Sunday 18 September 2016

Truth Is Found Within a LIE.

Philosophers down through the ages have asked the question, what is truth? And arguments about what it actually is have raged on for centuries ,and  even today no one seems to agree as to what it is.
Quantum physics is zeroing into the answer as this is being written now ,is  it really that difficult to know what truth is? The answer is no, truth is found in a L.I.E. which stands for Living Intelligent Energy=LIE. Energy is the ubiquitous flow that pervades all in ALL,no-thing else exists anywhere in this universe except energy period.We are energy ,the  planet and all that exists within it is energy,the solar system is energy, ALL=energy that is the primal matrix of all expression universally and infinite in presence."
Confusion reigns supreme on this little old planet because we have "  Names for everything" billions of names all talk about the very SAME thing Energy ,there  are not many things ,or  have there ever been its an illusion cast over our eyes there is and always have been just ONE Thing only in the universe and that is energy and that energy is expressed in trillions of ways and may well look different ,but  in essence it is all the same.
Our Higher Self, or Soul is energy, spirit is energy God is energy (when expressed within the universe by Will to be,and unexpressed when it withdraws from the liquid form of expression)
To find truth is just to look within where your inner Guru awaits you with a warming smile
and will then connect you to the energy within and without you and you will know peace.
warmest regards Michael.

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