Friday 28 April 2023



This blog today entitled NOPE is about how all expressed phenomenon in this 

universe arises out of just  "ONE  THING" which is that of the NOUMENON

which is another word for the SOURCE of all expression within this universe.

The NOUMENON is the invisible intangible background stateless state from 

which all visible phenomenon arises out of.

All life on Earth and universally is emergent out of the same background invisible

LIFE FORCE which is that of the NOUMENON.

All visible matter universally is the outer appearance of an invisible intangible 

inner reality.

Mankind is no exception to this universal rule of BEINGNESS outwardly mankind 

is seen as a physical biological machine, we call a human being. We only ever see the

outward appearance of an invisible inner reality, from which the human being "emerges

from". NOPE is about trying to understand that behind all life, behind all matter, behind

all phenomenon, lies the ONE ABSOLUTE REALITY which is the NOUMENON from

which "WE" all EMERGE FROM, and eventually return back to. "WE" are all the 

INTANGIBLE ESSENCE  NOUMENON made visible so that we can experience  the 

very real phenomenon of "MOTIONAL TANGIBILITY" and thereby experience 

physical interactions and motion and emotion experiences as being phenomenal beings

we are moving and feeling our way through emerging experiences all of which are

impossible when you are in the NOUMENON stateless state of motionlessness.

The NOUMENON has zero need any motion because it is omnipresent and ubiquitous.

but as phenomenal  beings we are thereby LOCALIZED within a TIME and Space 

continuum, so in that state we are localized to the spot we stand on . 

Thereby we can move and become both motional and emotional and experience 

experiences which cannot be had as the SOURCE GOD NOUMENON.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then plese pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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