Friday 30 September 2016

Mobius Strip Singularities Last Dance Part Three.

Physical life is graced into form by Mobius we are ferried back into physical expression by a vertical vortex (much like a figure S) turning with a left handed spiral  for inbound and a right handed spiral for outbound (death) the singularity being the zero point at which we are anchored into this dense physical realm.The anchor is held in place by the overall "intent" of the soul that governs the facet of it's being (us) in it's present incarnation ,so  that it can outwork the overall plan of intent that the law of  Karma has presented us with.
This anchoring zero point is located within the crown chakra and remains fixed there until the ferryman (Mobius) is called again to ferry us back into a finer realm for a period of adjustment.
The letter S is the partial sequence of the Mobius expression into physical form a left handed vortex that transcends the dimentional divide between physical and non physical life.
The ferryman has been underestimated and totally been misunderstood  for centuries ,it's  time now to give credit where it truly belongs to Mobius and the vortex of expression that permits us this stage to
enact our urges and grow into a blossom that flowers with a fragrance of beauty to behold after many such excursions to this vale of tears.
When we die we "enter another dimension"the Astral plane, this is where  dear old Mobius comes into play,as we are ready for re-birth into this dense physical plane,and when we have chosen the parents we need to further our goal of unfoldment from ignorance tto knowledge and beyond,we
then "fall" into a deep sleep and then "die" on the Astral plane and our re-born on the earth plane.
The ferryman (or vortex) that enables this lawful descent and ascent into matter is of course Mobius.
warmest regards Michael.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Videri Quam Esse. To be rather Than Seem to be.

The Latin phrase  Videri Quam Esse to be rather than seem to be is somewhat badly needed in our plastic times,where we are viewed by the media and video makers as having only a five second attention span,rather like a gold fish it seems!
How many of us ,and  be really honest about this "as if you are not you are just kidding yourself"
are truly authentic with our friends and work mates? Or do we rather put on a front ,a  false image of what we think they expect to see .Do  many of us "seem" to be doing the right thing "but with suspect motives" we have all heard the phrase "just be yourself" but actually what is yourself? Do you Really know? And  what's   more do you really care? Are you more interested in more "real" and important things like "what a footballer had for his breakfast? Or how many apps can I get on my plastic device called a phone?
The whole media circus is filled with a shallowness that is beyond belief, often a breaking news flash is that some "celebrity"favorite colour is blue!!! That is breaking news ,no  mention of the millions who are dying every year through starvation and disease oh no, rather you will be told that a "burger chain" is adding another dish to their wonderful healthy crap they are selling ,that  is causing thousands of deaths every year through obesity and burgers!
We live in an age of bullshit dressed up as something you really must have," hurry  while stocks last"
a plastic realty with no substance or depth where most of the population spend all the day gazing as though in a "trance" at that bit of useless plastic in their hands,I have watched countless mothers and fathers being out with their children with absolutely no contact with the kids the parent is sat there in a trance like state watching that little screen that seems much more important than interacting with the children.
warmest regards Michael.

Final Analysis.

I would like to present what I call the final analysis of expression and in-form-ation,I am suggesting that we we,and all that is manifest within the universe, are the result of the crystallization of thought.
Thoughts made manifest crystallized into form by "intention and will "an  idea becomes in-formed
(formed from within)and emerges into "physical reality" the intangible becomes tangible.
All "ideas" of the Absolute become immutable universal laws once crystallized,when we are able to gaze very deeply into "form "we  will eventually "see" the idea behind the presenting form!
What this suggests is that we are indelibly linked and part of the whole ,each  of us connected and interconnected with the "whole idea" of manifested form-ation!
I believe that we shall see the day and it is not far off ,when  mainstream science and physics, realize what has been known for centuries by some,that  matter and energy are all the out workings of thought,pure and simple!
All the militant materialists will have to be  re-educated into the reality of form and how ideation and intent crystallize into matter and energy.
On the periphery creeping slowly inwards is the idea that thought lies at the back of matter,many scientists already have this notion,so do a few physicists,there numbers are steadily growing,soon these militant materialists will find their services surrounded by their alleged colleagues ,who will be calling a very different tune indeed. They will find their tired and worn out claptrap will be resigned to the dustbin for recycling into something useful for once.
Patterns exist everywhere if we could  but see them, take water for instance water freezing on a glass resembles ferns! the crystallization of the liquid reveals some "hidden intent"vouchsafed within the water! Embedded within all matter is the idea of form-il-zation,is that not now crystal clear??
Crystalsgive form to elements ,they provide a body for expressing elemental form? We are made up from the elements,earth,air,fire, and water,all express crystalline form! Need we say more?
 warmest regards Michael.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

The Nature Of Glamour And Its Hold On Us

Glamour, alluring, illusory charm. Some quality or feature exerting a fascinating influence. A mentally conditioning characteristic of the emotional astral plane.
An incorrect interpretation and response to that which is perceived .Anything that is distorted is glamour .The  basic  cause of illusion, glamour, and maya  is Duality! A  sense of separation from the higher energies and consciousness of the soul,which forces one to identify oneself exclusively with the material world, the physical form ,and  outer appearance ,and  to focus ones awareness on their engulfing phenomena to the point of delusion!One sees oneself as an ongoing helpless victim of forces and energies of which one has no real understanding ,and   over which one has no real control.
Duality is a state of being dual, consisting of two parts as in body and soul, matter and spirit. It is brought about by an act of separation ,of dividing,of disconnecting ,of  disunity from an inter grated whole! We need to dispel the mists  and fog of glamour by re-cognising that we are all interconnected
and as one.
Of all the many glamour's that surround and engulf us,one in particular I find most amusing and also disturbing that of "designer labels" and  I have been in many heated exchanges over this one!
If I got hold of an empty "coal sack" cut a few holes in it and put my name right across the front of it. would you  pay a thousand dollars for it! Of course not ,but  instead  put the name of some other chap who is well known and famous! Then you would pay plenty for that "designer coal sack?"
The wanabee generation instant fame just like that! From a nobody to a somebody in 24 hour.
It is truly amazing that some will pay many times over the "true price" of a bit of cloth, sunglasses, shoes,simply because it has the "NAME" of some one they will never meet in their life time! What next one wonders, designer condoms that spell out this famous moron when the wearer gets an erection!!
the designers and their marketing chums must be laughing all the way to the bank at so many buying crap and paying way over the odds because this moron has his name on it,one wonders if perhaps if glamour here is too fine a word and perhaps bullshit would be more appropriate!
warm regards Michael.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Mobius Strip Singularities Last Dance Part Two.

