Monday 31 January 2022


 This blog today entitled WARPS is about how our senses are warped by the protrusion

of our physical bodies into relative physical space. Without the physical vehicle, we are

pure LIFE being expressed within a vibration frequency that is perfect meaning "WHOLE"

in its INTEGRITY. What is lost by our physicality is that we imagine that somehow we are

all imperfect. Which portrays itself in our lack of understanding as to what in fact is LIFE?

How can life be imperfect? Well the answer is that life cannot be anything other than 

;perfect, what is imperfect is our comprehension of what life actually is. Our ignorance 

of life is what is imperfect  not life itself.. LIFE means Living-Intelligent-Focused-

Energy, which is another word for the SOURCE of this universe, which is The 

Absolute Source or GOD. Perfection is another word for WHOLENESS-COMPLETENESS

so if you feel WHOLE and COMPLETE you are in fact PERFECT! Sadly its because of

mankind's ignorance of what life actually is, is the reason we have so many problems here

on Earth. Every human being on Earth is PERFECT  WHOLE COMPLETE, the problem

is that WE do NOT KNOW THIS FACT! We even JOKE about someone who thinks they 

are perfect, as though they are kidding  themselves , having a bloated EGO problem,

The reality is that we are all PERFECT-OTHERWISE we would not EXIST in relative

form, if life was imperfect we would NEVER KNOW IT, BECAUSE you would not


"WE" humanity are all facets, fractal images of the ONE LIFE FORCE all existing here on 

Earth to find out who we really are, then you will know that in fact you are the very 

EMBODIMENT of the LIFE PRINCIPLE, being at this moment of relative time being

expressed as a human being, which in real terms means you are a vehicle for the indwelling

divine immortal soul.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 30 January 2022


 All expressed life rotates within a spiral formation, expression means to move, have motion.

vibrate. Human beings are no exception to this spiralling rule of life. Mankind rotates between

the astral realm and the earth plane as mankind incarnates within its transition phase.

To arrive on Earth we have to therefore leave or depart the astral realm, this is done by

the soul falling into a deep slumber in the astral realm, and thereby crossing over the 

proverbial river STYX, which is also known as "the river of forgetfulness", the soul 

then rotates out of the astral dimension and crosses the river STYX and then within a 

centrifugal spiral which is clockwise is thereby deposited within the embryo  within

the mothers womb. This centrifugal spiral rotation remains in place for the whole of

your physical experience here. When death finally arrives (change of venues) the 

centrifugal force ceases, and immediately a centripetal force which is counter clockwise

opens up and thereby escorts the soul safely back into the Astral realm. Of course we 

cannot see these spiralling rotations because like pure electromagnetic energy it is 

completely invisible to our gross material gaze, every human being is totally surrounded

by an undulating electromagnetic force field, which we can never see, but sensitive 

instruments can and do register their presence.

This process on incarnating here on Earth and then resting up in the astral realms continues

countless times for all of us, why is this, you may ask? Our destiny as human beings who

have the ability of "I"" AM self aware consciousness, it to fully KNOW WHO WE ARE!

And when we do THAT, we will no longer need the facility of the astral realms, we will

then be able to MOVE BEYOND those gross planes, and enter into places of BEING

which are at present beyond our relative comprehension.

We are all here to fully REALIZE our DIVINTY, which is accomplished by gathering 

vast amounts of experiences over countless lives, which has the accumulated effect of

wearing down our gross ignorance and gradually revealing that immortal soul that has 

laid hidden from your view by the FACADE of the physical body. When we finally WAKE

UP and FULLY KNOW who we ARE, our incarnating days are then finished, unless you

therefore choose to return here, to aid your brothers and sisters who are still in the shadows

of ignorance.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 29 January 2022


 What is LIFE ? The word spells out Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=Life is a 

universal immutable principle. that when expressed (obtain vibration) we call Life, when

unexpressed it is called SPIRIT (motionlessness). The principle of life issues out from

the SOURCE, which is GOD/SELF. when spirit issues out from its stillness, it then 

becomes expressed, having motion (vibration) all expressed life has vibration and 

motioning energy. This blog called POLES is about the infinite diversity of expressed 

life which is located everywhere within this infinite universe. We know only that which 

exists here on planet Earth .We are surrounded by millions of differing life forms and

shapes, nothing looks the same, and yet the underlying principle that animates all life

is one singular principle ONLY. There is no such a thing as LIFES  no plural can be

attached to this ONE SINGULAR REALITY.

There is but ONE-LIFE FORCE universally, which is being expressed within an

infinite diverse ways. We as that of humanity are no different, the whole of the 7.7

billion human beings all equate to just ONE LIFE FORCE ONLY, there are not 7.7

billion LIFES! Only one life force expressed 7.7 billion times.

What lies within the centre matrix of this principle called life? Behind the expression

of of vibrating life, lies perpetual stillness and zero vibration, this inner matrix is the

home of all life before it becomes mobile and vibrates. This matrix is none other than

the SELF which we call GOD or Brahman.

Warmest regards michael. an y feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within yu then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 28 January 2022


 "WE" humanity are expressed within a VORTEXIAL SINGULARITY point that

holds the living essence or spirit and soul within a point of reference which is 

located within the heart chakra and the crown chakra a dual connection. The 

singularity holds the alliance of forces that make up the composite whole life

force, that actually exists within several dimensions of expression. Soul and Spirit

are held together and added into this mixture is the addition of the physical body,

that acts as the lower self , which amounts to the ego  which equates directly with

the mind, which is the place where all thoughts manifest. When all thoughts cease

there is no mind! The physical body comes into force through an alliance between the

four elements which are, Earth-Air-Fire-Water the 5th element which is the Ether is

added to overall cement the body between the elements.

