Sunday 25 September 2016

Are You Spotless Dear Reader ?

All animal and vegetable life is without spot, what does this mean? It  basically   means that they are all innocent  and can only act as they are programed to do ,and  cannot deviate from this program that is installed within them ,and  that although they have consciousness which in some form of creatures such as dolphins and elephants where there is a considerably higher level of consciousness than other animals ,the  one thing they all lack is that of self awareness and self consciousness and much more importantly we have the ability to go against our "programming" by being "wilful" and going against the natural flow of expressed form, no creature on earth can do this ,except man.
What then is "spot" this thing that we all have ,some  teachings suggest that spot is actually sin ,and  that mankind is basically sinful, there are even those who suggest the absolute nonsense  that we are born in sin-Is that so! No it is certainly not .S.I.N .spells   out the following sequence that unfolds when this action is taken by us Sickness-Is-Negativity=SIN, when we are negative in thought ,word,
and deed we in effect and in FACT invite a monster in our midst that if left unchecked will devour us alive from the inside out!
That is why there is so much more dis-ease in the world ,because  there is so much negativity there  literally millions dying every year ,and  that amount is increasing at the rate of knots as things like cancer ,and  heart disease are reaching "epidemic proportions" .When  we align ourselves to universal law and live in harmony with it, we will be dis-ease free, the law is basically very simple ,love and respect each other, have compassion for all living things ,be  kind and considerate to each other do no harm ,and  find gratitude in your heart for the life you have, the dear readers you will indeed be spotless and without S.I.N.
warmest regards Michael.

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