The highway of Mobius is one of ever changing hues, reflecting back accordingly our dues?
The highway of Mobius is a very long one spanning a Now of  unimaginable size ,those  travelling this highway at every re-entry onto the strip, acquire a little more "substance" and developing consciousness ever motioning onward towards a point far away,where the ever generous Mobius will bestow upon the "traveller of the way" the faculty of "self awareness", self consciousness, an implosive realization that "I"am here,and that now "I "know  that I am here.
The dance then becomes focussed as the dawning gives way to the rising son? Being born within.
Mobius ever watchful of its charges looks on with a kindly smile.
The dance of Mobius is rhythmic splendour and for "time" long past unconscious of its true identity
as we developed self aware consciousness we also inherited the responsibilities that come with the territory,that of exorcising free will and the actual ability to say "why" prior to this we were without "spot" now Mobius has given his charges "spot" and the ability to choose.
(With generosity like that, Who needs Social Services????)

warmest regards Michael.

Spinners Of Force--Willed Intent.

Within the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom there  is a central idea that goes something like this.
Centrifugal force is that of spirit, and centripetal force is that for matter ,two  primal vortexes ,spinners of form and ideation, one on an ascending arc the other on a descending arc.
The Ying and Yang ,one  going from fine to dense, the from dense to fine (matter).
Vertical rotation of primary energy (force)each locked within the other in an eternal embrace.
We are within both of these primary forces and at times "feel the rapid current and roar of these convergent eddies" that gather at etheric points within us. Little does modern quantum physics realize how their findings are paralleling that of the ancient wisdom,when modern physics talk of "spin up" and "spin down" they are echoing the ancients almost word for word!
The two primary spinners that bring force and matter in and out of density are Ying and Yang by any other name are centrifugal and centripetal forces.

warmest regards Michael.

Indescribable Thoughts Of Ideation (What Is God?)

When I was a boy,which seems so long ago now I thought that God was a big man in the sky with a long white beard who looked down on us waiting for us to put a foot wrong then "look out" a thunderbolt would be fired down and burn me to a cinder!
Over the years that followed by boyhood I had many thoughts on this very thing "what is God" and came to understand that those who to had gone before me had also attempted to find out about this "great Being" in the sky.Most of the conclusions were that this Being was beyond human comprehension and that there were no words to describe the indescribable, that it was unutterable indefinable,completely overwhelming it seemed to me to present a very difficult task then to actually attempt to do that very thing  that of total "indescribableness".
So I set upon a path of  focussed  meditation and continued that up to this present day which is now over forty years,in that time I have been able to penetrate deeper and deeper into the storehouse of universal knowledge and wisdom,the first thing I discovered was that knowledge "divides" and wisdom "unites" and that wisdom presents the inquirer with the "whole picture" rather than a "fragmented"one which issues from knowledge.
The first thing wisdom shows you is that all of universal expressions whether they be of plasma,gas,solid,liquid,or just like us human kind are ALL Exactly the same THING,and that this thing is what we all call GOD,wisdom says in the most precise way that the entire universe is made of GOD,that NO-THING else exists,or ever has done ,or ever will do,all there is IS GOD,we are GOD,the ant that crawls over your shoe is GOD,we are basically and fundamentally illusions,(we) you and I do not exist,and whats more we never had done,there is only the Absolute that exists nothing else PERIOD! Our task then is to understand this reality (for reality it verily IS) and to unite our "phantom Self"(the ego)with the higher self the soul and then release this dross weight and unite with the reality that we are all drops in the mighty ocean of life and each of these drops (you) are DIVINE it is our birthright to WAKE UP and smell the roses and see the GOD within each one of us then when that is done we let go of earthly things and embrace the Divinty that lives within us all.
When that happens love will wash over humanity like a huge tidal wave bringing in a new beginning for us all.

with warm regards michael.
and facebook page called soul relization.

Mobius Strip-Singularities-Last-Dance.

The Mobius strip is an expression of non-duality it reveals the unity of all polarities ,creating  a state of oneness, joining the whole and the part ,the  masculine and the feminine. It is the symbol of balance and union.
All dance is an expression of movement-motion-rhythm, life  dances to the rhythm and sway of universal harmonics ,whose  tune is played out to the will of absolute intention and orchestrated in a
symphony of unified motion.
Mobius is the highway we walk on towards transformation ,a  never ending highway of ever expansive opportunity and conscious expression.
All existence has its cycles of expansion and contraction ,a  dance of coming on stage, then vanishing
into the wings, only to reappear later.
Mobius and his merry strip represent  this cycle to perfection an endless procession of visiting minds finding their true place in the singularities point of circle?
warmest regards Michael.
can be reached on home page Facebook soul realization.

Monday 26 September 2016

soul realization: Robes Of Expression.

soul realization: Robes Of Expression.: We are expressions of a life force an animating energy that propels us along  along a long road of unfolding evolution.At the  "center...

Robes Of Expression.

We are expressions of a life force an animating energy that propels us along  along a long road of
unfolding evolution.At the  "center" of this life force I see "spirit" that pure essence that "holds life
itself".The robes we wear are expressed in manifold ways each at a differing  vibrational pitch,down
through the octaves until we arrive at the physical body the lowest level of expression.
Consciousness coexists within this matrix and is the  "tool" that allows us to "uncover" the many layers of maya that keep us in ignorance and pain.
By being self aware we are able to examine ourselves and ask questions,who are we?How are we? As we inquire within(for that's where the answer resides) we begin to tune in and come "online"much like becoming "radio active"we begin to attract to ourselves that which is most needed to expand our
evolutional  arc.
Locked within us is infinite potential, we are both relative and absolute,one the outer expression,the other the inner "un-expression".
As we expand in conscious awareness and our perception becomes more finely attuned, we gain greater access to a more universal consciousness,we begin to "feel" that we are much more than just the sum of our parts.
At first, we were only able to express ourselves on a pure physical level with a basic conscious awareness, then thoughts  as we evolved  up the evolutionary arc we were more able to perceive finer vibrations and perceive the difference.
We now stand at the doorway to the Etheric and Astral  levels of consciousness and many today "tune in" to this higher vibrational pitch.

warmest regards michael.
and I can be reached on face book soul realization.