The Soul asks the four elements which are all "points of Intelligence" to supply the 

necessary ingredients from themselves in order to make one physical body, when that is

done and agreed, the elements surrender their life forces to the Soul in order to permit

Humanity to become incarnate here upon the Earth-plane.

The 5th element which is the ETHER enfolds all these four forces within its loving 


And this alliance holds in place for as long as the vehicle remains intact. When it dies

(changes venues) the appropriate forces then return to the four elements that loaned to us

the body that permitted our incarnation into this dimension of physicality,

"WE" all owe a debt of gratitude to these four elements that unselfishly give of themselves

in order that we may be able to incarnate here upon Earth, and thereby gather experiences

which will ultimately lead to our full SELF knowing of our immortal Divine Heritage.

Without the elements sacrifice of their forces to be loaned to the soul for incarnation  here

on Earth, where in Gods name would we be NOW???.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 27 January 2022


 I can CONCUR that the answer to the question of "can only nothing create universal

reality"? By answering with a definitive yes it really can! What needs understanding 

is that what exactly is NOTHING? And how can NOTHING  be so powerful as to create

a universe? God/BRAHMAN is ONE, IMMANENT reality, ALL ,Supreme Paradox, 

NOTHING (NO-THING) no-object, manifesting in and AS EVERYTHING (all there IS)

Absolute in and as relative, ALL is ONE-REALITY, All is PARADOX. So we can see that

the word NO-THING means that it is not a THING, because all "things" are relative, and so

the Absolute reality is NO-THING but manifests all relative things. The paradox is that there

is NO-OTHER reality present anywhere in this universe, other than that of the ONE-ABSOLUTE


in this universe.

So the question then arises then about just who and what we of humanity actually are?

The answer is really rather SIMPLE, baring in mind that all is ONE and ONE is ALL, then

Humanity must thereby be a fractal image or a facet of this ONE Absolute JEWEL!

The ONE Absolute BRAHMAN/GOD  has ISSUED OUT of  ITS-SELF an Infinite 

number of fractal images or facets to create a majestic universal MOSAIC of Wondrous 

Splendour . How we are moved at the beauty of nature, and the wonder of flowers and

creatures great and small, that inhabit this planet. This marvel is being AWARE that NATURE

is GOD/BRAHMAN, being EXPRESSED in an infinite diverse ways, when we can 

fully realize this wonder, WE TOO, will CONCUR, that IT IS SO!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 26 January 2022


 This blog entitled SURREAL is about how the  SOURCE (GOD) unites all life into one

composite wholeness, and thereby LOCALIZES (made tangible) expressed life in this 

dimension of physicality. The SURREAL aspect of this is that in essence life is SPIRIT

UNMOVED, becomes vibrated (gains motion) by becoming relative and that this 

invisible LIFE FORCE which is intangible, becomes solid and visible upon this Earth

plane. The surreal aspect is that inwardly we are all intangible spirit life, and outwardly

we become visible tangible life.

All expressed life is presented within points of reference which thereby localize this

point and thereby hold it in this dimension by an anchoring intention wave that acts as an

anchor that keeps the expression anchored firmly within this physical dimension.

We only ever see the outer PHENOMENA of the physical presented form localized

upon this planet, what we do not ever see is the NOUMENON which is the invisible

matrix of the life form that protrudes out of invisibility into the tangible state of being seen.

We only ever see the outer image of an invisible reality within.

Human beings are just like this, we see the phenomena of the physical body , but we never

see what lies BENEATH this protrusion into physicality, which is the NOUMENON.

Our outer body is completely surrounded by an electromagnetic field of undulating 

magnetic energy, and in the centre ;point of that magnetic field is the reference point that

holds the life force in anchorage, which is a singularity vortex that holds the souls energy

in a perfect cohesion within the magnetic field, which is centred within the heart and crown

chakra. YOU cannot get any more SURREAL than THAT!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 25 January 2022


 This blog is about how we come to be born here upon this Earth-plane. POSSIBLY is about

the way the SELF (GOD) seeks to find a way to experience tangible life in physical form.

To do this the SELF has to become and enter into relativity, this is done by that of occupying 

a SOUL by wrapping the soul energy (density) around the pure spirit which is the SELF, it

can then begin the process of localization from being omnipresent to that of becoming a

localized point in relative space, which to us human beings is localized here on Earth.

"WE" that of humanity are all in essence the SELF(GOD) this ESSENCE is then 

"wrapped over" within five koshas or sheaths which act as dimensional anchors for

consciousness and awareness in varying levels of expression .

The soul is therefore localized SELF which is God pure energy, and humanity  is 

localized soul which is covered over by a physical body to use while experiencing this

Earth-plane journey.

The SELF (GOD/ABSOLUTE) seeks to experience TANGIBLE EXISTENCE  within a 

relative framework. This is what humanity is doing without realizing what is actually 

happening. This is because we have forgotten who we really are. Physical incarnation 

has clouded our awareness of our true nature, which is Divine.

God SELF cannot feel or experience the feelings we experience, it cannot see, touch ,f eel, taste.

smell, all the things we take for granted, GOD in essence cannot DO! 

Unless it fragments itself into tangible fractal facets of itself. We are all those fractal facets

all busy gathering experiences and sending these experiences back into the SOURCE.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback  welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within  you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 24 January 2022


 The Lotus flower is regarded in many different cultures, especially in eastern religions

as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self regeneration and rebirth, its characteristics are

a perfect analogy for the human condition, even when its roots are in the dirtiest muddy

water, the lotus produces the most beautiful flower. This blog entitled LOTUS is about 

how we can through understanding our SELF can too blossom like the lotus flower.

