Tuesday 18 April 2023



This blog today entitled LIMIT is about how life and all universal expressions

are all the product of just ONE PRIMORDIAL thought wave INTENTION.

which is still in progress after billions of years, when this INTENTION wave

is finally withdrawn then this universe will vanish in an blink of an eye, as though

it had never BEEN. LIMIT is about the limitlessness of infinite diversity that is

currently being expressed throughout this infinite universe.

One LIFE force which in essence is that of pure Spirit  cloaked within Koshas being

expressed within an infinite degree  of differing forms and formlessness, just on this

planet Earth there are literally billions of differing things we call life.

Life is Spirit clothed in motion and Koshas , the motion arisen within that primordial

thought wave . without THOUGHT motion cannot arise. Spirit in its rest stateless

state is eternally motionlessness and forever still and silent. It is only when expression

arises within an INTENTION that MOTION (LIFE) arises and moves into and occupies

a space of being-ness?

All life occupies a space, what then is this space  that life occupies?  The space is that 

eternal ocean of BLISS  that is the ocean of  Spirit  or consciousness. Life is the visible

"WAVE" that rises up from that invisible ocean, and thereby "occupies" a space

which is relative, life penetrates the membrane or template from a two dimensional 

astral ocean or plane an ocean of pure consciousness.

Life "rises up" in a life wave to push into and occupy a space in this relative universe.

Life is the THOUGHT  "baring TENDRILS" that branch out  into an infinite Diverse

ways  of expression  throughout this universe LIMITLESSNESS in OPERATION.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it  onto your family and friends Thanks.

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