Saturday 15 January 2022


 Within the expressed spectrum of life mankind is the lowest and most dense level of 

expression. We are basically a vehicle which is made of biological matter flesh and blood

which acts as a host for a higher far less dense entity which is that of the immortal soul who

dwells within  the electromagnetic spectrum of ethereal energy that completely enfolds the

physical body within a double doughnut shaped toroidal field of magnetic living energy.

Within the centre point of this toroidal field lies the "life force" of soul which is held  within

a singularity point of reference this point of reference is the "anchor point"  of  the soul which

corresponds with the centre of our chest where the heart chakra  is located.

The soul is not in this dimension  of physicality, but rather is "out of phase" from the 

physical realm, but is connected to the physical body by the undulating torus field of

electromagnetic energy that completely and totally surround every human being,

When we can look within ourselves, we can begin to link up with this higher self the

immortal divine soul, by linking into the inner silence which then begins to activate out

intuition which  is a link between the human body and that of the soul, this link is also

electromagnetic and also electrochemical  this acts as a bridge between dimensions that 

allow the gross physical human to contact higher vibrations  and dimensions.

In order for any of us to ever have a chance of realizing who we really are, we have to 

make an effort and look within ourselves to find out exactly who and what we really are.

OUR-SELF remains hidden from view, it can only be found by looking within.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

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