When we take up the practice of meditation or yoga we are embarking upon a journey

that will gradually reveal and also peel away the layers of ignorance that lies within us,

about who and what we really are.

True and lasting happiness can only really be found within ourselves. We cannot find

lasting happiness and joy from things that exist outside of ourselves. These things bring

a temporary joy and happiness , but this will soon fade away, and we will want another 

object or thing to bring us joy or happiness .

When we look within ourselves our expression of LIFE opens up and expands as we dive

deeper into the inner self that lies beneath the surface of temporal thoughts. 

When all thoughts are stilled, then the real YOU comes gradually into focus, We tune into

our intuition which is the still small voice within us all, when we can do that we begin the

process  of SELF UNDERSTANDING. Then the mud and dirt which is our ignorance 

gradually rises up into the sunshine, where we can eventually flower like the beautiful 

lotus flower, this is when through SELF searching and developing deep insights into our

real immortal inner nature we therefore gain enlightenment  and begin to blossom like

that wonderful spiritual flower, that you have become!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass in onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 23 January 2022


 Long ago Divine wisdom set in place the astral realms, these were put there as a series

of  transit and "holding areas" for those departed souls who needed a place to rest up

in between incarnations, and also a place to "take stock" of our last lifetime, and examine

what we could have done better, then after a period, return back to Earth and become 

incarnated into another body. We over thousands of years have also conditioned these 

planes of differing vibration levels by our "COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUSNESS"

which was written about by Carl Gustav JUNG  who wrote about the "archetypes" that

exist within humanity, and which through many incarnations here on Earth we will 

explore the whole gambit of them to a greater or lesser degree.

The astral realms are there for us to rest up in between lives, the question is why do

we need them? The answer is that if you KNEW your TRUE SELF totally you would 

NEVER visit the astral realm again, As you would become your SELF which is the

SOURCE of ALL LIFE. YOU would become ABSOLUTE and thereby EXIT this 

Temporal relative universe and BECOME ONE within the ALL. YOU would have been

then REABSORBED DISSOLVED back into YOUR SELF the SELF you left aeons ago.

It is our "IGNORANCE OF BEING" that keeps us on the merry-go-round of incarnated

WHEEL of life expression, here we need to become mindful and remember that the word

expression means to MOVE-VIBRATE, when we know our true SELF (SOURCE)  we

then enter into STILLNESS and zero vibration , here we exit relativity and enter into the

Absolute stateless state of just BEING PURE AWARENESS.

EVENTUALLY when all mankind has found ITS SELF the astral realms will gradually

phase out of existence as no longer being needed as a holding area for souls in transit, and

will thereby become dissolved back into the ethereal energy from whence it came.

This blog entitled TEAR or rather tears that are shed over many lifetimes as we search 

through endless experiences in order to fully know our true and immortal Divine nature.

If we can make a start by looking within us, we will then begin to reduce the number of

future incarnations we need before we realize our REAL SELF.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 22 January 2022


 Our universe is a relative flat infinite circle, an ocean of pure living energy that rests

on a membrane that acts as a barrier that separates the Absolute VOID  which is 

motionlessness  and forever still, from the perpetual motion of this vibratory relative

universe. All expressed life universally is ANCHORED FIRMLY within the boundless

Absolute void of perpetual stillness, this includes us that of humanity, at the core of our being

we all are and remain always that of being Absolute and motionless. Life all life emerges

through the membrane and then surfaces upon the pure ocean of living energy, and then

condenses into a physical form or shape. Human beings are expressed out of stillness 

within  the Absolute  and pushed through  by INTENTION to surface upon the other 

side of the membrane, which is within that relative infinite circle we call the relative


All life is forever anchored within the Absolute because that is OUR HOME. There is

no depth within this universe other than the illusion of WAVES within the infinite ocean

of pure energy. Space is an infinite fluid of motioning living ENERGY that is flat lying

on the membrane. All there is in this universe is a flat infinite circular membrane where

all expression takes place, This flat membrane is totally contained WITHIN the EMBRACE

of the Absolute void, that totally surrounds the infinite circle within its AWESOME 


We emerge out of the ocean(membrane) and are condensed into the the shape and form 

INTENTION has decided it takes, we call this this INTENTION that of EVOLUTION.

The MEMBRANE is LESS than an ATOM thick that separates relativity which is that

of perpetual motion (vibration) from that of Absolute motionlessness.

This blog MORE is about waking up and realizing that all life universally is SAFE, and 

that all relative expressed life is FIRMLY ANCHORED within the absolute, that our 

condensed outer appearances are NOT who YOU REALLY ARE, our condensed 

outer appearances are just VEHICLES that enable SPIRIT BEINGS access to this relative

duality based universe. The inner real being can never EVER be LOST or FORGOTTEN

we are all in truth eternally whole and SAFE and WELL.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 21 January 2022


 The SELF which stands for, Spirit-Eternal-Life-Force is being portrayed in relative terms 

and surfacing into tangibility under the guise of Humanity. Mankind is PURE-SPIRIT in

essence, which has been "layered over" by five differing densities of relative energy, that

has become "bodies of expression" which means that these five bodies of expression all

have a vibration frequency that corresponds with the dimension that particular body is

being expressed within.

The pure Spirit which is the essence of all humanity is not being expressed and is therefore

motionlessness which means that it has zero vibration, Spirit is an Eternal motionless

constant. Life which is that of spirit becoming expressed (having motion) only becomes 

life when it gains motion, without motion it remains PURE ETERNAL ABSOLUTE SPIRIT'

Humanity condenses downwards through five koshas or sheaths of expression and lastly 

appears in its densest form as a human being.