Eddies Of Life Within An Ocean Of Consciousness.

Humanity could really be nothing more  than the appearance of "eddies" within an ocean of consciousness ,All  interconnected, all seperatness  an illusion,no "realness in the absolute sense" just a point of reference within this eddy, that being self awareness which questions its identity (am I real)
No you are not.It appears we really are is not a person,or individual, but rather just a wave or eddy within the ocean, ,when the swell pushes up and intent presses out a wave or eddy is "born" aloft we are that wave!
Whereas the wave of H2O may only have a few seconds of experience before sinking back into the ocean,we on the other hand can have many years before sinking back into life's ocean. But are they not the same? The time difference may suggest this ,but  time is an illusion as well!
Life seems to flow like a liquid and that's exactly what it is,we are in effect liquid  consciousness arising moment by moment through the infinite  ocean. Each wavelet formed is one life cycle on Earth, and so it continues until one discovers that it can transcend the eddy and release the inner
intent from manifesting any other wavelets ,unless it so chooses.
An ancient wording says this "As above ,so below" I would like to add another maxim here and it says "As with the ocean,so with life"we  are the ocean expressed as waves,each swell (wave) is a lifetime on Earth, however long or short that may be, as with a storm at sea the waves get bigger and the troughs deeper ,this  manifests in physical life as a very turbulent expression,and a painful existence,while in calmness like the Doldrums nothing much seems to happen in that life time with very little experience gained.
We as humanity are "riding along on the crest of a wave"and seem to have lost contact with the ocean,thus resulting in the utter chaos and greed ,selfishness, that abounds todayand why so many are lost and bereft of any internal sustenance.
I would respectfully suggest that by practising positive wholesome thinking and using meditation as a tool which will "PIERCE"the surface tension of the water and allow  access to the ocean beneath.
Thereby  re-establishing contact with the source of being and begin the long journey Home.

With warm regards Michael.
you can also visit my home page on facebook called Soul Realization if you care to.

Sunday 25 September 2016

Space Is An Entity.

The universe is full up 100% full there is no space(an absentness of anything) anywhere ,the  very word is meaningless ,yet  we give it meaning and value ,any wonder we get confused.
Consciousness pervades all of the physical universe ,it  is both absolute and relative simultaneously
when this  is readily understood it might well create some "space" for a clearer understanding of just
what is.
It is said that "all is an illusion" and indeed It Is ,how ever in this relative universe that we are now in
we are taught to accept "things"as true, and on a surface relative basis they are, well partly true,
relatively true but absolutely false.
Space is a word that is banded about, usually meaning emptiness  or room to move about in,an absence of stuff.  We think of outer space as empty, devoid of things ,but  it is not as a liquid fills  a jar it becomes totally full of liquid ,there is no empty space to be found in there.
Well the universe is exactly the same filledto the brim with energy or consciousness,our task should we accept it is to allow this "liquid"to totally fill us up and displace the "bubble"within caused by the ego, when this happens we will be full of life-full-ness and will have ridden ourselves of that false buoyancy of egotism and will now swim with the  current of life rather than against it.
with warmest regards Michael.
email  you can also visit my webpage on Facebook called soul realization and you are welcome to comment on there.   

Are You Spotless Dear Reader ?

All animal and vegetable life is without spot, what does this mean? It  basically   means that they are all innocent  and can only act as they are programed to do ,and  cannot deviate from this program that is installed within them ,and  that although they have consciousness which in some form of creatures such as dolphins and elephants where there is a considerably higher level of consciousness than other animals ,the  one thing they all lack is that of self awareness and self consciousness and much more importantly we have the ability to go against our "programming" by being "wilful" and going against the natural flow of expressed form, no creature on earth can do this ,except man.
What then is "spot" this thing that we all have ,some  teachings suggest that spot is actually sin ,and  that mankind is basically sinful, there are even those who suggest the absolute nonsense  that we are born in sin-Is that so! No it is certainly not .S.I.N .spells   out the following sequence that unfolds when this action is taken by us Sickness-Is-Negativity=SIN, when we are negative in thought ,word,
and deed we in effect and in FACT invite a monster in our midst that if left unchecked will devour us alive from the inside out!
That is why there is so much more dis-ease in the world ,because  there is so much negativity there  literally millions dying every year ,and  that amount is increasing at the rate of knots as things like cancer ,and  heart disease are reaching "epidemic proportions" .When  we align ourselves to universal law and live in harmony with it, we will be dis-ease free, the law is basically very simple ,love and respect each other, have compassion for all living things ,be  kind and considerate to each other do no harm ,and  find gratitude in your heart for the life you have, the dear readers you will indeed be spotless and without S.I.N.
warmest regards Michael.

Saturday 24 September 2016

How Do You Feel About Being A Facet Of The One Jewel ?

In meditation deep over the last four decades it has been presented to me the following sequence of how the physical expression of tangible life has unfolded from within the momentary pause that occurred when the  involutionary  sequence had reached its zenith and all the principles that were to be unfolded after the momentary pause when the evolutionary cycle then began (the one we are on now).
If I now fast forward a few billion years and arrive at the point that us as humanity are presented the following images were shown over a period ,A living Jewel was seen in a light that cannot exist on this earth plane ,it  was Absolutely Pure White Light (Pure meaning that it cannot exist at this gross level and that it has NO prismatic emanations as does sunlight here on earth ,there  are none 7 colours within it ,It  stands alone in Awesome purity).
It was revealed that we are all facets of the ONE Jewel ,so  that all the billions of us here are all facets each showing a side (facet) of that one Being in our own unique way.
The word JEWEL was broken down to spell out this sequence;Joining-Energy-With-Expressed-Love =Jewel.
A facet is "cut" to reveal and increase its ability to reflect light,when we share with each other deeply that light from our facet reveals a darkened place within our friend and illuminates them and that how we grow and blossom,share with our brothers and sisters and reveal the hidden light within and  reflect that awesome Jewel we all are facets of.
warmest regards Michael

Friday 23 September 2016

What Is The Point Of Now ?

