HOLY" voice

will lead us all into full and total realization of just who we really are.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this bog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Wednesday 12 April 2023

soul realization: UNBORN SPIRIT. U S .

soul realization: UNBORN SPIRIT. U S .:  "WE" have never been born, therefore how could you possibly die?? What is "born" is a vehicle you use to gather experie...



This blog today entitled FEEL is about how reality can never be seen by us, because

it is always an invisible NOUMENON that presents the visible phenomenon .

All universal life and this includes all the planets and stars as well, are all visible

phenomenon of an invisible NOUMENON which is the essence of all motion and

life as we hardly know it.

All reality is basically that of a formless invisible Intelligent ENERGY , this 

intelligent energy is that of consciousness which is never seen only its appearance

as a form can it be seen. We only ever SEE the OUTER-APPEARANCE of an inner

invisible reality, everything you see feel, touch, is that of a phenomenon, we never 

are aware of the invisible NOUMENON that presents its reality ubiquitously all over

this universe.

FEEL is about understanding that all life is made up from that which is Intelligent

Energy, this energy is ALIVE and is Absolute Intelligence and profound limitless

WISDOM. This energy is presented within this relative universe as that of consciousness

which arose out of the Absolute MIND of the Absolute SOURCE as a THOUGHT


Consciousness is pure energy that arises within PURE SPIRIT  as a "MOTIONING

FORCE" a perpetual motioning wave of Absolute INTENTION which holds this 

relative universe in its AWESOME EMBRACE,

Humanity is the outward phenomenon that issues out from the living ESSENCE which

is the NOUMENON , which is another word for Pure Spirit Energy.

We are all Pure Divine energy which has been shaped by design and intention into a 

visible appearance as a Divine ICON a HOLY SYMBOL of an invisible DIVINE


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Tuesday 11 April 2023

soul realization: UNIFIED FIELD OF SELF. U F O 'S,

soul realization: UNIFIED FIELD OF SELF. U F O 'S,: Albert Einstein spent much of his latter life trying to find the answer to a UNIFIED FIELD THEORY. which he seemed to get very close , then ...



This blog today entitled SILICON is about how the "FLOW" of SPIRIT which 

is that of "liquid consciousness" flows in torrents from that infinite ocean of Fluidic

Spirit, and into what we call LIFE.

Spirit in its pure fluid state is totally transcendent of LIFE, and is an eternal unborn

Absolute ONE from which "ALL EMERGES FROM" and ALL returns TOO.

Silicon is about how pure spirit enters into the life stream of universal expression.

For Spirit to enter into the relative universe from its HOME of Absolute BEING, it 

needs to be able to "flow into LIFE" by way of Divine PERCIPITATION and begin

the crystallization of its essence into a vibratory expression of atomic energy and this

is done by the further process of condensing and congealing liquid light (spirit) into a 

tangible presenting form.

The fluidic spirit therefore crystallizes into matter and is further clothed in a KOSHIC

layer of fine awareness levels of dimensional densities.

Spirit literally "REIGNS DOWN" upon the material universe and invests its PRESENCE


"WE" are all precipitous beings living our lives and trying to understand who we really are.

Humanity is basically that of a crystallization of Pure Spirit and when we all fully wake  up

we will then understand what this means to us.

Consciousness is an eternal fluidic ocean which is Absolute in nature and transcends this

relative universe and is also fully steeped within it.

An Absolute Intelligent eternal ocean of pure Absolute BEINGNESS, which is beyond 

our localized awareness to fully comprehend  its Absolute Magnitude and radiant BEAUTY.

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gm any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 10 April 2023

soul realization: The Agony Of Man's AGNI (Fire of Transfor...

soul realization: The Agony Of Man's AGNI (Fire of Transfor...: Man is a burning fire,burning with passions arising within inflamed mind, desire and passion energised by ignorance are a potent recipe fo...



This b log today entitled ASKING is about how we can all know and learn

about who we all truly are by going within ourselves,  and taking up meditation 

or yoga and "ASKING" that most fundamental question we can ever ask ourselves

which is "WHO AM I"?

The answer to the question of who am I lies within us all, we just need to enquire 

within ourselves to reveal the true nature of our being.

All inner knowing and all wisdom is "VOUCHSAFED" within our inner MATRIX

and you have to do is to GO-THERE and make NEURAL contact with the essence 

of who and what you really are. 