Because we do not fully know ourselves we therefore fall prey to all manner of relative

illusions. The main one is that we think our reality is just this physical body and can see

no farther than that. The SELF=SOURCE is being portrayed within all expressed life

and the motional part of the eternal stillness, the Source is ALL LIFE universally is an

expression of Absolute Perfection. We as humanity are all facets or fractal images of this

ONE SOURCE, 7,7 billion fractal images embarking upon  a voyage of discovery through

being  born into relativity and learning about tangible existence gained through the 

gathering of many experiences, learning how love and emotion entwine the soul in a 

bond of total unity, We are all ONE and we know it not!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 20 January 2022


 Today we all live in a world where we can if we so chose to, actually do something on-mass 

that was impossible before the arrival of the digital technology and the internet. We can now

all do something that was impossible to do 40/50 years ago, and that is what is now called

ascension, or its older more familiar name of evolution. What mankind can do now on-mass

is to actually "speed up" their own evolution by taking up yoga or meditation. Something 

that only happened individually by ardent seekers of wisdom and knowledge. 

Today millions of us have access to the internet and find that there are hundreds of websites

explaining various ways of increasing your ascension frequency and rising into higher levels

of awareness and consciousness.

Today we have concrete evidence that we can all do something that we thought impossible

a short while ago and that is to actually speed up your natural ascension pace so that you take

personal responsibility for your actions and dive deep within yourself via meditation, and 

thereby quicken the pace of your involution arc of ascension.

We are shown ways of awakening our DNA and thereby releasing energy which equates 

directly to that of INFORMATION  about who you really are. Today we can all take 

control of our own ascension consciously and with intention to know ourselves more fully.

This blog called ASKING is about tuning into  our higher self and revealing what lies 

beneath the ignorance of our unknowingness !

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto yur family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 19 January 2022


 How many times have we asked ourselves that most vital question of who am I truly?

I am sure that this question has been asked  regularly down through centuries  long past.

So many of us imagine that our physical bodies are who we really are, and many folks 

go to their graves thinking that very same thought.

With the opening up of the internet and that of global mass communications we have so

much more access to websites that all propose to answer that very question of who am I 

really?  Does anyone really know? Well the answer to that question can be answered by 

the one asking it. If they take up the practice of meditation and go within themselves and

ask that very question of who am "I"? 

I have indeed done this many years ago now, and was given the answer by my higher

self who informed me that I was a divine immortal soul, and that the physical body I 

thought before was ME, was actually just a vehicle which thereby permitted entry of

the soul into this super dense physical realm. The only way the soul could gain purchase

here was to make a physical receptacle  which is what we think is us.

The beauty of this self enquiry is that you do not have to take any bodies word for the 

reality of the divine immortal soul, not even my word, but by going within yourselves 

you will at least take your own discovery of what you find within yourself.

We do not have to WAIT any longer to answer this question, you can begin your very

own quest to find yourself today, why WAIT?

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family  and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 18 January 2022


 Cosmic or natural laws are a universal constant and are intangible intelligent energies

that impact all expressed vibrational life whatever form or formless shape it is in.

Although we understand that there are many universal laws, some of which are immutable

others are mutable, as we look deeper into the LAW we see that all universal laws condense

into just ONE BASIC fundamental LAW which amounts to that of unconditional LOVE


Mankind is totally infolded within  the LAW of expressed LIFE, In truth we ARE THE LAW

in physical FORM! The intangible invisible natural law has become super-condensed and

congealed their "LIGHTNESS" into physical matter. Not only does universal law impact

upon our outer body , we also are the very embodiment of these universal laws made visible

in tangible solid matter format.

The laws in essence are PERFECT and therefore so are "WE"! BUT! We are also enclosed 

within a deep and impacting IGNORANCE of our true Divine nature. All life is perfect 

because perfection is from where it is issued out from, what comes from perfection is that

of perfection, it cannot be otherwise, such is the law. Another name  for perfection is 

WHOLENESS totally and absolutely COMPLETE,  we are basically UN_WHOLLY

meaning that we know NOT our true immortal SELF, due to the vast amount of ignorance

that fills our being with an awareness of what really is, remains absent from our waking level

of consciousness. Instead of wholeness and completeness  of being where we are in tune and

have a harmonic connection with all expressed life, and thereby know we are immortal souls

we are instead fragmented beings who have totally forgotten our immortal divine heritage.

This blog entitled CLIMB is about recognising that we are the LAW in physical form and

if we look within ourselves and begin the journey of true self knowing, we will then CLIMB

out of the ignorance that weighs us all down, and thereby begin to align yourself with 

inner and outer harmony, which will ultimately lead to WHOLNESS=PERFECTION.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 17 January 2022


 Meditation is one of the most ancient sciences of self and soul knowing. It dates back

well over ten thousand years, and has led a legion of practitioners  into full self and soul

knowing over the last many centuries.

Today meditation is very popular and there are many web sites showing all manner of

various ways in which to practice this art. The way that has worked for me over these

past four decades of meditation is simply just to observe the breath. and then let go of

thoughts until you reach complete inner silence. It is only when all thoughts cease, that

real meditation begins.

Meditation acts like a polisher of the mirror , the mirror within you is covered by many

layers of ignorance , and within this inner silence we connect to in deep meditation has

the effect of clearing away this inner mirror and beginning to reveal the real immortal being

who is the one now doing the meditation.

By going within ourselves we are removing the blockages that stop us from full knowing

of who we really are.