Before I get into this blog the point of Now ,I  want to share a few things with you  about me, firstly  that I had a very basic education and left school at 14 years old ,I  spent most of my last years at "school" playing  truant, and  instead of being at school I was in the woods building rafts out of old oil drums and floating about the lake there thinking that maybe I was like Robinson Crusoe and about to find a lost island. The only degrees that I got are on a thermometer on my balcony here .I  am not academic but have studied hard over the past forty years on things like esoteric astrology/esoteric
psychology .and  glamour a world problem ,the  only thing I know for sure that is without any contradiction  is the depth of my own ignorance .Now  back to the blog title.
The first thing about now is that it is a "POINT" and that it is absolutely motionless  and has never moved, what actually moves is us and the relative physical universe. Now is actually a concept in the mind of the Absolute ,a  concept that arose from absolute motionlessness and was willed into motion
This motion became a "point" and that point can be called a singularity ,the  point of departure became the physical universe as we don't know it ,the now that is a singularity is eternally still and the entire physical universe is balanced within this point. We live and move and have our being motioning along in our lives upon an evolutionary arc that "points" us in the direction of expansion and consciousness that gradually leans toward inclusivity and away from exclusivity.
In reality there is no such thing as "a before" or "an after" there is only now and that is fixed until this universe is withdrawn from the will to be by the Absolute ,which will be billions of years  away in our concepts but just the blink of an eye in the Absolute .We  emerge from a point ,that  point isNOW
and it is an eternal constant forever still,it is all of us folk who are rushing headlong into whatever you create for yourself .Live  in the now, it all the is ,th e rest is illusion ,a   veil cast over our eyes bye our own ignorance of reality as it is-ness .If  we meditate and practise yoga the veil will lift and our eyes will open and we will smell the roses like for the very first time.
warmest regards Michael.

Thursday 22 September 2016

How Deep Is Our Shallowness?

How many soap operas do you watch a week? Nothing wrong in that I hear you say, well you could be right there, however it seems so many of us are living our life by proxy, there is an obsessional "fascination" about what so called "celebrities" are wearing, saying, where they go to eat, what kind of home they live in, what kind of car do they drive ,the  list is endless, what's next I wonder? How often they go to the toilet, what kind of toilet paper they wipe there ass on, and do they fart in the bath?
What about you dear reader, what is happening in YOUR life today? Are you sat there crying alone full of sadness and a feeling of loss ,no  one to turn to, are you old and alone, ,your life long partner has just died ,and  you wonder what's   life all about. Or our you busy getting ready for another days work just so you can pay the mortgage thinking only forty more years and I retire!
I worked in a factory once where they made fridges ,worked  twelve hour night shifts drilling holes in pieces of metal (really fascinating stuff!!!!) The main topic of conversation there was always about "rolling on" they would say at the start of the shift roll on six o'clock when we go home,then it would be, roll on pay day day, roll on the weekend, etc etc I found myself saying to one chap there roll on the undertaker then we can all get the f---k out of here!!
Shallowness is a fatal disease that is sweeping this planet in the form of a black and malignant vortex that is sucking the life blood out of millions who are caught up in this shallowness frenzy,any depth seems to have been left far behind. I cannot live in this shallow cess pool what is called life the deep from within calls me, ,will  it call you too dear reader?????
warmest regards Michael.

How Many homes in Heaven?

When I was a boy I thought like a boy ,then   I grew up and realized that I had to put away childish thoughts and attempt to become an adult. One story I read as a boy was about Jesus saying to some of his followers that " In My fathers house there are many mansions ,I  will go and prepare a place for you" this caused me to think very deeply as to what that actually meant. As the years went by I was thinking would Jesus be hiring an architect to build these mansions? And would there be a garden and if so would it be landscaped by a professional gardener? These questions bothered me, would they be semi detached?  After forty years of meditating and studying the ancient wisdom that lies within deep consciousness and spending thousands of hours in discussion with all sorts of "experts" ,I  found that
in meditation and soul consciousness the answers were forthcoming.
The  "mansions" mentioned are really "states of  being ness"  they are a state and NOT a place.
Heaven translates as an state of  Ataraxy  which is profound inner peace, serenity, joyful ,a  state of serene calmness. Heaven and hell only exist as states within the human mind ,they  are non existent outside of this state.
WE prepare OUR VERY OWN mansions by the way we conduct our lives here upon the Earth plane
we are our own judge ,jury  and  executioner, there is no other THING that judges us,and there has never been since this universe was first conceived by the Absolute ,who  is the "I AM" of all power and energy within this little old universe .It  all came about by an act of "Will To Be" and so it was done ,we  are all products of "thought-full-ness" just as the universe is a product of thought as well.
with warmest regards Michael.

soul realization: Cause And Effect Karma's tool for Balance.

soul realization: Cause And Effect Karma's tool for Balance.: We are all effected (or maybe infected) by the great universal law of cause and effect, from birth to death in operates through us ceaseless...

Cause And Effect Karma's tool for Balance.

We are all effected (or maybe infected) by the great universal law of cause and effect, from birth to death in operates through us ceaselessly. If we look inside of these words(which are after all just sounds frozen in written words)what can we find? lets take the word Cause, broken down it reveals this; Consciousness-Allows-Universal-Sequences-Expansion =CAUSE ,and  the word EFFECT reveals this; Energy- Flowing-Freely-Extracts-Conscious-Thoughts =Effect.
We need to fully understand the very real difference between the words (BY and FOR) we are NOT
effected FOR what we do ,rather  we are effected BY what we do ,there  is  an enormous difference between the to ,and  this  misunderstanding has caused countless misery to millions of us because we thought we were being punished by some almighty Deity rather than the truth of that we were just receiving in equal manner what we had caused to occur by our actions ,and  when we do this universal law responds to our output .We  are not judged by anything within this universe our only judge is ourselves, there is NO greater judge of man than man himself (or herself).The wisest thing we can try and do each day is to attempt to align ourselves to universal law which is simply being kind and  thoughtful ,loving   and true to your self, help lift up a brother or sister who is in need, show compassion to all life and be true to your highest ideals ,that  way universal law will respond to your efforts and expand your consciousness and awareness and enable you a greater scope to be of service to your universal family.

warmest regards Michael.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Hidden In Plain Sight.

