Saturday 22 January 2022


 Our universe is a relative flat infinite circle, an ocean of pure living energy that rests

on a membrane that acts as a barrier that separates the Absolute VOID  which is 

motionlessness  and forever still, from the perpetual motion of this vibratory relative

universe. All expressed life universally is ANCHORED FIRMLY within the boundless

Absolute void of perpetual stillness, this includes us that of humanity, at the core of our being

we all are and remain always that of being Absolute and motionless. Life all life emerges

through the membrane and then surfaces upon the pure ocean of living energy, and then

condenses into a physical form or shape. Human beings are expressed out of stillness 

within  the Absolute  and pushed through  by INTENTION to surface upon the other 

side of the membrane, which is within that relative infinite circle we call the relative


All life is forever anchored within the Absolute because that is OUR HOME. There is

no depth within this universe other than the illusion of WAVES within the infinite ocean

of pure energy. Space is an infinite fluid of motioning living ENERGY that is flat lying

on the membrane. All there is in this universe is a flat infinite circular membrane where

all expression takes place, This flat membrane is totally contained WITHIN the EMBRACE

of the Absolute void, that totally surrounds the infinite circle within its AWESOME 


We emerge out of the ocean(membrane) and are condensed into the the shape and form 

INTENTION has decided it takes, we call this this INTENTION that of EVOLUTION.

The MEMBRANE is LESS than an ATOM thick that separates relativity which is that

of perpetual motion (vibration) from that of Absolute motionlessness.

This blog MORE is about waking up and realizing that all life universally is SAFE, and 

that all relative expressed life is FIRMLY ANCHORED within the absolute, that our 

condensed outer appearances are NOT who YOU REALLY ARE, our condensed 

outer appearances are just VEHICLES that enable SPIRIT BEINGS access to this relative

duality based universe. The inner real being can never EVER be LOST or FORGOTTEN

we are all in truth eternally whole and SAFE and WELL.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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