We all have an instinctive urge to know ourselves, an urge that seeks for WHOLENESS

and an inner feeling of us being COMPLETE and WHOLE, and not the fragmented  as

we often feel.

We need to FEEL whole and complete to feel that we are wholly fulfilled within ourselves.

And this can only be found within the full realization of just who and what you really are

half measures avail us nothing, many of us keep searching all of our physical lives looking

for ways to feel complete and whole, and so many never ever find it in this life time.

This blog called MASS is about you being able to ignite that inner touch-paper by 

taking up meditation and thereby entering into YOUR-SELF and beginning to explore 

just what lies within you. when you do this, you will embark upon a journey that will

ultimately reveal that Divine inner JEWEL that lies deeply within YOU!!!!!

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 16 January 2022


 Before the universe was born, all was still and motion (vibration)was as yet unborn, there was

zero darkness and zero light, no-thing was present except that of Absolute Pure Awareness, not

even consciousness was as yet unborn, as in truth all consciousness is really is that of awareness

in a reflective mode, and in the prior state of zero universe consciousness was non-existent.

There was just an Absolute void which was filled with the PRESENCE of the Absolute 

motionlessness in an unexpressed state of BEINGLESSNESS. This stateless state is beyond

any words as words by there very nature are relative, and cannot describe that which is 

IN-DESCRIBABLE, the ancient ones  called this being, "THE ONE FROM WHOM


"I AM" was present before this universe was born, and this entire relative universe lies

"WITHIN" its ABSOLUTE PRESENCE. The universe is relative within and Absolute

without separated by a membrane less than an atom across. this membrane separates 

that of relativity which is perpetual motion (vibration) from that of the Absolute which

is motionlessness and zero vibration.

All of humanity on earth today, all 7.7 billion of us, plus all those countless billions in

the astral realm awaiting transit back here in the near future were all PRESENT when

this universe was born. we were all in this VOID DISSOLVED into the ONE SPIRIT

and were then "CAST OUT OF EDEN" (perpetual BLISS) into the maelstrom of that

Primordial INTENTION WAVE which gave birth to this universe, and "WE" were all

"packets" of SOURCE ENERGY flung out into oblivion to chart a course which billions

of years later we all call this course EVOLUTION. Ascension is where we are all now,

beginning to awaken and remember just who and what we REALLY ARE!  The 

memories of what happen long long ago in a NOW long forgotten can be remembered

because the whole history of your journey  from this point of universal birth are all

vouchsafed within your DNA and also can be accessed by deep meditation and stillness

this blog today is from my memory of what occurred then.

Warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook soul realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 15 January 2022


 Within the expressed spectrum of life mankind is the lowest and most dense level of 

expression. We are basically a vehicle which is made of biological matter flesh and blood

which acts as a host for a higher far less dense entity which is that of the immortal soul who

dwells within  the electromagnetic spectrum of ethereal energy that completely enfolds the

physical body within a double doughnut shaped toroidal field of magnetic living energy.

Within the centre point of this toroidal field lies the "life force" of soul which is held  within

a singularity point of reference this point of reference is the "anchor point"  of  the soul which

corresponds with the centre of our chest where the heart chakra  is located.

The soul is not in this dimension  of physicality, but rather is "out of phase" from the 

physical realm, but is connected to the physical body by the undulating torus field of

electromagnetic energy that completely and totally surround every human being,

When we can look within ourselves, we can begin to link up with this higher self the

immortal divine soul, by linking into the inner silence which then begins to activate out

intuition which  is a link between the human body and that of the soul, this link is also

electromagnetic and also electrochemical  this acts as a bridge between dimensions that 

allow the gross physical human to contact higher vibrations  and dimensions.

In order for any of us to ever have a chance of realizing who we really are, we have to 

make an effort and look within ourselves to find out exactly who and what we really are.

OUR-SELF remains hidden from view, it can only be found by looking within.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

Thursday 13 January 2022


 Human beings are all souls with a body, and NOT the other way round of a "body with

a soul". Our immortal divine souls are a universal Principle, our physical bodies are not

a principle and therefore rot and decay when the vehicle is vacated (you die, change venues)

This blog called SWAB is about how we all our souls with a body, who have forgotten who

they really are. There are literally tens of millions of us who have no idea as to their true and

immortal identity. So many of us identify solely with the physical body and therefore imagine 

that this vehicle is whom they actually are. Not realising that their physical body is just being

used as an instrument for the soul to use while gathering tangible experiences here on Earth.

The soul needs the physical vehicle so that it can become weighed down by low vibration 

and therefore gain purchase onto this dense physical realm.

Those of you who read this and imagine that you are all there is, and that souls cannot be

proved,  well there is a simple way to examine this truth, for truth is truly is. But you do not

need to take my word for it, rather why not look within yourself and ask yourself the question

of am I really a divine immortal soul? What have you got to loose?

If you do this then you will then know who you really are YOURSELF. with YOURSELF

then confirming to YOU who you really ARE, then you will accept what you have learned

from within YOURSELF!

So many of us live our entire lives completely ignorant as to whom we really are, In a 

small way I hope this little blog opens up something for you, and allows you to venture 

within yourself and thereby reveal the real YOU to YOU! That is my hope.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto  your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 12 January 2022


 Meditation is the ancient science of soul knowing which leads to wholeness of being.

For me it has opened so m any doors that I never knew even existed before I took up 

the practice well over four decades ago.

I discovered early on in my meditation that the most important thing we can ever really

know is "OURSELVES", if we do not know ourselves then what do we really know

that can equal that of full self knowing?

