Thursday 22 September 2016

How Many homes in Heaven?

When I was a boy I thought like a boy ,then   I grew up and realized that I had to put away childish thoughts and attempt to become an adult. One story I read as a boy was about Jesus saying to some of his followers that " In My fathers house there are many mansions ,I  will go and prepare a place for you" this caused me to think very deeply as to what that actually meant. As the years went by I was thinking would Jesus be hiring an architect to build these mansions? And would there be a garden and if so would it be landscaped by a professional gardener? These questions bothered me, would they be semi detached?  After forty years of meditating and studying the ancient wisdom that lies within deep consciousness and spending thousands of hours in discussion with all sorts of "experts" ,I  found that
in meditation and soul consciousness the answers were forthcoming.
The  "mansions" mentioned are really "states of  being ness"  they are a state and NOT a place.
Heaven translates as an state of  Ataraxy  which is profound inner peace, serenity, joyful ,a  state of serene calmness. Heaven and hell only exist as states within the human mind ,they  are non existent outside of this state.
WE prepare OUR VERY OWN mansions by the way we conduct our lives here upon the Earth plane
we are our own judge ,jury  and  executioner, there is no other THING that judges us,and there has never been since this universe was first conceived by the Absolute ,who  is the "I AM" of all power and energy within this little old universe .It  all came about by an act of "Will To Be" and so it was done ,we  are all products of "thought-full-ness" just as the universe is a product of thought as well.
with warmest regards Michael.


  1. Replies
    1. brother how do you manage to comment on my blog when Anne tried she was unable to comment and yyou are the only one who has managed to comment in over six hundred viewers,hhow is this?