A favourite story I love that beautifully illustrates the title of this here blog is this, "two  little fish were swimming along together when all of a sudden a big fish swam up to them and said ,I  am looking for the water do you know where it can be found?" Are we not all like this big fish?
Teachings that go back thousands of years have all said much the same thing,that truth and reality are hidden from us in plain sight, if we but had eyes to see!
What then does plain sight actually mean  then ,it  means basically and fundamentally everything you see in your daily life ,at  work ,rest ,or play, the phone you clutch tightly all day long ,the  food you eat, the chair you sit on ,the  flowers you admire in the garden ,what  have they all got in common?
What they all have in common is that they are all made of exactly the same Thing, so to is your body what they are all made of is Energy ,living  intelligent energy, everything that you have ever seen,
touched ,heard  is all the same. What we "see" on the surface is only a outer showing of an inner reality,Quantum physics has now discovered that this inner reality of all appearances are exactly the same thing ,they  have just caught up with the ancient wisdom which is thousands of years old.
We rush around in endless circles looking for the answer that will release us from this treadmill many of us our on ,and  set us free. We all live in an infinite ocean of liquid energy ,that  will directly reflect back to us what we give out,so if we give out negativity we get it back on the next "tide" so  we need to beware what we send out, kindness and love  reap their own reward. It is said in the Good Book that God said to an anguished soul," I AM, closer to you than your hands and feet ,and  you knew me not!" How many of us are like that today? As Quantum physics is now showing in non duality "the everywhere and no where man ,I t suggest that time and space are illusions cast over our misty vision ,and  that reveals that the spirit of what we all our, fills us all completely like a vessel filled to the brim with liquid? The spirit or God is not lost, we are ,look  within and find the peace that is your birth right to claim, outside ,is an illusion ,there  is only within..
with warmest regards Michael.

soul realization: What are The Consequences Of Being a Creator ?

soul realization: What are The Consequences Of Being a Creator ?: The definition of the word to "create" are from the Merriam Webster dictionary meaning (a person who makes something new) what the...

What are The Consequences Of Being a Creator ?

The definition of the word to "create" are from the Merriam Webster dictionary meaning (a person who makes something new) what then do we make new dear readers?
What then are the consequences of being a creator? well the word consequence can have at least two results ,one  favourable by us ,and  the other can be a nightmare. Eventually in our lifetime we need to come to the very basic and very real understanding of just what this Really means.
Basically ,actually, and very really we are the creators of everything that happens to us, whether it be pleasant or very painful, there is NO one to blame for where we find ourselves ,when we point the finger at some one else, three fingers point back at us!
This is a very hard truth to swallow ,tell  the cancer sufferer that they created their illness and they are most likely going to ask you to leave ,and  get very angry at the very thought of such utter nonsense!
Nevertheless though it is absolutely true and in line with universal law of "cause and effect" If we think negative thoughts long enough we will create negativity within our body which will be expressed as illness or dis-ease .Ultimately  we all have to take personal responsibility for everything we say ,do ,or act, we are all co-creators of our lives and build our life as best we know how to.
Nothing either positive or negative will ever be removed from us by another source (such as God ,or  a dear friend) although we can share with friends and get ideas and feed back, or even ask for help from a Higher being such as God, and  get much comfort from doing this ,however  ,and as always in real life there is always a "however"(even God has NO authority to remove from YOU what YOU created whether it be in ignorance ,or  full wilful  knowledge ,If God were to talk with you on this request the Creator would say something like this ;My  dearest child how can I be so rude as to remove from you that which belongs to you ,it  is your creation my child.
warmest regards  Michael.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Many are Called But Few are Chosen.

There are two very ancient axioms that I want to share here today, the first is the title of this blog,"many are called but few are chosen "and  the other one is "when the pupil is ready the master appears" what does this actually mean?
Visions appear in ones minds eye of a Zen master sitting on mount Fuji in Japan and about to initiate a loyal disciple into the inner mysteries of reality ,or  perhaps a great Yogi master sitting naked outside a cave high in the Himalayas about to anoint his chosen one into the inner mysteries of life.
I came across these two axioms about forty years ago and was attracted to try and understand what they really mean ,it  was like a magnetic thing for me and it also disturbed me as well ,as  the very premise that these axioms were founded on seemed flawed in a way as to suggest maybe favouritism
and who were these  choosers  of the chosen? Who gave them the right to pick  and chose? The more I meditated on this seeming anomaly there seemed to be an answer presenting itself ,coming  from what I become to know as the higher self or soul.
The answer is really very simple (do not imagine that simple means easy-it does not) we all are the chosen ones and it is OUR higher self (the soul) that calls us ,however millions of us CHOOSE to ignore these inner promptings and carry on regardless to our huge cost, the price for continuing to ignore these inner pulses of the soul are sickness and disease heartache and pain.
Each of us here on Earth get at least SEVEN promptings or pulses from the soul, usually in the form of a crisis arriving in your life ,its  then what you do about it decides you own fate.
with warm regards Michael.


Would You Welcome A T.U.R.D In Your Midst ?

The meaning of the word T.U.R.D as used in this blog title means; The Underlying ,Reality, Dawns which is turd for short.
What then is the underlying reality ,and why do so many of us fail to register it within our consciousness? That is a very good question ,most  often the answer can be found in the way we live today ,in  particular us in the west ,where  we are "consumed"(actually being eaten alive ,and  completely unaware of this reality) we are verily drowning in the shallowness of our lives and the calling out from the deep is barely audible to most ears.
Treachery lies hidden in the shallowness of are lives, and reveals its malevolent presence in the forms of, selfishness in all its many guises, racial vexations, abuse in all its many forms ,an  intense "greed" like gluttony for instance ,and  all the other illnesses such as alcoholism drug addiction ,mental  health problems, depression disorders the list is endless ,suffice  to say that all this malady that befalls us all is because we embrace the shallowness of our materialistic  lives and ignore the inner deep that still small voice within us that calls out in vain most often than not.
Our hope really only lies in casting our nets into the deep ,and  hauling in the realization that we are all related to one another(whether we like it or not ,accept  it or not, the Fact is we ARE)  and each of us finding our spiritual  birth right  and heritage that lies within all of us awaiting to be discovered.
In the deep lies all we need to expand in awareness and consciousness ,that  of unselfish love and acceptance humility ,helpfulness, joy ,boundless good health,and  peace of mind.
with warm regards Michael.