Peace of mind and inner serenity are the many fruits of meditation. when I first started

meditating all I was really looking for was a way to slow down the rapid thoughts I had

plus to find some relaxation and a modicum of inner peace and serenity. That is all I was

looking for then, what I realise now is that I was also looking for who I really was, but 

did not know this at the time.

It was only after a while meditating that I found myself asking myself the question of who

am I really?

It was then that I realised I never knew who I really was, I had assumed quite wrongly 

that I did know who I was.

It was then shortly afterwards that I was meditating as usual, when all of a sudden I became

aware of a PRESENCE within me, this presence fired up my latent intuition and then I began

to realise that this inner presence was indeed my HIGHER SELF, which after a while began

to unfold into deeper levels of consciousness which then led onto the HIGHER SELF 

introducing itself to me as that of being my Immortal Divine Soul, this awakening brought

tears to my eyes, at last I thought that hole that was within has now been filled in a most

spectacular and profound way. I hope that all who read this and meditate will themselves

awaken into this most profound inner discovery we will ever make.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday 11 January 2022

soul realization: Vibrations In Crisis Is Opening Up Sorrows, =V I C...

soul realization: Vibrations In Crisis Is Opening Up Sorrows, =V I C...: Mankind has evolved into a point where he has opened up a vibrational crisis, which has negative low oscillations emanating from within it...


 The word IOTA means basically a small amount, a bit, our ideas become things

and some of these things cause us pain and fearful consequences. We often underestimate

the power of a thought, an idea is a thought in transit, just where will this transit reach?

It was written a while ago now that "THOUGHTS ARE THINGS" that an intangible

can accumulate tangibility by our "acting upon that intangible thought" such as when an

architect has an idea (thought) about building something, he then draws a picture from 

his mind, and therefore begins the process of gathering tangibility, the idea then obtains


We are bombarded by thoughts and ideas everyday of our life , some of these thoughts 

will bring fear and foreboding  into our life, others will bring comfort and joy. We often

fail to notice just how powerful a thought can be! Think about the thought which was born

in a mind  that produced the atomic bomb, or the hydrogen bomb, the one that was dropped

onto Japan in 1945!!!!! What awesome  power that original thought had? And the lives it

took with it!! 

On a much smaller scale our everyday thoughts can bring us pain or pleasure depending 

on what we focus on, if we are positive then things will be brighter for us, but if we are

negative this can bring stress, worry, fears and foreboding. We always have control on our

thoughts, unless we are under the influence of drugs or drink, but we can often feel that 

our thoughts seem to control us!  Are we a master or a slave of our thoughts?

We all our the product of thought and this echo's out into eternity and infinity, this very 

universe is a product of thought from within the Absolute Mind of the SOURCE of all life.

You are the product of the thoughts of your parents, had they not thought about sex that

night or day, you would have never been BORN! That's something to think about.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 10 January 2022


 This blog acquisition of signal is about how we can acquire that most important signal

that echo's within all expressed life universally, this signal is that of the AUM which 

stands for Absolute-Universal-Melody AUM.

The music "of the spheres" is the note of the AUM. This AUM acts as a homing beacon

calling all its charges home back to total unity.

We as human beings can tune into this AUM in the silence of our inner self. To become

aware of this silent inner sound can be the turning point in your life. The AUM is a 

dynamic pulsation that is emitted throughout  the entire universe , it embraces all 

expressed life, but most of us humans are completely unaware of its existence.

Only in the last 20/30 years have we became acquainted  with this word AUM when 

the internet was born and we then had access to Eastern teachings given out on various

websites, which talked about meditation, and the AUM and chakras as such.

Before that most of us in the west were completely unaware of this silent universal

pulsation of the AUM.

When we take up meditation and tune into that inner silence that appears like magic 

when all thinking thoughts have ceased.

Within this silence we instinctively tune into the silent pulsation of the AUM which 

is a melody of unifying vibrations that bring about an expansion of our awareness and 

also your consciousness.

When we can acquire the AUM signal we are linking ourselves up to the whole of 

expressed life and universal harmonic tuneful harmony.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 9 January 2022


 All life being expressed universally is the result of an  PRIMORDIAL-IDEA that

produced a VIBRATION that eventually produced "YOU" now reading this today. What

is an IDEA? We could say that it is a thought, what then is a thought? To find the root meaning

of primordial beginning, we need to look at the place from whence we all arose from, an IDEA

broken down letter by letter spells out this; Invocation-Drawing-Eternal-Aspect = IDEA  the 

eternal aspect being drawn out is called that of Numen which is a Latin name for Divinity or

God for short. In the beginning was the WORD and that word was "IDEA" that created 

VIBRATION out of stillness. This primal IDEA was the word  idea which billions of years

later became Known as that of Flesh and blood. "Thoughts are things" and that original IDEA

which arose within the SOURCE MIND  manifested vibration from stillness, and that 

primordial vibration manifested this relative universe.

We human beings are the result of a primal idea to cause motion , and this motion manifested

a virgin universe and we a human being are this IDEA clothed now in flesh and blood vehicle.

This blog IVY is about going back to our root cause, which was that primordial IDEA to

manifest a universe and INFORM  this idea within motional  life. 

