Saturday 15 April 2023



This blog today entitled SOIL is about who and what we all really are, the truth of

what lies beneath the FACADE of FORM which is our physical vehicle of expression.

"WE" that of humanity are all Pure Spirit Being, which is being expressed as a physical

vehicle body in order to experience tangible life  within a limited dimensional expression

and to experience the interactions of physicality. 

We are in fact  solid shadows of the inner pure Spirit Light, this light is an ASTRAL 

Radiance which is akin to etheric light, but of an higher degree of radiant energy.

Science as yet cannot fathom the reality of a solid shadow, they will though through 

insightful revelations of the quantum radiation field, which is electromagnetic light

energy. Our shadows the physical body is the "TOOL" that enables spirit to gain 

purchase here on Earth and be able to gain insight into tangible life here.

Light is a radiation essence that pervades the spirit while it is being expressed within

the astral universe. In its natural Eternal state there is zero radiation, as all is Absolute 

stillness with zero atomic vibration,

Those of us who are psychic or sensitive can see this light radiation which is the aura

that surrounds all of humanity. 

The aura is electromagnetic light radiation and interpenetrates from the astral realm 

which is all around us everywhere, but invisible  to most humans. Animals can often

into this astral radiation dimension.

By going within ourselves we can begin opening up our understanding of our true 

immortal nature,

Meditation  and yoga are great ways to do this. SOIL is about looking within and

revealing that inner light that is your true Divine inner nature. May your Shadow

Body become "enlightened" by your SELF enquiry within your BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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