We are not here to particularly learn anything, but rather to experience tangible three

dimensional interactions with other beings, and to gain experience of physical life,

We all our Spirit beings having a human experience here on Earth, our physical bodies

are only physical vehicles, we are not physical beings, the physical body is a vehicle

to hold a higher life form, which is spirit.

But because of our gross ignorance we have fully identified with the covering body and

lost the vision of our true immortal nature.

Our brains are capable via our neural circuitry of accessing the electromagnetic spectrum

that totally pervades every human being,  of making direct contact t the inner core  of our

matrix being. Here in this "holy place" (Wholeness) via our intuition we can make 

conscious contact with our inner core of being .

This will then reveal to you who and what you really are, which is an eternal unborn 

Spirit  being, who is gathering tangible experiences here on Earth. We all enter this planet

Earth from the Astral universe which is a two dimensional template or membrane, that 

this physical universe arises out of within a holographic image which "APPEARS" to

us all as a three dimensional projection, but this is however a very real but in fact an


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Saturday 8 April 2023


soul realization: ECHOING GURU'S OMNIPRESENCE E G O .:  This blog todays spelling out the word EGO is about all those of us who are interested in meditation, or are already practicing it. We all ...



This blog today entitled ARCHES is about how our three dimensional world

as we know it, is in fact a three dimensional holographic simulation from a 

two dimensional astral universe ,  that is infinite and has boundless variations

within  its limitless range.

The two dimensional astral world projects the image  out from its two dimensional

template or membrane, and produces what "seems" to be a physical three dimensional

universe. Each image and there are countless trillions of these like the stars and planets

nature and mankind you and me are all imaged holographic images. They all "seem" 

real and solid because "we" are all holographic images ourselves, so we are all caught up 

in this mass simulation illusion of what we think is reality.

Every human  being has an astral body which interpenetrates the physical body and has

a different frequency vibration than the physical body frequency and  when this body

decays and we then change channels frequency to the astral body, and enter the astral 

realm where we carry on living as before.

Then we will be all two dimensional life forms, but will still "appear to be shaped by

form" because that is what we know we are at first  shaped forms replicas of our physical

last body. As we progress (wake up more and become aware of higher frequencies)  within

the astral universe we become less dense and gradually loose our shape and form and

become light beings  which are light spheres of infinite consciousness intelligent 


What we see in this "three dimensional hologram" is in truth a very pale and drab 

simulation of the profound radiance and exalted beauty that awaits us in the astral 

realms. Here there are oceans of liquid light of all colours, golden seas of exquisite 

wonder and beauty, all the colours of the rainbow, and many colours that are not seen

in this pale simulation three dimensional universe.

We only ever see the very low end of this magnificent spectrum of the astral worlds, we

all exist within many levels of awareness, this one here on Earth is the lowest.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Friday 7 April 2023

soul realization: Negating Our Wholeness. N O W .

soul realization: Negating Our Wholeness. N O W .:  We all to varying degrees negate our wholeness ,this is largely due to our basic ignorance as  to who and what we really are, which then le...


soul realization: SACREDNESS OF UNIVERSAL LIFE. S O U L .:  There are an infinite number of things within this relative temporal universe, but there is only ONE LIFE FORCE or ENERGY,  life emanates f...

Thursday 6 April 2023

Wednesday 5 April 2023

Tuesday 4 April 2023



This blog today entitled ATOM is about the realization by Quantum science 

that this whole universe is basically and actually a holographic projection which

emerges from a two dimensional Astral Template or membrane, which casts a three

dimensional holographic image within this relative universe, and that all life is 

basically a hologram a three dimensional image of a two dimensional Astral entity

which in essence is that of the Absolute GOD/Brahman.

The Astral is an infinite field of two dimensional life, which acts as the template from

which we all emerge from. The dense lower astral plane are where humanity goes to 

when it exits the vehicle (dies) here in those lower astral planes we can still see ourselves

as three dimensional  images , but as we ascend into higher vibrations within these 

endless planes we gradually lose the need of a formalised body, and just become a point

or sphere of light, a point of intelligent focus.