Monday 19 September 2016

Are YOU Real Or Nice?

I am not a nice person, and pray to whatever is the Creator of this universe that I will never ever become nice .Why  ,I hear you ask! Does not everyone want to be nice? Let me break down what the word nice really means; N=narrowing ,I=intuition (which means being taught from within) C=consciousness ,and  E=enclosed,(by the ego) N.I.C.E so the sequence of NICE spells out narrowing intuition consciousness enclosed by( ego) which results in constriction of mental and spiritual growth instead of natures way of expansion.
We are in a fog which is in the nature of glamour ,this  glamour of sentiment imprisons and bewilders all the nice people in the world,imposing  upon them obligations which do not exist ,and producing a glamour which must eventually be dissipated by the pouring in of true and selfless love.
What then of real  people ,I  hear you ask ,The first real (authentic) person I encountered over forty years ago said something to me which made me want to punch him on the nose ,he  said that I was in a mess and "was a defect looking for a character" I felt really angry at this remark and was about to walk away, when he stretched out his hand and said ,let's  go and have  a cup of tea Michael.
This really impressed me and set me off  on a voyage of discovery.
Niceness can be likened to a parasite that sucks the vital life energy out of you ,and  leaves an empty shell its very nature is constriction (literally choking the life force out of you) whereas real folk tell it like it is ,and , do not dress up crap as Jewels,it's nature is expansive and is aligned to the natural law of universal expression within physicality.
There is a saying which goes like this"You pays your money and takes your choice" what do you choose dear reader??
warmest regards Michael.

Liquidity Is The Nature Of Reality.Are you Thirsty?

The nature of reality is fluid and its expression emerges on our consciousness as energy ,we  are all within an infinite ocean of liquid energy .The  popular saying of "going with the flow" is much more inline with reality than is ever imagined.
Water has three basic states ,liquid ,solid like ice, and gas as in steam, energy is exactly the same! It can be solid as in matter ,liquid  as in consciousness ,and  a gas in spirit.
We are basically solid energy ,or  if  you prefer condensed light, all matter is like the ICE in water there is no Real difference.
Our lives our literally floating within an invisible ocean of energy and always will be, as the ocean is eternal and infinite ,and  as with the nature of flowing liquid if it meets a counter current or an obstacle like us ,then  it creates an "eddy" and millions of us are caught up in these eddies and going nowhere fast.
When crisis comes calling upon us as it often does ,although  it may seem like a negative thing it can also be the opportunity we have been waiting for to blast us out of this stagnant water (eddy) and propel us forward into the full flow of life's  current which is focussed upon expansion and helping us to grow towards maturity and to become aware of our spiritual heritage.
Keeping in the nature of fluid terminology  there is another phenomenon that happens on earths oceans that is exactly paralleled  in our lives and that is what is called "slack water" where the tide is not going out, or coming in it is a momentary pause between two flows of force or water in this case ,however, when this happens in the sea it does not last very long,but when it applies to us in general it can take years,stuck in one place and going no where fast.The only real way out of this is to be able to recognise it and take some action to correct it.
A master of wisdom once said to his brother "how can I bathe in this blissful state when my brothers and sisters are drowning in sorrow"??
warmest regards Michael.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Truth Is Found Within a LIE.

Philosophers down through the ages have asked the question, what is truth? And arguments about what it actually is have raged on for centuries ,and  even today no one seems to agree as to what it is.
Quantum physics is zeroing into the answer as this is being written now ,is  it really that difficult to know what truth is? The answer is no, truth is found in a L.I.E. which stands for Living Intelligent Energy=LIE. Energy is the ubiquitous flow that pervades all in ALL,no-thing else exists anywhere in this universe except energy period.We are energy ,the  planet and all that exists within it is energy,the solar system is energy, ALL=energy that is the primal matrix of all expression universally and infinite in presence."
Confusion reigns supreme on this little old planet because we have "  Names for everything" billions of names all talk about the very SAME thing Energy ,there  are not many things ,or  have there ever been its an illusion cast over our eyes there is and always have been just ONE Thing only in the universe and that is energy and that energy is expressed in trillions of ways and may well look different ,but  in essence it is all the same.
Our Higher Self, or Soul is energy, spirit is energy God is energy (when expressed within the universe by Will to be,and unexpressed when it withdraws from the liquid form of expression)
To find truth is just to look within where your inner Guru awaits you with a warming smile
and will then connect you to the energy within and without you and you will know peace.
warmest regards Michael.

Opening Up to Closure And shutting The door To Pain.

How many of us have been wounded and scarred by life's experiences, I guess there would be many hands in the air owning up to this kind of psychological and emotional damage ,pain  comes in many forms and its corrosive influence stuns our ability to live life to the full and have peace and serenity bless our every day experiences.
What if I was to suggest to you that you can release all that pent up trauma of ages past ,let  go of all the pain and hurt and what's   more it is absolutely free of charge, would you take it?
We have within us a great healer who loves us unconditionally, Who is that I hear you say? It must be God you are talking  about ,and   I am not religious, that's ok my friend ,neither am I, this opening up to close the pain away has absolutely nothing to do with ANY religion ,its  about the reality of what we really are ,and  have always been since man first walked this Earth aeons ago, long before any religion was ever conceived by man.
The healer that dwells within you and everyone else on this planet,whether you know it or not, accept it or not ,reject   it or not,it matters not what we accept or not ,it  just IS, a fundamental reality that is totally aligned with universal natural laws, which are immutable and eternal.
This healer is YOUR higher self ,its  the conscience that speaks to you and says this is not right!
The higher self or soul is there for you always,its just that millions are totally unaware of its existence and I hope that this small blog will help dispel some of the ignorance that prevails at this time.
By going within yourself and asking for help and trying to begin practising meditation and Yoga you will begin with practise to align yourself with this Higher energy that dwells within you and then the true healing and closure of past hurts and traumas will begin in earnest.
warmest regards Michael.

Saturday 17 September 2016

The Greatest Teacher On This Planet Lies Within YOU!