YOU and ME are all parts of this motional life, with the added letter "E" which gives us all

that of EMOTION and emotion is NUMEN  which means DIVINE , we are all Divine beings

born of an original IDEA  long long ago.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 8 January 2022


 When we enter into meditation  we are beginning a journey that can and will take us

into a place of expansive awareness and consciousness, When we can begin to still those

endless thoughts, we then enter into a thoughtless place where the silence deepens the more

we practice the art of deep listening. When we can cease all thoughts and just observe our

breath quietly breathing in and out , we will begin to notice after a while that our breath will

gradually become shallower and shallower until we reach a point where we hardly seem to

be breathing at all, when we reach this point we begin to loose awareness of our body and 

the room or place we are meditating in/ Here within the thoughtless silence we tune into  that

of the PRESENCE, we become aware of a presence within us. This PRESENCE  is your 

higher self or rather your immortal divine soul, if we can hold this thoughtless state we then

enter another dimension of awareness and consciousness, where time and space seem no 

longer exist for you.

Here your intuition will become fired up and will open up insights and also tap into universal

wisdom and knowledge. If we persist in this deep meditative state we will become changed 

by this experience, the inner spiritual light will change your life and impact on the way you

see things in the future.

Meditation reveals who you really are , it removes all of your ignorance and opens your eyes

to see things as they really are, rather than what it "seems" to be true. 

We will have looked upon the inner workings of nature and expressed life , and this will 

change the way forever how you perceive the world around you. 

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization.

Ig this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday 7 January 2022


 Locked and sealed in matter is our self reflected consciousness, consciousness has 

arisen out from awareness  which is then localized within the temple of our physical

vehicle the human body. Awareness is pure in its absolute stateless state of being 

omnipresent and ubiquitous and also motionlessness, awareness never moves it is

the background ground state of the whole motional universe objectivity and 

presence. Awareness needs NOTHING to function not even consciousness, awareness

is there without consciousness, but consciousness cannot arise without awareness.

When we let go of all thought as in deep meditation we leave the relative reflective

abode of consciousness and thereby enter the absolute void of space-less awareness.

Deep listening into pure awareness opens up the level that we are aware of , We 

expand our awareness to make contact with higher states of being aware. Here we

tap into cosmic awareness and cosmic wisdom.

Because we are all localized within a physical body we forget  we are all ubiquitous 

life/soul/spirit energy, we feel confined within our bodies and therefore our awareness

which is universal by nature and fully inclusive of the whole of the presenting universe

becomes itself localized by our ignorance of our true universal nature.

Consciousness is basically awareness in motion  moving through the vibratory energy that

make up our atomic body.

Consciousness can only exist when it is in reflective mode only, without reflection 

consciousness dissolves into pure awareness.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto  your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday 6 January 2022


 Question, what is the difference between MOTION and that of EMOTION? To me motion

is the perpetual state of all vibrations universally, that occur within this relative universe and

pertains to all  matter per-se. Emotion is the same as that of motion, but has one vital added

ingredient which is that of an aware consciousness, and in the case of humanity it is taken to

the extreme level of becoming SELF AWARE. We are "I AM" self aware consciousness which

means we have EMOTIONS, which means that we can REFLECT on our being . We can feel

the energy and know what it means, whether happy or sad we can consciously feel the "moving"

emotional energy that can cause  us to feel in a particular way. Emotion also reflects within us our

true inner nature, which is the NUMEN aspect of out presented form here on Earth.

NUMEN is "the LATIN name for Divinity" we each have NUMEN (divinity) INFOLDED

within our inner being, this reflects as that of love and compassion within us. When we learn

about what emotions actually are, we see that the root cause of EMOTION is found in our 

DIVINE HERITAGE. because we are all  souls/spirit infolded within a biological body and

called humanity. Our emotions  our divinity rising to the surface of our being, but here we need

to fully understand that EMOTION is PURE in ESSENCE,  but becomes CLOUDED

over by our state of personal awareness and habits of thought, hateful thoughts are on one 

end of the spectrum and the other end is love. It really depends on what end of the emotional

spectrum you are pulling from !  

Hate is emotion, and so is love, which end of the spectrum will you use dear reader?

"WE" are all eternal thought manifesting within the motion of rising vibrations and thereby

reaching a point where we add that MAGIC letter "E" to motion and thereby BECOME

EMOTIONAL BEINGS where we are then MOVED by our inner Divine heritage to feel

our way back to full self knowing by emotional entanglements over many incarnations.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday 5 January 2022


 We are the PRESENCE and we know it not ! Mankind each of the 7.7 billion of us  are all

the PRESENCE of DIVINITY "LOCALIZED" (from our ubiquitous non-locale stateless 

state) within a biological body and steeped down from its LOFTY estate by condensing 

pure Divine Energy which is Spirit into physical matter.

When we talk about feeling a divine presence , we are actually becoming aware of our divine

inner nature. 

We are all localized points of divine energy, which is the soul or spirit , localized and dwelling

within a human vehicle biological machine .

The Presence is US when we look deeply within ourselves , we see Divinity looking back at us.

We all seek something and mostly we look for what we seek outside of ourselves, instead of

looking within our hearts and mind for what we all truly crave, which is the feeling of 

COMPLETENESS  wholeness atonement with all life, feeling that nothing is missing from our

life, we feel whole and complete.

This feeling comes when we find it within ourselves , it cannot be found outside of the self

because in truth there is no such a thing as being "OUTSIDE of the SELF".

By knowing ourselves we can then feel that inner presence of Divinity  that lies within your

heart chakra  and knowing this truth fills you with sheer delight.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday 4 January 2022


 Meditation is the very ancient science of full self knowing, and the transmutation of the 

gross outer self into a much "lighter" more vibrant self. The MAGIC of meditation is that

if it is persisted with and practiced daily, it will lead the practitioner (you) into making 

inner connections which will ultimately result in that of contact with the higher self, which

is the Divine Immortal Soul.