The whole physical universe is one super massive infinite holographic image and each

shape within this universe is a three dimensional hologram of a two dimensional 


The astral realms are a flat two dimensional expression, which acts as a template for 

the projection sequence to take place, so that an IDEA in the astral two dimensional 

world  can take SHAPE as a three dimensional image, that will "SEEM" to EMERGE

out from an invisible matrix into physical existence.

All human beings have an astral template body which interpenetrates the physical 

body , and when you die (change venues) your physical body vibration shuts off and

you move seamlessly into your astral body and enter back into a two dimensional  field

of being-ness.

On the lower levels of this template you will still have the illusion of being three 

dimensional as your old body ha still got its memory of form. That will eventually 

as we wake up more fully  loose its shape and body."  we" will then be like spheres

of light, points of aware intelligence, with no need of shape or form.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

soul realization: UNBORN SPIRIT. U S .

soul realization: UNBORN SPIRIT. U S .:  "WE" have never been born, therefore how could you possibly die?? What is "born" is a vehicle you use to gather experie...

soul realization: Control Head Acquisition Of Signal-C H A O S Par...

soul realization: Control Head Acquisition Of Signal-C H A O S Par...: The primal OM  sound reverberates throughout the entire physical universe, it is basically the primordial " homing beacon"  eman...

soul realization: Control Head Acquisition Of Signal. C H A O S .

soul realization: Control Head Acquisition Of Signal. C H A O S .: All expressed life within this universe pulsates to the sound of ' living motion'  which is the primal sound of all motion univers...

Monday 3 April 2023


soul realization: SPIRIT IS GOD'S NOUMENON SIGNATURE. S I G...:   Todays blog entitled SIGNS is about how we can read the SIGNS that are expressed within LIFE and begin to see what really lies behind the ...


soul realization: SEEK WHOLENESS IN SELF HONESTY. S W I S H .:  Why is it so hard to experience oneness and wholeness? Put simply. the reason why it is so  difficult and rare for us to experience oneness...


soul realization: SACREDNESS OF UNIVERSAL LIFE. S O U L .:  There are an infinite number of things within this relative temporal universe, but there is only ONE LIFE FORCE or ENERGY,  life emanates f...

Sunday 2 April 2023



This blog today entitled NEGATES is about how all life universally will eventually

in its evolution and ascension sequencing transcend its life expression and will also

phase out of existence and will exit this relative expression of life full ness and emerge

back into complete WHOLENESS which is that of being ABSOLUTE. We need to try

and understand that the SOURCE of all life universally does not really EXIST? The 

Absolute source of all is both transcendent of life and existence. We need to fully 

understand the meaning of the word existence it comes from the LATIN word "EXSISTERE"

which means to "stand forth" "come out" "emerge" "appear" "arise"  these words are all 

RELATIVE while the SOURCE is ABSOLUTE "it does not stand  forth from anything, it

does not come out, emerge, appear, arise, how could it? The Source is the background/fore

ground and is everything in this universe, what could it stand forth from that was not

ITSELF?? Therefore GOD/SOURCE does not exist and has never existed-nor is it

ALIVE it just is an Absolute Eternal UNBORN UNIFIED WHOLENESS of Absolute 

Perfection and just "IS".

All life  is spirit in motion, humanity is life on the exterior and spirit at its matrix,

"WE" are all SOURCE undergoing an experience, and thereby are born here to gather

tangible experiences and finally reveal by looking within us as to whom we really are.

We are all GOD/SOURCE/BRAHMAN  and we know it not. We are here to uncover 

our true immortal identity and fully know our selves,

If we NEGATE this responsibility we will remain in everlasting ignorance, The Choice 

is always within us, what will your choice be dear reader?

warmest regards michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: SPIRIT IS GOD'S NOUMENON SIGNATURE. S I G...:   Todays blog entitled SIGNS is about how we can read the SIGNS that are expressed within LIFE and begin to see what really lies behind the ...

soul realization: Ethereal Vibrancy Opens Living Vehicle Expression ...

soul realization: Ethereal Vibrancy Opens Living Vehicle Expression ...: We as having ethereal vibrancy have all been journeying vast incomprehensible amounts of time, until we reached that most vital part in ou...

soul realization: Ethereal Vibrancy Opens Living Vehicle Expression....

soul realization: Ethereal Vibrancy Opens Living Vehicle Expression....: All life that becomes expressed and expressed life is life that moves. Motion equals life in transit. All motioning life by the very natur...