Thursday 22 September 2016

How Deep Is Our Shallowness?

How many soap operas do you watch a week? Nothing wrong in that I hear you say, well you could be right there, however it seems so many of us are living our life by proxy, there is an obsessional "fascination" about what so called "celebrities" are wearing, saying, where they go to eat, what kind of home they live in, what kind of car do they drive ,the  list is endless, what's next I wonder? How often they go to the toilet, what kind of toilet paper they wipe there ass on, and do they fart in the bath?
What about you dear reader, what is happening in YOUR life today? Are you sat there crying alone full of sadness and a feeling of loss ,no  one to turn to, are you old and alone, ,your life long partner has just died ,and  you wonder what's   life all about. Or our you busy getting ready for another days work just so you can pay the mortgage thinking only forty more years and I retire!
I worked in a factory once where they made fridges ,worked  twelve hour night shifts drilling holes in pieces of metal (really fascinating stuff!!!!) The main topic of conversation there was always about "rolling on" they would say at the start of the shift roll on six o'clock when we go home,then it would be, roll on pay day day, roll on the weekend, etc etc I found myself saying to one chap there roll on the undertaker then we can all get the f---k out of here!!
Shallowness is a fatal disease that is sweeping this planet in the form of a black and malignant vortex that is sucking the life blood out of millions who are caught up in this shallowness frenzy,any depth seems to have been left far behind. I cannot live in this shallow cess pool what is called life the deep from within calls me, ,will  it call you too dear reader?????
warmest regards Michael.

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