It is said that the "labourer is worthy of his hire "how many of those selling so called Spiritual truths on the internet are actually labourers?
If you are a sharer of your experiences like I am doing here ,I  am not hired by anyone therefore it is free for anyone who wants it. Does the wind hand you a bill  for drying your washing? Does the sun say that will be ten dollars for the tan?
In the old occult teachings of self realization (and by the way the word Occult is from the Latin meaning "knowledge that is hidden" in secret)It has absolutely Nothing to do with the utter nonsense regarding it as witch craft ,and  evil dabbling in sordid things ,this  is just puerile drivel conjured up by those with a vivid imagination or Hollywood film makers.
A true master of wisdom and teacher of truth would sooner cut off both their legs than charge any soul for this truth ,it  is as free as the wind.
The greatest guru your could ever have ,or  teacher if you prefer that term lies within you and me and every other soul on this Planet without question .You  do NOT need anyone else at all ever because vouchsafed within you is YOUR SOUL or Higher self and its main program is to wake you up to this realization and set you FREE!!! And it will not cost you a single PENNY,thats the good news,however,and there is always an however it these places,there is no such thing as a free lunch! So the cost is not in money but rather in sustained focussed effort over a period depending on how hard you focus,and this requires meditation or a form of Yoga that appeals to you,if you do this then I can guarantee you that one day soon that "still small voice within you" will say welcome it has been a while coming.
warmest regards Michael.

soul realization: Sun Light may Tan The Skin But Soul light Release...

soul realization: Sun Light may Tan The Skin But Soul light Release...: For those of us that live in warmer climes getting a tan is easy,just  lay down and let it happen ,it  requires no effort at all ,however  w...

Sun Light may Tan The Skin But Soul light Releases Your Inner Potential.

For those of us that live in warmer climes getting a tan is easy,just  lay down and let it happen ,it  requires no effort at all ,however  warming up to soul light is a whole different ball game.
Do any of us really know our full potential? I hear some saying,yes,I have realized  my full potential
Is that so ,we  may have thought we have done this in perhaps a physical way like sports etc, or in a mental capacity and run a global business ,that  would be in effect expressing only two thirds of your true potential what about the spiritual reality  of your human expression in this physical world?
There may well be many ways to enable us to begin to bathe in the inner warmth of soul light but I know of only two that have worked for me, and will work for you if you want that ,millions  of us need this inner warmth but few actually want it . The two methods that have worked for me are meditation and Yoga.
If we look deeply behind the many masks we wear every day of our physical expression here on the Earth plane we will begin to feel an inner Presence, it is exactly like a "lighthouse" out at sea ,it  pulsates a "homing beacon" beckoning us toward it and finding our true self within us and a wonderful safe home therein.
warm regards Michael.

Friday 16 September 2016

The Dance Of Life Is A Masquerade Of Shadows.

We are basically presented in a four fold pattern that is called L-I-F-E, what then is this pattern called life? The words that are called LIFE actually represent this following sequence ;L =Living.I =Intelligent F=Focussed .And   E=Energy ,we  are basically and fundamentally Living Intelligent Focussed Energy, this is what we ARE.
How many of us though are actually living in a focused intelligent way? Are we the same person to everyone? Or do we wear many masks? and live a façade  of existence rather than actually being fully alive. How many of us actually know who we really are? Or do we rally care.Life is a dance and it can sometimes mean many visits to the "ballroom of life" to begin to learn our steps and become fluid rather than stagnating in an eddy of selfishness.
Meditation and Yoga are ways of revealing the inner reality that is the Higher self or Soul these practices cut through the fog that blinds millions of are brothers and sisters, who without this help stumble through life blind and afraid and existing rather than living.Meditation and Yoga are like laser beams who intense light burns away all the ignorance and bullshit we all carry around with us.
We are then freed from the many faces we show to the world, and stand erect and know we have a Divine right to be here and can express ourselves as fully as we are able to in love and compassion,becoming "real" rather than a façade.
with kindests regards Michael.

Thursday 15 September 2016

"Things" are NOT what they Seem.

We are told that thoughts are things ,my question then is this; what exactly is a "thing" and has anyone actually ever really seen a  thing ,as  it actually IS?
Supposing I was to tell you that I know Exactly how many "things" there are in the entire Physical universe!! I can almost hear you saying things like ;He   has an ego the size of the Eiffel tower, off his rocker ,In  cloud cuckoo land ,or   just an arrogant conceited son of a bitch , of course you all could be right, but please bare with me if you can.
The science of quantum physics is  rapidly approaching what  the Hindu teachings of the Bhagavad Gita have known for thousands of years ,that  there is only the absolute or God, or Spirit ,or  creator whatever name you put to that which is all in ALL It just IS!
So getting back to the question how many things are there in this  universe ,the   answer is actually very simple it is ONE.
If you look behind any thing you will find exactly the Same thing ,and  that is energy pulsating at differing vibrational frequencies ,this  energy is alive and very intelligent ,we  are all basically Living intelligent energy,or spirit its all the same it is us collectively that are ignorant of the reality that is "hidden from us in plain sight..There is absolutely NO difference between a human being,a tree,a fish,the solar system,or even the rock you just kicked out of place as you walked,take the stone for instance(as I like stones) the only real difference between a stone and YOU now reading this is that a stone is in a state of "Profound Lethargy" and you are much more animated!
Things in the plural do not and cannot exist in reality ,it  is an illusion cast over our very dimmed and dumbed down vision.
with kindest regards Michael.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Our Physical Bodies Are Just Vehicles for the Soul To Use.

A car is a vehicle and we get in it and drive around, when we have finished driving and maybe get fed up with the car ,we exit the vehicle and perhaps choose another one then drive that. This is the exact same thing that happens to us as well! The similarities are starring you in the face ,if  we have but eyes to see.
The soul or higher self needs a vehicle to express itself in this dense physical realm,(that's where we come in) we are the vehicles and our born on this physical plane and "driven" around for three score years or more, then we exit the vehicle (die) and return to our Higher self (the real you) and not the card board cut out that so many of us are, or were.
Meditation can reveal some intuitive ideas to us that are astounding, and expand our consciousness and inner perceptions to such a point that they can seem completely unbelievable at first, like  the idea that when you look "out" at the night sky and see the stars and planets there,they are actually within you,and not Out there! In fact it suggests very strongly that out "there" is an illusion and has actually never existed in reality ,and  never will either. When we look out there where do we actually see it ,in  our brain, and where is the brain?
When we look within we are actually tapping into a fundamental reality that escapes most of the human race, myself included for most of my life. I call it Internity  ( state of being within interiority)
The depths within are infinite and absolute,the inner journey to Wholeness and Beingness continue for as long as we tread the pathway upon this evolutionary arc of expansion and Real-lization.
warmest regards Michael.