On the way to reaching that noble goal we reap the rewards of daily meditation. which are

that of peace of mind, deep relaxation. and the awareness of an inner serenity. Which in this

COVID virus ridden age we are all in deep need of relaxation and serenity. Sitting quietly 

shutting out the outside world, we can enter into a perfect peace and inner quietness, something

we all could do with in this present climate.

Meditation acts like a cloth that cleans an inner mirror, when we meditate we are removing 

grime (ignorance) for our awareness, we are beginning to know and understand who and 

what we really are. It is a process of uncovering what lies beneath this FACADE OF FORM

we call the human body?

Everyday we spend meditating we are polishing that inner mirror and revealing more and

more about who we really are. We are awakening into out real Immortal SELF, bit by bit and

day by day.

Each day practiced brings us closer and closer to that MAGIC point where we finally make

that last most vital CONNECTION, that presents our full immortal glory of our SOUL to

your STARTLED GAZE, That will be the day you will always REMEMBER.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday 3 January 2022


 Meditation at its ultimate level takes us literally out of this world, and into

another dimension of reality beyond time and space as we know it. When we

are deeply silent and listening intently, where all thoughts have ceased. We open

up another doorway which if left open and penetrated will lead to that place called

SAMADHI, and even go beyond that exalted state. The doorway we open when deep

listening is acutely active is that of surrender to the universe, when we surrender 

unconditionally to the universe we enter a zone which comes in wave formations 

which fluctuate depending upon the depth of surrender at that precise moment. 

running parallel and in tandem with the surrender at depth is that of us "letting

go" of all resistance, and  when we reach a point where all resistance fall to 

ZERO-POINT. there ensues what I call the "STRANGE ATTRACTOR"  which

ushers in what is called ZPE zero-point-energy this is a "placeless place" we then

open up a sub atomic doorway which enables the flow of zero point energy where 

the being becomes a "POINT OF PERFECT CONDUCTIVITY"  We are then filled

with expanded consciousness and awareness, filled with ETHEREAL ENERGY if 

this state left unchecked would go way beyond the exalted state of SAMADHI and 

into uncharted or rarely ever witnessed  state of BEING.

If  PERSISTED in this exalted state would act like that of PERFECT FUSION at

ROOM TEMPERATURE, which would act as that of TRANSLATION of the FLESH

and blood  into PURE ETHERIC ENERGY it would become a TRANSFIGURATION

of the flesh into pure WHITE LIGHT and the one whom this was occurring to  could

either leave forever this relative dimension on Earth, and blend or dissolve back into the

ALL, or with great effort choose to summon a thought wave and thereby cause this Divine

Sequence to slow down and return to relative time and space.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday 2 January 2022


 What is fluidic space made of?  We know that it is infinite. Space is basically the "MIND"

of the SOURCE which "contains all this relative infinite universe within its absolute 

infinite BOSOM". "WE" all live and move and have our being within this precious fluid

which we call space, the "life BLOOD of the SOURCE" we are ALL"CONTAINED"

within this Divine Fluidic PRESENCE! By this very nature of us all being firmly 

"CONTAINED" there cannot possibly ever arise the situation of ever being "OUTSIDE"

of this PRESENCE. We are all firmly enfolded within the infinite embrace of SPACE.

This relative universe is then in truth an infinite ocean of pure consciousness that arises

out of the Absolute mind of the Source. All energy universally arises out from intentional

motional energy. ALL MOTION is born out from active thought being focussed upon an

expression to move. WE are all "moved" (E-motion) by that one primordial thought wave

that issued out from the Source aeons ago, and is still being in thought mode today.

Consciousness impinges upon your mind via an electromagnetic direct link into your brain

and heart chakra. Thoughts are "things" that become tangible when focussed upon.

The Divine architect thought this universe which we call space into BEING by focussed

intention, the same way an Earthly architect  draws up an idea of a house, then gathers up

all the required materials, then builds the solid house that began as an idea in the architects

head, the SOURCE does the very same thing but of a much much GRANDEUR manner

than the Earthbound architect.

When we SIFT through the evidence that lies before us and within us, when we can see 

how consciousness and space are both intrinsically linked together into one composite

wholeness, then the dawning of the awesome power of thought and how it can produce us

and this universe will arise within us.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday 1 January 2022


 What is mankind that we are mindful of him? That is a good question, what exactly is

mankind? And what is its purpose here upon the Earth plane? Well the answer will give

"WEIGHT" to what is the real purpose of mankind's physical body? The answer is that

the "ONLY" reason for the physical body is that it "provides ANCHORAGE and DENSITY

for the real occupier to gain purchase in this dense physical realm. We all our basically what

the title of this blog spells out, we are ALL being used as "ANCHORS in DENSITY" which

are expressing the immortal divine soul , which is invisible electromagnetic intelligent 

energy, which occupies and uses the density of the physical body to be able to experience 

tangible existence within this dense physical dimension.

Basically that is all the use that the physical has, that of providing density in order for a 

higher less dense life form (the soul) to gain purchase here on Earth and feel the weight

of density and physicality, so that it can become in a way close to that of "TANGIBLE

EXISTENCE" . The soul experiences tangibility and Relativity which is Duality through

its VEHICLE of expression which is the physical body "YOU" think is the real (YOU!

Many of us go through an entire incarnation without hardly an inkling of what lies beneath

the FACADE of FORM which the physical body really is. We begin to awaken from our

long long slumber and begin to realise that all we are is a vehicle for the soul to use, nothing

more than that !  Just like the car you drive to work in which is a metal and rubber vehicle

you TOO are a biological machine with a biological computer the brain vehicle. We are all

vehicles that DIVINITY uses so that it can experience tangible expressed physical life.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.