Monday 12 September 2016

soul realization: Our we Authentic,or a cardboard cut out?

soul realization: Our we Authentic,or a cardboard cut out?: What is authenticity? Is it being what you really are, rather than being what you think others want you to be? And how many of us really kno...

Our we Authentic,or a cardboard cut out?

What is authenticity? Is it being what you really are, rather than being what you think others want you to be? And how many of us really know who we are? Do we realise that we are in fact multi-dimensional beings expressed in many levels, the physical being the lowest and soul-being ness  the highest?
If we make a practise of meditation or yoga we will begin the long road that gradually reveals to us our real self rather than the cardboard cut out image so many of us display all of our lives.
We need expansion rather than constriction ,and  the  best way I know to gain expansion of consciousness, awareness ,and  perception is through meditation ,this  way if we are persistent in doing this our Higher Self the Soul will present itself to you,and say Hello ,its  been a long time!

regards Michael.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Soul awareness is open to All,and that includes you reading this Now!

Little did I know or even realize that when I started meditating around forty years ago where it would take me .I  was looking for a way to find some peace within ,and  try to quieten the constant inner chatter of my restless brain.
Most folks around that time ,me  included thought that meditation was some kind of "mumbo jumbo" and  that it was only those Gurus who lived in a cave in India and the Beatles rock group who went to India and teamed up with a guru there who taught them meditation.
But I was desperate to escape this constant mental state that gave me no rest ,so  I began to explore meditation ,and  found that there were many ways to do it and I tried many ways, each had their own merits but something was lacking in them for me ,eventually  I decided to keep it real simple and thought that from now on I will "just observe the breath" and let go of all thoughts and sit still in the silence.
As  I started doing this I became aware of an expansion of consciousness ,awareness ,and perception that "still small voice within" (the soul ,or  higher self) became activated and I started learning from within-In-tuition,I was told firstly that I was a Soul with a body ,and  not a body with a soul.
A  triangular connection was made between my brain, mind, and higher self this allowed the flow of energy to circulate freely.
This allows us to tune into cosmic energy ,and  the knowledge and wisdom of all time past and present.
We increase exponentially in awareness depending on how much effort we put in ,this  reality is open to everyone who makes the effort to read this ,as  the title of this post explains, how ever ,and  there often seems to be many of these "howevers"it does come at a cost ,and  I  learnt long ago that there is no such thing as a "free lunch".
The cost for this soul awareness is what I call the three Ps ,that   of patience, persistence, and perserverence   if we do this daily for long enough the results will be forthcoming as you will be in tune and the natural law of the universe will deliver every time.
warmest regards Michael.

Friday 9 September 2016

soul realization: We are consumed by a Longing to be Whole.

soul realization: We are consumed by a Longing to be Whole.: We are basically three dimensional beings, physical, mental ,and spiritual forming a triad of expression on the physical plane of matter ,un...

We are consumed by a Longing to be Whole.

We are basically three dimensional beings, physical, mental ,and spiritual forming a triad of expression on the physical plane of matter ,unless  we express these three dimensions of being we are Not fully alive!
I came across an ancient story many years ago which told of an angel flying over a busy city and declaring very loudly " behold the city of the dead" this statement hit me in the solar plexus like a sledge hammer ,how  could an angel fly over a city "teeming with life" and say it was full of dead beings?
After a long while of pondering upon this, and deep soul searching thought I came up with the answer
 and it was not to my liking at first ,I  discovered  that for most of my life I had been only a two dimensional being ,physical ,and  mental, the spiritual aspect was dead and as yet unborn ,I  was only two thirds alive ,and  one third dead!
I realised that I was a fragmented being with a deep longing to be whole and fill this vast emptiness  that seemed to consume me from within.
I discovered by chatting to thousands of people over forty odd years that I was not alone in this quest for finding wholeness and how to fill this deep longing and hunger for finding our true selves and being at peace within.
I discovered that millions of folk tried to fill that hunger  with things like, alcohol,(which Carl Jung the world renowned doctor and author of many books said that,Alcoholism is a low level thirst for God ,overeating ,gambling, and all manner of other habits that are a greed to "fill this hole inside"
regards Michael.

Sunday 4 September 2016

soul realization: Show me the way to Soul Realization.

soul realization: Show me the way to Soul Realization.: We all have travelled many pathways in our physical expressions of life, some paths were very painful and agonising ,and  some were delightf...

Show me the way to Soul Realization.

We all have travelled many pathways in our physical expressions of life, some paths were very painful and agonising ,and  some were delightful and up lifting ,we  all seem to have positive experiences and negative ones,for the first thirty years of my life it seemed mostly negative and very painful culminating in my being given only three months to live, I was empty inside ,and  the very epitome of a lost soul  ,down  and outcast and riddled with crushing fear and panic.
It was at this moment of impending doom and out of control crisis that I found help from a group of people who understood what I had been experiencing and shared with me that "I was like you once" this identification with others opened the floodgates of stemmed up emotions that had been sealed off for so many years.
It was also at this point that I discovered the presence of an energy arising from within that I felt was a Divine being granting me the energy and wherewithal  to take each day and begin recovering and going from just a painful existence to vibrant living and happiness.
I started to meditate and have being doing so for the past forty years,I discovered that meditation produces expansion ,expansion  of consciousness, awareness ,and  perception,I asked that spirit within to show me the way to find my true being,who was "I"? Where was I going? And will I have the power or energy to do it all? Many questions I asked from within sitting in silence ,and  the answers always came, many times instantly as the question was asked.
As time passed I became aware and sensitive to many things that had been hidden from me in my blindness to reality,I discoved that the truth of livingness was all around us "hidden in plain sight"
This lead me to (discover) (uncover) the inner reality of being a soul with a body,and NOT a body with a soul,there is a vast difference between the two.
Soul realization was presenting itself to me,and I was amazed and excited at the wonderment of it all.
with kind regards Michael.